/* This file is part of
* ======================================================
* LyX, The Document Processor
* Copyright (C) 1995 Matthias Ettrich
* Copyright (C) 1995-1998 The LyX Team.
#include <config.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "gettext.h"
// $Id: kbmap.C,v 1998/04/20 21:14:49 larsbj Exp $
#if !defined(lint) && !defined(WITH_WARNINGS)
static char vcid[] = "$Id: kbmap.C,v 1998/04/20 21:14:49 larsbj Exp $";
#endif /* lint */
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma implementation
#include "kbmap.h"
#include "error.h"
// The only modifiers that we handle. We want to throw away things
// like NumLock.
enum { ModsMask = ShiftMask | ControlMask | Mod1Mask};
// === static functions ===================================================
/* ---F+------------------------------------------------------------------ *\
Function : printKeysym
Called by : kb_sequence::print and printKeyMap. RVDK_PATCH_5
Purpose : prints a keysym, including modifiers.
Parameters: key - keysym
mod - modifiers
buf - string where the result goes
maxlen - length of string (including '\0')
Returns : length of printed string if ok, 0 otherwise.
\* ---F------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int printKeysym( KeySym key, unsigned int mod, char *buf, int maxlen )
int len;
char *s;
mod &= ModsMask;
// calc required length;
len = 0;
if ( mod & ShiftMask ) len += 2;
if ( mod & ControlMask ) len += 2;
if ( mod & Mod1Mask ) len += 2;
s = XKeysymToString( key );
if ( s ) len += strlen( s );
if ( len < maxlen ) {
if ( mod & ShiftMask ) {
*buf++ = 'S'; *buf++ = '-'; }
if ( mod & ControlMask ) {
*buf++ = 'C'; *buf++ = '-'; }
if ( mod & Mod1Mask ) {
*buf++ = 'M'; *buf++ = '-'; }
if ( s ) strcpy( buf, s );
return len;
} else
return 0;
/* ---F+------------------------------------------------------------------ *\
Function : printKeyTab
Called by : kb_keymap::print
Purpose : print the keysyms found in the given key table. RVDK_PATCH_5
Parameters: tabPt - keytable pointer
buf - string where the result goes
maxLen - length of string (including '\0')
Returns : length of printed string.
\* ---F------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int printKeyTab( kb_key *tabPt, char *buf, int maxLen )
int len, doneLen = 0;
unsigned int ksym, mod;
/* -------> Print each of the slots into buf. */
for( ; (tabPt->code & 0xffff) != NoSymbol; tabPt++) {
if ( maxLen <= 0 ) break;
ksym = tabPt->code;
mod = tabPt->mod & 0xffff;
len = printKeysym( ksym, mod, buf, maxLen );
if ( len <= 0 ) break;
buf += len;
maxLen -= len;
doneLen += len;
/* -------> Add space when possible. */
if ( maxLen > 0 ) {
*buf++ = ' ';
*buf = '\0';
return doneLen;
// === kb_sequence methods ================================================
/* ---F+------------------------------------------------------------------ *\
Function : kb_sequence::addkey
Called by : [user]
Purpose : add a key to the sequence, look up in map and return action
Parameters: key - keysym of key
mod - modifier mask
nmod - modifier veto mask (unused now)
Returns : action or -1 if error (no map defined or key not found)
\* ---F------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int kb_sequence::addkey(KeySym key, unsigned int mod, unsigned int nmod /*=0*/)
if(length<0) length=0;
if(length+1 >= size) {
unsigned int *nseq = new unsigned int[size+KB_PREALLOC];
size += KB_PREALLOC;
memcpy(nseq, sequence, length*sizeof(unsigned int));
if(sequence != staticseq) delete sequence;
sequence = nseq;
nseq = new unsigned int[size];
memcpy(nseq, modifiers, length*sizeof(unsigned int));
if(modifiers != staticmod) delete modifiers;
modifiers = nseq;
modifiers[length] = mod + (nmod<<16);
sequence[length++] = key;
return curmap->lookup(key, mod, this);
return -1;
/* ---F+------------------------------------------------------------------ *\
Function : kb_sequence::parse
Called by : [user]
Purpose : parse a string that holds a key sequence and add the keys
Parameters: s - string holding the key sequence
Returns : 0 - if ok, error pos if error
