/* This file is part of
* ======================================================
* LyX, The Document Processor
* Copyright (C) 1995 Matthias Ettrich
* Copyright (C) 1995-1998 The LyX Team.
* This file is Copyright (C) 1996-1998
* Lars Gullik Bjønnes
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma implementation
#include "filetools.h"
#include "LaTeX.h"
#include "lyxlex.h"
#include "FileInfo.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "lyxlib.h"
#include "syscall.h"
#include "syscontr.h"
#include "pathstack.h"
#include "bufferlist.h"
#include "minibuffer.h"
#include "gettext.h"
// $Id: LaTeX.C,v 1.3 1998/10/05 17:07:38 larsbj Exp $
#if !defined(lint) && !defined(WITH_WARNINGS)
static char vcid[] = "$Id: LaTeX.C,v 1.3 1998/10/05 17:07:38 larsbj Exp $";
#endif /* lint */
extern BufferList bufferlist;
struct texfile_struct {
LaTeX::TEX_FILES file;
char const *extension;
const texfile_struct all_files[] = {
{ LaTeX::AUX, ".aux"},
{ LaTeX::BBL, ".bbl"},
{ LaTeX::DVI, ".dvi"},
{ LaTeX::GLO, ".glo"},
{ LaTeX::IDX, ".idx"},
{ LaTeX::IND, ".ind"},
{ LaTeX::LOF, ".lof"},
{ LaTeX::LOA, ".loa"},
{ LaTeX::LOG, ".log"},
{ LaTeX::LOT, ".lot"},
{ LaTeX::TOC, ".toc"},
{ LaTeX::LTX, ".ltx"},
{ LaTeX::TEX, ".tex"}
// This should perhaps be placed in LyXLex
LString readLine(FILE *file)
if (feof(file))
return LString();
int i = 0;
char s[512];
do {
s[i] = fgetc(file);
} while (!feof(file) && s[i-1] != '\n' && i<510);
s[i] = '\0';
LString tmp;
if (i == 1 && feof(file))
tmp = s;
return tmp;
// I did not leave this inlined because DEC cxx does not like
// variables declarations in inlined code (JMarc)
Error *tmp;
while (errors) {
tmp = errors->next_error;
delete errors;
errors = tmp;
void TeXErrors::scanError(LyXLex &lex)
LString token = lex.GetString();
// Sometimes the error string goes over more than one
// line, and we need to get them all.
LString errstr;
LString tmp = readLine(lex.getFile()).frontStrip();
if (tmp == "\n" || tmp.empty()) {
tmp = readLine(lex.getFile()).frontStrip();
if (tmp.contains("See the LaTeX manual")) {
do {
tmp = readLine(lex.getFile());
} while (!tmp.empty() && !tmp.contains("..."));
tmp = readLine(lex.getFile()).frontStrip();
while ((tmp != "\n" || !errstr.contains("l."))
&& !tmp.prefixIs("! ")
&& !tmp.contains("(job aborted")
&& !tmp.empty()) {
errstr += tmp;
tmp = readLine(lex.getFile()).frontStrip();
lyxerr.debug("tmp: " + errstr);
int line = 0;
// unfortunately the error line is not always given
// by "l.###" in the beginning of the error string
// therefore we must search for "l.###" in the error
// msg.
