(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Util
open Coq
open Ideutils
open Interface
open Feedback
let b2c = byte_offset_to_char_offset
type flag = [ `INCOMPLETE | `UNSAFE | `PROCESSING | `ERROR of string Loc.located | `WARNING of string Loc.located ]
let mem_flag_of_flag : flag -> mem_flag = function
| `ERROR _ -> `ERROR
| (`INCOMPLETE | `UNSAFE | `PROCESSING) as mem_flag -> mem_flag
let str_of_flag = function
| `UNSAFE -> "U"
| `ERROR _ -> "E"
| `WARNING _ -> "W"
class type signals =
inherit GUtil.ml_signals
method changed : callback:(int * mem_flag list -> unit) -> GtkSignal.id
module SentenceId : sig
type sentence = private {
start : GText.mark;
stop : GText.mark;
mutable flags : flag list;
mutable tooltips : (int * int * string) list;
edit_id : int;
mutable index : int;
changed_sig : (int * mem_flag list) GUtil.signal;
val mk_sentence :
start:GText.mark -> stop:GText.mark -> flag list -> sentence
val add_flag : sentence -> flag -> unit
val has_flag : sentence -> mem_flag -> bool
val remove_flag : sentence -> mem_flag -> unit
val find_all_tooltips : sentence -> int -> string list
val add_tooltip : sentence -> int -> int -> string -> unit
val set_index : sentence -> int -> unit
val connect : sentence -> signals
val dbg_to_string :
GText.buffer -> bool -> Stateid.t option -> sentence -> Pp.t
end = struct
type sentence = {
start : GText.mark;
stop : GText.mark;
mutable flags : flag list;
mutable tooltips : (int * int * string) list;
edit_id : int;
mutable index : int;
changed_sig : (int * mem_flag list) GUtil.signal;
let connect s : signals =
inherit GUtil.ml_signals [s.changed_sig#disconnect]
method changed = s.changed_sig#connect ~after
let id = ref 0
let mk_sentence ~start ~stop flags = decr id; {
start = start;
stop = stop;
flags = flags;
edit_id = !id;
tooltips = [];
index = -1;
changed_sig = new GUtil.signal ();
let changed s =
s.changed_sig#call (s.index, List.map mem_flag_of_flag s.flags)
let add_flag s f = s.flags <- CList.add_set (=) f s.flags; changed s
let has_flag s mf =
List.exists (fun f -> mem_flag_of_flag f = mf) s.flags
let remove_flag s mf =
s.flags <- List.filter (fun f -> mem_flag_of_flag f <> mf) s.flags; changed s
let find_all_tooltips s off =
CList.map_filter (fun (start,stop,t) ->
if start <= off && off <= stop then Some t else None)
let add_tooltip s a b t = s.tooltips <- (a,b,t) :: s.tooltips
let set_index s i = s.index <- i
let dbg_to_string (b : GText.buffer) focused id s =
let ellipsize s =
Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "^[\n ]*") ""
(if String.length s > 20 then String.sub s 0 17 ^ "..."
