class AlphabetTest
is subclass of TestCase
str : seq of char = "ABCD"
public AlphabetTest: seq of char ==> AlphabetTest
AlphabetTest(nm) == name := nm;
protected SetUp: () ==> ()
SetUp () == skip;
protected RunTest: () ==> ()
RunTest () ==
( dcl tc : Alphabet := new Alphabet(str);
for all i in set inds str do
( AssertTrue(tc.GetChar(i) = str(i));
AssertTrue(tc.GetIndex(str(i)) = i);
AssertTrue(tc.Shift(1,i) = tc.Shift(i)) );
AssertTrue(tc.GetSize() = 4);
AssertTrue(tc.GetIndices() = {1,...,4}) );
protected TearDown: () ==> ()
TearDown () == skip;
end AlphabetTest
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