since 1.0.0pre8
- Fixed crashes after complex cuts. (Asger)
- Update to sv.po (Joacim)
- Fixed positioning of Math Panel pop-ups. (Asger)
- Fixed click cursor positioning, so that if you click at the left half of
a letter, the cursor will go to the point to the left, rather than
always to the right. (Asger)
- Fixed a few bugs in the Insert->menu commands. (Asger)
- Updated PO files. (Asger)
- Small fix to stop LyX crashing when layouts etc. end with "\r\n"
instead of the expected '\n'. Now we work on Windows this is
very important. (ARRae)
- Updated fr.po (JMarc)
- updated ru.po from Victor Lavrenko <[email protected]>. Comments
- Clarified license - COPYING (Asger)
- Tweaked mouse click policy in math insets, and in text a bit. (Asger)
- New template for revTeX (Amir)
- Add in development/ a spec file (with an accompanying README) to
create RPMs (Mate)
- New math function to pull out an argument, currently available by
the backspace key. (Alejandro)
- fix the 'html type' button in url inset popup (JMarc)
- make the 'name' field in the cross reference popup disabled for LaTeX
documents (JMarc)
- Update to sl.po (Roman Maurer)
- small fix to po/ for non-GNU make (JMarc)
- New manpage LinuxDoc class (Jose')
- reLyX directory bug fix (Karger)
- Fixed math accent on macros bug (applied Ettiene's patch) (Alejandro)
- Removed a flag that hindered initialization of math array after
another math array. This should fix the bug in most cases. (Alejandro)
- Added optional argument to be able to insert a label without
the dialog. Several other commands should have the same. (Alejandro)
- added some xresources settings to askForText to get l10n for the
buttons in fl_show_input. (Lgb)
- changed MenuLabelInsert and a func in formula.C to use askForText
instead of fl_show_input. (Lgb)
since 1.0.0pre7
- Fix problem with TOC in LinuxDoc documents (Jose')
- Change the word-* functions so that they behave similarly to emacs
- fix for unrecognised TeX error (Lgb)
- updated no.po and removed cruft from all other po files (Lgb)
- When printing, do not add a space after the \print_to_file switch
anymore; this allows to use dvilj instead of dvips (JMarc)
- made inseturl accessible from all documents. (Lgb)
- fix to inseturl (when writing LaTeX) (Lgb)
- made inseturl editable (Lgb)
since 1.0.0pre6
- New textclass/documentclass hollywood to typeset scripts (Garst)
- New slovenian translation (Roman Maurer)
- Updates to the slides textclass and template (JohnW)
- Fix problem with extra paragraph breaks between math displayed
equations (JMarc)
- Find&Replace now automatically jumps to the next match after doing a
replacement (Daniel Naber)
- The color of newline characters on screen can now be changed via
the -NewLineColor option (Edmar)
- New function server-goto-file-row (Edmar)
- change the Character popup so that it remains compatible with xforms 0.81.
The patches in forms/ have been somewhat redone so that they apply to the
of the 0.88.1 version of fdesign (JMarc)
- first draft of german translation of Extended.lyx (Pit)
- Fix a bug with spaces in math labels (Alejandro)
- Set the timeout for ispell to 15 seconds instead of 2 (JMarc)
- Make the update button of Insert->Cross_Reference remember what the
current entry was (JMarc)
- fix bug where bibliography insets were not deleted when switching
to another layout (JMarc)
- fix the change case functions which did not work (and corrupted
memory) after footnotes (JMarc)
- fix newly introduced bug which prevented Compose key from working (JMarc)
- Added french menu bindings fr_menus.bind; not yet complete (Emmanuel)
- Protected spaces are output as plain spaces in explicit LaTeX code (Edmar)
- Better support for Aspell (Kevin Atkinson)
since 1.0.0pre4
- fix to latex log parsing, it could discover false errors (Lgb)
- Updated menus.bind to reflect the real menu shortcuts (Etienne)
- Made the new url inset use url.sty. (Lgb)
- added url.sty to LaTeXFeatures and to (Lgb)
- Possible fix for the "lyxcrusher" file from Asger. (Lgb)
- Updated no.po. (Lgb)
- New (html)url inset for linuxdoc and LaTeX. References also work
for linuxdoc now (Jose').
- IEEEtran document class added. Some documentation in .layout (ARRae)
- Brand new german documentation from Peter Suetterlin. It is automatically
obtained from the Help menu if your LANG is 'de' (JMarc)
- reLyX -o option, bug fixes, plus a couple new commands
- new file sv_menus.bind (Joacim)
- nl.po updated.
- changed to use fl_root instead of RootWindow (Lgb)
- some small changes to make doc++ make nicer output. (Lgb)
- Fix problem where, after search/replace or spellcheck, the font of the
text was not correctly kept (JMarc)
- Re-introduces styles paragraph*/subparagraph*, since they are needed for
completeness. (JMarc)
- applied the scrollmouse patch from Mark Huang (Lgb)
- fix autosave to avoid saving when the backup file is already up to date,
and to avoid disabling autosave after the first try (JMarc)
- added support for footnotes in linuxdoc (Jose')
- added support for different textclasses in linuxdoc (Jose')
- fixed two table-bugs: Sometimes, documents from 0.12 would cause
tables to be rendered wrong: They would extend far beyond the screen.
Other times, LyX produced wrong code: empty parbox{} arguments in
tables. (Asger)
- added ru.po from Victor (Lgb)
- fixed a bug in da.po (%1 used instead of %x1) (Lgb)
- fixed segfault bug in tr.po (missing items in menu string) (Lgb)
- updated no.po (Lgb)
- updated de.po (Peter Suetterlin)
- make sure the lyxlookup.C compiles under X11R4 (without compose key-handling,
though) (JMarc)
- updated slides textclass (JohnW)
- fixed the output of <>| in LaTeX. It now outputs the caracters of the
\textxxx{} macros according to the encoding and font (JMarc)
- Change to display to layouts with Bibliography label so that no space is
used if the label is empty (for cv textclass) (JMarc)
- Renamed polish-2.kmap to european.kmap. This keyboard map should provide
most accented characters used in european language, to be used on a
keyboard which lacks dead keys. (Jacek)
- Updated fr.po (Emmanuel)
- Improved support for LinuxDoc (Jose)
- for textclass authors: \DeclareSGMLClass can now take an optional
argument like \DeclareLaTeXClass (JMarc)
- Do not try to \protect TeX code inside of moving arguments like
section headers; users are supposed to know what they do (JMarc)
- use LYX_DIR_10x instead of LYX_DIR_12 to specify the system directory (JMarc)
- The binding `cua' is used by default if none is specified (JMarc)
- lyxrc is no more overwritten but lyxrc.example is installed instead (JMarc)
since 1.0.0pre3
- change in formula.C to not add 2 to the width of a mathinset (Lgb)
- small change to configure to only use -lc and -lm if needed. (Lgb)
- Reverted to former no-update policy for the "Insert->References" popup
This is to allow multipart-doc users to access the labels from a
different document. RefUpdateCB should be changed to handle multipart
docs intelligently. (ARRae)
- Tiny fix to srcdoc generation in (missing /) (ARRae)
- reLyX 2.8: (Karger)
-- verbatim & \verb
-- -h option
-- translate math commands (e.g., \sp -> ^). Configurable.
-- translate certain arguments to untranslatable commands as regular
LaTeX (e.g., second argument to \rotatebox). Configurable.