else s) in
Pp.str (Printf.sprintf "%s[%3d,%3s](%5d,%5d) %s [%s] %s"
(if focused then "*" else " ")
(Stateid.to_string (Option.default Stateid.dummy id))
(b#get_iter_at_mark s.start)#offset
(b#get_iter_at_mark s.stop)#offset
((b#get_iter_at_mark s.start)#get_slice ~stop:(b#get_iter_at_mark s.stop)))
(String.concat "," (List.map str_of_flag s.flags))
(String.concat ","
(List.map (fun (a,b,t) ->
Printf.sprintf "<%d,%d> %s" a b t) s.tooltips))))
open SentenceId
let log msg : unit task =
Coq.lift (fun () -> Minilib.log msg)
class type ops =
method go_to_insert : unit task
method go_to_mark : GText.mark -> unit task
method process_next_phrase : unit task
method process_until_end_or_error : unit task
method handle_reset_initial : unit task
method raw_coq_query :
route_id:int -> next:(query_rty value -> unit task) -> string -> unit task
method show_goals : unit task
method backtrack_last_phrase : unit task
method initialize : unit task
method join_document : unit task
method stop_worker : string -> unit task
method get_n_errors : int
method get_errors : (int * string) list
method get_slaves_status : int * int * string CString.Map.t
method handle_failure : handle_exn_rty -> unit task
method destroy : unit -> unit
let flags_to_color f =
if List.mem `PROCESSING f then `NAME "blue"
else if List.mem `ERROR f then `NAME "red"
else if List.mem `UNSAFE f then `NAME "orange"
else if List.mem `INCOMPLETE f then `NAME "gray"
else `NAME Preferences.processed_color#get
module Doc = Document
let segment_model (doc : sentence Doc.document) : Wg_Segment.model =
object (self)
val mutable cbs = []
val mutable document_length = 0
method length = document_length
method changed ~callback = cbs <- callback :: cbs
method fold : 'a. ('a -> Wg_Segment.color -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a = fun f accu ->
let fold accu _ _ s =
let flags = List.map mem_flag_of_flag s.flags in
f accu (flags_to_color flags)
Doc.fold_all doc accu fold
method private on_changed (i, f) =
let data = (i, flags_to_color f) in
List.iter (fun f -> f (`SET data)) cbs
method private on_push s ctx =
let after = match ctx with
| None -> []
| Some (l, _) -> l
List.iter (fun s -> set_index s (s.index + 1)) after;
set_index s (document_length - List.length after);
ignore ((SentenceId.connect s)#changed ~callback:self#on_changed);
document_length <- document_length + 1;
List.iter (fun f -> f `INSERT) cbs
method private on_pop s ctx =
let () = match ctx with
| None -> ()
| Some (l, _) -> List.iter (fun s -> set_index s (s.index - 1)) l
set_index s (-1);
document_length <- document_length - 1;
List.iter (fun f -> f `REMOVE) cbs
let _ = (Doc.connect doc)#pushed ~callback:self#on_push in
let _ = (Doc.connect doc)#popped ~callback:self#on_pop in
class coqops
get_filename =
val script = _script
val buffer = (_script#source_buffer :> GText.buffer)
val proof = _pv
val messages = _mv
val segment = _sg
val document : sentence Doc.document = Doc.create ()
val mutable document_length = 0
val mutable initial_state = Stateid.initial
(* proofs being processed by the slaves *)
val mutable to_process = 0
val mutable processed = 0
val mutable slaves_status = CString.Map.empty
val feedbacks : feedback Queue.t = Queue.create ()
val feedback_timer = Ideutils.mktimer ()
Coq.set_feedback_handler _ct self#enqueue_feedback;
script#misc#set_has_tooltip true;
ignore(script#misc#connect#query_tooltip ~callback:self#tooltip_callback);
feedback_timer.Ideutils.run ~ms:300 ~callback:self#process_feedback;
let md = segment_model document in
segment#set_model md;
let on_click id =
let find _ _ s = Int.equal s.index id in
let sentence = Doc.find document find in
let mark = sentence.start in
let iter = script#buffer#get_iter_at_mark mark in
(* Sentence starts tend to be at the end of a line, so we rather choose
the first non-line-ending position. *)
let rec sentence_start iter =
if iter#ends_line then sentence_start iter#forward_line
else iter
