(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Pp
open CErrors
open Util
open Names
let chk_pp = Feedback.msg_notice
let pr_dirpath dp = str (DirPath.to_string dp)
let default_root_prefix = DirPath.empty
let split_dirpath d =
let l = DirPath.repr d in (DirPath.make (List.tl l), List.hd l)
let extend_dirpath p id = DirPath.make (id :: DirPath.repr p)
type section_path = {
dirpath : string list ;
basename : string }
type object_file =
| PhysicalFile of CUnix.physical_path
| LogicalFile of section_path
let dir_of_path p =
DirPath.make (List.map Id.of_string p.dirpath)
let path_of_dirpath dir =
match DirPath.repr dir with
[] -> failwith "path_of_dirpath"
| l::dir ->
{dirpath=List.map Id.to_string dir;basename=Id.to_string l}
let pr_dirlist dp =
prlist_with_sep (fun _ -> str".") str (List.rev dp)
let pr_path sp =
match sp.dirpath with
[] -> str sp.basename
| sl -> pr_dirlist sl ++ str"." ++ str sp.basename
(*s Modules loaded in memory contain the following informations. They are
kept in the global table [libraries_table]. *)
type compilation_unit_name = DirPath.t
type seg_proofs = Constr.constr Future.computation array
type library_t = {
library_name : compilation_unit_name;
library_filename : CUnix.physical_path;
library_compiled : Safe_typing.compiled_library;
library_opaques : seg_proofs option;
library_deps : (compilation_unit_name * Safe_typing.vodigest) array;
library_digest : Safe_typing.vodigest;
library_extra_univs : Univ.ContextSet.t }
module LibraryOrdered =
type t = DirPath.t
let compare d1 d2 =
(List.rev (DirPath.repr d1)) (List.rev (DirPath.repr d2))
module LibrarySet = Set.Make(LibraryOrdered)
module LibraryMap = Map.Make(LibraryOrdered)
(* This is a map from names to loaded libraries *)
let libraries_table = ref LibraryMap.empty
(* various requests to the tables *)
let find_library dir =
LibraryMap.find dir !libraries_table
let library_full_filename dir = (find_library dir).library_filename
(* If a library is loaded several time, then the first occurrence must
be performed first, thus the libraries_loaded_list ... *)
let register_loaded_library m =
libraries_table := LibraryMap.add m.library_name m !libraries_table
(* Map from library names to table of opaque terms *)
let opaque_tables = ref LibraryMap.empty
let opaque_univ_tables = ref LibraryMap.empty
let access_opaque_table dp i =
let t =
try LibraryMap.find dp !opaque_tables
with Not_found -> assert false
assert (i < Array.length t);
let access_opaque_univ_table dp i =
let t = LibraryMap.find dp !opaque_univ_tables in
assert (i < Array.length t);
Some t.(i)
with Not_found -> None
let () =
Opaqueproof.set_indirect_opaque_accessor access_opaque_table;
Opaqueproof.set_indirect_univ_accessor access_opaque_univ_table
let check_one_lib admit senv (dir,m) =
let md = m.library_compiled in
let dig = m.library_digest in
(* Look up if the library is to be admitted correct. We could
also check if it carries a validation certificate (yet to
be implemented). *)
let senv =
if LibrarySet.mem dir admit then
(Flags.if_verbose Feedback.msg_notice
(str "Admitting library: " ++ pr_dirpath dir);
Safe_checking.unsafe_import senv md m.library_extra_univs dig)
(Flags.if_verbose Feedback.msg_notice
(str "Checking library: " ++ pr_dirpath dir);
Safe_checking.import senv md m.library_extra_univs dig)
register_loaded_library m; senv
(*s Load path. Mapping from physical to logical paths etc.*)
type logical_path = DirPath.t
let load_paths = ref ([],[] : CUnix.physical_path list * logical_path list)
let find_logical_path phys_dir =
let phys_dir = CUnix.canonical_path_name phys_dir in
let physical, logical = !load_paths in
match List.filter2 (fun p d -> p = phys_dir) physical logical with
| _,[dir] -> dir
| _,[] -> default_root_prefix
| _,l -> anomaly (Pp.str ("Two logical paths are associated to "^phys_dir^"."))
