/* Test vectors for math functions.
See C9X section F.9.
On some systems it may be necessary to modify the default exception
settings of the floating point arithmetic unit. */
Cephes Math Library Release 2.7: May, 1998
Copyright 1998 by Stephen L. Moshier
#include <stdio.h>
int isfinitel (long double);
/* Some compilers will not accept these expressions. */
#define ZINF 1
#define ZMINF 2
#define ZNANL 3
#define ZPIL 4
#define ZPIO2L 4
extern long double INFINITYL, NANL, NEGZEROL;
long double MINFL;
extern long double PIL, PIO2L, PIO4L, MACHEPL;
long double MPIL;
long double MPIO2L;
long double MPIO4L;
long double THPIO4L = 2.35619449019234492884698L;
long double MTHPIO4L = -2.35619449019234492884698L;
long double SQRT2L = 1.414213562373095048802E0L;
long double SQRTHL = 7.071067811865475244008E-1L;
long double ZEROL = 0.0L;
long double HALFL = 0.5L;
long double MHALFL = -0.5L;
long double ONEL = 1.0L;
long double MONEL = -1.0L;
long double TWOL = 2.0L;
long double MTWOL = -2.0L;
long double THREEL = 3.0L;
long double MTHREEL = -3.0L;
/* Functions of one variable. */
long double logl (long double);
long double expl (long double);
long double atanl (long double);
long double sinl (long double);
long double cosl (long double);
long double tanl (long double);
long double acosl (long double);
long double asinl (long double);
long double acoshl (long double);
long double asinhl (long double);
long double atanhl (long double);
long double sinhl (long double);
long double coshl (long double);
long double tanhl (long double);
long double exp2l (long double);
long double expm1l (long double);
long double log10l (long double);
long double log1pl (long double);
long double log2l (long double);
long double fabsl (long double);
long double erfl (long double);
long double erfcl (long double);
long double gammal (long double);
long double lgaml (long double);
long double floorl (long double);
long double ceill (long double);
long double cbrtl (long double);
struct oneargument
char *name; /* Name of the function. */
long double (*func) (long double);
long double *arg1;
long double *answer;
int thresh; /* Error report threshold. */
#if 0
{"sinl", sinl, 32767.L, 1.8750655394138942394239E-1L, 0},
{"cosl", cosl, 32767.L, 9.8226335176928229845654E-1L, 0},
{"tanl", tanl, 32767.L, 1.9089234430221485740826E-1L, 0},
{"sinl", sinl, 8388607.L, 9.9234509376961249835628E-1L, 0},
{"cosl", cosl, 8388607.L, -1.2349580912475928183718E-1L, 0},
{"tanl", tanl, 8388607.L, -8.0354556223613614748329E0L, 0},
{"sinl", sinl, 2147483647.L, -7.2491655514455639054829E-1L, 0},
{"cosl", cosl, 2147483647.L, -6.8883669187794383467976E-1L, 0},
{"tanl", tanl, 2147483647.L, 1.0523779637351339136698E0L, 0},
{"sinl", sinl, PIO4L, 7.0710678118654752440084E-1L, 0},
{"cosl", cosl, PIO2L, -2.50827880633416613471e-20L, 0},
struct oneargument test1[] =
{"atanl", atanl, &ONEL, &PIO4L, 0},
{"sinl", sinl, &PIO2L, &ONEL, 0},
{"cosl", cosl, &PIO4L, &SQRTHL, 0},
{"acosl", acosl, &NANL, &NANL, 0},
{"acosl", acosl, &ONEL, &ZEROL, 0},
{"acosl", acosl, &TWOL, &NANL, 0},
{"acosl", acosl, &MTWOL, &NANL, 0},
{"asinl", asinl, &NANL, &NANL, 0},
{"asinl", asinl, &ZEROL, &ZEROL, 0},
{"asinl", asinl, &NEGZEROL, &NEGZEROL, 0},