let iter = sentence_start iter in
script#buffer#place_cursor ~where:iter;
ignore (script#scroll_to_iter ~use_align:true ~yalign:0. iter)
let _ = segment#connect#clicked ~callback:on_click in
method private tooltip_callback ~x ~y ~kbd tooltip =
let x, y = script#window_to_buffer_coords ~tag:`WIDGET ~x ~y in
let iter = script#get_iter_at_location ~x ~y in
if iter#has_tag Tags.Script.tooltip then begin
let s =
let rec aux iter =
let marks = iter#marks in
if marks = [] then aux iter#backward_char
let mem_marks _ _ s =
List.exists (fun m ->
Gobject.get_oid m =
Gobject.get_oid (buffer#get_mark s.start)) marks in
try Doc.find document mem_marks
with Not_found -> aux iter#backward_char in
aux iter in
let ss =
find_all_tooltips s
(iter#offset - (buffer#get_iter_at_mark s.start)#offset) in
let msg = String.concat "\n" (CList.uniquize ss) in
GtkBase.Tooltip.set_icon_from_stock tooltip `INFO `BUTTON;
script#misc#set_tooltip_markup ("" ^ msg ^ "")
end else begin
script#misc#set_tooltip_text ""; script#misc#set_has_tooltip true
method destroy () =
feedback_timer.Ideutils.kill ()
method private print_stack =
Minilib.log "document:";
Minilib.log_pp (Doc.print document (dbg_to_string buffer))
method private enter_focus start stop =
let at id id' _ = Stateid.equal id' id in
Minilib.log("Focusing "^Stateid.to_string start^" "^Stateid.to_string stop);
Doc.focus document ~cond_top:(at start) ~cond_bot:(at stop);
let qed_s = Doc.tip_data document in
buffer#move_mark ~where:(buffer#get_iter_at_mark qed_s.stop)
(`NAME "stop_of_input")
method private exit_focus =
Minilib.log "Unfocusing";
Doc.unfocus document;
begin try
let where = buffer#get_iter_at_mark (Doc.tip_data document).stop in
buffer#move_mark ~where (`NAME "start_of_input");
with Doc.Empty -> () end;
buffer#move_mark ~where:buffer#end_iter (`NAME "stop_of_input")
method private get_start_of_input =
buffer#get_iter_at_mark (`NAME "start_of_input")
method private get_end_of_input =
buffer#get_iter_at_mark (`NAME "stop_of_input")
method private get_insert =
buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT
method private show_goals_aux ?(move_insert=false) () =
if move_insert then begin
let dest = self#get_start_of_input in
if (buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT)#compare dest <= 0 then begin
buffer#place_cursor ~where:dest;
Coq.bind (Coq.goals ()) (function
| Fail x -> self#handle_failure_aux ~move_insert x
| Good goals ->
Coq.bind (Coq.evars ()) (function
| Fail x -> self#handle_failure_aux ~move_insert x
| Good evs ->
proof#set_goals goals;
proof#set_evars evs;
proof#refresh ~force:true;
Coq.return ()
method show_goals = self#show_goals_aux ()
(* This method is intended to perform stateless commands *)
method raw_coq_query ~route_id ~next phrase : unit Coq.task =
let sid = try Document.tip document
with Document.Empty -> Stateid.initial
let action = log "raw_coq_query starting now" in
let query = Coq.query (route_id,(phrase,sid)) in
Coq.bind (Coq.seq action query) next
method private still_valid { edit_id = id } =
try ignore(Doc.find_id document (fun _ { edit_id = id1 } -> id = id1)); true
with Not_found -> false
method private mark_as_needed sentence =
if self#still_valid sentence then begin
Minilib.log_pp Pp.(str "Marking " ++ dbg_to_string buffer false None sentence);
let start = buffer#get_iter_at_mark sentence.start in
let stop = buffer#get_iter_at_mark sentence.stop in
let to_process = Tags.Script.to_process in
let processed = Tags.Script.processed in
let unjustified = Tags.Script.unjustified in
let error_bg = Tags.Script.error_bg in
let error = Tags.Script.error in
let incomplete = Tags.Script.incomplete in
let all_tags = [
error_bg; to_process; incomplete; processed; unjustified; error ] in
let tags =
(if has_flag sentence `PROCESSING then [to_process]
else if has_flag sentence `ERROR then [error_bg]
else if has_flag sentence `INCOMPLETE then [incomplete]
else [processed]) @
(if has_flag sentence `UNSAFE then [unjustified] else [])