let remove_load_path dir =
let physical, logical = !load_paths in
load_paths := List.filter2 (fun p d -> p <> dir) physical logical
let add_load_path (phys_path,coq_path) =
if !Flags.debug then
Feedback.msg_notice (str "path: " ++ pr_dirpath coq_path ++ str " ->" ++ spc() ++
str phys_path);
let phys_path = CUnix.canonical_path_name phys_path in
let physical, logical = !load_paths in
match List.filter2 (fun p d -> p = phys_path) physical logical with
| _,[dir] ->
if coq_path <> dir
(* If this is not the default -I . to coqtop *)
&& not
(phys_path = CUnix.canonical_path_name Filename.current_dir_name
&& coq_path = default_root_prefix)
(* Assume the user is concerned by library naming *)
if dir <> default_root_prefix then
(str phys_path ++ strbrk " was previously bound to " ++
pr_dirpath dir ++ strbrk "; it is remapped to " ++
pr_dirpath coq_path);
remove_load_path phys_path;
load_paths := (phys_path::fst !load_paths, coq_path::snd !load_paths)
| _,[] ->
load_paths := (phys_path :: fst !load_paths, coq_path :: snd !load_paths)
| _ -> anomaly (Pp.str ("Two logical paths are associated to "^phys_path^"."))
let load_paths_of_dir_path dir =
let physical, logical = !load_paths in
fst (List.filter2 (fun p d -> d = dir) physical logical)
(*s Locate absolute or partially qualified library names in the path *)
exception LibUnmappedDir
exception LibNotFound
let locate_absolute_library dir =
(* Search in loadpath *)
let pref, base = split_dirpath dir in
let loadpath = load_paths_of_dir_path pref in
if loadpath = [] then raise LibUnmappedDir;
let name = Id.to_string base^".vo" in
let _, file = System.where_in_path ~warn:false loadpath name in
(dir, file)
with Not_found ->
(* Last chance, removed from the file system but still in memory *)
(dir, library_full_filename dir)
with Not_found ->
raise LibNotFound
let locate_qualified_library qid =
(* we assume qid is an absolute dirpath *)
let loadpath = load_paths_of_dir_path (dir_of_path qid) in
if loadpath = [] then raise LibUnmappedDir;
let name = qid.basename^".vo" in
let path, file = System.where_in_path loadpath name in
let dir =
extend_dirpath (find_logical_path path) (Id.of_string qid.basename) in
(* Look if loaded *)
(dir, library_full_filename dir)
with Not_found ->
(dir, file)
with Not_found -> raise LibNotFound
let error_unmapped_dir qid =
let prefix = qid.dirpath in
user_err ~hdr:"load_absolute_library_from"
(str "Cannot load " ++ pr_path qid ++ str ":" ++ spc () ++
str "no physical path bound to" ++ spc () ++ pr_dirlist prefix ++ fnl ())
let error_lib_not_found qid =
user_err ~hdr:"load_absolute_library_from"
(str"Cannot find library " ++ pr_path qid ++ str" in loadpath")
let try_locate_absolute_library dir =
locate_absolute_library dir
| LibUnmappedDir -> error_unmapped_dir (path_of_dirpath dir)
| LibNotFound -> error_lib_not_found (path_of_dirpath dir)
let try_locate_qualified_library lib = match lib with
| PhysicalFile f ->
let () =
if not (System.file_exists_respecting_case "" f) then
error_lib_not_found { dirpath = []; basename = f; }
let dir = Filename.dirname f in
let base = Filename.chop_extension (Filename.basename f) in
let dir = extend_dirpath (find_logical_path dir) (Id.of_string base) in
(dir, f)
| LogicalFile qid ->
locate_qualified_library qid
| LibUnmappedDir -> error_unmapped_dir qid
| LibNotFound -> error_lib_not_found qid
(*s Low-level interning of libraries from files *)
let raw_intern_library f =
System.raw_intern_state Coq_config.vo_magic_number f
(* Internalise libraries *)
type summary_disk = {
md_name : compilation_unit_name;
md_imports : compilation_unit_name array;
md_deps : (compilation_unit_name * Safe_typing.vodigest) array;
module Dyn = Dyn.Make ()
type obj = Dyn.t (* persistent dynamic objects *)
type lib_objects = (Id.t * obj) list
type library_objects = lib_objects * lib_objects
type library_disk = {