{"asinl", asinl, &TWOL, &NANL, 0},
{"asinl", asinl, &MTWOL, &NANL, 0},
{"atanl", atanl, &NANL, &NANL, 0},
{"atanl", atanl, &ZEROL, &ZEROL, 0},
{"atanl", atanl, &NEGZEROL, &NEGZEROL, 0},
{"atanl", atanl, &INFINITYL, &PIO2L, 0},
{"atanl", atanl, &MINFL, &MPIO2L, 0},
{"cosl", cosl, &NANL, &NANL, 0},
{"cosl", cosl, &ZEROL, &ONEL, 0},
{"cosl", cosl, &NEGZEROL, &ONEL, 0},
{"cosl", cosl, &INFINITYL, &NANL, 0},
{"cosl", cosl, &MINFL, &NANL, 0},
{"sinl", sinl, &NANL, &NANL, 0},
{"sinl", sinl, &NEGZEROL, &NEGZEROL, 0},
{"sinl", sinl, &ZEROL, &ZEROL, 0},
{"sinl", sinl, &INFINITYL, &NANL, 0},
{"sinl", sinl, &MINFL, &NANL, 0},
{"tanl", tanl, &NANL, &NANL, 0},
{"tanl", tanl, &ZEROL, &ZEROL, 0},
{"tanl", tanl, &NEGZEROL, &NEGZEROL, 0},
{"tanl", tanl, &INFINITYL, &NANL, 0},
{"tanl", tanl, &MINFL, &NANL, 0},
{"acoshl", acoshl, &NANL, &NANL, 0},
{"acoshl", acoshl, &ONEL, &ZEROL, 0},
{"acoshl", acoshl, &INFINITYL, &INFINITYL, 0},
{"acoshl", acoshl, &HALFL, &NANL, 0},
{"acoshl", acoshl, &MONEL, &NANL, 0},
{"asinhl", asinhl, &NANL, &NANL, 0},
{"asinhl", asinhl, &ZEROL, &ZEROL, 0},
{"asinhl", asinhl, &NEGZEROL, &NEGZEROL, 0},
{"asinhl", asinhl, &INFINITYL, &INFINITYL, 0},
{"asinhl", asinhl, &MINFL, &MINFL, 0},
{"atanhl", atanhl, &NANL, &NANL, 0},
{"atanhl", atanhl, &ZEROL, &ZEROL, 0},
{"atanhl", atanhl, &NEGZEROL, &NEGZEROL, 0},
{"atanhl", atanhl, &ONEL, &INFINITYL, 0},
{"atanhl", atanhl, &MONEL, &MINFL, 0},
{"atanhl", atanhl, &TWOL, &NANL, 0},
{"atanhl", atanhl, &MTWOL, &NANL, 0},
{"coshl", coshl, &NANL, &NANL, 0},
{"coshl", coshl, &ZEROL, &ONEL, 0},
{"coshl", coshl, &NEGZEROL, &ONEL, 0},
{"coshl", coshl, &INFINITYL, &INFINITYL, 0},
{"coshl", coshl, &MINFL, &INFINITYL, 0},
{"sinhl", sinhl, &NANL, &NANL, 0},
{"sinhl", sinhl, &ZEROL, &ZEROL, 0},
{"sinhl", sinhl, &NEGZEROL, &NEGZEROL, 0},
{"sinhl", sinhl, &INFINITYL, &INFINITYL, 0},
{"sinhl", sinhl, &MINFL, &MINFL, 0},
{"tanhl", tanhl, &NANL, &NANL, 0},
{"tanhl", tanhl, &ZEROL, &ZEROL, 0},
{"tanhl", tanhl, &NEGZEROL, &NEGZEROL, 0},
{"tanhl", tanhl, &INFINITYL, &ONEL, 0},
{"tanhl", tanhl, &MINFL, &MONEL, 0},
{"expl", expl, &NANL, &NANL, 0},
{"expl", expl, &ZEROL, &ONEL, 0},
{"expl", expl, &NEGZEROL, &ONEL, 0},
{"expl", expl, &INFINITYL, &INFINITYL, 0},
{"expl", expl, &MINFL, &ZEROL, 0},
{"exp2l", exp2l, &NANL, &NANL, 0},
{"exp2l", exp2l, &ZEROL, &ONEL, 0},
{"exp2l", exp2l, &NEGZEROL, &ONEL, 0},
{"exp2l", exp2l, &INFINITYL, &INFINITYL, 0},
{"exp2l", exp2l, &MINFL, &ZEROL, 0},
{"expm1l", expm1l, &NANL, &NANL, 0},
{"expm1l", expm1l, &ZEROL, &ZEROL, 0},
{"expm1l", expm1l, &NEGZEROL, &NEGZEROL, 0},
{"expm1l", expm1l, &INFINITYL, &INFINITYL, 0},
{"expm1l", expm1l, &MINFL, &MONEL, 0},
{"logl", logl, &NANL, &NANL, 0},
{"logl", logl, &ZEROL, &MINFL, 0},
{"logl", logl, &NEGZEROL, &MINFL, 0},
{"logl", logl, &ONEL, &ZEROL, 0},
{"logl", logl, &MONEL, &NANL, 0},
{"logl", logl, &INFINITYL, &INFINITYL, 0},
{"log10l", log10l, &NANL, &NANL, 0},
{"log10l", log10l, &ZEROL, &MINFL, 0},
{"log10l", log10l, &NEGZEROL, &MINFL, 0},
{"log10l", log10l, &ONEL, &ZEROL, 0},
{"log10l", log10l, &MONEL, &NANL, 0},
{"log10l", log10l, &INFINITYL, &INFINITYL, 0},
{"log1pl", log1pl, &NANL, &NANL, 0},
{"log1pl", log1pl, &ZEROL, &ZEROL, 0},