-- translate a few more simple commands + various small bug fixes
-- kernel cleanup
- added toolbar icon for LFUN_RUNDVIPS received by mail
from Gerhard Zintel (Lgb)
since 1.0.0pre2
- Fixes to minibuffer and lyxserver (Joacim)
- Added an \spell_command entry in lyxrc, for those who use something
else than ispell (aspell?) as spellchecker (JMarc)
- reLyX is now installed even when perl has not been found (JMarc)
- Fixe several problems with Sun CC on solaris (JMarc)
- Added Location and Telephone styles to the letter class (JMarc)
- Update polish-2.kmap, add two swiss kmaps from Alain Borel (JMarc)
- change `\' to be output as \textbackslash{}, instead of the esoteric
\char`\\ which used to be there. I still do not know how to output `"'
though (JMarc)
- a simple fix for the \centering problem, this problem existed also for
\raggedleft and \raggedright. The fix is perhaps not perfect latex file
output wise, but it is very simple, and should not have any other
implications than the intended one. (Lgb)
- set the combo dropdown to do double buffering, looks a lot nicer. (Lgb)
- added a hack to ensure that the screen is updated through the
correct path. As far as I can se there is close to no speed penalty. (Lgb)
- updated no.po (Lgb)
- updated documentation (Lgb)
- Fixed the LaTeX generation code (paragraph.C) to support use of endfloats.sty
and subtables/subfigures containing tables. Fairly simple controls
on the addition of '\n' to the output. Further comments in code. (ARRae)
- updated fr.po, contributed by Emmanuel Gureghian (JMarc)
- fix custom export so that dvips can be used as filter (Joacim)
- fix running of background tasks under OS/2 cmd.exe (SMiyata)
- Change the behaviour of the character popup (Joacim)
- fixed a small update bug in table.C (Jug)
- made isValidLength accept negative values (Lgb)
- Fix bug inserting an index at the beginning of a paragraph (Joacim)
- Fixed the display of \mathit characters (JMarc)
- Updated to include latex8 description (ARRae)
- Further update of inset popup hiding on buffer switch (ARRae)
-- Added a HideFiguresPopups function to hide all figure editing
popups on buffer switch.
-- Added insetindex popup to be hidden also
-- removed insert-figure popup from group to be hidden because it
will correctly handle readonly buffers and buffer switches
-- All inset popups that work on a particular instance of an inset
(recorded by the popup) are now hidden on a buffer switch or
read-only toggle.
- Fixed InsetInclude to hide popup if deleted -- fixes segfault (ARRae)
- Hide most/all inset popups when buffer switched (ARRae)
-- the contents of the popups only makes sense for the previous buffer
and hiding the popups avoids accidental modification of a buffer
the user can't see.
- LinuxDoc: removed support for <tscreen>, cleaned up code for generation
of sgml, cleaned up <quote> (Jose).
since 0.12.1pre8
- updated dependencies in src/ (Lgb)
- fixed (partly) line breaking in LaTeX output; InsetQuotes::Latex was
returning a number of characters instead of a number of lines
(ARRae & JMarc)
- da.po bugfixed and updated. (Asger)
- Now, we have both "File->Import->Ascii as Lines" and
"File->Import->Ascii as Paragraph". (Asger)
- Better behaviour in Version Control with changed documents. (Asger)
- Optional hyphens will not break words into two when spellchecked. (Asger)
- Using Ctrl+enter to produce empty lines in LyXCode works correctly, and
produces an empty line rather than an error now. (Asger)
- Export as LaTeX, SGML, and ASCII won't silently overwrite any
files. (Asger)
- removed assignment to static variable (paragraph_id) in lyxparagraph.h
-- assignment was already elsewhere in the code (ARRae)
- reLyX Translate common optional args to \documentclass (Karger)
- reLyX support \input and \include. -p option. Whitespace and
word-wrap more like LyX. Translate commands generated by specific LyX layouts
(e.g., \lyxaddress). (Karger)
- Changed the time of action on clicks on references, insets, math insets,
etc., such that things won't happen until you RELEASE the mouse button,
rather than when you press it. This makes it much easier to select text
close to these things. (Asger)
- added an X error handler. We should no more lose data because of
bad X servers (or faulty X-code) (Lgb)
- Fixed bibtex database support so that it works in a temp. dir (JMarc)
- Fixed minipage LaTeX generation within floats/footnotes (ARRae)
- Added support for localized bind-files and localized documentation
(Joacim & JMarc)
- Fixed crash when \kbmap is true, but no keyboard map has been defined (JMarc)
- Reworded lib/lyxrc a bit, so that printer setup is hopefully easier
to understand (JMarc)
- fixed readonly operation of dialogs (ARRae)
- fixed the new File->Import submenu so lastfiles > 4 still works (ARRae)
- reLyX support \hfill and optional argument to \cite,plus
several bug fixes
- Fix a problem with LinuxDoc documents, where the first character
after an \htmlurl was lost in SGML output (JMarc)
- We had a segfault if a SGML file that did not exist was opened. Fixed!
(Perhaps not a perfect fix, but it does not segfault.) (Lgb)
- Change the spellchecker to reject collated words like 'wellcome' by
default. See lyxrc if you do not like that (JMarc)
- Fix the spellchecker so that it ignores text marked as LaTeX (JMarc)
- Removed some old SGI specific code which seems to hurt more than it helps
- Augment the buffer size MAX_BUF_LEN of LyXLex to 2048 (JMarc)
- The environment variable PERL is now honored by configure (JMarc)
- Update configuration scripts for OS/2 (SMiyata)
- Work around a bug in DEC cxx 6.0. The code is at least as clear as
it used to be, in fact (JMarc)
- Add definition of the lyxcode environment for the slides textclass (JMarc)
- reLyX lots of bug fixes, support for BibTeX commands (Karger)
- made VSpace accept negative lengths. (Lgb)
- applied patch by carsten (Lgb)
- update of de.po (Peter)
- update of sv.po (Joacim)
- update of no.po (Lgb)
since 0.12.1pre7
- Added protection against !` and ?` ligatures in quote insets (JMarc)
- Renamed 'Advanced Editing' to 'Extended Features' and removed
'How do I-' in help menu (John)
- Fixed menus.bind to reflect the right bindings for the Layout-Menu (Jug)
- added new commandtag layout-save-default to be able to insert the
"Save Layout as default" menu entry to the binds (Jug)
- Small fix in table.C for segfault when reading tables converted
with reLyX (Jug)
- Fix the display of labels, refs (all insetcommands, in fact) when
-Mono is in effect (JMarc)
- Changed text Multi-Cell to Multicolumn in table->extra->menu (Jug)
- Fixed handling of alignment-options for multicolumn-cells (Jug)
- Added support for the new lyxrc command \relyx_command in
lib/configure (JMarc)
- re-introduce old code in generation of list of references in
Insert->Cross_Reference when using the oldish xforms 0.81 (JMarc)
- reLyX 2.6: better table support, \bibitem support, and bug fixes (Amir)
- Click on a ToC inset, and the ToC pop-up appears. (Asger)
- Improved logic on File Open with already opened documents. (Asger)
- Updated *.po because of menu logic number changes. (Asger)
- Fixed crashes when switching documents with open math insets. (Asger)
- Disallow include files with textclass different from the master
document textclass (when creating LaTeX file) (JMarc)
- Fix buglet where typing Return at the beginning of a bibliography
entry would lose the bibkey inset (JMarc)
- Added contributed polish-2.kmap keymap file (JMarc)
- Fixed bug which caused a segfault when deleting last row when
inside a math-inset (Jug)
- Fixed a buglet in MenuNew with already open document. (Asger)
- Fixed LString static initialization problem exposed on RedHat 5.1
causing crash on File Open. (Asger)
- Added "File->Import" menu to allow direct import of LaTeX and ASCII files.
