#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Main code for reLyX - the LaTeX to LyX translator
# reLyX is Copyright (c) 1998-9 Amir Karger [email protected]
# You are free to use and modify this code under the terms of
# the GNU General Public Licence version 2 or later.
# This code usually gets called by the reLyX wrapper executable
# $Id: reLyXmain.pl,v 1999/01/25 23:22:38 karger Exp karger $
require 5.002; # Perl 5.001 doesn't work. Perl 4 REALLY doesn't work.
# Standard Perl Library modules
use strict; # must define all variables, no barewords, no hard references
# Variables from other files, like Getopt::Std, OR vars that need to be global
# $opt_f etc. - command line options set by Getop::Std::getopts
# $dot_lyxdir - the user's personal .lyx directory
# $Success - keep track of whether reLyX finished successfully or died
# @File_List - the list of files to translate. Initially this is just
# the file input by the user, but \input or \include commands
# will add to it.
use vars qw($opt_c $opt_d $opt_f $opt_h $opt_o $opt_p $opt_r $opt_s
use Cwd; # getcwd etc.
use Getopt::Std; # read in command-line options
use File::Basename; # &basename and &dirname
# Modules containing subroutines for reLyX
# Note that @INC must include the directory that these modules are in. The
# reLyX wrapper takes care of that.
use Text::TeX; # TeX parser package
use ReadCommands; # package to read LaTeX commands' syntax from a file
use MakePreamble; # package to split off LaTeX preamble & translate it to LyX
use CleanTeX; # package to clean TeX file for Lyxifying
use BasicLyX; # package to translate clean TeX to Basic LyX
use LastLyX; # package to print out LyX file once all translation is done
# Hack to allow running reLyX without the wrapper
if (!defined($lyxdir)) {$lyxdir = "/usr/local/share/lyx"}
if (!defined($lyxname)) {$lyxname = "lyx"}
# there's a use vars in the wrapper, so we only need these if running w/out it
use vars qw($lyxdir $lyxname);
# variables that a user might want to change
my @Suffix_List = '\.(ltx|latex|tex)'; # allowed suffixes for LaTeX file
my $LyXFormat = "2.15"; #What to print in \lyxformat command in .lyx file
my $syntaxname = "syntax.default"; # name of the default syntax file
$dot_lyxdir = $ENV{'HOME'} . "/.$lyxname"; # personal .lyx directory
# This variable tells us if the program died or exited happily
BEGIN{$Success = 0}
# Print welcome message including version info
my $version_info = '$Date: 1999/01/25 23:22:38 $'; # RCS puts checkin date here
$version_info =~ s&.*?(\d+/\d+/\d+).*&$1&; # take out just the date info
warn "reLyX, the LaTeX to LyX translator. Revision date $version_info\n\n";
# Usage information
my $Usage_Short = <<"ENDSHORTUSAGE";
$0 [ -c textclass ] [ -fd ] [ -o outputdir ]
[ -r renv1[,renv2...]] [ -s sfile1[,sfile2...]] inputfile
$0 -p -c textclass [ -fd ] [ -o outputdir ]
[ -r renv1[,renv2...]] [ -s sfile1[,sfile2...]] inputfile(s)
$0 -h (to get more usage information)
my $Usage_Long = $Usage_Short . <<"ENDLONGUSAGE";
-c which textclass this file is (required with -p)
Overrides \\documentclass command, if one exists
-d print lots of debug information & save temporary files
-f force destruction of existing lyx file or temporary files
-h print this message and quit
-o output all LyX files to directory "outputdir"
Otherwise, LyX file is created in directory the LaTeX file is in
-p translate LaTeX fragments or include files (requires -c)
I.e., files without \documentclass commands
-r give reLyX a (list of) regular environment(s)
-s give reLyX a (list of) additional syntax file(s) to read
man reLyX for lots of usage information
# Read command line
# Get Options: set $opt_f etc. based on command line options
getopts('c:dfho:pr:s:') or die "Illegal option!$Usage_Short";
if ($opt_h) {print $Usage_Long; $Success=1; exit}
die "No LaTeX file was input on the command line$Usage_Short" unless @ARGV;
# Make each file in the file list an absolute file name (e.g., staring with '/')
@File_List = map {&abs_file_name($_)} @ARGV;
# -p option allows multiple input files
if (defined $opt_p) {
die "-p option requires -c!$Usage_Short" unless defined $opt_c;
} else {
die "Only one input file allowed unless using -p option$Usage_Short"
unless @ARGV == 1;
