Spracherkennung für: .bind vermutete Sprache: Text {Text[63] Latech[69] Isabelle[199]} [Methode: Schwerpunktbildung, einfache Gewichte, sechs Dimensionen]
# This file is part of
# ==================================================================
# LyX, the High Level Word Processor
# Copyright (C) 1995-1997 The LyX Team
# ==================================================================
# This is the XEMACS flavour bind file, based on the bindings found
# in the XEmacs editor. It has many bindings identical to the
# Emacs binding file although there are a few significant changes.
# with every new install of LyX and your changes will be lost.
# Instead, customize a copy of this file placed in
# ~/.lyx/bind/emacs.bind
# Happy tuning!
\bind "C-~S-at" "mark-on"
\bind "C-a" "line-begin"
\bind "C-b" "char-backward"
#bind "C-c" "------" # see end of file
\bind "C-d" "delete-forward"
\bind "C-e" "line-end"
\bind "C-f" "char-forward"
\bind "C-g" "cancel"
# help in emacs
\bind "C-h" "hyphenation-point-insert"
\bind "C-i" "hfill-insert"
#bind "C-j" "------"
\bind "C-k" "line-delete-forward"
\bind "C-l" "screen-recenter"
\bind "C-m" "mark-toggle"
\bind "C-n" "down"
\bind "C-o" "open-stuff"
\bind "C-p" "up"
# this is "quoted-insert" a total different meaning from "quote-insert"
\bind "C-q" "quote-insert"
#bind "C-r" "------"
\bind "C-s" "find-replace"
\bind "M-~S-percent" "find-replace"
# should be "chars-transpose" (swaps two chars)
#bind "C-t" "------"
# universal argument in emacs
\bind "C-u" "font-underline"
# better name would be "scroll-up" as in emacs
\bind "C-v" "screen-down"
\bind "M-v" "screen-up"
\bind "C-w" "cut"
#bind "C-x" "------"
\bind "C-y" "paste"
\bind "C-S-Y" "layout-paste"
#should be "lyx-iconify"
#bind "C-z" "------" # see end of file
\bind "C-~S-slash" "undo"
\bind "C-~S-underscore" "undo"
\bind "S-C-quotedbl" "quote-insert"
\bind "C-x a" "buffer-auto-save"
\bind "C-x b" "buffer-previous"
\bind "C-x c" "lyx-quit"
\bind "C-x d" "buffer-new"
\bind "C-x g" "buffer-view-ps"
\bind "C-x k" "buffer-close"
\bind "C-x p" "buffer-view"
\bind "C-x r" "buffer-typeset"
# Should have been "buffer-write-some"
# \bind "C-x s" "buffer-write"
\bind "C-x t" "buffer-typeset"
\bind "C-x u" "undo"
\bind "C-x v h" "vc-history"
\bind "C-x v v" "vc-check-in"
\bind "C-x v u" "vc-revert"
\bind "C-x v c" "vc-undo-last"
\bind "C-x v i" "vc-register"
#\bind "C-x w" "buffer-write-as"
\bind "C-x bracketleft" "screen-up"
\bind "C-x bracketright" "screen-down"
\bind "C-x quoteleft" "error-next"
\bind "C-x C-a" "buffer-auto-save"
\bind "C-x C-b" "menu-open Documents" # list all buffers
\bind "C-x C-c" "lyx-quit"
\bind "C-x C-d" "buffer-new"
\bind "C-x C-f" "buffer-open"
\bind "C-x C-g" "buffer-view-ps"
\bind "C-x C-l" "word-lowcase" # downcase-region!
\bind "C-x C-p" "buffer-view"
\bind "C-x C-q" "buffer-toggle-read-only"
#\bind "C-x C-r" "buffer-typeset"
\bind "C-x C-s" "buffer-write"
\bind "C-x C-t" "buffer-typeset"
\bind "C-x C-u" "word-upcase" # upcase-region!
\bind "C-x C-w" "buffer-write-as"
#bind "C-1" "------"
#bind "C-2" "------"
#bind "C-3" "------"
#bind "C-4" "------"
#bind "C-5" "------"
#bind "C-6" "------"
#bind "C-7" "------"
#bind "C-8" "------"
#bind "C-9" "------"
#bind "C-0" "------"
#bind "F1" "help" # Not yet implemented!
#bind "C-F1" "help-context" # Not yet implemented!
