;; defattach.lisp
;; Release: PVSio-6.0.9 (3/14/14)
;; Contact: Cesar Munoz ([email protected])
;; NASA Langley Research Center
;; http://shemesh.larc.nasa.gov/people/cam/PVSio
;; Copyright (c) 2011-2012 United States Government as represented by
;; the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright
;; is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other
;; Rights Reserved.
;; Functions and macros for defining PVSio semantic attachments
(in-package :pvs)
(defparameter *pvsio-attachments* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
(defun pvsio-version ()
(pvs-message *pvsio-version*))
;; Primitive attachments are TRUSTED
(defstruct attachment theory name args primitive symbol)
(defun find-attachments (name)
(loop for attachments being the hash-value of *pvsio-attachments*
append (loop for attachment in attachments
when (string= name (attachment-name attachment))
collect attachment)))
(defun same-attachment (a1 a2)
(and (string= (attachment-name a1)
(attachment-name a2))
(string= (attachment-theory a1)
(attachment-theory a2))
(equal (attachment-args a1)
(attachment-args a2))))
(defun find-attachment (attachmnt)
(find attachmnt (gethash (attachment-theory attachmnt)
:test #'same-attachment))
(defun pvsio-symbol (expr nargs)
(let* ((nm (string (id expr)))
(th (string (id (module-instance expr))))
(a (find-attachment (make-attachment
:theory th
:name nm
:args nargs))))
(when a (attachment-symbol a))))
(defun attachment-list ()
(loop for attachments being the hash-value of *pvsio-attachments*
append attachments))
(defun attachment-names ()
(sort (remove-duplicates
(mapcar #'attachment-name (attachment-list))
:test #'string=)
(defun attachment-theories ()
(sort (loop for theory being the hash-key of *pvsio-attachments*
collect theory)
(defun attachment-name-prim (attachmnt)
(format nil "~a [~a~:[~;, primitive~]]"
(attachment-name attachmnt)
(attachment-args attachmnt)
(attachment-primitive attachmnt)))
(defun list-pvs-attachments-str ()
(let ((l (loop for theory being the hash-key using (hash-value attachments) of
collect (cons (format nil "~a" theory)
(format nil "Theory ~a: ~{~a~^, ~}.~2%" theory
(mapcar #'attachment-name-prim
(sort attachments #'(lambda (x y)
(attachment-name x)
(attachment-name y))))))))))
(if l (format nil "Semantic attachments loaded in current context:~2%~{~a~}"
(mapcar #'cdr (sort l #'(lambda(x y) (string-lessp (car x) (car y))))))
(format nil "No semantics attachments loaded in current context.~2%"))))
(defun list-pvs-attachments ()
(format t "~a" (list-pvs-attachments-str)))
(defun help-attachment-doc (attachmnt)
(let ((fun (makesym "pvsio_~a_~a_~a"
(attachment-theory attachmnt)
(attachment-name attachmnt)
(attachment-args attachmnt))))
(documentation fun 'function)))
(defun help-theory-attachments-str (theory)
(let ((l (loop for attachmnt in (gethash theory *pvsio-attachments*)
collect (help-attachment-doc attachmnt))))
(if l (format nil "Semantic attachments in theory ~a:~2%~{~a~}" theory l)
(format nil "No semantic attachments in theory ~a.~2%" theory))))
(defun help-pvs-theory-attachments (theory)
(format t "~a" (help-theory-attachments-str theory)))
(defun help_pvs_theory_attachments (theory)
(help-pvs-theory-attachments theory))
(defun help-attachment-str (name)
(let ((l (loop for attachmnt in (find-attachments name)
collect (help-attachment-doc attachmnt))))
(if l
(format nil "Semantic attachments named ~a:~2%~{~a~}" name l)