md_compiled : Safe_typing.compiled_library;
md_objects : library_objects;
let mk_library sd md f table digest cst = {
library_name = sd.md_name;
library_filename = f;
library_compiled = md.md_compiled;
library_opaques = table;
library_deps = sd.md_deps;
library_digest = digest;
library_extra_univs = cst }
let name_clash_message dir mdir f =
str ("The file " ^ f ^ " contains library") ++ spc () ++
pr_dirpath mdir ++ spc () ++ str "and not library" ++ spc() ++
pr_dirpath dir
type intern_mode = Rec | Root | Dep (* Rec = standard, Root = -norec, Dep = dependency of norec *)
(* Dependency graph *)
let depgraph = ref LibraryMap.empty
let marshal_in_segment f ch =
let stop = input_binary_int ch in
let v = Analyze.instantiate (Analyze.parse_channel ch) in
let digest = Digest.input ch in
Obj.obj v, stop, digest
with _ ->
user_err (str "Corrupted file " ++ quote (str f))
let skip_in_segment f ch =
let stop = (input_binary_int ch : int) in
seek_in ch stop;
let digest = Digest.input ch in
stop, digest
with _ ->
user_err (str "Corrupted file " ++ quote (str f))
let marshal_or_skip ~intern_mode f ch =
if intern_mode <> Dep then
let v, pos, digest = marshal_in_segment f ch in
Some v, pos, digest
let pos, digest = skip_in_segment f ch in
None, pos, digest
let intern_from_file ~intern_mode (dir, f) =
let validate a b c = if intern_mode <> Dep then Validate.validate a b c in
Flags.if_verbose chk_pp (str"[intern "++str f++str" ...");
let (sd,md,table,opaque_csts,digest) =
let marshal_in_segment f ch = if intern_mode <> Dep
then marshal_in_segment f ch
else System.marshal_in_segment f ch
let ch = System.with_magic_number_check raw_intern_library f in
let (sd:summary_disk), _, digest = marshal_in_segment f ch in
let (md:library_disk), _, digest = marshal_in_segment f ch in
let (opaque_csts:'a option), _, udg = marshal_in_segment f ch in
let (discharging:'a option), _, _ = marshal_in_segment f ch in
let (tasks:'a option), _, _ = marshal_in_segment f ch in
let (table:seg_proofs option), pos, checksum =
marshal_or_skip ~intern_mode f ch in
(* Verification of the final checksum *)
let () = close_in ch in
let ch = open_in_bin f in
if not (String.equal (Digest.channel ch pos) checksum) then
user_err ~hdr:"intern_from_file" (str "Checksum mismatch");
let () = close_in ch in
if dir <> sd.md_name then
user_err ~hdr:"intern_from_file"
(name_clash_message dir sd.md_name f);
if tasks <> None || discharging <> None then
user_err ~hdr:"intern_from_file"
(str "The file "++str f++str " contains unfinished tasks");
if opaque_csts <> None then begin
Flags.if_verbose chk_pp (str " (was a vio file) ");
Option.iter (fun (_,_,b) -> if not b then
user_err ~hdr:"intern_from_file"
(str "The file "++str f++str " is still a .vio"))
validate !Flags.debug Values.v_univopaques opaque_csts;
(* Verification of the unmarshalled values *)
validate !Flags.debug Values.v_libsum sd;
validate !Flags.debug Values.v_lib md;
validate !Flags.debug Values.(Opt v_opaques) table;
Flags.if_verbose chk_pp (str" done]" ++ fnl ());
let digest =
if opaque_csts <> None then Safe_typing.Dvivo (digest,udg)
else (Safe_typing.Dvo_or_vi digest) in
with e -> Flags.if_verbose chk_pp (str" failed!]" ++ fnl ()); raise e in
depgraph := LibraryMap.add sd.md_name sd.md_deps !depgraph;
Option.iter (fun table -> opaque_tables := LibraryMap.add sd.md_name table !opaque_tables) table;
Option.iter (fun (opaque_csts,_,_) ->
opaque_univ_tables :=
LibraryMap.add sd.md_name opaque_csts !opaque_univ_tables)
let extra_cst =
Option.default Univ.ContextSet.empty
(Option.map (fun (_,cs,_) -> cs) opaque_csts) in
mk_library sd md f table digest extra_cst
let get_deps (dir, f) =
try LibraryMap.find dir !depgraph
with Not_found ->
let _ = intern_from_file (dir,f) in
LibraryMap.find dir !depgraph
(* Read a compiled library and all dependencies, in reverse order.
