(* Title: HOL/HOLCF/Tools/Domain/domain.ML
Author: David von Oheimb
Author: Brian Huffman
Theory extender for domain command, including theory syntax.
signature DOMAIN =
val add_domain_cmd:
((string * string option) list * binding * mixfix *
(binding * (bool * binding option * string) list * mixfix) list) list
-> theory -> theory
val add_domain:
((string * sort) list * binding * mixfix *
(binding * (bool * binding option * typ) list * mixfix) list) list
-> theory -> theory
val add_new_domain_cmd:
((string * string option) list * binding * mixfix *
(binding * (bool * binding option * string) list * mixfix) list) list
-> theory -> theory
val add_new_domain:
((string * sort) list * binding * mixfix *
(binding * (bool * binding option * typ) list * mixfix) list) list
-> theory -> theory
structure Domain : DOMAIN =
open HOLCF_Library
fun first (x,_,_) = x
fun second (_,x,_) = x
(* ----- calls for building new thy and thms -------------------------------- *)
type info =
Domain_Take_Proofs.iso_info list * Domain_Take_Proofs.take_induct_info
fun add_arity ((b, sorts, mx), sort) thy : theory =
|> Sign.add_types_global [(b, length sorts, mx)]
|> Axclass.arity_axiomatization (Sign.full_name thy b, sorts, sort)
fun gen_add_domain
(prep_sort : theory -> 'a -> sort)
(prep_typ : theory -> (string * sort) list -> 'b -> typ)
(add_isos : (binding * mixfix * (typ * typ)) list -> theory -> info * theory)
(arg_sort : bool -> sort)
(raw_specs : ((string * 'a) list * binding * mixfix *
(binding * (bool * binding option * 'b) list * mixfix) list) list)
(thy : theory) =
val dtnvs : (binding * typ list * mixfix) list =
fun prep_tvar (a, s) = TFree (a, prep_sort thy s)
map (fn (vs, dbind, mx, _) =>
(dbind, map prep_tvar vs, mx)) raw_specs
fun thy_arity (dbind, tvars, mx) =
((dbind, map (snd o dest_TFree) tvars, mx), arg_sort false)
(* this theory is used just for parsing and error checking *)
val tmp_thy = thy
|> fold (add_arity o thy_arity) dtnvs
val dbinds : binding list =
map (fn (_,dbind,_,_) => dbind) raw_specs
val raw_rhss :
(binding * (bool * binding option * 'b) list * mixfix) list list =
map (fn (_,_,_,cons) => cons) raw_specs
val dtnvs' : (string * typ list) list =
map (fn (dbind, vs, _) => (Sign.full_name thy dbind, vs)) dtnvs
val all_cons = map (Binding.name_of o first) (flat raw_rhss)
val _ =
case duplicates (op =) all_cons of
[] => false | dups => error ("Duplicate constructors: "
^ commas_quote dups)
val all_sels =
(map Binding.name_of o map_filter second o maps second) (flat raw_rhss)
val _ =
case duplicates (op =) all_sels of
[] => false | dups => error("Duplicate selectors: "^commas_quote dups)
fun test_dupl_tvars s =
case duplicates (op =) (map(fst o dest_TFree)s) of
[] => false | dups => error("Duplicate type arguments: "
^commas_quote dups)
val _ = exists test_dupl_tvars (map snd dtnvs')
val sorts : (string * sort) list =
let val all_sorts = map (map dest_TFree o snd) dtnvs'
case distinct (eq_set (op =)) all_sorts of
[sorts] => sorts
| _ => error "Mutually recursive domains must have same type parameters"
(* a lazy argument may have an unpointed type *)
(* unless the argument has a selector function *)
fun check_pcpo (lazy, sel, T) =
let val sort = arg_sort (lazy andalso is_none sel) in
if Sign.of_sort tmp_thy (T, sort) then ()
else error ("Constructor argument type is not of sort " ^
Syntax.string_of_sort_global tmp_thy sort ^ ": " ^
Syntax.string_of_typ_global tmp_thy T)
(* test for free type variables, illegal sort constraints on rhs,
non-pcpo-types and invalid use of recursive type
replace sorts in type variables on rhs *)
val rec_tab = Domain_Take_Proofs.get_rec_tab thy
fun check_rec _ (T as TFree (v,_)) =
if AList.defined (op =) sorts v then T
else error ("Free type variable " ^ quote v ^ " on rhs.")