List.iter (fun t -> buffer#remove_tag t ~start ~stop) all_tags;
List.iter (fun t -> buffer#apply_tag t ~start ~stop) tags
method private attach_tooltip ?loc sentence text =
let start_sentence, stop_sentence, phrase = self#get_sentence sentence in
let pre_chars, post_chars = Option.cata Loc.unloc (0, String.length phrase) loc in
let pre = b2c phrase pre_chars in
let post = b2c phrase post_chars in
let start = start_sentence#forward_chars pre in
let stop = start_sentence#forward_chars post in
let markup = Glib.Markup.escape_text text in
buffer#apply_tag Tags.Script.tooltip ~start ~stop;
add_tooltip sentence pre post markup
method private enqueue_feedback msg =
(* Minilib.log ("Feedback received: " ^ Xml_printer.to_string_fmt Xmlprotocol.(of_feedback Ppcmds msg)); *)
Queue.add msg feedbacks
method private process_feedback () =
let rec eat_feedback n =
if n = 0 then true else
let msg = Queue.pop feedbacks in
let id = msg.span_id in
let sentence =
let finder _ state_id s =
match state_id, id with
| Some id', id when Stateid.equal id id' -> Some (state_id, s)
| _ -> None in
try Some (Doc.find_map document finder)
with Not_found -> None in
let log_pp ?id s=
Minilib.log_pp Pp.(seq
[str "Feedback "; s; pr_opt (fun id -> str " on " ++ str (Stateid.to_string id)) id])
let log ?id s = log_pp ?id (Pp.str s) in
begin match msg.contents, sentence with
| AddedAxiom, Some (id,sentence) ->
log ?id "AddedAxiom";
remove_flag sentence `PROCESSING;
remove_flag sentence `ERROR;
add_flag sentence `UNSAFE;
self#mark_as_needed sentence
| Processed, Some (id,sentence) ->
log ?id "Processed" ;
remove_flag sentence `PROCESSING;
self#mark_as_needed sentence
| ProcessingIn _, Some (id,sentence) ->
log ?id "ProcessingIn";
add_flag sentence `PROCESSING;
self#mark_as_needed sentence
| Incomplete, Some (id, sentence) ->
log ?id "Incomplete";
add_flag sentence `INCOMPLETE;
self#mark_as_needed sentence
| Complete, Some (id, sentence) ->
log ?id "Complete";
remove_flag sentence `INCOMPLETE;
self#mark_as_needed sentence
| GlobRef(loc, filepath, modpath, ident, ty), Some (id,sentence) ->
log ?id "GlobRef";
self#attach_tooltip ~loc sentence
(Printf.sprintf "%s %s %s" filepath ident ty)
| Message(Error, loc, msg), Some (id,sentence) ->
log_pp ?id Pp.(str "ErrorMsg " ++ msg);
remove_flag sentence `PROCESSING;
let rmsg = Pp.string_of_ppcmds msg in
add_flag sentence (`ERROR (loc, rmsg));
self#mark_as_needed sentence;
self#attach_tooltip ?loc sentence rmsg;
self#position_tag_at_sentence ?loc Tags.Script.error sentence
| Message(Warning, loc, message), Some (id,sentence) ->
log_pp ?id Pp.(str "WarningMsg " ++ message);
let rmsg = Pp.string_of_ppcmds message in
add_flag sentence (`WARNING (loc, rmsg));
self#attach_tooltip ?loc sentence rmsg;
self#position_tag_at_sentence ?loc Tags.Script.warning sentence;
(messages#route msg.route)#push Warning message
| Message(lvl, loc, message), Some (id,sentence) ->
log_pp ?id Pp.(str "Msg " ++ message);
(messages#route msg.route)#push lvl message
(* We do nothing here as for BZ#5583 *)
| Message(Error, loc, msg), None ->
log_pp Pp.(str "Error Msg without a sentence" ++ msg)
| Message(lvl, loc, message), None ->
log_pp Pp.(str "Msg without a sentence " ++ message);
(messages#route msg.route)#push lvl message
| InProgress n, _ ->
if n < 0 then processed <- processed + abs n
else to_process <- to_process + n
| WorkerStatus(id,status), _ ->
log "WorkerStatus";
slaves_status <- CString.Map.add id status slaves_status
| _ ->
if sentence <> None then Minilib.log "Unsupported feedback message"
else if Doc.is_empty document then ()
match id, Doc.tip document with
| id1, id2 when Stateid.newer_than id2 id1 -> ()
| _ -> Queue.add msg feedbacks
with Doc.Empty | Invalid_argument _ -> Queue.add msg feedbacks
eat_feedback (n-1)
eat_feedback (Queue.length feedbacks)
method private commit_queue_transaction sentence =
(* A queued command has been successfully done, we push it to [cmd_stack].