Note : Keys must be separated with whitespace;
Use the keysym names used by XStringToKeysym
Prefixes are S-, C-, M- for shift, control, meta
\* ---F------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int kb_sequence::parse(char const*s)
int i = 0;
unsigned int mod = 0, nmod = 0;
KeySym key = 0;
char tbuf[100];
if(!s[0]) return 1;
while(s[i]) {
if(s[i] && ((unsigned char) s[i]) <= ' ') i++;
if(!s[i]) break;
if(s[i+1]=='-') { // is implicit that s[i]==true
switch(s[i]) {
case 's': case 'S':
mod |= ShiftMask;
case 'c': case 'C':
mod |= ControlMask;
case 'm': case 'M':
mod |= Mod1Mask;
return i+1;
} else if(s[i]=='~' && s[i+1] && s[i+2]=='-') {
switch(s[i+1]) {
case 's': case 'S':
nmod |= ShiftMask;
case 'c': case 'C':
nmod |= ControlMask;
case 'm': case 'M':
nmod |= Mod1Mask;
return i+2;
} else {
int j = 0;
for(j = i; s[j] && ((unsigned char)s[j])>' '; j++)
tbuf[j-i] = s[j]; // (!!!check bounds :-)
tbuf[j-i] = '\0';
key = XStringToKeysym(tbuf);
if(key == NoSymbol) {
lyxerr.debug("kbmap.C: No such keysym: "
+ LString(tbuf),Error::KBMAP);
return j;
i = j;
addkey(key, mod, nmod);
mod = 0;
nmod = 0;
return 0;
/* ---F+------------------------------------------------------------------ *\
Function : kb_sequence::print
Called by : [user]
Purpose : print the currently defined sequence into a string
Parameters: buf - string where the result goes
maxlen - length of string (including '\0')
when_defined - only print when sequence is real: length > 0.
Returns : 0, if ok, -1 if string too long
\* ---F------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int kb_sequence::print(char *buf, int maxlen, bool when_defined) const
KeySym key;
unsigned int mod;
int len;
int l = length;
if ( l<0 && !when_defined ) l = -l;
for(int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
key = sequence[i];
mod = modifiers[i] & 0xffff;
len = printKeysym( key, mod, buf, maxlen ); // RVDK_PATCH_5
buf += len;
maxlen -= len;
if ( len == 0 ) {
*buf = '\0';
return -1;
if(i+1<l && maxlen>1) { // append a blank
*buf++ = ' ';
*buf = '\0';
return 0;
/* ---F+------------------------------------------------------------------ *\
Function : kb_sequence::printOptions
Called by : [user]
Purpose : print the available key options from the current state in the
sequence. RVDK_PATCH_5
Parameters: buf - string where the result goes
maxlen - length of string (including '\0')
Returns : 0, if ok, -1 if string too long
\* ---F------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int kb_sequence::printOptions(char *buf, int maxlen) const
int len;
print( buf, maxlen, true );
len = strlen( buf );
maxlen -= len;
buf += len;
if ( maxlen < 20 || !curmap ) return -1;
#warning reimplement kb_sequence using LString
char s[20];
strcpy(s,_(" options: "));
strcpy( buf, s);
buf += strlen(s);
maxlen -= strlen(s);
curmap->print(buf, maxlen);
return 0;
/* ---F+------------------------------------------------------------------ *\
Function : kb_sequence::delseq
Called by : [user]
Purpose : mark the sequence as deleted
Parameters: none
Returns : nothing
\* ---F------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void kb_sequence::delseq()
// negative length marks sequence as deleted, but we can still
// print() it or retrieve the last char using getiso()
length = -length;
/* ---F+------------------------------------------------------------------ *\
Function : kb_sequence::getsym
Called by : [user], getiso
Purpose : get the keysym of the last key in sequence
Parameters: none
Returns : keysym
\* ---F------------------------------------------------------------------- */
KeySym kb_sequence::getsym()
int l = length;
if(l==0) return NoSymbol;
if(l<0) l = -l;
return sequence[l-1];
/* ---F+------------------------------------------------------------------ *\
Function : kb_sequence::getiso
Called by : [user]
Purpose : return iso character code of last key, if any
Parameters: none
Returns : iso code or 0 if none
\* ---F------------------------------------------------------------------- */
char kb_sequence::getiso()
int c = getsym();