{"log1pl", log1pl, &NEGZEROL, &NEGZEROL, 0},
{"log1pl", log1pl, &MONEL, &MINFL, 0},
{"log1pl", log1pl, &MTWOL, &NANL, 0},
{"log1pl", log1pl, &INFINITYL, &INFINITYL, 0},
{"log2l", log2l, &NANL, &NANL, 0},
{"log2l", log2l, &ZEROL, &MINFL, 0},
{"log2l", log2l, &NEGZEROL, &MINFL, 0},
{"log2l", log2l, &MONEL, &NANL, 0},
{"log2l", log2l, &INFINITYL, &INFINITYL, 0},
/* {"fabsl", fabsl, &NANL, &NANL, 0}, */
{"fabsl", fabsl, &ONEL, &ONEL, 0},
{"fabsl", fabsl, &MONEL, &ONEL, 0},
{"fabsl", fabsl, &ZEROL, &ZEROL, 0},
{"fabsl", fabsl, &NEGZEROL, &ZEROL, 0},
{"fabsl", fabsl, &INFINITYL, &INFINITYL, 0},
{"fabsl", fabsl, &MINFL, &INFINITYL, 0},
{"cbrtl", cbrtl, &NANL, &NANL, 0},
{"cbrtl", cbrtl, &ZEROL, &ZEROL, 0},
{"cbrtl", cbrtl, &NEGZEROL, &NEGZEROL, 0},
{"cbrtl", cbrtl, &INFINITYL, &INFINITYL, 0},
{"cbrtl", cbrtl, &MINFL, &MINFL, 0},
{"erfl", erfl, &NANL, &NANL, 0},
{"erfl", erfl, &ZEROL, &ZEROL, 0},
{"erfl", erfl, &NEGZEROL, &NEGZEROL, 0},
{"erfl", erfl, &INFINITYL, &ONEL, 0},
{"erfl", erfl, &MINFL, &MONEL, 0},
{"erfcl", erfcl, &NANL, &NANL, 0},
{"erfcl", erfcl, &INFINITYL, &ZEROL, 0},
{"erfcl", erfcl, &MINFL, &TWOL, 0},
{"gammal", gammal, &NANL, &NANL, 0},
{"gammal", gammal, &INFINITYL, &INFINITYL, 0},
{"gammal", gammal, &MONEL, &NANL, 0},
{"gammal", gammal, &ZEROL, &NANL, 0},
{"gammal", gammal, &MINFL, &NANL, 0},
{"lgaml", lgaml, &NANL, &NANL, 0},
{"lgaml", lgaml, &INFINITYL, &INFINITYL, 0},
{"lgaml", lgaml, &MONEL, &INFINITYL, 0},
{"lgaml", lgaml, &ZEROL, &INFINITYL, 0},
{"lgaml", lgaml, &MINFL, &INFINITYL, 0},
{"ceill", ceill, &NANL, &NANL, 0},
{"ceill", ceill, &ZEROL, &ZEROL, 0},
{"ceill", ceill, &NEGZEROL, &NEGZEROL, 0},
{"ceill", ceill, &INFINITYL, &INFINITYL, 0},
{"ceill", ceill, &MINFL, &MINFL, 0},
{"floorl", floorl, &NANL, &NANL, 0},
{"floorl", floorl, &ZEROL, &ZEROL, 0},
{"floorl", floorl, &NEGZEROL, &NEGZEROL, 0},
{"floorl", floorl, &INFINITYL, &INFINITYL, 0},
{"floorl", floorl, &MINFL, &MINFL, 0},
{"null", NULL, &ZEROL, &ZEROL, 0},
/* Functions of two variables. */
long double atan2l (long double, long double);
long double powl (long double, long double);
struct twoarguments
char *name; /* Name of the function. */
long double (*func) (long double, long double);
long double *arg1;
long double *arg2;
long double *answer;
int thresh;
struct twoarguments test2[] =
{"atan2l", atan2l, &ZEROL, &ONEL, &ZEROL, 0},
{"atan2l", atan2l, &NEGZEROL, &ONEL,&NEGZEROL, 0},
{"atan2l", atan2l, &ZEROL, &ZEROL, &ZEROL, 0},
{"atan2l", atan2l, &NEGZEROL, &ZEROL, &NEGZEROL, 0},
{"atan2l", atan2l, &ZEROL, &MONEL, &PIL, 0},
{"atan2l", atan2l, &NEGZEROL, &MONEL, &MPIL, 0},
{"atan2l", atan2l, &ZEROL, &NEGZEROL, &PIL, 0},
{"atan2l", atan2l, &NEGZEROL, &NEGZEROL, &MPIL, 0},
{"atan2l", atan2l, &ONEL, &ZEROL, &PIO2L, 0},
{"atan2l", atan2l, &ONEL, &NEGZEROL, &PIO2L, 0},
{"atan2l", atan2l, &MONEL, &ZEROL, &MPIO2L, 0},
{"atan2l", atan2l, &MONEL, &NEGZEROL, &MPIO2L, 0},
{"atan2l", atan2l, &ONEL, &INFINITYL, &ZEROL, 0},
{"atan2l", atan2l, &MONEL, &INFINITYL, &NEGZEROL, 0},
{"atan2l", atan2l, &INFINITYL, &ONEL, &PIO2L, 0},
{"atan2l", atan2l, &INFINITYL, &MONEL, &PIO2L, 0},
{"atan2l", atan2l, &MINFL, &ONEL, &MPIO2L, 0},
{"atan2l", atan2l, &MINFL, &MONEL, &MPIO2L, 0},