Requires Perl5.002 and reLyX to work for LaTeX files. (Asger)
- Fixed wrong identity string. (Asger)
- Replaced koma-script textclasses with better ones provided by Bernd
Rellermeyer (JMarc)
since 0.12.1pre6
- Fixed custom-export to that makeDVIOutput is called only if type
.dvi or .ps is requested (Jug)
- Fix buglet in generation of list of references in Insert->Cross_Reference
- Fixed small bug in producing command for fax_program (Jug)
- Accept floats in bounding box for [e]ps pictures (JMarc)
- fix bug in mathed where an empty fraction would cause a core dump (JMarc)
- Add support for sans-serif fonts on screen in math editor (JMarc)
- Added support for 'Other' spacing in Layout->Document (JMarc)
- Hopefully made lib/configure more robust when latex could not be run
- fix crash when the paper layout popup is closed from the window manager
- Newly created notes are now empty (JMarc)
- Fixed bug with appendix and table of contents (Matthias)
- added support for multiple packages in \DeclareLaTeXClass for classes that
need some packages. See for example latex8.layout (JMarc)
- added Latex8.cls support -- IEEE conference papers (no docs yet) (ARRae)
- minor fix to eliminate a "warning comparison of enumeral and non-enumeral
types" in math_inset.C (ARRae)
- attempt to reduce possibility of warnings when closing splashscreen
with the window manager (made it FL_NOBORDER and 7secs) (ARRae)
since 0.12.1pre5
- table-header changed from multicol4 to multicol5 as there
are changes in the save-format (Jug)
- fixed bug with multicolumns and header p{} (Jug)
- fixed bug in LaTeX-minipage output (Jug)
- fixed bug in production of \parbox in last table cell (Jug)
- added support for User-defined table-headers (Jug)
- added support for User-defined multicolumn-definition
also the width of multicolumns can now be specified extra
in the Width-Box (Jug)
- \footnote[mark][text] only used for list-like environments (ARRae)
- Open bibitems with C-o (open-stuff) at the beginning of a paragraph
- reLyX Read .lyx/syntax.defaults if possible; always use TeX mode,
never LaTeX layout, for untranslatable text (Karger)
- Newlines marked as TeX are no longer output as \\ (JMarc)
- LaTeX generation cleanup
-- extracted common code into separate functions to improve maintainability
-- fixed a font generation bug as a result (ARRae)
- LString::srep empty_rep static initialisation fixes (ARRae)
- small speedup of LaTeX generation (about 3%) (ARRae)
- small cosmetic change to LyXTextClassList::load() (ARRae)
- update de.po (Peter)
- reLyX syntax files now contain "regular environments", and -s option
causes reLyX to read multiple (e.g., user-defined) syntax files (Karger)
- really fix (??) the tendency of lib/configure to nuke useful files and
provide a usable packages.lst when LaTeX cannot be run (JMarc)
- fixed bug with newlines in tables (Juergen)
- layoutchoice is now updated at one, you don't have to move the
cursor or the mouse to make it update anymore (Lgb & patch posted to list)
- small changes to the lyxvc code, now has default log msg. (Lgb)
since 0.12.1pre4
- also the check to hindre latex runs if there are gs' running
has been disabled, it did't work anyway. (Lgb)
- new try for a closing to the gs render problem, SIGCHLD removed. (Lgb)
- os2 files updated
- reLyX one major and some minor bug fixes (Karger)
- reLyX 2.5: read in LaTeX command syntax plus bug fixes (Karger)
- Added appendix support from Matthias. No menu or doc for now (use the
`appendix' function to toggle) (JMarc)
- Added textclass ejour2 for Springer Journals from Martin Vermeer,
heavily modified by me; added corresponding documentation to
AdvancedEditing.lyx and LaTeXConfig.lyx (JMarc)
- Small fixes here and there (JMarc)
since 0.12.1pre3
- Fixed the behaviour of theorem-like environment in the LaTeX output;
updated Foils.lyx accordingly (JMarc)
- Extended the syntax of LatexParam in layout files, so that arbitrary
fixed arguments can be given. Updated foils.layout accordingly
- Tried to make the documentation of layout files in Customization.lyx
a bit better (JMarc)
- Fixes to sgml support from Jose (JMarc)
- A few code changes in figinset.C (bad debug statements), lyxlex.h,
math_parser.C and vspace.h (warnings) (JMarc)
- New dinbrief.layout from Carsten Kaemmerer & Jürgen (JMarc)
- Fixed hiding of invisible form_title (ARRae)
- Fixed corrupt layout segfault,
reverts to article and gives a warning. (ARRae)
- linuxdoc: Added more character-symbols to output (Bernhard)
- linuxdoc: use latex-preamble as linuxdoc-preamble (Bernhard)
- linuxdoc: problem solved, for NULL-ptr (Jose Abilio)
- Duplicated rom for math macros. (Alejandro)
- Improved math parser error messages function. Better messages, and
updates lyxlex line number. (Alejandro)
- Fixed bug reading accented undefined names. (Alejandro)
- Fixed two bugs in layout files handling (JMarc)
- Fixed a typo in the hu.po translation file below (JMarc)
- reLyX 2.4: Table support! (Also accents and center/flush[right|left])(Karger)
- Added Hungarian translation and binding file, supplied by Kadar
András <[email protected]> and Krémer Péter(JMarc)
- Fixed Insert->Index in menus.bind (JMarc)
- Fixed Layout->Document so that the font size and page headings lists
are refreshed correctly when switching class, as reported by Kalle
- Updated a but Customization.lyx about layout files parameters
- Added new landslide.lyx example, provided by Kimmo Koli (JMarc)
- Changed a bit the citation and index insets, so that the popups are
closed only when *their* inset is deleted (JMarc)
- Fixed a color problem when using a private colormap (JMarc)
since 0.12.1pre2
- minor doc updates to Tutorial, UserGuide, and Introduction (Karger)
- reLyX lots of bug fixes and support for -c option (Karger)
- New textclasses for koma-script package created by Bernd K"ummerlen
<[email protected]> (JMarc)
- New tag \screen_font_popup in lyxrc, which has the meaning of the
existing \screen_font_menu; the semantic of the later is changed to
*really* apply to menus (JMarc)
- Fix to lib/configure: works when LaTeX is broken (JMarc)
- Fixes to configure: recover when perl is not found; add a
replacement for atexit on SunOS (JMarc)
- Fix to src/ changed the order of libraries and added a
missing $(LIBOBJS) (JMarc)
since 0.12.1pre1
- SGML-buglet fixed, causing errors in sections with [] and {} (Bernhard)
- inserted redraw after SGML-processing, such that error-boxes will be seen
immediatly (Bernhard)
- added Buffer::redraw() for screen-update (Bernhard)
- Fixed a bug regarding the insetbib-popup causing a crash if the inset was
deleted while the popup was active, same for insetcitation and
insetindex. (Joacim)
- Changes to the documentation, re the numbers of undo-levels (Joacim)
- A few more _()'s (Joacim)
- Fixed the makepatch command and *really* re-added the
wrapper :-( (JMarc)
- Fixed(?) problem with bibliography item number broken after 127. Now
the limit is 255 (JMarc)
- Fixed problem with character £ in encodings other than latin1
- Removed the CommandTitle tag in layout files and added new tag
InTitle (JMarc)
- Cleaned up ams layouts, so that Abstract works, among others (JMarc)
- re-added the new reLyX wrapper, which got lost ; added reLyX
installation in binary distributions (JMarc)
- Fixed the behaviour of Static labels in theorem-like environments ;
at least now what you get on screen is consistent with what you get
on paper ; fixlet to foils.layout (JMarc)
- Patch by ARRae for missing paragraph breaks in environments (JMarc)
- reLyX 2.3: reads layouts from LIBDIR/layouts/ (Karger) + buglet (JAMatos)
- reLyX -r and -t to handle unknown environments + buglets (Karger)
- reLyX -d (debug) + some bug fixes (Karger)
- reLyX has a man page! (Karger)
since 0.12.0
- fixed a bug regarding melt and added an entry in the reference manual for
melt (Joacim)
- fixed a few cosmetic bugs in the GUI (Joacim)
- Modified the way dvips is called in File->Print. NOTE THAT YOU WILL
the price to pay to have it work on mis-configured systems (JMarc)
- You can now override the LYX_LIBS variable to make a binary
distribution of LyX with static libforms and libXpm. (JMarc)
- Fixed bug in reLyX installation and textclass.lst generation (JMarc)
- Fixed problem with inline when not using gcc (JMarc)
- Fixed some warnings reported by SGI CC (JMarc)
- Fixed some problems for the \hlines in longtable-header/footers (Jug)
- endess-loop by converting layouts to linuxdoc belonging to references
killed (Bernhard)
- extra parameter for Buffer::GetNextParameter. Now it's possible to
change the convertion behaviour of single characters depending on the
layout. (Bernhard)
- New wrapper (JMarc & Karger)
- Fix a bug in lib/configure, where files are deleted by mistake
- Updates to WHATSNEW, INSTALL, UPGRADING and BUGS.lyx (JMarc)
- configure also checks for the C++ compiler xlC (JMarc)
- reLyX Bug fixes + added abstract environment (Karger)
- added typecasts to unsigned char for arguments to ctype-functions, to
fix problems regarding locale+ctype on Solaris2.5 (Joacim)
- added a help text for melt (Joacim)
- new wrapper around reLyX generated by autoconf (Amir & JMarc)
- moved reLyX to lib/ and modified Makefiles for installation and
binary distribution (JMarc)
- Fixed problems with determination of LyX library dir (JMarc)
- Fix buglet with fonts ; fixed buglet with installation of .mo
files. (JMarc)
- Updated `problems' section of INSTALL (JMarc)
- use g++ for compilation if this is possible (JMarc)
since 0.12.0pre8
- Fixed bad placed cursor after pasting bug in math mode. (Alejandro)
- Prevented some problems from missing arguments of LyX functions
in math mode, in some cases only correct arguments are used. (Alejandro)
- More math array metrics problems fixed, specially for 1 column
matrices. (Alejandro)
- reLyX v2.2. Updated from pre-alpha to alpha (Karger)
- CleanTeX is now called from reLyX, not a separate program (Karger)
- new very basic fr.po file submitted by Emmanuel Gureghian (JMarc)
- .mo files are not installed under the same name as LyX
(i.e. lyx$(program_suffix) (JMarc)
- reLyX added to the bindist target (JMarc)
- Update of de.po (Peter)
- New subsection in Customization: Menu shortcuts for alternative
languages. (Peter)
- Menu shortcuts file menus_de.bind in lib/bind (Peter)
- Fixed warnings about casting pointers to int on 64bit architectures
- Fixed compilation problems with DEC cxx (JMarc)
- add support for environment variable LYX_LOCALEDIR (JMarc)
- rewrote README.bin.example (JMarc)
- Remove the bogus 'lp' default in Print popup ; use the name of the
printer when printing to file (JMarc)
- Fixed the order of the entries in the Insert->Float submenu (JMarc)
- Removed the 'M-c i' binding. (JMarc)
- Fixed the reference to sgml-tools in AdvancedEdit.lyx ; fixed
(again) Intro.lyx (JMarc)
since 0.12.0pre7
- small change in iletter.tex (Jug)
- fixed the fontchange in the Table-Layout that it returns to
FL_BLACK if the buttons are activated (Jug)
- fixed update-bug in Layout-Table (Jug)
- fixed the input fields for lengths in PaperLayout and TableLayout
with the above function. BLANK-chars are now striped so the error
should occur again (Jug)
- Updated ANNOUNCEMENT. (Asger)
- Updated BUGS.lyx. (Asger)
- Fixed small problem with floatflt: It does not take positional arguments.
