// Generalized simple lexical analizer.
// It can be used for simple syntax parsers, like lyxrc,
// texclass and others to come. [asierra30/03/96]
// (C) 1996 Lyx Team.
#include <config.h>
//#include "definitions.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma implementation "lyxlex.h"
#include "lyxlex.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "filetools.h"
// $Id: lyxlex.C,v 1998/04/20 21:14:52 larsbj Exp $
#if !defined(lint) && !defined(WITH_WARNINGS)
static char vcid[] = "$Id: lyxlex.C,v 1998/04/20 21:14:52 larsbj Exp $";
#endif /* lint */
LyXLex::LyXLex(keyword_item* tab, int num)
: table(tab), no_items(num)
file = NULL;
owns_file = false;
status = 0;
pushed = NULL;
void LyXLex::pushTable(keyword_item* tab, int num)
pushed_table *tmppu = new pushed_table;
tmppu->next = pushed;
tmppu->table_elem = table;
tmppu->table_siz = no_items;
pushed = tmppu;
table = tab;
no_items = num;
void LyXLex::popTable()
if (pushed == NULL)
lyxerr.print("LyXLex error: nothing to pop!");
pushed_table *tmp;
tmp = pushed;
table = tmp->table_elem;
no_items = tmp->table_siz;
tmp->table_elem = NULL;
pushed = tmp->next;
delete tmp;
void LyXLex::printTable()
lyxerr.print(LString("\nNumber of tags: ")+no_items);
for(int i=0; i<no_items; i++)
"]: tag: `"+table[i].tag+
"' code:"+(long)table[i].code);
void LyXLex::printError(LString const & message)
LString tmpmsg = message;
lyxerr.print("LyX: "+tmpmsg+" [around line "+lineno+" of file "
bool LyXLex::setFile(LString const & filename)
if (file)
lyxerr.print("Error in LyXLex::setFile: file already set.");
file = fopen(filename.c_str(), "r");
name = filename;
owns_file = true;
lineno = 0;
return (file ? true : false);
void LyXLex::setFile(FILE *f)
if (file)
lyxerr.print("Error in LyXLex::setFile: file already set.");
file = f;
owns_file = false;
lineno = 0; // this is bogus if the file already has been read from
int LyXLex::lex()
//NOTE: possible bug.
if (next() && status==LEX_TOKEN)
return search_kw(buff);
return status;
int LyXLex::GetInteger()
if (buff[0]>' ')
return atoi(buff);
else {
printError("Bad integer `$$Token'");
return -1;
float LyXLex::GetFloat()
if (buff[0]>' ')
return (float)strtod(buff, (char**)NULL);
else {
printError("Bad float `$$Token'");
return -1;
LString LyXLex::GetString() const
return LString(buff);
// I would prefer to give a tag number instead of an explicit token
// here, but it is not possible because Buffer::readLyXformat2 uses
// explicit tokens (JMarc)
LString LyXLex::getLongString(LString const &endtoken)
LString str, prefix;
bool firstline = true;
while (IsOK()) {
if (!EatLine())
// blank line in the file being read
LString const token = GetString().strip().frontStrip();
lyxerr.debug("LongString: `"+GetString()+'\'', Error::LEX_PARSER);
// We do a case independent comparison, like search_kw
// does.
if (strcasecmp(token.c_str(), endtoken.c_str()) != 0) {
LString tmpstr = GetString();
if (firstline) {
int i = 0;
while(i < tmpstr.length()
&& tmpstr[i] == ' ') {
prefix += ' ';
firstline = false;
lyxerr.debug("Prefix = `"+prefix+'\'',
if (!prefix.empty()
&& tmpstr.prefixIs(prefix.c_str())) {
str += tmpstr + '\n';
else // token == endtoken
if (!IsOK())
printError("Long string not ended by `" + endtoken + '\'');
return str;
bool LyXLex::GetBool()
if (strcmp(buff, "true") == 0)
return true;
else if (strcmp(buff, "false") != 0)
printError("Bad boolean `$$Token'. Use \"false\" or \"true\"");
return false;
bool LyXLex::EatLine()
int i=0;
int c = '\0'; // getc() returns an int
while (!feof(file) && c!='\n' && i!=(LEX_MAX_BUFF-1)) {
c = getc(file);
if (c != '\r')
buff[i++] = c;
if (i==(LEX_MAX_BUFF-1) && c !='\n') {
printError("Line too long");
c = '\n'; // Pretend we had an end of line
lineno--; // but don't increase line counter (netto effect)
i++; // and preserve last character read.