{"atan2l", atan2l, &ONEL, &MINFL, &PIL, 0},
{"atan2l", atan2l, &MONEL, &MINFL, &MPIL, 0},
{"atan2l", atan2l, &INFINITYL, &INFINITYL, &PIO4L, 0},
{"atan2l", atan2l, &MINFL, &INFINITYL, &MPIO4L, 0},
{"atan2l", atan2l, &INFINITYL, &MINFL, &THPIO4L, 0},
{"atan2l", atan2l, &MINFL, &MINFL, &MTHPIO4L, 0},
{"atan2l", atan2l, &ONEL, &ONEL, &PIO4L, 0},
{"atan2l", atan2l, &NANL, &ONEL, &NANL, 0},
{"atan2l", atan2l, &ONEL, &NANL, &NANL, 0},
{"atan2l", atan2l, &NANL, &NANL, &NANL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &ONEL, &ZEROL, &ONEL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &ONEL, &NEGZEROL, &ONEL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &MONEL, &ZEROL, &ONEL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &MONEL, &NEGZEROL, &ONEL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &INFINITYL, &ZEROL, &ONEL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &INFINITYL, &NEGZEROL, &ONEL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &NANL, &ZEROL, &ONEL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &NANL, &NEGZEROL, &ONEL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &TWOL, &INFINITYL, &INFINITYL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &MTWOL, &INFINITYL, &INFINITYL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &HALFL, &INFINITYL, &ZEROL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &MHALFL, &INFINITYL, &ZEROL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &TWOL, &MINFL, &ZEROL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &MTWOL, &MINFL, &ZEROL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &HALFL, &MINFL, &INFINITYL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &MHALFL, &MINFL, &INFINITYL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &INFINITYL, &HALFL, &INFINITYL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &INFINITYL, &TWOL, &INFINITYL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &INFINITYL, &MHALFL, &ZEROL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &INFINITYL, &MTWOL, &ZEROL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &MINFL, &THREEL, &MINFL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &MINFL, &TWOL, &INFINITYL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &MINFL, &MTHREEL, &NEGZEROL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &MINFL, &MTWOL, &ZEROL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &NANL, &ONEL, &NANL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &ONEL, &NANL, &NANL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &NANL, &NANL, &NANL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &ONEL, &INFINITYL, &NANL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &MONEL, &INFINITYL, &NANL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &ONEL, &MINFL, &NANL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &MONEL, &MINFL, &NANL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &MTWOL, &HALFL, &NANL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &ZEROL, &MTHREEL, &INFINITYL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &NEGZEROL, &MTHREEL, &MINFL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &ZEROL, &MHALFL, &INFINITYL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &NEGZEROL, &MHALFL, &INFINITYL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &ZEROL, &THREEL, &ZEROL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &NEGZEROL, &THREEL, &NEGZEROL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &ZEROL, &HALFL, &ZEROL, 0},