- Fixed problem with (Asger)
- Fixed italics and small caps in all docs (JMarc)
- Fixed some annoying vertical navigation bugs of math arrays. (Alejandro)
- Fixed metrics bug with 1x1 math arrays. (Alejandro)
- No more void \labels with equations. (Alejandro)
- Removed "copy a void array" error message. (Alejandro)
- many small bug-fixes to below-mentioned reLyX (Karger)
- Fixes suggested by Jmarc, plus italic->emph change, in Tutorial (Karger)
- added check for X11 availability in configure ; improved the various
error messages (JMarc)
- nuked the nonfeature 'swap Y<->Z' from Options->Keyboard and docs (JMarc)
- fixlets to the documentations (JMarc)
- added close handler to table_options forms (JMarc)
- fixed the LaTeX output routines so that the length of insets is
taken in account (JMarc)
- Changed the double keystroke deadkey behavior (alkis)
- Updated de.po (Peter)
- Small changes to AdvancedEdit (section aapaper) (Peter)
- sort of working, most probably buggy, pre-alpha reLyX (Karger)
- mentioned reLyX in Tutorial and User's Guide "LaTeX Users" chapters (Karger)
- Added short description of comment environment. (Asger)
- Fixed problem of pasting the wrong place. (Asger)
- Made LyXServer a bit more robust: Ignores end-of-line markers and empty
requests. Will hopefully prevent crashes. (Asger)
- Updated BUGS.lyx. (Asger)
- Included OS/2 info for LyXServer in Customization. (Asger)
- Fixed crash with file-browser on directory without read-permission. (Asger)
- Changed default pasting mode with middle button to "as paragraphs".
Hopefully fixed crashes with this on too. (Asger)
- improved index entry insertion (menu support and minibuffer arg) (CFO-G)
- added documentation in References.lyx for index entries and printing (CFO-G)
since 0.12.0pre6
- some updates to the docs (JMarc)
- chkconfig.ltx warns that detection of ec fonts may take a long time
- simple workaround for problems with LyXCode and spaces (JMarc)
- fixed bugs in the production of LaTeX code for the ExtraParagraph
stuff (minipages & indented text) (Jug)
- fixed the wrong <Hot-Key> in the Fax-Form (Jug)
- fixed (hopefully) the problems with Standard-Paragraph in higher
depth in a list-environment (Jug)
- some fixes with the letter-layouts (added the
and templates (fixed iletter.*) (Jug)
- added new example file Minipage.lyx (Jug)
- Cleaned up BUGS.lyx (CFO-G)
- bugfix for linuxdoc: problem with wrong path leading to
ununderstandable error-messages while generating dvi- or postscript-
output (Bernhard)
- options changed for SGML-tools 1.0.*-compliance. We will get
trouble now for linuxdoc 0.99.*/1.5! (Bernhard)
- fixed a bug with drawing of caption lables, and noindented text
in floats. (Lgb)
- added minimal size on the main window. (Lgb)
- small changes to lyxfunc, so that perhaps backspace will work better (Lgb)
- installed new banner and icon (JMarc)
- fixed Intro.lyx so that it is LaTeX-able (JMarc)
- replace 'Reference guide' with 'Reference manual' everywhere (JMarc)
- fixed problem with po/Makefile and SGI make (JMarc)
- fixed reading of labels with spaces in LyX 0.10.7 files (JMarc)
- fixed the vertical resize repaint problem (*phew*) (Joacim)
- Fixed bug when switching documents, one of them in math mode. (Alejandro)
- Fixed bad width of a math array. (Alejandro)
- Frac now behaves more like LaTeX (for the limits problem). (Alejandro)
- bugfix to gettext.m4, which dod not recognize an installed gettext !
Thanks to Joacim Persson for pointing this out (JMarc)
- minor bugfix in the clean and distclean targets of (JMarc)
- minor updates of aapaper and de.po (Peter)
- spellchecked all docs and examples (CFO-G)
- Fixed repaint problems. (Asger)
- Small stuff. (Asger)
since 0.12.0pre5
- small change to SpecialTools.lyx. used \chapter* for Introduction. (Lgb)
- doc bugfixes ; SCO configure bugfixes (JMarc)
- Fixed crash after erroneous "font-size default" command. (Asger)
- Fixed "Insert LyX file" to ignore buffer-parameters. (Asger)
- Continued updating Customization: Cleaned up the I18N section. (Asger)
- Fixed ruined Special Tools. (Asger)
- A few cosmetic changes in LyXServer. (Asger)
- Updated Customization: Clean-ups, finished description of font setup,
updated description of LyXServer and moved it to Special Tools. (Asger)
- Renamed lyxrc command \update_statusbox to \display_shortcuts. (Asger)
- Rewrote LyXServer: Use LString all over. Made robust LyXComm class.
Added -dbg 8192 to debug LyXServer. (Asger)
- Cleaned up the example development/server_monitor.c. (Asger)
- Merged LyXVC.lyx into Special Tools. (Asger)
- Updates in User Guide. (Asger)
- I most have been drunk when I implemented the label name escaping.
Several problems were fixed and I've changed it to be kind of MIME-ish.