if (c=='\n') {
buff[--i] = '\0'; // i can never be 0 here, so no danger
status = LEX_DATA;
return true;
} else {
buff[i] = '\0';
return false;
int LyXLex::search_kw(char const * const tag) const
int m, k=0 , l= 0, r=no_items;
while (l < r) {
m = (l+r)/2;
LString my_l;
my_l+="LyXLex::search_kw: elem " ;
my_l+= m;
my_l+=" tag ";
my_l+=" search tag ";
my_l+= tag;
if (table[m].tag)
k = strcasecmp(table[m].tag, tag);
if (k==0)
return table[m].code;
if (k<0) l = m+1; else r = m;
return -1;
bool LyXLex::next(bool esc)
if (!esc) {
int c; // getc() returns an int
int i;
status = 0;
while (!feof(file) && !status) {
c = getc(file);
if (c=='#') {
// Read rest of line (fast :-)
fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), file);
if (c=='\"') {
i = -1;
do {
c = getc(file);
if (c != '\r')
buff[++i] = c;
} while (c!='\"' && c!='\n' && !feof(file) &&
if (i==(LEX_MAX_BUFF-2)) {
printError("Line too long");
c = '\"'; // Pretend we got a "
if (c!='\"') {
printError("Missing quote");
if (c=='\n')
buff[i] = '\0';
status = LEX_DATA;
if (c==',')
continue; /* Skip ','s */
if (c > ' ' && !feof(file)) {
i = 0;
do {
buff[i++] = c;
c = getc(file);
} while (c > ' ' && c != ',' && !feof(file) &&
(i != LEX_MAX_BUFF-1) );
if (i == LEX_MAX_BUFF-1) {
printError("Line too long");
buff[i] = '\0';
status = LEX_TOKEN;
if (c=='\r' && !feof(file)) {
// The Windows support has lead to the
// possibility of "\r\n" at the end of
// a line. This will stop LyX choking
// when it expected to find a '\n'
c = getc(file);
if (c=='\n')
if (status) return true;
status = (feof(file)) ? LEX_FEOF: LEX_UNDEF;
buff[0] = '\0';
return false;
} else {
int c; // getc() returns an int
int i;
status = 0;
while (!feof(file) && !status) {
c = getc(file);
// skip ','s
if (c==',') continue;
if (c=='\\') {
// escape
i = 0;
do {
if (c == '\\') {
// escape the next char
c = getc(file);
buff[i++] = c;
c = getc(file);
} while (c > ' ' && c != ',' && !feof(file) &&
(i != LEX_MAX_BUFF-1) );
if (i == LEX_MAX_BUFF-1) {
printError("Line too long");
buff[i] = '\0';
status = LEX_TOKEN;
if (c=='#') {
// Read rest of line (fast :-)
fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), file);
// string
if (c=='\"') {
i = -1;
bool escaped = false;
do {
escaped = false;
c = getc(file);
if (c == '\r') continue;
if (c == '\\') {
// escape the next char
c = getc(file);
escaped = true;
buff[++i] = c;
if (!escaped && c == '\"') break;
} while (c!='\n' && !feof(file) &&
if (i==(LEX_MAX_BUFF-2)) {
printError("Line too long");
c = '\"'; // Pretend we got a "
if (c!='\"') {
printError("Missing quote");
if (c=='\n')
buff[i] = '\0';
status = LEX_DATA;
if (c > ' ' && !feof(file)) {
i = 0;
do {
if (c == '\\') {
// escape the next char
c = getc(file);
//escaped = true;
buff[i++] = c;
c = getc(file);
} while (c > ' ' && c != ',' && !feof(file) &&
(i != LEX_MAX_BUFF-1) );
if (i == LEX_MAX_BUFF-1) {
printError("Line too long");
buff[i] = '\0';
status = LEX_TOKEN;
// new line
if (c=='\n')
if (status) return true;
status = (feof(file)) ? LEX_FEOF: LEX_UNDEF;
buff[0] = '\0';
return false;
bool LyXLex::nextToken()
int c; // getc() returns an int
int i;
status = 0;
while (!feof(file) && !status) {
c = getc(file);
if (c >= ' ' && !feof(file)) {
i = 0;
if (c == '\\') { // first char == '\\'
do {
buff[i++] = c;
c = getc(file);
} while (c > ' ' && c != '\\' && !feof(file) &&
i != (LEX_MAX_BUFF-1));
} else {
do {
buff[i++] = c;
c = getc(file);
} while (c >= ' ' && c != '\\' && !feof(file)
&& i != (LEX_MAX_BUFF-1));
if (i == (LEX_MAX_BUFF-1)) {
printError("Line too long");
if (c == '\\') ungetc(c,file); // put it back
buff[i] = '\0';
status = LEX_TOKEN;
if (c=='\n')
if (status) return true;
status = (feof(file)) ? LEX_FEOF: LEX_UNDEF;
buff[0] = '\0';
return false;
int LyXLex::FindToken(char const* string[])
int i = -1;
if (next()) {
if (strcmp(buff, "default")) {
for (i=0; string[i][0] && strcmp(string[i], buff); i++);
if (!string[i][0]) {
printError("Unknown argument `$$Token'");
i = -1;
} else
printError("file ended while scanning string token");
return i;
int LyXLex::CheckToken(char const* string[], int print_error)
int i = -1;
if (strcmp(buff, "default")) {
for (i=0; string[i][0] && strcmp(string[i], buff); i++);
if (!string[i][0]) {
if (print_error)
printError("Unknown argument `$$Token'");
i = -1;
return i;
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.25 Sekunden
Die Informationen auf dieser Webseite wurden
nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.