Untersuchungsergebnis.bind Download desText {Text[121] Latech[145] Isabelle[201]}zum Wurzelverzeichnis wechseln
# This file is part of
# ==================================================================
# LyX, the High Level Word Processor
# Copyright (C) 1995-1998 The LyX Team
# ==================================================================
# Key bindings for menus, both invisible and visible.
# Visible Menu access menu
# Menu key bindings for Swedish locale.
# Denna är avsedd för användning tillsammans med svensk lokalisering av LyX.
# Placeras i LYXDIR/bind, eller ~/.lyx/bind under namnet sv_menus.bind och
# laddas automatiskt av LyX i stället för menus.bind då LANG=sv
# Dessa bindningar kan krocka med andra bindningar; betrakta detta som ett
# prov. Observera att namnen på menyerna måste stämma med de översatta
# (File/Fil, Edit/Redigera osv.), för "menu-open"
# Wed Dec 9 17:15:45 GMT+0100 1998, Joacim Persson <[email protected]>
\bind "F10 f" "menu-open Fil"
\bind "F10 r" "menu-open Redigera"
\bind "F10 s" "menu-open Stil"
\bind "F10 l" "menu-open Lägg in"
\bind "F10 m" "menu-open Matematik"
\bind "F10 i" "menu-open Inställningar"
\bind "F10 d" "menu-open Dokument"
\bind "F10 h" "menu-open Hjälp"
# Fil
\bind "M-f n" "buffer-new"
\bind "M-f m" "buffer-new-template"
\bind "M-f p" "buffer-open"
\bind "M-f g" "buffer-close"
\bind "M-f s" "buffer-write"
\bind "M-f o" "buffer-write-as"
\bind "M-f t" "buffer-reload"
\bind "M-f v" "buffer-view"
\bind "M-f i" "buffer-view-ps"
\bind "M-f u" "buffer-typeset"
\bind "M-f d" "buffer-typeset-ps"
\bind "M-f k" "buffer-print"
\bind "M-f f" "buffer-fax"
\bind "M-f l" "buffer-export latex"
\bind "M-f x" "buffer-export linuxdoc"
\bind "M-f S-T" "buffer-export ascii"
\bind "M-f S-A" "buffer-export custom"
\bind "M-f a" "lyx-quit"
\bind "M-f space" "menu-open Fil"
#bind "M-f l" "file-last" # Not yet implemented.
# Edit menu
\bind "M-r a" "table"
\bind "M-r k" "cut"
\bind "M-r f" "error-next"
\bind "M-r s" "find-replace"
\bind "M-r k" "line-delete-forward"
\bind "M-r m" "mark-on"
\bind "M-r S-M" "mark-off"
\bind "M-r t" "note-next"
\bind "M-r o" "copy"
\bind "M-r i" "paste"
\bind "M-r g" "redo"
\bind "M-r r" "spellchecker"
\bind "M-r e" "buffer-chktex"
\bind "M-r h" "toc-view"
\bind "M-r n" "undo"
\bind "M-r x" "latex-view-log"
\bind "M-r space" "menu-open Redigera"
# Layout menu
\bind "M-s c" "layout-character"
\bind "M-s p" "layout-paragraph"
\bind "M-s d" "layout-document"
\bind "M-s a" "layout-paper"
\bind "M-s q" "layout-quotes"
\bind "M-s l" "layout-preamble"
\bind "M-s e" "font-emph"
\bind "M-s n" "font-noun"
\bind "M-s b" "font-bold"
\bind "M-s t" "tex-mode"
\bind "M-s v" "depth-next"
\bind "M-s space" "menu-open Stil"
\bind "M-s i" "buffer-itemize-bullets-select"
# Insert menu
\bind "M-i g" "figure-insert"
\bind "M-i b" "table-insert"
\bind "M-i c" "buffer-child-insert"
\bind "M-i f" "footnote-insert"
\bind "M-i m" "marginpar-insert"
\bind "M-i minus" "hyphenation-point-insert"
\bind "M-i p" "dots-insert"
\bind "M-i e" "end-of-sentence-period-insert"
\bind "M-i q" "quote-insert"
\bind "M-i apostrophe" "quote-insert"
\bind "M-i S-quotedbl" "quote-insert"
\bind "M-i s h" "hfill-insert"
\bind "M-i s minus" "hyphenation-point-insert"
\bind "M-i s b" "protected-space-insert"
\bind "M-i s l" "break-line"
\bind "M-i s p" "dots-insert"
\bind "M-i s e" "end-of-sentence-period-insert"
\bind "M-i s q" "quote-insert"
\bind "M-i a" "loa-insert"
\bind "M-i t c" "toc-insert"
\bind "M-i t f" "lof-insert"
\bind "M-i t t" "lot-insert"
\bind "M-i t i" "index-print"
\bind "M-i t b" "bibtex-insert"
\bind "M-i t a" "loa-insert"
\bind "M-i n" "note-insert"
\bind "M-i l" "label-insert"
\bind "M-i r" "reference-insert"
\bind "M-i i" "citation-insert"
\bind "M-i d" "index-insert"
\bind "M-l space" "menu-open Lägg in"
# Math menu
\bind "M-m space" "menu-open Matematik"
# Options menu
#bind "M-o s" "screen-font-options" # Not yet implemented!
#bind "M-o r" "spellcheck-options" # Not yet implemented!
#bind "M-o t" "keyboard-options" # Not yet implemented!