The thing should work now. (Asger)
- Fixed bug of parsing spaces at the end of a line in math arrays (Alejandro)
- Now it's possible to put any math symbol on the toolbar (Alejandro)
- increased some buffersizes in lyxserver. (Lgb)
- replaced the #if 0 gettext stuff in lyxfunc with N_() (Lgb)
- Added po/README with information on how to update a po file. (Asger)
- Updated da.po, no.po (Asger, Lgb)
- BUGS.lyx updated. (Asger)
- Better handling of errors with FilePtrs - fixes reported bug
with "lyx non_existant_directory/test.lyx". (Asger)
- Fixed miscoloring of InsetCommand's in TeX mode. (Asger)
- Fixed size calculation of menu labels, and added a bit more space to
make it look a bit better. (Asger) Fixed it. (Lgb)
- Fixed missing progress of spellchecker progress meter. (Asger)
- Make LyX use "\pounds{}" instead of "£" in LaTeX output. (Asger)
- Make LyX escape problematic characters in names of labels rather
than forbid them. (Asger)
- Make LyX handle error situations after "spellchecker running" or "rendering"
nag-boxes better, including when sending faxes. (Asger)
- Changed definition of a LyX filename from files ending with ".lyx" or
".lyx#" to files containing ".lyx". This makes it possible to open
"" again. (Also for SGML files.) (Asger)
- A few small things. (Asger)
since 0.12.0pre4
- nl.po added, fi.po updated
- tiny bug in de.po fixed (Lgb)
- small update to LaTeX.[hC] to make it possible to use natbib.sty. (Lgb)
- fixed a stupid bug in lyxvc.C (Lgb)
- removed all trace of the old `make depend' target (JMarc)
- compose key handling is finally working ! Well, in fact, it works on
my machine...(JMarc) I fixed a couple of in the compose code, and made
it work as it has used to concerning deadkeys. (Lgb)
- added basic support for \part and \part* (no automatic numbering
though) (JMarc)
since 0.12.0pre3
- updated de.po and cleaned-up shortcuts (Peter)
- small changes in aapaper.layout: Some wrong indentations, take out
stdstarsections (Bibliography now in stdstruct)(Peter)
- Replaced the shortcut for OK in lyx_sendfax.fd with #O (Joacim)
- argument to moveCursorUpdate bool instead of int (Joacim)
- fixed a "foreverbug" with the title form. (Lgb)
- LyXVC::showLog now works as it should (Lgb)
- The cursor is now updated when running some of the insertion commands. (Lgb)
- when inserting single chars the undo info is stored for
every 20th character (Lgb)
- More pragmas added, this showed a "bug" functions declared but
never defined. (Lgb)
- Some small cleanup related to commented code. (Lgb)
- Updates to Customization.lyx, Tutorial.lyx, ABOUT_NLS and
INSTALL.autoconf (JMarc)
- Show LyXDir and UserDir in Help->Version (JMarc)
- Fix the order of menu items in Insert->Lists & TOCs (JMarc)
- Fix the problems in Makefiles reported by Juegen (JMarc)
- Cleanups in lyxlookup.[Ch]. Still does not work (JMarc)
- fixed handling of file in subdirectories for includeinsets (JMarc)
- `fixed' behaviour of Font tag in layout files by adding a new tag
TextFont (JMarc)
- bugfix in configure (JMarc)
- updated a bit Customization.lyx, BUGS.lyx and INSTALL (JMarc)
- visual cleanup of the Find&replace dialog (JMarc)
- quick fix for a bug regarding "options:" in the minibuffer in combination
with gettext (Joacim)
- "case insensitive" and "complete word" search in form1, lyxfr0, lyxfr1 (HB)
since 0.12.0pre2
- Increased the time short-cut keys are displayed in minibuffer
from 4 to 6 seconds. (Asger)
- Increased LyXLex buffer to avoid warnings when viewing
the user guide. (Lgb & Asger)
- Small fixes in a few doc files. (Asger)
- Added partial Danish translation file da.po. (Asger)
- Fixed Cursor-Down Bug in tables (as reported) (Jug)
- Fixed a bug in producing code for minipages (Jug)
- got toggle-user-defined-style button working, and fixed the bug with the
Apply-button in Layout-->Character Removed an unused parameter for
lyx_cb.C:ToggleAndShow and LyXText::ToggleFree (Joacim)
- Added foils documentation to Special Tools [foils.cls v2.1]. (ARRae)
- Extended the Foils.lyx example file (ARRae)
- Fixed up the foils.layout file to match foils.cls v2.1 output (ARRae)
- Fixed the "too many '\n' at end of an envirnment" problem that caused
the [] at the end of a Proof environment to be on the wrong line (ARRae)
- Fixed up cursor movement so floats, insets and hfills are treated
as words. (ARRae)
- Added two bug reports to BUGS.lyx since they are unlikely to be fixed
before 0.12 (ARRae)
- Moved Bibliography from to (ARRae)
- added a missing break in LyXFunc::Dispatch (did you wonder where those
strange paragraph documents came from?) (Lgb)
- the cursor is now updated after each character(-group) inserted into
the document. (Lgb)
since 0.12.0-pre1
- Changed the name of the dependencies file to <file>.dep, this fixes
a bug when \use_tempdir false, or when a document is renamed. (Lgb)
- Now limits should work in LyX as in LaTeX, as expected. (Alejandro)
- (temporary) fix for deadlock between MenuRunLaTeX vs ispell and gs (Joacim)
- changed the default default papersize to usletter ; some clean up in
dvips and xdvi paper handling (JMarc)
- fixed accented `i' in latin1 and latin2 encodings (JMarc)
- lib/configure ignores environment variables like LATEX or GS (JMarc)
- updated BUGS and BUGS.lyx (JMarc)
- added a word count to the spellchecker. As requested. Not error prone. (Lgb)
- po file for german (de.po) added (Lgb) (made by Peter Metternich)
- improved a bit the `bindist' target of the makefiles. (JMarc)
- improved(?) compose key handling (JMarc)
- fixed the problem with ON/OFF in LyXFont (JMarc)
- xforms-81 + gcc-2.6.3 compatibility (ARRae)
- Bullet Selection now checks libXpm version and WriteAlert()'s
This should stop those pesky Slackware-induced segfaults (ARRae)
- Fixed (or at least limited) a segfault when deleting insets (ARRae)
- small fix to LString == and != and LString=(char) (ARRae)
- fixed a bug in figinset.C regarding the Subfigure radio button in the
figure form. It was impossible to unset Subfigure. (Joacim)
- thereby the problem with the inlined in 4.4 in
UserGuide.lyx could be solved. (Joacim)
- cured a couple of forms from the vi-syndrome (forms with input fields
that have widgets with plain keys as shortcuts, making it impossible to
input those keys in the input fields) (Joacim)
- added a section in Chapter 5 in Customization.lyx about translating
LyX (Joacim)
- Fixed Export to DVI to save in current directory. (Asger)
- Changed default background color from "bisque" to "LemonChiffon1". (Asger)
o switched again to "linen" (Lgb)
- A few small things. (Asger)
- Fixed spellchecker to send ' and escape chars to ispell. (Asger)
- fixed a bug in src/gettext.h ( N_() ) (Joacim)
- used the fixed N_() to replace the ugly kludge LyXFont::setGUINames with
something less kludgy (that actually works in non-english versions too ;)
This method should be used for similar strings in lyxfunc.C (can wait
till 0.13) (Joacim)
- implemented new code for input methods handling in lyxlookup.[Ch] (JMarc)
- fixed the bindist target of Makefile (JMarc)
- small fix in LString.[Ch] when const is broken (JMarc)
- The user directory is not ~/.lyx/ but rather ~/.$LYX_NAME/, to allow
different versions of LyX to coexist (JMarc)
- Updated a bit UserGuide.lyx and lyxrc (JMarc)
- small fix to letter.layout (JMarc)
- the warnings of makedepend are now sent to the wastebasket (JMarc)
- fixed problem with expr in configure (JMarc)
- fixed small logic error in InsetInclude, reported by SMyiata (JMarc)
- Closed four holes in read-only protection with respect to the
minibuffer (CFO-G)