We reget the iters here because Gtk is unable to warranty that they
were not modified meanwhile. Not really necessary but who knows... *)
self#mark_as_needed sentence;
let stop = buffer#get_iter_at_mark sentence.stop in
buffer#move_mark ~where:stop (`NAME "start_of_input");
method private position_tag_at_iter ?loc iter_start iter_stop tag phrase = match loc with
| None ->
buffer#apply_tag tag ~start:iter_start ~stop:iter_stop
| Some loc ->
let start, stop = Loc.unloc loc in
buffer#apply_tag tag
~start:(iter_start#forward_chars (b2c phrase start))
~stop:(iter_start#forward_chars (b2c phrase stop))
method private position_tag_at_sentence ?loc tag sentence =
let start, stop, phrase = self#get_sentence sentence in
self#position_tag_at_iter ?loc start stop tag phrase
method private process_interp_error ?loc queue sentence msg tip id =
Coq.bind (Coq.return ()) (function () ->
let start, stop, phrase = self#get_sentence sentence in
buffer#remove_tag Tags.Script.to_process ~start ~stop;
self#discard_command_queue queue;
pop_info ();
if Stateid.equal id tip || Stateid.equal id Stateid.dummy then begin
self#position_tag_at_iter ?loc start stop Tags.Script.error phrase;
buffer#place_cursor ~where:stop;
messages#default_route#push Feedback.Error msg;
end else
self#show_goals_aux ~move_insert:true ()
method private get_sentence sentence =
let start = buffer#get_iter_at_mark sentence.start in
let stop = buffer#get_iter_at_mark sentence.stop in
let phrase = start#get_slice ~stop in
start, stop, phrase
(** [fill_command_queue until q] fills a command queue until the [until]
condition returns true; it is fed with the number of phrases read and the
iters enclosing the current sentence. *)
method private fill_command_queue until queue =
let topstack =
if Doc.focused document then fst (Doc.context document) else [] in
let rec loop n iter =
match Sentence.find buffer iter with
| None -> ()
| Some (start, stop) ->
if until n start stop then begin
end else if
List.exists (fun (_, s) ->
start#equal (buffer#get_iter_at_mark s.start) &&
stop#equal (buffer#get_iter_at_mark s.stop)) topstack
then begin
Queue.push (`Skip (start, stop)) queue;
loop n stop
end else begin
buffer#apply_tag Tags.Script.to_process ~start ~stop;
let sentence =
~start:(`MARK (buffer#create_mark start))
~stop:(`MARK (buffer#create_mark stop))
[] in
Queue.push (`Sentence sentence) queue;
if not stop#is_end then loop (succ n) stop
loop 0 self#get_start_of_input
method private discard_command_queue queue =
while not (Queue.is_empty queue) do
match Queue.pop queue with
| `Skip _ -> ()
| `Sentence sentence ->
let start = buffer#get_iter_at_mark sentence.start in
let stop = buffer#get_iter_at_mark sentence.stop in
buffer#remove_tag Tags.Script.to_process ~start ~stop;
buffer#delete_mark sentence.start;
buffer#delete_mark sentence.stop;
(** Compute the phrases until [until] returns [true]. *)
method private process_until ?move_insert until verbose =
let logger lvl msg = if verbose then messages#default_route#push lvl msg in
let fill_queue = Coq.lift (fun () ->
let queue = Queue.create () in
(* Lock everything and fill the waiting queue *)
push_info "Coq is computing";
script#set_editable false;
self#fill_command_queue until queue;
(* Now unlock and process asynchronously. Since [until]
may contain iterators, it shouldn't be used anymore *)
script#set_editable true;
Minilib.log "Begin command processing";
queue) in
let conclude topstack =
pop_info ();
match topstack with
| [] -> self#show_goals_aux ?move_insert ()
| (_,s)::_ -> self#backtrack_to_iter (buffer#get_iter_at_mark s.start) in
let process_queue queue =
let rec loop tip topstack =
if Queue.is_empty queue then conclude topstack else
match Queue.pop queue, topstack with
| `Skip(start,stop), [] ->
logger Feedback.Error (Pp.str "You must close the proof with Qed or Admitted");
self#discard_command_queue queue;