(format nil "No semantic attachments named ~a.~2%" name))))
(defun help-pvs-attachment (name)
(format t "~a" (help-attachment-str name)))
(defun help_pvs_attachment (name)
(help-pvs-attachment name))
(defun check-defattach (name body)
(cond ((not (symbolp name))
"Error: ~a is not a valid name for a semantic attachment"
((null body)
(pvs-message "Error: Body of semantic attachment ~a is missing"
(t t)))
(defmacro defattach (thnm args &rest body)
(when (check-defattach thnm body)
(let* ((thnms (symbol-name thnm))
(pos (position #\. thnms)))
(cond ((not pos)
"Error: ~a is not a valid name for a semantic attachment"
(let ((theory (subseq thnms 0 pos))
(name (subseq thnms (+ pos 1))))
(pvs-message "Loading semantic attachment: ~a.~a [~a]"
theory name (length args))
(defattach-aux theory name args body)))))))
;; semantic primitives are TRUSTED
(defmacro defprimitive (thnm args &rest body)
(when (check-defattach thnm body)
(let* ((thnms (symbol-name thnm))
(pos (position #\. thnms)))
(cond ((not pos)
"Error: ~a is not a valid name for a semantic attachment [primitive]"
(let ((theory (subseq thnms 0 pos))
(name (subseq thnms (+ pos 1))))
(pvs-message "Loading semantic attachment: ~a.~a [~a, primitive]"
theory name (length args))
(defattach-aux theory name args body t)))))))
;; Primitive attachments are TRUSTED
(defun defattach-aux (theory name args body &optional primitive)
(let* ((nargs (length args))
(newargs (append args (list '&optional '*the-pvs-type*)))
(fnm (makesym "pvsio_~a_~a_~a" theory name nargs))
(attachmnt (make-attachment :theory theory :name name :args nargs
:primitive primitive :symbol fnm))
(nm (makesym "~a" name))
(th (makesym "~a" theory))
(argstr (if args (format nil "(~{~a~^, ~})" args) ""))
(dobo (if (and body (cdr body) (stringp (car body)))
(cons "" body)))
(doc (format nil "
Attachment: ~a.~a~%
Usage: ~a~a~%
Documentation: ~a~%
Lisp name : ~a~%
Lisp definition: ~%
theory (attachment-name-prim attachmnt)
name argstr
(car dobo)
(cons 'progn (cdr dobo))))
"Function ~a.~a is defined as a semantic attachment.
It cannot be evaluated in a formal proof."
theory name)))
(when (find-attachment attachmnt)
(pvs-message "Redefining ~a.~a" theory (attachment-name-prim attachmnt)))
(setf (gethash theory *pvsio-attachments*)
(cons attachmnt (remove-if #'(lambda (x) (same-attachment attachmnt x))
(gethash theory *pvsio-attachments*))))
(let ((body (if primitive
(cons 'progn (cdr dobo))
`(if *in-evaluator*
,(cons 'progn (cdr dobo))
(throw '*pvsio-inprover* ,mssg)))))
`(defun ,fnm ,newargs ,doc ,body))))
(defmacro defattach-th-nm (theory nm args &rest body)
(when (check-defattach nm body)
(defattach-aux theory (symbol-name nm) args body)))
(defmacro defprimitive-th-nm (theory nm args &rest body)
(when (check-defattach nm body)
(defattach-aux theory (symbol-name nm) args body t)))
(defun reattach (theory macros)
(mapcar #'(lambda (x)
(cond ((and (consp x) (eq (car x) 'defattach))
(cons 'defattach-th-nm (cons theory (cdr x))))
((and (consp x) (eq (car x) 'defprimitive))
(cons 'defprimitive-th-nm (cons theory (cdr x))))
(t x)))
(defmacro attachments (th &rest macros)
(cond ((not (symbolp th))
(pvs-message "Error: ~a is not a valid theory name" th))
(let ((theory (symbol-name th)))
(pvs-message "Loading semantic attachments in theory ~a" theory)
(cons 'progn (reattach theory macros))))))
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