if (errstr.contains("l.")) {
// We make a const copy to make [] fast. (Asger)
LString const es = errstr;
for (int i = 2; i < es.length(); i++) {
if (es[i-2] == 'l' && es[i-1] == '.' &&
(es[i] >= '0' && es[i]<= '9')) {
line = atoi(es.c_str() + i);
insertError(line, token, errstr);
if (tmp.prefixIs("! ")) {
bool TeXErrors::getFirstError(int *line, LString *text)
next_error = errors;
if (next_error) {
*line = next_error->error_in_line;
*text = next_error->error_desc + "\n" + next_error->error_text;
next_error = next_error->next_error;
return true;
return false;
bool TeXErrors::getNextError(int *line, LString *text)
if (next_error) {
*line = next_error->error_in_line;
*text = next_error->error_desc + "\n" + next_error->error_text;
next_error = next_error->next_error;
return true;
return false;
void TeXErrors::insertError(int line, LString const &error_desc,
LString const &error_text)
Error *newerr = new Error(line, error_desc, error_text);
if (errors) {
Error *tmperr = errors;
while (tmperr->next_error) tmperr = tmperr->next_error;
tmperr->next_error = newerr;
} else {
errors = newerr;
void TeXErrors::printErrors()
lyxerr.print("Printing errors.");
if (errors) {
Error *tmperr = errors;
do {
lyxerr.print(LString("Error in line ")
+ tmperr->error_in_line
+ ": " + tmperr->error_desc
+ '\n' + tmperr->error_text);
//%d: %s\n%s\n", tmperr->error_in_line,
// tmperr->error_desc.c_str(),
// tmperr->error_text.c_str());
tmperr = tmperr->next_error;
} while (tmperr);
void TeXErrors::printWarnings()
void TeXErrors::printStatus()
lyxerr.print("Error struct:");
lyxerr.print(LString(" status: ") + int(status));
lyxerr.print(LString(" no err: ") + int(number_of_errors));
if (status == LaTeX::NO_ERRORS) lyxerr.print("NO_ERRORS");
if (status & LaTeX::NO_LOGFILE) lyxerr.print("NO_LOGFILE");
if (status & LaTeX::NO_OUTPUT) lyxerr.print("NO_OUTPUT");
if (status & LaTeX::UNDEF_REF) lyxerr. print("UNDEF_REF");
if (status & LaTeX::RERUN) lyxerr. print("RERUN");
if (status & LaTeX::TEX_ERROR) lyxerr.print("TEX_ERROR");
if (status & LaTeX::TEX_WARNING) lyxerr.print("TEX_WARNING");
if (status & LaTeX::NO_FILE) lyxerr.print("NO_FILE");
LaTeX::LaTeX(LString const & latex, LString const & f, LString const & p)
: cmd(latex), file(f), path(p)
tex_files = NO_FILES;
file_count = sizeof(all_files) / sizeof(texfile_struct);
num_errors = 0;
depfile = file + ".dep";
int LaTeX::run(TeXErrors &terr, MiniBuffer *minib)
// We know that this function will only be run if the lyx buffer
// has been changed. We also know that a newly written .tex file
// is always different from the previous one because of the date
// in it. However it seems safe to run latex (at least) on time each
// time the .tex file changes.
int scanres = LaTeX::NO_ERRORS;
unsigned int count = 0; // number of times run
num_errors = 0; // just to make sure.
const unsigned int MAX_RUN = 6;
DepTable head; // empty head
bool rerun = false; // rerun requested
// The class LaTeX does not know the temp path.
// Never write the depfile if an error was encountered.
// 0
// first check if the file dependencies exist:
// ->If it does exist
// check if any of the files mentioned in it have
// changed (done using a checksum).
// -> if changed:
// run latex once and
// remake the dependency file
// -> if not changed:
// just return there is nothing to do for us.
// ->if it doesn't exist
// make it and
// run latex once (we need to run latex once anyway) and
// remake the dependency file.
FileInfo fi(depfile);
if (fi.exist()) {
// Read the dep file:
// Update the checksums
lyxerr.debug("Dependency file exists", Error::LATEX);
if (head.sumchange()) {
lyxerr.debug("Dependency file has changed",
lyxerr.debug(LString(_("Run #")) + int(++count),
minib->Set(LString(_("LaTeX run number ")) + int(count));
scanres = scanLogFile(terr);
if (scanres & LaTeX::ERRORS) return scanres; // return on error
} else {
lyxerr.debug("return no_change", Error::LATEX);
return LaTeX::NO_CHANGE;
} else {
lyxerr.debug("Dependency file does not exist",
lyxerr.debug(LString(_("Run #")) + int(++count),
minib->Set(LString(_("LaTeX run number ")) + int(count));
scanres = scanLogFile(terr);
if (scanres & LaTeX::ERRORS) return scanres; // return on error
// update the dependencies.
deplog(head); // reads the latex log
deptex(head); // checks for latex files
// 0.5
// At this point we must run external programs if needed.
// makeindex will be run if a .idx file changed or was generated.
// And if there were undefined citations or changes in references
// the .aux file is checked for signs of bibtex. Bibtex is then run
// if needed.