conclude []
| `Skip(start,stop), (_,s) :: topstack ->
assert(start#equal (buffer#get_iter_at_mark s.start));
assert(stop#equal (buffer#get_iter_at_mark s.stop));
loop tip topstack
| `Sentence sentence, _ :: _ -> assert false
| `Sentence ({ edit_id } as sentence), [] ->
add_flag sentence `PROCESSING;
Doc.push document sentence;
let _, _, phrase = self#get_sentence sentence in
let coq_query = Coq.add ((phrase,edit_id),(tip,verbose)) in
let handle_answer = function
| Good (id, (Util.Inl (* NewTip *) (), msg)) ->
Doc.assign_tip_id document id;
logger Feedback.Notice (Pp.str msg);
self#commit_queue_transaction sentence;
loop id []
| Good (id, (Util.Inr (* Unfocus *) tip, msg)) ->
Doc.assign_tip_id document id;
let topstack, _ = Doc.context document in
self#cleanup (Doc.cut_at document tip);
logger Feedback.Notice (Pp.str msg);
self#mark_as_needed sentence;
if Queue.is_empty queue then loop tip []
else loop tip (List.rev topstack)
| Fail (id, loc, msg) ->
let loc = Option.map Loc.make_loc loc in
let sentence = Doc.pop document in
self#process_interp_error ?loc queue sentence msg tip id in
Coq.bind coq_query handle_answer
let tip =
try Doc.tip document
with Doc.Empty -> initial_state | Invalid_argument _ -> assert false in
loop tip [] in
Coq.bind fill_queue process_queue
method join_document =
let next = function
| Good _ ->
Feedback.Info (Pp.str "All proof terms checked by the kernel");
Coq.return ()
| Fail x -> self#handle_failure x in
Coq.bind (Coq.status true) next
method stop_worker n =
Coq.bind (Coq.stop_worker n) (fun _ -> Coq.return ())
method get_slaves_status = processed, to_process, slaves_status
method get_n_errors =
Doc.fold_all document 0 (fun n _ _ s -> if has_flag s `ERROR then n+1 else n)
method get_errors =
let extract_error s =
match List.find (function `ERROR _ -> true | _ -> false) s.flags with
| `ERROR (loc, msg) ->
let iter = begin match loc with
| None -> buffer#get_iter_at_mark s.start
| Some loc ->
let (iter, _, phrase) = self#get_sentence s in
let (start, _) = Loc.unloc loc in
iter#forward_chars (b2c phrase start)
end in iter#line + 1, msg
| _ -> assert false in
(Doc.fold_all document [] (fun acc _ _ s ->
if has_flag s `ERROR then extract_error s :: acc else acc))
method process_next_phrase =
let until n _ _ = n >= 1 in
self#process_until ~move_insert:true until true
method private process_until_iter iter =
let until _ start stop =
if Preferences.stop_before#get then stop#compare iter > 0
else start#compare iter >= 0
self#process_until until false
method process_until_end_or_error =
self#process_until_iter self#get_end_of_input
(* finds the state_id and if it an unfocus is needed to reach it *)
method private find_id until =
Doc.find_id document (fun id { start;stop } -> until (Some id) start stop)
with Not_found -> initial_state, Doc.focused document
method private cleanup seg =
if seg <> [] then begin
let start = buffer#get_iter_at_mark (CList.last seg).start in
let stop = buffer#get_iter_at_mark (CList.hd seg).stop in
(Printf.sprintf "Cleanup in range %d -> %d" start#offset stop#offset);
buffer#remove_tag Tags.Script.processed ~start ~stop;
buffer#remove_tag Tags.Script.incomplete ~start ~stop;
buffer#remove_tag Tags.Script.unjustified ~start ~stop;
buffer#remove_tag Tags.Script.tooltip ~start ~stop;
buffer#remove_tag Tags.Script.to_process ~start ~stop;
buffer#move_mark ~where:start (`NAME "start_of_input")
List.iter (fun { start } -> buffer#delete_mark start) seg;
List.iter (fun { stop } -> buffer#delete_mark stop) seg;
(** Wrapper around the raw undo command *)
method private backtrack_to_id ?(move_insert=true) (to_id, unfocus_needed) =
Minilib.log("backtrack_to_id "^Stateid.to_string to_id^
" (unfocus_needed="^string_of_bool unfocus_needed^")");
let opening () =
push_info "Coq is undoing" in
let conclusion () =
pop_info ();
if move_insert then begin
buffer#place_cursor ~where:self#get_start_of_input;