#\bind "F2" "buffer-write"
#\bind "F3" "buffer-open"
#bind "F4" "------"
#bind "F5" "------"
#bind "F6" "------"
#bind "F7" "------"
#bind "F8" "------"
#bind "F9" "------"
#bind "F10" "------"
\bind "M-x" "command-execute"
# Motion group
\bind "C-Right" "word-forward"
\bind "C-Left" "word-backward"
\bind "C-Up" "paragraph-up"
\bind "C-Down" "paragraph-down"
\bind "M-bracketleft" "paragraph-up"
\bind "M-bracketright" "paragraph-down"
\bind "Home" "line-begin"
\bind "End" "line-end"
\bind "C-Home" "buffer-begin"
\bind "C-End" "buffer-end"
\bind "M-~S-less" "buffer-begin"
\bind "M-~S-greater" "buffer-end"
\bind "Prior" "screen-up"
\bind "Next" "screen-down"
# A bit like autoindent in c-mode
\bind "Tab" "depth-next"
\bind "C-~S-greater" "reference-goto"
\bind "C-~S-less" "reference-back"
# Motion + select group
\bind "S-Right" "forward-select"
\bind "S-Left" "backward-select"
\bind "S-Up" "up-select"
\bind "S-Down" "down-select"
\bind "S-C-Right" "word-forward-select"
\bind "S-C-Left" "word-backward-select"
\bind "S-C-Up" "paragraph-up-select"
\bind "S-C-Down" "paragraph-down-select"
\bind "S-Home" "line-begin-select"
\bind "S-End" "line-end-select"
\bind "S-Prior" "screen-up-select"
\bind "S-Next" "screen-down-select"
\bind "S-C-Home" "buffer-begin-select"
\bind "S-C-End" "buffer-end-select"
# Edit group
\bind "M-Delete" "word-delete-backward"
\bind "C-Delete" "word-delete-forward"
\bind "M-d" "word-delete-forward"
\bind "C-BackSpace" "word-delete-backward"
\bind "M-Return" "break-paragraph-keep-layout"
\bind "C-Return" "break-line"
\bind "C-space" "protected-space-insert"
\bind "C-period" "end-of-sentence-period-insert"
\bind "M-period" "dots-insert"
\bind "M-w" "copy"
\bind "M-S-W" "layout-copy"
\bind "Escape" "meta-prefix"
## Trying to incorporate the best of AucTeX and HM--HTML modes
# "C-z" is used in HM--HTML-mode for paragraph styles so try to support
# similar here especially for LinuxDoc (although LinuxDoc isn't only for
# making HTML).
\bind "C-c C-l" "latex-view-log" # show warning log
\bind "C-c C-o" "error-next"
\bind "C-c C-v" "buffer-chktex" # validate
\bind "C-z space" "drop-layouts-choice"
\bind "C-z 1" "layout Title"
\bind "C-z 2" "layout Section"
\bind "C-z 3" "layout Subsection"
\bind "C-z 4" "layout Subsubsection"
\bind "C-z 5" "layout Paragraph"
\bind "C-z 6" "layout Subparagraph"
\bind "C-z a" "layout Author" # address!!
\bind "C-z S-A" "layout Abstract"
\bind "C-z c" "layout LyX-Code"
\bind "C-z b" "font-bold"
\bind "C-z d" "layout Description"
\bind "C-z S-D" "layout Date"
\bind "C-z e" "font-emph"
\bind "C-z i" "layout Itemize" # smart-insert-item!!
\bind "C-z o" "font-emph" # italic!
\bind "C-z q" "layout Quote"
\bind "C-z s" "font-bold" # strong!
\bind "C-c t" "font-sans" # typewriter!
\bind "C-c v" "font-roman" # variable!
\bind "C-z S-V" "layout Verbatim"
\bind "C-z l d" "layout Description"
\bind "C-z l t" "layout Description"
\bind "C-z l o" "layout Enumerate" # numbered list
\bind "C-z l l" "layout Itemize" # bulleted list
\bind "C-z l u" "layout Itemize" # bulleted list
## End HM--HTML Mode
## Start AucTeX
#\bind "C-u C-c C-f" "layout-character"
\bind "C-c C-f C-b" "font-bold"
\bind "C-c C-f C-c" "font-noun"
\bind "C-c C-f C-e" "font-emph"
\bind "C-c C-f C-i" "font-emph" #italic
\bind "C-c C-f C-s" "font-emph" #slanted
\bind "C-c C-f C-f" "font-sans"
\bind "C-c C-f C-r" "font-roman"
\bind "C-c C-f C-t" "font-code" #typewriter
\bind "C-c asciitilde" "math-mode"
\bind "C-c quoteleft" "error-next"
\bind "C-c C-s 0" "layout Standard"
\bind "C-c C-s 1" "layout Chapter"
\bind "C-c C-s 2" "layout Section"
\bind "C-c C-s 3" "layout Subsection"
\bind "C-c C-s 4" "layout Subsubsection"
\bind "C-c C-s 5" "layout Paragraph"
\bind "C-c C-s 6" "layout Subparagraph"
\bind "C-c C-e a" "layout Abstract"
\bind "C-c C-e d" "layout Description"
\bind "C-c C-e e" "layout Enumerate"
\bind "C-c C-e i" "layout Itemize"
\bind "C-c C-e l" "layout List"
\bind "C-c C-e m" "math-display" # should this be math-mode?
\bind "C-c C-e q" "layout Quote"
\bind "C-c C-e S-q" "layout Quotation"
\bind "C-c C-e v" "layout Quote"
\bind "C-c C-e f" "figure-insert" ## should be figure-float
\bind "C-c C-e t" "table-insert" ## should be table-float
\bind "C-c percent" "layout Comment"
\bind "C-c Return" "break-paragraph-keep-layout"
## End AucTeX
## Start TeX mode, some overlap with AucTeX mode
\bind "C-c C-b" "buffer-typeset"
\bind "C-c C-p" "buffer-print"
\bind "C-c C-r" "buffer-typeset" # tex region
## End TeX mode
# Include menu and math bindings
\bind_file menus.bind
\bind_file math.bind
[ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.122 Sekunden