class Sensor is subclass of GLOBAL
instance variables
-- the missile detector this sensor is connected to
private detector : MissileDetector;
-- the left hand-side of the viewing angle of the sensor
private aperture : Angle;
public Sensor: MissileDetector * Angle ==> Sensor
Sensor (pmd, psa) == ( detector := pmd; aperture := psa);
-- get the left hand-side start point and opening angle
pure public getAperture: () ==> GLOBAL`Angle * GLOBAL`Angle
getAperture () == return mk_ (aperture, SENSOR_APERTURE);
-- trip is called asynchronously from the environment to
-- signal an event. the sensor triggers if the event is
-- in the field of view. the event is stored in the
-- missile detector for further processing
public trip: EventId * MissileType * Angle ==> ()
trip (evid, pmt, pa) ==
-- log and time stamp the observed threat
detector.addThreat(evid, pmt,pa,World`timerRef.GetTime())
pre canObserve(pa, aperture, SENSOR_APERTURE)
end Sensor
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Entwicklung einer Software für die statische Quellcodeanalyse