| check_rec no_rec (T as Type (s, Ts)) =
(case AList.lookup (op =) dtnvs' s of
let val no_rec' =
if no_rec = NONE then
if Symtab.defined rec_tab s then NONE else SOME s
else no_rec
in Type (s, map (check_rec no_rec') Ts) end
| SOME typevars =>
if typevars <> Ts
then error ("Recursion of type " ^
quote (Syntax.string_of_typ_global tmp_thy T) ^
" with different arguments")
else (case no_rec of
| SOME c =>
error ("Illegal indirect recursion of type " ^
quote (Syntax.string_of_typ_global tmp_thy T) ^
" under type constructor " ^ quote c)))
| check_rec _ (TVar _) = error "extender:check_rec"
fun prep_arg (lazy, sel, raw_T) =
val T = prep_typ tmp_thy sorts raw_T
val _ = check_rec NONE T
val _ = check_pcpo (lazy, sel, T)
in (lazy, sel, T) end
fun prep_con (b, args, mx) = (b, map prep_arg args, mx)
fun prep_rhs cons = map prep_con cons
val rhss : (binding * (bool * binding option * typ) list * mixfix) list list =
map prep_rhs raw_rhss
fun mk_arg_typ (lazy, _, T) = if lazy then mk_upT T else T
fun mk_con_typ (_, args, _) =
if null args then oneT else foldr1 mk_sprodT (map mk_arg_typ args)
fun mk_rhs_typ cons = foldr1 mk_ssumT (map mk_con_typ cons)
val absTs : typ list = map Type dtnvs'
val repTs : typ list = map mk_rhs_typ rhss
val iso_spec : (binding * mixfix * (typ * typ)) list =
map (fn ((dbind, _, mx), eq) => (dbind, mx, eq))
(dtnvs ~~ (absTs ~~ repTs))
val ((iso_infos, take_info), thy) = add_isos iso_spec thy
val (constr_infos, thy) =
|> fold_map (fn ((dbind, cons), info) =>
Domain_Constructors.add_domain_constructors dbind cons info)
(dbinds ~~ rhss ~~ iso_infos)
val (_, thy) =
dbinds take_info constr_infos thy
fun define_isos (spec : (binding * mixfix * (typ * typ)) list) =
fun prep (dbind, mx, (lhsT, rhsT)) =
let val (_, vs) = dest_Type lhsT
in (map (fst o dest_TFree) vs, dbind, mx, rhsT, NONE) end
Domain_Isomorphism.domain_isomorphism (map prep spec)
fun pcpo_arg lazy = if lazy then \<^sort>\<open>cpo\<close> else \<^sort>\<open>pcpo\<close>
fun rep_arg lazy = if lazy then \<^sort>\<open>predomain\<close> else \<^sort>\<open>domain\<close>
fun read_sort thy (SOME s) = Syntax.read_sort_global thy s
| read_sort thy NONE = Sign.defaultS thy
(* Adapted from src/HOL/Tools/Datatype/datatype_data.ML *)
fun read_typ thy sorts str =
val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy
|> fold (Variable.declare_typ o TFree) sorts
in Syntax.read_typ ctxt str end
fun cert_typ sign sorts raw_T =
val T = Type.no_tvars (Sign.certify_typ sign raw_T)
handle TYPE (msg, _, _) => error msg
val sorts' = Term.add_tfreesT T sorts
val _ =
case duplicates (op =) (map fst sorts') of
[] => ()
| dups => error ("Inconsistent sort constraints for " ^ commas dups)
in T end
val add_domain =
gen_add_domain (K I) cert_typ Domain_Axioms.add_axioms pcpo_arg
val add_new_domain =
gen_add_domain (K I) cert_typ define_isos rep_arg
val add_domain_cmd =
gen_add_domain read_sort read_typ Domain_Axioms.add_axioms pcpo_arg
val add_new_domain_cmd =
gen_add_domain read_sort read_typ define_isos rep_arg
(** outer syntax **)
val dest_decl : (bool * binding option * string) parser =
\<^keyword>\<open>(\<close> |-- Scan.optional (\<^keyword>\<open>lazy\<close> >> K true) false --
(Parse.binding >> SOME) -- (\<^keyword>\<open>::\<close> |-- Parse.typ) --| \<^keyword>\<open>)\<close> >> Scan.triple1
|| \<^keyword>\<open>(\<close> |-- \<^keyword>\<open>lazy\<close> |-- Parse.typ --| \<^keyword>\<open>)\<close>
>> (fn t => (true, NONE, t))
|| Parse.typ >> (fn t => (false, NONE, t))
val cons_decl =
Parse.binding -- Scan.repeat dest_decl -- Parse.opt_mixfix
val domain_decl =
(Parse.type_args_constrained -- Parse.binding -- Parse.opt_mixfix) --
(\<^keyword>\<open>=\<close> |-- Parse.enum1 "|" cons_decl)
val domains_decl =
Scan.optional (\<^keyword>\<open>(\<close> |-- (\<^keyword>\<open>unsafe\<close> >> K true) --| \<^keyword>\<open>)\<close>) false --
Parse.and_list1 domain_decl
fun mk_domain
(unsafe : bool,
doms : ((((string * string option) list * binding) * mixfix) *
((binding * (bool * binding option * string) list) * mixfix) list) list ) =
val specs : ((string * string option) list * binding * mixfix *
(binding * (bool * binding option * string) list * mixfix) list) list =
map (fn (((vs, t), mx), cons) =>
(vs, t, mx, map (fn ((c, ds), mx) => (c, ds, mx)) cons)) doms
if unsafe
then add_domain_cmd specs
else add_new_domain_cmd specs
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command \<^command_keyword>\<open>domain\<close> "define recursive domains (HOLCF)"
(domains_decl >> (Toplevel.theory o mk_domain))
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