- Disabled replace input for search-replace on read-only buffers (CFO-G)
- Fixed bug with math accents reported by Jean Marc. (Alejandro)
- Fixed bug about writting math macros with argument and cutting at
the rigth edge of a row bug, both reported by David. (Alejandro)
- Expanded to a reasonable limit the macro table. (Alejandro)
- Wrote Math Chapter for Tutorial (+ other small Tutorial changes) (Karger)
- Math additions to examples/example_{lyxified|raw}.lyx (Karger)
since 0.11.53
- small change/fix in lyxvc. Will be finished in 0.12pre (Lgb)
- configure now checks for X11/forms.h (JMarc)
- fix for configure not finding forms.h on broken HPUX systems (JMarc)
- small fix to amsart.layout (JMarc)
- small updates to UserGuide.lyx, INSTALL and (JMarc)
- Added functions listbox in math panel. (Alejandro)
- Fixed some bugs related with mouse selection. (Alejandro)
- Fixed a couple of bugs of \frac. (Alejandro)
- rewrote aapaper.layout to use standard includes, removed double
Inputs in paper.layout (Peter)
- Mentioned aapaper in UserGuide, fixed some typos (Peter)
- added *.gmo and *.swp (swap files for vim) to the list of patterns for
files not to include in patches with makepatch (Joacim)
- following a ref no longer pushes an Undo onto the stack, this fix is a
kludge - see BufferView.C (Joacim)
- GUI*Names in lyxfont.C made accessible by gettext (Joacim)
- cleaned up in forms/, fixed the patchfiles and added a shortcut for
"Use AMS Math" (Joacim)
- fixed bug with no shortcuts for lastfiles (Joacim)
- fixed the newly-inserted-footnote segfault (ARRae)
- renamed toc-update to toc-view and updated References to match (ARRae)
- more bullet stuff in SpecialTools (ARRae)
- more stuff in References (ARRae)
- added toggle-cursor-follows-scrollbar lyxfunc (ARRae)
- Fixed form1 borderwidth (ARRae)
- Changed "Documents" menu keybindings in menus, cua, emacs (ARRae)
- Added/fixed several key bindings in menus/emacs.bind (ARRae)
- Added xemacs.bind which also has AucTeX and HM--HTML bindings (ARRae)
- Updated Reference.lyx for several keybindings/functions (ARRae)
- Updated SpecialTools.lyx bullet-related entries (ARRae)
- Fixed small bug with handling of some bullet shapes (ARRae)
- Added checking of ob->spec in bmtable.C (ARRae)
- Fixed call to isReadonly() in bullet_forms_cb.C (ARRae)
- Improved checking for isLinuxDoc() in bullet handling (ARRae)
- Made "Cancel" and "Copy" correctly cancel selections when mark-on (ARRae)
- Completed \LyX{} translation in typewriter-mode mods by dlj (ARRae)
- Stopped insertion of marginpars in minipages (ARRae)
- UpdateAllVisibleBufferRelatedPopups() added, supports most popups (ARRae)
since 0.11.52
- fixed bug regarding input of regular text in readonly math mode. (Joacim)
- bugfixes for undo/redo in math mode (Joacim)
- made a few more insets readonly-aware (Joacim)
- Fixed Figure pop-up, including adding % of column width (CFO-G)
- Menu insertion of floats and ASCII files now goes through Dispatch,
fixing read-only modification bugs (CFO-G)
- Fixed previewing of documents at sites where A4 is not the default
papersize in LaTeX by adding a lyxrc entry for the real default size (CFO-G)
- Updated doc for A&A: \thanks, columns (Peter)
- Some fixes to please DEC cxx and gcc 2.6.3 (JMarc)
- small spell checking and fixes to the A&A layout below (JMarc)
- fixes to the amsart layout (JMarc)
- Added layout for A&A paper with example, template and documentation
in SpecialTools.lyx (Peter)
- small fix regarding readonly-mode: AutoSave(), Figure insets. (Joacim)
- Added bindings to reference-goto and reference-back in emacs
and cua. (Alejandro)
- Completed mouse selection (but not necesarily bug-free). (Alejandro)
- LaTeX validation in Mathed side. Only used macros are expanded. (Alejandro)
- Now LyX is not marked dirty if open or selected a math box. (Alejandro)
- Fine tunning math selection and mouse positioning. (Alejandro)
- Fixed most (all?) of the places where read-only files could be
modified (CFO-G)
- fixed a ro bug in insetinclude. (Lgb)
- fixed resize bug. (Lgb)
- Fixed bugs in insetinclude with relative filenames; fixed output of
'nice' included files (JMarc)
- finer detection of xforms versions in configure (JMarc)
- removed use_amsmath in lyxrc (JMarc)
- Fixed up TexRow::operator+= so it doesn't reverse the added list (ARRae)
- Fixed up MathAccentWrite so characters are correctly written (ARRae)
- Small additions to UserGuide, Special Tools and Foils example (ARRae)
- Small fix/addition to footnote handling (ARRae)
- Added "Go to Reference" button in "Insert Reference" form. (Alejandro)
- Added "Use AMS-Math" check button in Layout->Document form. (Alejandro)
- Removed third parameter from lyxfunc::Dispatch. Added
lyxfunc::setHintMessage(bool) instead. (Alejandro)
- Partially implemented mouse selection in math mode. (Alejandro)
- Modified read-only protection so that all layout and figure forms can be
viewed but not modified (CFO-G)
- Modified read-only protection so that documents can be spellchecked,
but the spellchecker can't modify the buffer (CFO-G)
since 0.11.51
- Scrollbar now resized correctly when closing last buffer (ARRae)
- fixed segfaults in LyXParagraph::{SetOnlyLayout(),SetLayout()} (ARRae)
- replaced several "" with LString() or .clean() (ARRae)
- Cleaned up Juergen's TableExample.lyx (ARRae)
- writeFileAscii() now puts "References" above bibliography (ARRae)
- Small updates for Customization.lyx and References.lyx (ARRae)
- Small additions to menus.bind: four FoilTeX entries (ARRae)
- Speed improvement in LyXParagraph::BeginningOfMainBody() and
LyXParagraph::getFont(int) and LyXText::GetFont(...) (ARRae)
- Fixed the "enumeration in a footnote in an enumeration" problem.
Required the three other changes listed below (ARRae)
- Made makeLaTeXFile() and the other TeX producing methods use
LStrings and fwrite to generate the LaTeX file. (ARRae)
- Supercharged the LString operator = and += methods (ARRae)
- Added TexRow::operator+=() (ARRae)
- Made TexRow::reset() iterative instead of recursive (ARRae)
- fixed some of the bugs in readonly-mode, more to do (Joacim).
- Expanded and fixed AMS layouts (dlj0, with help from gureghia and Jean-Marc)
- Fixed cursor's bad position at new display inset inside text. (Alejandro)
- New rc variable and buffer param: use_amsmath. If true, the
package amsmath will be automatically included unless an ams
class (amsart, amsbook) is being used. This also prevents
from expanding predefined math macros. (Alejandro)
- Support for pseudoactions in lyxaction.getActionName. At the same
time, the bubble help and the new statusbox (why this name?) works with
pseudoactions. (Alejandro)
- Removed xforms drawing functions from formulaMacro. (Alejandro)
- Fixed misfeature with accented macro names (mathed). Now it's
possible to accent other insets. (Alejandro)
- "reference-goto" jumps to the correct position. (Alejandro)
- Changed \i, \j to \imath, \jmath in math_symbols, as must be. (Alejandro)
- Optative display of symbol names when are inserted by the
math panel. Currently works if update_statusbox is true. (Alejandro)
- Math menus use lyxfunc to allow hint message, if enabled. (Alejandro)
- Added support for two-column floating figures and tables. (CFO-G)
- Fixed minibuffer input of floats. (CFO-G)
- Made "status-box" handle arguments better. (Asger)
- Fixed layout selection, such that it appears in status-box. (Asger)
- Removed extremely annoying 1 second pause after each menu-command. Instead,
improved display of it. (Asger)
- Added more space around inset-buttons to make the cursor visible. (Asger)