if(c > 0xff)
return '\0';
return (char)c;
/* ---F+------------------------------------------------------------------ *\
Function : kb_sequence::reset
Called by : [user]
Purpose : reset sequence to initial state. RVDK_PATCH_5
Parameters: none
Returns : void
\* ---F------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void kb_sequence::reset()
curmap = stdmap;
if ( length > 0 ) length = -length;
// === kb_keymap methods ==================================================
// This binds a key to an action
int kb_keymap::bind(char const *seq, int action)
kb_sequence k;
int res = k.parse(seq);
if (!res) {
defkey(&k, action);
} else
lyxerr.debug(LString("Parse error at position ") + res +
" in key sequence '" + seq + "'.", Error::KBMAP);
return res;
/* ---F+------------------------------------------------------------------ *\
Function : kb_keymap::lookup
Called by : [user], kb_sequence::add()
Purpose : look up a key press in a given keymap
Parameters: key - the keysym of the key press
mod - the modifier mask of the keypress
seq - the key-sequence retrieved so far
Returns : user defined action; 0 for prefix key, -1 if key not found
\* ---F------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int kb_keymap::lookup(KeySym key, unsigned int mod, kb_sequence *seq)
unsigned int hashval, ksym, msk1, msk0;
kb_key *tab;
//suppress modifier bits we do not handle
mod &= ModsMask;
if(!table) {
// error - no keymap defined:
seq->curmap = seq->stdmap;
return -1;
if(size < 0) { // --- if hash table ---
hashval = ((key&0xff) ^ ((key>>8)&0xff)) % KB_HASHSIZE;
tab = htable[hashval];
if(!tab) {
seq->curmap = seq->stdmap;
return -1;
} else // --- else: linear list ---
tab = table;
// --- now search the list of keys ---
for( ; (tab->code & 0xffff) != NoSymbol; tab++) {
ksym = tab->code;
msk1 = tab->mod & 0xffff;
msk0 = (tab->mod>>16) & 0xffff;
if(ksym == key && (mod&~msk0) == msk1) {
// match found:
if(tab->table) {
// this is a prefix key - set new map
seq->curmap = tab->table;
return 0;
} else {
// final key - reset map
seq->curmap = seq->stdmap;
return tab->action; // ... and return action
// error - key not found:
seq->curmap = seq->stdmap;
return -1;
/* ---F+------------------------------------------------------------------ *\
Function : kb_keymap::print
Called by : [user]
Purpose : Prints all the available keysyms. RVDK_PATCH_5
Parameters: buf - string where output goes.
maxLen - available length in string, including `\0'.
Returns : updated maxLen.
\* ---F------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int kb_keymap::print(char *buf, int maxLen) const
int len;
/* -----> Return when running out of string space or when keymap has no table.
Else, place a terminating newline in case no other output is generated. */
if ( maxLen <= 3 || !buf ) return maxLen;
if ( !table ) return maxLen;
*buf = '\0';
/* -------> Hash table. Process each of its slots recursively and return. */
if ( size < 0 ) {
for ( int ix = 0; (ix < KB_HASHSIZE) && (maxLen > 1); ix++ ) {
if ( htable[ix] ) {
len = printKeyTab( htable[ix], buf, maxLen );
maxLen -= len;
buf += len;
} else {
/* -------> Normal table. */
len = printKeyTab( table, buf, maxLen );
maxLen -= len;
buf += len;
return maxLen;
/* ---F+------------------------------------------------------------------ *\
Function : kb_keymap::defkey
Called by : [user]
Purpose : define an action for a key sequence
Parameters: seq - the key sequence
action - the action to be defined
idx - recursion depth
Returns : 0 if ok.
\* ---F------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int kb_keymap::defkey(kb_sequence *seq, int action, int idx /*=0*/)
int tsize;
unsigned int code, modmsk;
kb_key *tab, **ptab;
code = seq->sequence[idx];
modmsk = seq->modifiers[idx];
if(code == NoSymbol) return -1;
// --- get list------------------------------------------------------
if(!table) {
// If we don't have any yet, make an empty one
table = new kb_key[KB_PREALLOC];
table[0].code = NoSymbol;
tab = table;
ptab = &table;
} else if(size<0) {
// Hash table.