Do not include files that are already in the context. *)
let rec intern_library ~intern_mode seen (dir, f) needed =
if LibrarySet.mem dir seen then failwith "Recursive dependencies!";
(* Look if in the current logical environment *)
try let _ = find_library dir in needed
with Not_found ->
(* Look if already listed and consequently its dependencies too *)
if List.mem_assoc_f DirPath.equal dir needed then needed
(* [dir] is an absolute name which matches [f] which must be in loadpath *)
let m = intern_from_file ~intern_mode (dir,f) in
let seen' = LibrarySet.add dir seen in
let deps =
Array.map (fun (d,_) -> try_locate_absolute_library d) m.library_deps
let intern_mode = match intern_mode with Rec -> Rec | Root | Dep -> Dep in
(dir,m) :: Array.fold_right (intern_library ~intern_mode seen') deps needed
(* Compute the reflexive transitive dependency closure *)
let rec fold_deps seen ff (dir,f) (s,acc) =
if LibrarySet.mem dir seen then failwith "Recursive dependencies!";
if LibrarySet.mem dir s then (s,acc)
let deps = get_deps (dir,f) in
let deps = Array.map (fun (d,_) -> try_locate_absolute_library d) deps in
let seen' = LibrarySet.add dir seen in
let (s',acc') = Array.fold_right (fold_deps seen' ff) deps (s,acc) in
(LibrarySet.add dir s', ff dir acc')
and fold_deps_list seen ff modl needed =
List.fold_right (fold_deps seen ff) modl needed
let fold_deps_list ff modl acc =
snd (fold_deps_list LibrarySet.empty ff modl (LibrarySet.empty,acc))
let recheck_library senv ~norec ~admit ~check =
let ml = List.map try_locate_qualified_library check in
let nrl = List.map try_locate_qualified_library norec in
let al = List.map try_locate_qualified_library admit in
let needed = List.fold_right (intern_library ~intern_mode:Rec LibrarySet.empty) ml [] in
let needed = List.fold_right (intern_library ~intern_mode:Root LibrarySet.empty) nrl needed in
let needed = List.rev needed in
(* first compute the closure of norec, remove closure of check,
add closure of admit, and finally remove norec and check *)
let nochk = fold_deps_list LibrarySet.add nrl LibrarySet.empty in
let nochk = fold_deps_list LibrarySet.remove ml nochk in
let nochk = fold_deps_list LibrarySet.add al nochk in
(* explicitly required modules cannot be skipped... *)
let nochk =
List.fold_right LibrarySet.remove (List.map fst (nrl@ml)) nochk in
(* *)
Flags.if_verbose Feedback.msg_notice (fnl()++hv 2 (str "Ordered list:" ++ fnl() ++
(fun (dir,_) -> pr_dirpath dir ++ fnl()) needed));
let senv = List.fold_left (check_one_lib nochk) senv needed in
Flags.if_verbose Feedback.msg_notice (str"Modules were successfully checked");
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