- Added "" again. (Asger)
- Filter out 8-bit characters from labels. (Asger)
- Make "Insert Citation" and "Insert BibTeX" show form automatically
when appropriate. (Asger)
- Made default background color "bisque". (Asger)
- Got rid of "help.[Ch]" and "StatusBox.[Ch]". (Asger)
- Finetuned "statusbox": Merged into minibuffer, removed separate statusbox,
and don't display when commands are entered by key. (Asger)
- "self-insert" accepts several characters now. (Asger)
- Improvements in minibuffer behaviour. (Asger)
- Fixed up "Insert LyX file" and added it to the Insert menu. (Asger)
- improved to make prioritized guesses, and speeded up. Characters
at the beginning of a word are preferred to characters inside a word. (Asger)
- Fixed crashes with commands that aren't allowed when no document is
open. (Asger)
- fixed (I hope) autosave and writeFile bug (Lgb)
- more imporvements to cursor blink (Lgb)
- some small changes to minibuffer and lyxfunc. (Lgb)
- fixed arg<->argument bug in lyxfunc. (Lgb)
- fixed bug in toolbar (regarding toolbar-add-to) (Lgb)
- Introducing development/tools/ (Joacim)
- fixed a bug regarding certain minibuffer messages not staying visible
long enough (Joacim)
- fixed bug with LyXFunc::Dispatch: crash on toolbar-add-to with no args
(still crashes deeper down with *valid* args though) (Joacim)
since 0.11.50
- showstopper bug in combox.C (uninitialized variable) fixed. This was
a bit strange since it only showed when LANG=no. (Lgb)
- fixed bug regarding defaultbindings. (Lgb)
- added some more errorchecking when making a backup copy. (Lgb)
- All menu shortcuts works now (in English). (Joacim)
- Most of the dialog shortcuts too. (only two buttons in file dialog that
are set in LyXFileDlg::SetButton(), and parts of the layout->table dialog
remains.) English only. (Joacim)
- Implemented small status window that informs about short-cuts. You can
turn it off with a "\update_statusbox false" lyxrc directive. (Asger)
- Added "Ordinary Quote" to Insert->Special Characters... (Asger)
- Added a bunch of keybindings for menus. (Asger)
- Fixed short-cut for "Insert->Cross-reference...". (Asger)
- Fixed crash in connection to Error insets. (Asger)
- Fixed crash when .lyx does not exist. (Asger)
- Clear paragraph environment combox when no document is open. (Asger)
- Updated info about ispell in User Guide, i.e. making a symlink between
deutsch and german dictionary files. (Asger)
- Updated and extended "Customization". (Asger)
- Updated all documents after ChkTeX runs. (Asger)
since 0.11.49
- Changed AskQuestion to use i18n-strings on the button labels. (Joacim & Lgb)
- Configure now detects the version of your xpm.h headers. changed a
bit the messages for xforms versions (JMarc)
- The automatic LyX-->\LyX{} conversion is disabled in typewriter
font. (JMarc)
- Added a part on configuration files in Customization.lyx (JMarc)
- Added validation for math macros. If a predefined macro is used
(currently only \binom and \boldsymbol) in a non-AMS class,
the macro is defined in the preamble. (Alejandro)
- Added support for bold symbols using \boldsymbol. This was not
necessary for AMS class users. Currently there's no way to see
bold symbols WYSIWYM, you have to use TeX (former macro) mode. (Alejandro)
- Mathed's limits bug at parsing time fixed. (Alejandro)
Hopefully fixed the configurable toolbar. Had to change some in the
init order to fix it. Now the XForms is initialized before lyxrc is
read, but the forms are created after. (Lgb)
- Matthias Zenker sent me some new toolbar icons, now included. At the same
time I fixed a bug in the Toolbar::read code regarding arguments (Lgb)
- Added some code to make LyX retain the filemode and inode when making
backup copy and saving the document. Needs some polishing. (Lgb)
- Possible fix for the cursor drawing bug. Pleae test. (Lgb)
- Bug fix in filebrowser. (Asger)
- Bug fix with sgmltools. (Asger)
- Warn if included postscript filename contains illegal characters.
If you really need such a filename, you can still enter it in the text
box in the figure pop-up. (Asger)
- Implemented display of command name and list of defined short-cut keys for
each action executed when using -dbg 64. Somebody please put this in a
small window next to the minibuffer. (Asger)
- Small fixes in Tutorial.lyx. (Asger)
- Clear selection after "Paste". (Asger)
- Make LyX prefer writable directories as default for New and
Open file. (Asger)
- Fixed hang after failed sgml2latex. (Asger)
- Fixed hang scanning LaTeX log-file with non-existing pictures
with "l." in the filename. (Asger)
- Fixed hang with "View dvi" while rendering pictures. (Asger)
since 0.11.48
- removed isEmpty and notEmpty from LString, replaced with empty (Lgb)
- fixed stupid bug with .fd files and fdesign, updated (Lgb)
since 0.11.47
- updated the fd files for the "new" shortcut scheme. (Lgb)
- Slightly fixed display of "<hfill>text<hfill>". Still has cosmetic bug:
the last hfill is not extended to the left hand margin. (Asger)
- Added "\exit_confirmation" flag to lyxrc. This can be used to turn off
the confirmation of exit when there are documents that haven't been
saved. (Asger)
- Fix crash with "lyx file.sgml". (Asger)
- Better logic with "New" and already open documents. (Asger)
- Top level text files updated. (Asger)
- 8-bit bug with bind command fixed: \bind "M-f ø" "buffer-open" works now
from the LyX side of things. However, it will just give you an error,
because X11 requires you to use \bind "M-f oslash" "buffer-open"
instead. (Check the man page for XStringToKeysym for more information on
the names for characters). (Asger)
- updated Customization.lyx (JMarc)
- LyXTextclass::Read stops if there is an error in an include
file. (JMarc)
- Fix bug with \DeclareLatexClass[foo]{bar} in chkconfig.ltx (JMarc)
- Fix core dump when an .sgml file is open from the command line (JMarc)
- The file open dialog now has a "Examples" button (JMarc)
- fix the size of a few popups for the larger size of my fonts (JMarc)
- initial po-file for Swedish (Joacim)
- cleanup among the accelerators towards idex/scex (Joacim)
- added accelerators to those (all?) menu items that lacked one (Joacim)
- a few more _()'s added (Joacim)
- Added Tutorial.lyx. Complete (?) first draft, except for math
chapter (Karger)
since 0.11.46
- removed BufferParam::cursor, which was not used anyway (JMarc)
- the default roman font is now times instead of utopia, for people
who have slow computers and/or buggy PS font servers (JMarc)
- tried to fix 'buffer-export custom'. It still does not work from a
keybinding (help!) (JMarc)
- the configuration files created by configure in the user's .lyx/
directory are removed if they are identical to the system-global ones
- Added the 'fax send' command as autodetected.
- some cleanup in chset.C (JMarc)
- changed behaviour of minipages, now more paragraphs can be part
of a single minipage. Environments are always in the same minipage.
This is forced as otherwise we get LaTeX-Errors!!! (Jug)
- ParagraphExtraOpt's now Apply also on selections (Jug)
- I fixed the Insert/Include File-Dialog to display the appropriate
filetypes (*.lyx for Include / *.tex for Input / * for Verbatim) (Jug)
- added new example file MultirowTable.lyx to lib/examples (Jug)
- Fixed segfault with math-macros reported by JMarc. (Alejandro)
- Restored the geometric part of frames (for buttons). (Alejandro)
- Removed some warnings. (Alejandro)
- Cleanned and improved implementation of user defined math
macros. (Alejandro) (At the cost that currently only subparagraphs
are allowed.)