# Make sure outputdir given with -o option is valid
# Make it an absolute path, too!
if (defined($opt_o)) {
die "directory $opt_o doesn't exist!\n$Usage_Short"
unless defined(-d $opt_o);
die "$opt_o isn't a directory!\n$Usage_Short" unless -d $opt_o;
$opt_o = &my_fast_abs_path($opt_o);
# may not have trailing slash.
$opt_o .= '/' unless $opt_o =~ /\/$/;
# Read file(s) containing LaTeX commands and their syntax
# Read personal syntax.default, or system-wide if there isn't a personal one
# Then read other syntax files, given by the -s option
my $default_file = "$dot_lyxdir/reLyX/$syntaxname";
if (! -e $default_file) {
$default_file = "$lyxdir/reLyX/$syntaxname";
die "cannot find default syntax file $default_file" unless -e $default_file;
my @syntaxfiles = ($default_file);
push (@syntaxfiles, (split(/,/,$opt_s))) if defined $opt_s;
########### Main loop over files (include files will be added to @File_List)
my $count=0; #number of files we've done
my @deletelist = (); # files to delete when we're done (if no '-d' flag)
my $Doc_Class; # LaTeX documentclass
my $LyX_Preamble = ""; # LyX Preamble not including Latex preamble part
my $Latex_Preamble = "";
my $File;
while ($File = shift(@File_List)) {
# TODO we should always die (or something) if temp files exist & !opt_f
my $OutFileName;
my $filenum = 0; #numbering for temporary files
# May need to add ".tex" to input file name.
# PathBase is the output file name without ".lyx". It's used for building
# temporary files' file names, too.
# Finally, make sure the file is valid, directory is writable, etc.
# Sub returns (undef, undef, undef) if something goes wrong.
my ($InFileDir, $InFileName, $PathBase) = &test_file($File);
# Change to the input file's directory, so that if the input file has an
# \include{../foo} in it, we'll find the included file.
# Did something go wrong?
unless (defined($InFileDir) && chdir($InFileDir)) {
# main file must be ok; for included files or file fragments, just warn
next if ($count || $opt_p);
die "\n"; # printed error already
# OK. Start parsing the file!
print STDERR "In Directory $InFileDir\n" if $opt_d;
print STDERR "($InFileName: ";