// run makeindex
if (head.haschanged(ChangeExtension(file, ".idx", true))) {
// no checks for now
minib->Set(_("Running MakeIndex."));
// run bibtex
if (scanres & LaTeX::UNDEF_CIT || scanres & LaTeX::RERUN) {
// Here we must scan the .aux file and look for
// "\bibdata" and/or "\bibstyle". If one of those
// tags is found -> run bibtex and set rerun = true;
// no checks for now
minib->Set(_("Running BibTeX."));
rerun = runBibTeX(ChangeExtension(file, ".aux", true));
// 1
// we know on this point that latex has been run once (or we just
// returned) and the question now is to decide if we need to run
// it any more. This is done by asking if any of the files in the
// dependency file has changed. (remember that the checksum for
// a given file is reported to have changed if it just was created)
// -> if changed or rerun == true:
// run latex once more and
// update the dependency structure
// -> if not changed:
// we does nothing at this point
if (rerun || head.sumchange()) {
rerun = false;
lyxerr.debug("Dep. file has changed or rerun requested",
lyxerr.debug(LString("Run #") + int(++count),
minib->Set(LString(_("LaTeX run number ")) + int(count));
scanres = scanLogFile(terr);
if (scanres & LaTeX::ERRORS) return scanres; // return on error
// update the depedencies
deplog(head); // reads the latex log
} else {
lyxerr.debug("Dep. file has NOT changed", Error::LATEX);
// 1.5
// The inclusion of files generated by external programs like
// makeindex or bibtex might have done changes to pagenumbereing,
// etc. And because of this we must run the external programs
// again to make sure everything is redone correctly.
// Also there should be no need to run the external programs any
// more after this.
// run makeindex if the <file>.idx has changed or was generated.
if (head.haschanged(ChangeExtension(file, ".idx", true))) {
// no checks for now
minib->Set(_("Running MakeIndex."));
rerun = runMakeIndex(ChangeExtension(file, ".idx", true));
// 2
// we will only run latex more if the log file asks for it.
// -> rerun asked for:
// run latex and
// remake the dependency file
// goto 2 or return if max runs are reached.
// -> rerun not asked for:
// just return (fall out of bottom of func)
while ((rerun || (scanres & LaTeX::RERUN)) && count < MAX_RUN) {
// Yes rerun until message goes away, or until
// MAX_RUNS are reached.
rerun = false;
lyxerr.debug(LString(_("Run #")) + int(++count), Error::LATEX);
minib->Set(LString(_("LaTeX run number ")) + int(count));
scanres = scanLogFile(terr);
if (scanres & LaTeX::ERRORS) return scanres; // return on error
// keep this updated
// Write the dependencies to file.
lyxerr.debug("Done.", Error::LATEX);
return scanres;
int LaTeX::operator()()
#ifndef __EMX__
LString tmp = cmd + ' ' + file + " > /dev/null";
#else // cmd.exe (OS/2) causes SYS0003 error at "/dev/null"
LString tmp = cmd + ' ' + file + " > nul";
Systemcalls one;
return one.Startscript(Systemcalls::System, tmp);
bool LaTeX::runMakeIndex(LString const &file)
lyxerr.debug("idx file has been made,"
" running makeindex on file "
+ file, Error::LATEX);
// It should be possible to set the switches for makeindex
// sorting style and such. It would also be very convenient
// to be able to make style files from within LyX. This has
// to come for a later time. (0.13 perhaps?)
LString tmp = "makeindex -c -q ";
tmp += file;
Systemcalls one;
one.Startscript(Systemcalls::System, tmp);
return true;
bool LaTeX::runBibTeX(LString const &file)
LyXLex lex(NULL, 0);
LString token;
if (!lex.setFile(file)) {
// unable to open .aux file
// return at once
return false;
while (lex.IsOK()) {
if (lex.EatLine())
else // blank line in the file being read
if (token.contains("\\bibdata{")) {
// run bibtex and
LString tmp="bibtex ";
tmp += ChangeExtension(file, LString(), true);
Systemcalls one;
one.Startscript(Systemcalls::System, tmp);
return true;
// bibtex was not run.