let start = self#get_start_of_input in
let stop = self#get_end_of_input in
Minilib.log(Printf.sprintf "cleanup tags %d %d" start#offset stop#offset);
buffer#remove_tag Tags.Script.tooltip ~start ~stop;
buffer#remove_tag Tags.Script.processed ~start ~stop;
buffer#remove_tag Tags.Script.incomplete ~start ~stop;
buffer#remove_tag Tags.Script.to_process ~start ~stop;
buffer#remove_tag Tags.Script.unjustified ~start ~stop;
self#show_goals in
Coq.bind (Coq.lift opening) (fun () ->
let rec undo to_id unfocus_needed =
Coq.bind (Coq.edit_at to_id) (function
| Good (CSig.Inl (* NewTip *) ()) ->
if unfocus_needed then self#exit_focus;
self#cleanup (Doc.cut_at document to_id);
conclusion ()
| Good (CSig.Inr (* Focus *) (stop_id,(start_id,tip))) ->
if unfocus_needed then self#exit_focus;
self#cleanup (Doc.cut_at document tip);
self#enter_focus start_id stop_id;
self#cleanup (Doc.cut_at document to_id);
conclusion ()
| Fail (safe_id, loc, msg) ->
(* if loc <> None then messages#push Feedback.Error (Richpp.richpp_of_string "Fixme LOC"); *)
messages#default_route#push Feedback.Error msg;
if Stateid.equal safe_id Stateid.dummy then self#show_goals
else undo safe_id
(Doc.focused document && Doc.is_in_focus document safe_id))
undo to_id unfocus_needed)
method private backtrack_until ?move_insert until =
self#backtrack_to_id ?move_insert (self#find_id until)
method private backtrack_to_iter ?move_insert iter =
let until _ _ stop = iter#compare (buffer#get_iter_at_mark stop) >= 0 in
self#backtrack_until ?move_insert until
method private handle_failure_aux
?(move_insert=false) (safe_id, (loc : (int * int) option), msg)
messages#default_route#push Feedback.Error msg;
ignore(self#process_feedback ());
if Stateid.equal safe_id Stateid.dummy then Coq.lift (fun () -> ())
(self#backtrack_until ~move_insert
(fun id _ _ -> id = Some safe_id))
(Coq.lift (fun () -> script#recenter_insert))
method handle_failure f = self#handle_failure_aux f
method backtrack_last_phrase =
let tgt = Doc.before_tip document in
self#backtrack_to_id tgt
with Not_found -> Coq.return (Coq.reset_coqtop _ct)
method go_to_insert =
Coq.bind (Coq.return ()) (fun () ->
let point = self#get_insert in
if point#compare self#get_start_of_input >= 0
then self#process_until_iter point
else self#backtrack_to_iter ~move_insert:false point)
method go_to_mark m =
Coq.bind (Coq.return ()) (fun () ->
let point = buffer#get_iter_at_mark m in
if point#compare self#get_start_of_input >= 0
then Coq.seq (self#process_until_iter point)
(Coq.lift (fun () -> Sentence.tag_on_insert buffer))
else Coq.seq (self#backtrack_to_iter ~move_insert:false point)
(Coq.lift (fun () -> Sentence.tag_on_insert buffer)))
method handle_reset_initial =
let action () =
(* clear the stack *)
if Doc.focused document then Doc.unfocus document;
while not (Doc.is_empty document) do
let phrase = Doc.pop document in
buffer#delete_mark phrase.start;
buffer#delete_mark phrase.stop
(buffer#remove_tag ~start:buffer#start_iter ~stop:buffer#end_iter)
(* reset the buffer *)
buffer#move_mark ~where:buffer#start_iter (`NAME "start_of_input");
buffer#move_mark ~where:buffer#end_iter (`NAME "stop_of_input");
Sentence.tag_all buffer;
(* clear the views *)
proof#clear ();
clear_info ();
processed <- 0;
to_process <- 0;
push_info "Restarted";
(* apply the initial commands to coq *)
Coq.seq (Coq.lift action) self#initialize
method initialize =
let get_initial_state =
let next = function
| Fail (_, _, message) ->
let message = "Couldn't initialize coqtop\n\n" ^ (Pp.string_of_ppcmds message) in
let popup = GWindow.message_dialog ~buttons:GWindow.Buttons.ok ~message_type:`ERROR ~message () in
ignore (popup#run ()); exit 1
| Good id -> initial_state <- id; Coq.return () in
Coq.bind (Coq.init (get_filename ())) next in
Coq.seq get_initial_state Coq.PrintOpt.enforce
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