#bind "M-o l" "latex-options" # Not yet implemented!
\bind "M-i space" "menu-open Inställningar"
# Documents menu
# These are now defined in cua or emacs bind files so their "standard"
# bindings are available. (eg M-d "word-delete-forward" in emacs) ARRae
#\bind "M-d p" "buffer-previous"
#\bind "M-d space" "menu-open Dokument"
# Help menu
#bind "M-h i" "help-introduction" # Not yet implemented!
#bind "M-h t" "help-tutorial" # Not yet implemented!
#bind "M-h u" "help-user-guide" # Not yet implemented!
#bind "M-h r" "help-reference-guide" # Not yet implemented!
#bind "M-h h" "help-how-do-i-" # Not yet implemented!
#bind "M-h c" "help-customization" # Not yet implemented!
#bind "M-h s" "help-special-tools" # Not yet implemented!
#bind "M-h k" "help-known-bugs" # Not yet implemented!
#bind "M-h a" "help-latex-config" # Not yet implemented!
#bind "M-h o" "help-copyright" # Not yet implemented!
#bind "M-h e" "help-credits" # Not yet implemented!
#bind "M-h v" "help-version" # Not yet implemented!
\bind "M-h space" "menu-open Hjälp"
# Font size menu
\bind "M-s t" "font-size pytteliten"
\bind "M-s S-S" "font-size mindre"
\bind "M-s s" "font-size liten"
\bind "M-s n" "font-size normal"
\bind "M-s l" "font-size stor"
\bind "M-s S-L" "font-size större"
\bind "M-s h" "font-size störst"
\bind "M-s S-H" "font-size störstare"
\bind "M-s 1" "font-size pytteliten"
\bind "M-s 2" "font-size minst"
\bind "M-s 3" "font-size mindre"
\bind "M-s 4" "font-size liten"
\bind "M-s 5" "font-size normal"
\bind "M-s 6" "font-size stor"
\bind "M-s 7" "font-size större"
\bind "M-s 8" "font-size störst"
\bind "M-s 9" "font-size störstare"
\bind "M-s 0" "font-size störstast"
\bind "M-s plus" "font-size öka"
\bind "M-s minus" "font-size minska"
# Alignment menu
#bind "M-a l" "para-align left" # Not yet implemented!
#bind "M-a r" "para-align right" # Not yet implemented!
#bind "M-a c" "para-align center" # Not yet implemented!
#bind "M-a b" "para-align block" # Not yet implemented!
#bind "M-a f" "para-align block" # Not yet implemented!
#bind "M-a d" "para-align default" # Not yet implemented!
# Paragraph style menu
\bind "M-p 1" "layout Chapter"
\bind "M-p 2" "layout Section"
\bind "M-p 3" "layout Subsection"
\bind "M-p 4" "layout Subsubsection"
\bind "M-p 5" "layout Paragraph"
\bind "M-p 6" "layout Subparagraph"
\bind "M-p a" "layout Abstract"
\bind "M-p S-A" "layout Author"
\bind "M-p M-a" "layout Address"
\bind "M-p C-a" "layout RightAddress"
\bind "M-p b" "layout Itemize" # bulleted list
\bind "M-p S-B" "layout Bibliography"
\bind "M-p c" "layout LyX-Code"
\bind "M-p S-C" "layout Comment"
\bind "M-p M-c" "layout Caption"
\bind "M-p d" "layout Description"
\bind "M-p S-D" "layout Date"
\bind "M-p e" "layout Enumerate" # numbered list
\bind "M-p f" "layout ShortFoilhead" # Foils!!
\bind "M-p S-F" "layout Foilhead" # Foils!!
\bind "M-p i" "layout Itemize" # bulleted list
\bind "M-p l" "layout List"
\bind "M-p S-L" "layout LaTeX"
\bind "M-p n" "layout Enumerate" # numbered list
\bind "M-p q" "layout Quote"
\bind "M-p S-Q" "layout Quotation"
\bind "M-p r" "layout ShortRotatefoilhead" # Foils!!
\bind "M-p S-R" "layout Rotatefoilhead" # Foils!!
\bind "M-p s" "layout Standard"
\bind "M-p t" "layout Title"
\bind "M-p x" "layout LaTeX"
\bind "M-p space" "drop-layouts-choice"
\bind "M-p S-at" "layout Section*" # M-p S-2
\bind "M-p S-dollar" "layout Subsubsection*" # M-p S-4
\bind "M-p S-numbersign" "layout Subsection*" # M-p S-3
\bind "M-p v" "layout Verse"
\bind "M-p Left" "depth-decrement"
\bind "M-p Right" "depth-increment"
# Character style menu
\bind "M-c b" "font-bold"
\bind "M-c c" "font-noun"
\bind "M-c e" "font-emph"
\bind "M-c m" "math-mode"
\bind "M-c p" "font-code"
\bind "M-c r" "font-roman"
\bind "M-c s" "font-sans"
\bind "M-c t" "tex-mode"
\bind "M-c u" "font-underline"
\bind "M-c Down" "word-lowcase"
\bind "M-c Up" "word-upcase"
\bind "M-c Right" "word-capitalize"
\bind "M-c space" "font-default"
# Keyboard menu
\bind "M-k 1" "keymap-primary"
\bind "M-k 2" "keymap-secondary"
\bind "M-k o" "keymap-off"
\bind "M-k t" "keymap-toggle"
\bind "M-k x" "keymap-off"
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