{"powl", powl, &NEGZEROL, &HALFL, &ZEROL, 0},
{"null", NULL, &ZEROL, &ZEROL, &ZEROL, 0},
/* Integer functions of one variable. */
int isnanl (long double);
int signbitl (long double);
struct intans
char *name; /* Name of the function. */
int (*func) (long double);
long double *arg1;
int ianswer;
struct intans test3[] =
{"isfinitel", isfinitel, &ZEROL, 1},
{"isfinitel", isfinitel, &INFINITYL, 0},
{"isfinitel", isfinitel, &MINFL, 0},
{"isnanl", isnanl, &NANL, 1},
{"isnanl", isnanl, &INFINITYL, 0},
{"isnanl", isnanl, &ZEROL, 0},
{"isnanl", isnanl, &NEGZEROL, 0},
{"signbitl", signbitl, &NEGZEROL, 1},
{"signbitl", signbitl, &MONEL, 1},
{"signbitl", signbitl, &ZEROL, 0},
{"signbitl", signbitl, &ONEL, 0},
{"signbitl", signbitl, &MINFL, 1},
{"signbitl", signbitl, &INFINITYL, 0},
{"null", NULL, &ZEROL, 0},
static volatile long double x1;
static volatile long double x2;
static volatile long double y;
static volatile long double answer;
main ()
int i, nerrors, k, ianswer, ntests;
long double (*fun1) (long double);
long double (*fun2) (long double, long double);
int (*fun3) (long double);
long double e;
long double d;
char c[12];
} u, v;
/* This masks off fpu exceptions on i386. */
/* setfpu(0x137f); */
nerrors = 0;
ntests = 0;
i = 0;
for (;;)
fun1 = test1[i].func;
if (fun1 == NULL)
x1 = *(test1[i].arg1);
y = (*(fun1)) (x1);
answer = *(test1[i].answer);
if (test1[i].thresh == 0)
v.d = answer;
u.d = y;
if (memcmp(u.c, v.c, 10) != 0)
/* O.K. if both are NaNs of some sort. */
if (isnanl(v.d) && isnanl(u.d))
goto nxttest1;
goto wrongone;
goto nxttest1;
if (y != answer)
e = y - answer;
if (answer != 0.0L)
e = e / answer;
if (e < 0)
e = -e;
if (e > test1[i].thresh * MACHEPL)
printf ("%s (%.20Le) = %.20Le\n should be %.20Le\n",
test1[i].name, x1, y, answer);
nerrors += 1;
ntests += 1;
i += 1;
i = 0;
for (;;)
fun2 = test2[i].func;
if (fun2 == NULL)
x1 = *(test2[i].arg1);
x2 = *(test2[i].arg2);
y = (*(fun2)) (x1, x2);
answer = *(test2[i].answer);
if (test2[i].thresh == 0)
v.d = answer;
u.d = y;
if (memcmp(u.c, v.c, 10) != 0)
/* O.K. if both are NaNs of some sort. */
if (isnanl(v.d) && isnanl(u.d))
goto nxttest2;
goto wrongtwo;
goto nxttest2;
if (y != answer)
e = y - answer;
if (answer != 0.0L)
e = e / answer;
if (e < 0)
e = -e;
if (e > test2[i].thresh * MACHEPL)
printf ("%s (%.20Le, %.20Le) = %.20Le\n should be %.20Le\n",
test2[i].name, x1, x2, y, answer);
nerrors += 1;
ntests += 1;
i += 1;
i = 0;
for (;;)
fun3 = test3[i].func;
if (fun3 == NULL)
x1 = *(test3[i].arg1);
k = (*(fun3)) (x1);
ianswer = test3[i].ianswer;
if (k != ianswer)
printf ("%s (%.20Le) = %d\n should be. %d\n",
test3[i].name, x1, k, ianswer);
nerrors += 1;
ntests += 1;
i += 1;
printf ("testvect: %d errors in %d tests\n", nerrors, ntests);
exit (0);
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.25 Sekunden
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