cycles[T: TYPE]: THEORY
G: VAR graph[T]
cycle?(G: graph[T], (w: Seq(G))): bool = pre_circuit?(G,w) AND length(w) > 1 AND
w(1) /= w(length(w)-2) AND
(FORALL (i,j: below(length(w))):
w(i) = w(j) IMPLIES (i = j OR
(endpoint?(i,w) AND endpoint?(j,w))))
cycle_l_gt_3: LEMMA (FORALL (w: Seq(G)): cycle?(G,w) IMPLIES length(w) > 3)
cycle_has_path: LEMMA FORALL (w: Seq(G)): cycle?(G,w) IMPLIES
(EXISTS (j: below(length(w))): path?(G,w^(0,j)))
%% -- the term "w(1) /= w(length(w)-2)" rules out length(w) = 2 AND length(w) = 3 --
cycle_gt3: LEMMA FORALL (w: Seq(G)): cycle?(G,w) IMPLIES length(w) > 3
cycle_def: LEMMA FORALL (w: Seq(G)): cycle?(G,w) IFF
pre_circuit?(G,w) AND length(w) > 3 AND
(FORALL (i,j: below(length(w))):
w(i) = w(j) IMPLIES (i = j OR
(endpoint?(i,w) AND endpoint?(j,w))))
END cycles
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Entwicklung einer Software für die statische Quellcodeanalyse