int hashval = (code&0xffff);
hashval = ((hashval&0xff) ^ ((hashval>>8)&0xff)) % KB_HASHSIZE;
tab = htable[hashval];
ptab = htable+hashval;
if(!tab) {
tab = new kb_key[KB_PREALLOC];
tab[0].code = NoSymbol;
*ptab = tab;
} else {
tab = table;
ptab = &table;
// --- check if key is already there --------------------------------
kb_key *t;
for(t = tab, tsize=1; t->code != NoSymbol; t++, tsize++) {
if(code == t->code && modmsk == t->mod) { // -- overwrite binding ---
if(idx+1 == seq->length) {
char buf[20]; buf[0] = 0;
seq->print(buf, 20, true);
lyxerr.debug(LString("Warning: New binding for '") + buf +
"' is overriding old binding...", Error::KEY);
if(t->table) {
delete t->table;
t->table = 0;
t->action = action;
return 0;
} else if (!t->table) {
char buf[20]; buf[0] = 0;
seq->print(buf, 20, true);
lyxerr.print(LString("Error: New binding for '") + buf +
"' is overriding old binding...");
return -1;
} else
return t->table->defkey(seq, action, idx+1);
// --- extend list if necessary -------------------------------------
if(tsize % KB_PREALLOC == 0) {
kb_key *nt = new kb_key[tsize+KB_PREALLOC];
// Set to NULL as table is used uninitialised later (thornley)
nt[tsize].table = NULL;
memcpy(nt, tab, tsize*sizeof(kb_key));
*ptab = nt;
delete[] tab;
tab = nt;
if(size>=0) size = tsize+KB_PREALLOC;
// --- add action ---------------------------------------------------
tab[tsize--].code = NoSymbol;
tab[tsize].code = code;
tab[tsize].mod = modmsk;
kb_key *newone = &tab[tsize];
// --- convert list to hash table if necessary ----------------------
if(size>=0 && tsize>=32) {
kb_key *oldtab = tab;
kb_key **nht = new kb_key*[KB_HASHSIZE];
for(int i = 0; i < KB_HASHSIZE; i++)
nht[i] = 0;
htable = nht;
size = -KB_HASHSIZE;
// --- copy old keys to new hash table ---
int hashval;
for(kb_key *tu = oldtab; tu->code != NoSymbol; tu++){
// copy values from oldtab to htable
hashval = (tu->code&0xffff);
hashval = ((hashval&0xff) ^ ((hashval>>8)&0xff)) % KB_HASHSIZE;
tab = htable[hashval];
htable[hashval] = tab = new kb_key[KB_PREALLOC];
tab->code = NoSymbol;
int ts = 1;
for(kb_key *tt = tab; tt->code != NoSymbol; tt++)
if(ts % KB_PREALLOC == 0){
// extend table
kb_key *nt = new kb_key[ts+KB_PREALLOC];
memcpy(nt, tab, ts*sizeof(kb_key));
htable[hashval] = nt;
delete[] tab;
tab = nt;
tab[ts--].code = NoSymbol;
tab[ts].code = tu->code;
tab[ts].mod = tu->mod;
tab[ts].action = tu->action;
tab[ts].table = tu->table;
if(tu == newone)
newone = &tab[ts];
delete[] oldtab;
// --- define rest of sequence --------------------------------------
if(idx+1 == seq->length) {
newone->action = action;
newone->table = 0;
return 0;
} else {
newone->table = new kb_keymap;
int res = newone->table->defkey(seq, action, idx+1);
return res;
/* ---F+------------------------------------------------------------------ *\
Function : kb_keymap::~kb_keymap
Called by : [destructor]
Purpose : free keymap and its descendents
Parameters: none
Returns : nothing
\* ---F------------------------------------------------------------------- */
if(!table) return;
if(size<0) {
for(int i=0; i < KB_HASHSIZE; i++) {
if(htable[i]) {
for(kb_key *t = htable[i]; t->code != NoSymbol; t++)
delete t->table;
delete htable[i];
delete htable;
} else {
for(kb_key *t = table; t->code != NoSymbol; t++)
delete t->table;
delete table;
LString keyname(kb_key k) {
char buf[100];
printKeysym(k.code, k.mod, buf, 100);
return buf;
// Finds a key for a keyaction, if possible
LString kb_keymap::findbinding(int act) const {
LString res;
if (!table)
return res;
if (size<0) {
for(int i=0; i < KB_HASHSIZE; i++) {
if(htable[i]) {
for(kb_key *t = htable[i]; t->code != NoSymbol; t++) {
if(t->table) {
LString suffix = t->table->findbinding(act);
suffix.strip(' ');
if (!suffix.empty()) {
res += "[" + keyname(*t) + " " + suffix + "] ";
} else if (t->action == act) {
res += "[" + keyname(*t) + "] ";
} else {
for(kb_key *t = table; t->code != NoSymbol; t++) {
if(t->table) {
LString suffix = t->table->findbinding(act);
suffix.strip(' ');
if (!suffix.empty()) {
res += "[" + keyname(*t) + " " + suffix + "] ";
} else if (t->action == act) {
res += "[" + keyname(*t) + "] ";
return res;
/* === End of File: kbmap.C ============================================== */
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