# Read preamble and calculate document class if necessary
# (It's necessary when we're doing the first file.)
unless ($count) {
if ($opt_p) { # it's a partial file
$Doc_Class = $opt_c;
} else {
# Split the preamble off of the rest of the file
my $PreambleName = $PathBase . ".relyx" . ++$filenum;
$OutFileName = $PathBase . ".relyx" . ++$filenum;
push @deletelist, $OutFileName, $PreambleName;
$PreambleName, $OutFileName);
$InFileName = $OutFileName;
# Now read and translate the LaTeX preamble into LyX
# Return document's class so we know which layout file(s) to read
# Also return LyX preamble in a string, for later
($Doc_Class, $LyX_Preamble, $Latex_Preamble) =
&MakePreamble::translate_preamble($PreambleName, $LyXFormat);
} # end partial file if
# Read file(s) containing the valid LyX layouts for this documentclass
# and their LaTeX command/environment equivalents
# Clean the TeX file (not including its preamble)
$OutFileName = $PathBase . ".relyx" . ++$filenum;
push @deletelist, $OutFileName;
&CleanTeX::call_parser($InFileName, $OutFileName);
# Now convert basic constructs in the cleaned TeX file to LyX constructs
$InFileName = $OutFileName;
$OutFileName = $PathBase . ".relyx" . ++$filenum;
push @deletelist, $OutFileName;
&BasicLyX::call_parser($InFileName, $OutFileName);
# Finally, print out the actual LyX file including the preamble
# For the *first* file, print out the LaTeX preamble too
$InFileName = $OutFileName;
$OutFileName = $PathBase . ".lyx";
my $preamble = $count ? $LyX_Preamble : $LyX_Preamble . $Latex_Preamble;
&LastLyX::last_lyx($InFileName, $OutFileName, $preamble);
warn ")\n";
} continue {
# Cleanup
unless ($opt_d) {
warn "Deleting temp files\n";
unlink @deletelist;
$Success = 1;
# If we "die", output a sad message
if ($Success) {
warn "Finished successfully!\n";
} else {
warn "Exited due to fatal Error!\n";
##################### SUBROUTINES ###########################################
# Input: File (including absolute path)
# Output: input file directory (absolute path)
# input file name (".tex" added if necessary) without path
# PathBase, the output file name (including path) without ".lyx" ending
# Returns (undef, undef, undef) if something breaks
# Only allow certain suffixes
# Test for things, like writability of output directory, existence of
# .lyx file we would be creating...
sub test_file {
my $File = shift;
my @return_error = (undef, undef, undef);
# Get file names, set up for making different temporary files
# fileparse_set_fstype("MSDOS") for DOS support!
my ($in_basename, $in_path, $suffix) = fileparse($File, @Suffix_List);
#$path .= '/' unless $path =~ /\/$/; # fix BUG in perl5.002 fileparse!
# Try adding .tex to filename if you can't find the file the user input
unless (-e $File) {
if (! $suffix) { # didn't have a valid suffix. Try adding one
if (-e "$File.tex") {
$suffix = ".tex";
} else {
warn "\nCan't find input file $File or $File.tex\n";
return @return_error;
} else { # it had a valid suffix, but the file doesn't exist
warn "\nCan't find input file $File\n";
return @return_error;
my $in_filename = $in_basename . $suffix;
# Make sure directory is valid
# Note that we chdir to an input file's directory before translating it.
# Therefore, unless the -o option is given, we want to output files in '.'
# TODO if file foo.tex includes a/bar.tex and b/bar.tex, then with the
# -o option things will get ugly. We could test for that and create a name
# (like relyx-1-12345-bar.tex) for the second (and later!) bar.tex file(s)
my $out_path = defined $opt_o ? $opt_o : "./";
unless (-w $out_path) { # Note: "" isn't writable!
warn "\nDirectory $out_path isn't writable!\n";
return @return_error;
$out_path =~ s(^./)(); # "foo" is more readable than "./foo"
# This will be used for creating LyX file as well as temp files
my $PathBase = $out_path . $in_basename;
# Check for files that already exist
my $lname = $PathBase . ".lyx";
if (-e $lname) {
if ($opt_f) {
warn "Will overwrite file $lname\n" if $opt_d;
} else {
warn "\nLyX file $lname already exists. Use -f to overwrite\n";
return @return_error;
return ($in_path, $in_filename, $PathBase);
} # end sub test_file
sub abs_file_name {
my $File = shift;
my ($basename, $path, $suffix) = fileparse($File, @Suffix_List);
my $realpath = &my_fast_abs_path($path);
# add / at end
$realpath .= '/' unless $realpath =~ /\/$/;
my $name = "$realpath$basename$suffix";
return $name;
# Stole this from Cwd.pm. Can't use the Cwd:: function cuz it's not in 5.003
# I could test $] >5.004 or something, but why bother?
sub my_fast_abs_path {
my $cwd = fastcwd();
my $path = shift || '.';
chdir($path) || die "Cannot chdir to $path:$!";
my $realpath = fastcwd();
chdir($cwd) || die "Cannot chdir back to $cwd:$!";
1; # return "true" to the wrapper
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.24 Sekunden
Die Informationen auf dieser Webseite wurden
nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.