- New document example about user defined math macros. (Alejandro)
- Prevented segfault if undo in an empty math box. (Alejandro)
- new code for quotes, from Ilya Ovchinnikov, plus a bugfix (JMarc)
- Layout->Table is greyed out when unavailable (JMarc)
- added support for FreeSpacing for linuxdoc layouts (JMarc)
- Added a binding for File->Export->Custom (JMarc)
- removed LaTeX from the Insert->Figure Popup (JMarc)
- added support for 'fax send' in lib/configure (I forgot which
package has this command...) (JMarc)
- began to update Customization.lyx to fit better John's
recommandations. Much is left to do (JMarc)
- Enumeration in a footnote fixed to look like LaTeX output (ARRae)
- Bibliography numbering corrected and also made sure you can't
change the depth of a bibliography entry. (ARRae)
- Switching between documents now returns you back to the cursor
location instead of the top of the document. (ARRae)
- fixed the redraw bug in screen.C and use only X funcs to draw
on the workarea. (Lgb)
- made the black dot disappear (Lgb)
- ran purify and corrected some warnings/errors reported by it. (Lgb)
- removed a couple of enums from definitions.h to LyXParagraph (Lgb)
- changed LString::chars() to LString::c_str() since that is what ANSI C++
is going to use. (Lgb)
- made a real class out of TexRow, I *think* I did it correctly, but I get
segfauls when errorinsets is automaically deleted (Lgb)
- made LFUN_CENTER more natural (Lgb)
since 0.11.45
- work on header files to make them nicer in doc++ (Lgb)
- stupid fix for the display update bug. (Lgb)
- patch to paragraph.C posted to the list by Matthias inserted (Lgb)
- Execute-command now works also in math mode. (Alejandro)
- Correct metrics for the last row of a 1 column matrix. (Alejandro)
- AtClose for all math popups. (Alejandro)
- A small correction in UserGuide (the non-standard sizes at the
end of the math chapter had been missed). (Alejandro)
- Fixed crash with redefinition of partial key binding. Clean-ups
in kbmap.C. (Asger)
- Cleaned up support for ldots, opt. hyphen, end-of-sentence dot. (Asger)
- Updated docs to new special chars format, language clean-up in new
table documentation. (Asger)
- Made InsetCommand handle nested parenthesis in arguments and options:
e.g. \cite[test[test]]{Test{Test}} is handled correctly now. (Asger)
since 0.11.44
- Added some pragmas for g++, made the lyx binary 2Megs smaller when
built with debug info (Lgb)
- Reverted to use only X calls for drawing in to the workarea
(the only exception now is the box used by editable insetcommands) (Lgb)
- Undo/Redo are greyed out is unavailable (JMarc)
- updates to the paper textclass (JMarc)
- add a little blurb in lyxrc.defaults explaining that it should not
be modified (JMarc)
- Fixes to the export->Custom command (JMarc)
- when exporting to LaTeX, insetinclude inherit the 'nice' feature
- fix 'weird error' with insetlatexaccent (JMarc)
- fix leak in creation of Floats submenu (JMarc)
- cleanup of the layout menu (JMarc)
- add confirmation dialog to 'Save layout as default' feature (JMarc)
- braces, {}, added around several fl_raise_form() calls (ARRae)
- bibitem inset now updated if changed (ARRae)
- Cursor[Left|Right]OneWord now treats insets as words (ARRae)
- "cancel" now cancels a selection also (ARRae)
- bullet selection
o package checking moved to LaTeXFeatures (ARRae)
o Added entry to LyXAction/LyXFunc (ARRae)
- \cursor_follows_scrollbar option added to lyxrc (ARRae)
- Table Options popup now works with xforms-0.81 (ARRae)
- LaTeXLog popup now raises if already shown. (ARRae)
- Fixed serious bugs in ChangeExtension. (Asger)
- Fixed problems with extensions of documents, also SGML. (Asger)
- ANNOUNCE file updated. It's not ready for 0.12 yet. Help me! (Asger)
- Fixed font bug: "Reset font" would crash sometimes. (Asger)
- Fixed display of Error boxes. (Asger)
- added Ascii File-Type for Export->Custom (Jug)
- fixed lyxrc-settings in LyXGUI::LyXGUI (moved to LyXGUI::init) (Jug)
- fixed some entries in lib/lyxrc which have been forgotten to update (Jug)
- the export_custom_command now is written only the first time in the
above init and if the command-field is empty (Jug)
- fixed display-bug for multicol-table-entries (I saw that when preparing
LongTable.lyx example file) (Jug)
- Updated UserGuide.lyx added the new table documentation (Jug)
- Added Longtable.lyx to lib/examples (Jug)
- fixed bug (and it was a bug) that if a table was the first paragraph
and adding a paragraph before the table was removed (actually all newlines
have been removed till the first character was found this is deadly for
tables!!!) (Jug)
- fixed various problems with quote inset (JMarc)
- the print dialog now keeps its default. (JMarc)
- SendTo has been moved in the export submenu and renamed to Custom;
added a new lyxrc tag \custom_export_format to indicate the file
extension needed; renamed \sendto_command to \custom_export_command
- updated a few doc files (JMarc)
- Mathed changes: (Alejandro)
o Fixed bug on vertical matrix alignment.
o Changed "Macro mode" to "TeX mode" to avoid confusion with user
defined macros.
o Finally Undo/Redo for math mode. No problems after some testing.
o Fixed problem on reading spaces in text mode.
since 0.11.43
- vertical resize now uses fitCursor() so cursor remains visible (ARRae)
- scrollbar now updates cursor position (ARRae)
- small changes to lyx_main.C for gcc-2.6.3 compatability (ARRae)
- bibforms.h.patch, eliminates warnings I caused during compile (ARRae)
- some bugfixes and speedups (cursor movement and scrolling) (Matthias)
- Some latex commands changed (quotes) (Ilya Ovchinnikov)
- new menu command 'Save layout as default' which make a default
template from the layout options of the current buffer (JMarc)
- removed all the buffer-level keywords from lyxrc (they are useless
now) (JMarc)
- changed the semanitcs of \ascii_linelen in lyxrc, so that it applies
also to LaTeX files and LinuxDoc files (JMarc)
- renamed a few lyxrc commands for consistency; more has to be done
- fixed the bug with keeping the layout after a section (you know what
I mean) (JMarc)
- introduced new methods LyXLayout::isParagraph() and
LyXLayout::isEnvironment(); please use them instead of testing for
latextype; updated the code accordingly (JMarc)
- Extended ChkTeX documentation. More will come. (Asger)
- Always generate "\textXX{text} " rather than "\textXX{text }". (Asger)
- Reset autosave timer at saves. (Asger)
- Improved order of paragraph environments in combox. (Asger)
- Fixed bug with font setting. (Asger)
- Improved list of font attributes in Layout->Character pop-up. (Asger)
- Fixed reported bug with wrong conversion message. (Asger)
- Misc. clean-ups. (Asger)
since 0.11.42
- made the hyphen char be a colored "-" instead of a sentered "." (Lgb)
- some changes to the quotes...Please check it Jean-Marc (Lgb)
- some cleanup for better sequence in drawing in screen.C, this might
make things a triffle slower. (Lgb)
- lots of changes to get printing to pixmaps better. However the
drawing functions are not always called in the correct sequence.
For instance LyXScreen::expose should only be called by
BufferView::WorkAreaExpose (or with it in the call chain) (Lgb)
- fixed recalculate of column-width after multicolumn-(un)set (Jug)
- enabled alignment setting on fixed width columns only if cell
is (part of) multicolumn (Jug)
- fixed/added support to read in tab-separated ascii-files directly
into tables. As Lines and As Paragraphs works identically here (Jug)
- fixed a small bug regarding the Linebreak/Parbox-Feature (Jug)
- makepatch updated to ignore "core" and "libintl.a" files. (Asger)
- Buffer open behaviour a bit improved. (Asger)
- Started updating Reference.lyx. (Asger)
- Removed obsolete "load auto save" command. (Asger)
- Partially fixed buffer rebreaks. (Asger)
- Documented ChkTeX in Special Tools. Updated Special Tools in general. (Asger)
- Added CloseAllBufferRelatedPopups() (ARRae)
- solves the potential segfaults caused by having popups open
that expect to be able to change a buffers settings when
there are no buffers available (ie. after closing last file)
- Rewrote Foils and ItemizeBullets example files (ARRae)
- small cleanup of foils.layout (ARRae)
- configure: fixed the order of multiple directories in --with-extra*
- lib/configure: added a check for chktex (JMarc)
- layout.[Ch], lib/layouts/*: added Tags SecNumDepth and TocDepth;
added support for that where this was needed (JMarc)
- lyxrc: removed tags \paperpagestyle, \papercolumns, \secnumdepth,
\tocdepth. They do not belong there IMO (JMarc)
- po/ added a kludge for people without GNU
gettext. Tell me whether this works for you (JMarc)
- LyXAction.C: Added cut and paste as forbidden on ro files (JMarc)
- removed references to sos.h since it is currently unused and some
people have problems compiling it (JMarc)
- insetquotes.C: Added support for so-called ''swedish'' quotes. I
know these names are stupid, but the user do not see them; fixed
some bugs there (JMarc)
- text.C, text2.C: fixed some bugs where COMMANDTITLE was not taken as
a command (JMarc)
- Several Mathed's bugs fixed: (Alejandro)
o Cursor misplaced after a big operator and a scripted expression, and
more robustness for array::Resize (thanks Ralf Gugisch for the patch).
o As suggested by John, each time a { is typed in TeX mode, it's
closed with a }.
o Removed OpenMathInset so math mode always create a new inset, as
requested by David and Amir.
o Several fixes and cosmetic enhancements to math-macro.
o Fixed several (but not all) matrix and label bugs.
o User defined macro names bugs.
- Implemented "chktex". (Asger)
- some cleanup in lyxdraw.[hC] (Lgb)
- fixed a bug that made VC not work all the time (Lgb)
- Fixed some bugs regarding tables (Jug)
- Fixed the visual for Multicolumns, now only the last cell is
--> --------------------
--> maximum size reached
--> --------------------
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