return false;
int LaTeX::scanLogFile(TeXErrors &terr)
LString token;
int retval = NO_ERRORS;
LyXLex lex(NULL, 0);
LString tmp = ChangeExtension(file, ".log", true);
if (!lex.setFile(tmp)) {
// unable to open file
// return at once
retval |= NO_LOGFILE;
return retval;
while (lex.IsOK()) {
if (lex.EatLine())
token = lex.GetString();
else // blank line in the file being read
lyxerr.debug(token, Error::LATEX);
if (token.prefixIs("LaTeX Warning:")) {
// Here shall we handle different
// types of warnings
retval |= LATEX_WARNING;
lyxerr.debug("LaTeX Warning.", Error::LATEX);
if (token.contains("Rerun to get cross-references")) {
retval |= RERUN;
lyxerr.debug("We should rerun.", Error::LATEX);
} else if (token.contains("Citation")
&& token.contains("on page")
&& token.contains("undefined")) {
retval |= UNDEF_CIT;
} else if (token.prefixIs("Package")) {
// Package warnings
if (token.contains("natbib Warning:")) {
// Natbib warnings
if (token.contains("Citation")
&& token.contains("on page")
&& token.contains("undefined")) {
retval |= UNDEF_CIT;
} else if (token.contains("Rerun LaTeX.")) {
// at least longtable.sty might use this.
retval |= RERUN;
} else if (token.prefixIs("! LaTeX Error:")) {
// Here shall we handle different
// types of errors
retval |= LATEX_ERROR;
lyxerr.debug("LaTeX Error.", Error::LATEX);
// this is not correct yet
} else if (token.prefixIs("! ")) {
// Ok, we have something that looks like a TeX Error
// but what do we really have.
// Just get the error description:
LString desc(token);
desc.substring(2, desc.length() - 1);
if (desc.contains("Undefined control sequence")) {
retval |= TEX_ERROR;
lyxerr.debug("TeX Error.", Error::LATEX);
} else {
// get the next line
LString tmp = lex.GetString();
if (tmp.prefixIs("l.")) {
// we have a latex error
retval |= TEX_ERROR;
lyxerr.debug("TeX Error.", Error::LATEX);
// get the line number:
int line = 0;
sscanf(tmp.c_str(), "l.%d", &line);
// get the rest of the message:
LString errstr;
tmp = lex.GetString();
while ((tmp != "\n" || !errstr.contains("l."))
&& !tmp.prefixIs("! ")
&& !tmp.contains("(job aborted")
&& !tmp.empty()) {
errstr += tmp;
errstr += "\n";
tmp = lex.GetString();
terr.insertError(line, desc, errstr);
} else {
// information messages, TeX warnings and other
// warnings we have not caught earlier.
if (token.prefixIs("Overfull ")) {
retval |= TEX_WARNING;
} else if (token.prefixIs("Underfull ")) {
retval |= TEX_WARNING;
} else if (token.contains("Rerun to get citations")) {
// Natbib seems to use this.
retval |= RERUN;
return retval;
void LaTeX::deplog(DepTable &head)
LString tmp = ChangeExtension(file, ".log", true);
LyXLex lex(NULL, 0);
while (lex.IsOK()) {
if (!lex.EatLine())
// blank line in the file being read
LString token = lex.GetString();
if (token.empty())
// skip forward in the file until we reach
// " *File List*"
else if (token.contains("*File List*")) {
lyxerr.debug("We got \"*File List*\"!", Error::LATEX);
while (lex.IsOK()) {
// now read line by line until we reach
// " ***********"
if (!lex.EatLine())
token = lex.GetString().frontStrip();
if (token.contains("**********")) {
lyxerr.debug("End of file"
" section.",
} else {
LString foundfile;
token.split(foundfile, ' ');
lyxerr.debug("Found file: "
+ foundfile,
// Ok now we found a file.
// Now we should make sure that
// this is a file that we can
// access through the normal
// paths:
// (1) foundfile is an
// absolute path and should
// be inserted.
if (AbsolutePath(foundfile)) {
lyxerr.debug("Found file:"
// (2) the foundfile can be
// found in the same dir
// as the .lyx file and
// should be inserted.
if (FileInfo(foundfile).exist()) {
lyxerr.debug("Found file:"
// (3) foundfile is in the tmpdir
// insert it into head
if (FileInfo(OnlyFilename(foundfile)).exist()) {
lyxerr.debug("Found file:"
// Here either the log file has been read or not,
// we don't have to care either way.
void LaTeX::deptex(DepTable &head)
int except = AUX|LOG|DVI|BBL|IND|GLO;
LString tmp;
FileInfo fi;
for (int i = 0; i < file_count; i++) {
if (!(all_files[i].file & except)) {
tmp = ChangeExtension(file,
lyxerr.debug("deptex: " + tmp, Error::LATEX);
if (fi.newFile(tmp).exist())
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.36 Sekunden
Die Informationen auf dieser Webseite wurden
nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.