// -*- C++ -*-
* File: math_macro.h
* Purpose: Declaration of macro class for mathed
* Author: Alejandro Aguilar Sierra <[email protected]>
* Created: November 1996
* Description: WYSIWYG math macros
* Dependencies: Mathed
* Copyright: (c) 1996, 1997 Alejandro Aguilar Sierra
* Version: 0.2, Mathed & Lyx project.
* This code is under the GNU General Public Licence version 2 or later.
#ifndef __MATH_MACRO__
#define __MATH_MACRO__
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma interface
#include "math_defs.h"
typedef MathParInset* MathParInsetP;
typedef LyxArrayBase *LyxArrayBaseP;
class MathMacroTemplate;
/// This class contains the data for a macro
class MathMacro: public MathParInset
/// A macro can only be builded from an existing template
MathMacro(MathMacroTemplate *);
/// or from another macro.
void Draw(int, int);
void Metrics();
MathedInset *Clone();
void Write(FILE *);
void Write(LString &);
bool setArgumentIdx(int);
int getArgumentIdx();
int getMaxArgumentIdx();
int GetColumns();
void GetXY(int&, int&) const;
void SetFocus(int, int);
LyxArrayBase *GetData();
MathedRowSt *getRowSt() const { return args[idx].row; }
void SetData(LyxArrayBase *);
MathedTextCodes getTCode() { return tcode; }
bool Permit(short);
MathMacroTemplate *tmplate;
struct MacroArgumentBase {
/// Position of the macro
int x, y;
MathedRowSt *row;
LyxArrayBase *array;
MacroArgumentBase() { x = y = 0; array = 0; row = 0; }
} *args;
int idx;
int nargs;
MathedTextCodes tcode;
friend class MathMacroTemplate;
/// An argument
class MathMacroArgument: public MathParInset
MathMacroArgument() { expnd_mode = false; number = 1; SetType(LM_OT_MACRO_ARG); }
~MathMacroArgument() { fprintf(stderr, "help, destroyme!\n"); }
MathedInset *Clone() { return this; }
void Metrics();
void Draw(int x, int baseline);
void Write(FILE*);
void Write(LString &);
void setNumber(int n) { number = n; }
/// Is expanded or not
void setExpand(bool e) { expnd_mode = e; }
/// Is expanded or not
bool getExpand() { return expnd_mode; }
bool expnd_mode;
int number;
/// This class contains the macro definition
class MathMacroTemplate: public MathParInset
/// A template constructor needs all the data
MathMacroTemplate(char const*, int na=0, int f=0);
void Draw(int, int);
void Metrics();
void WriteDef(FILE *);
void WriteDef(LString &);
/// useful for special insets
void setTCode(MathedTextCodes t) { tcode = t; }
MathedTextCodes getTCode() { return tcode; }
void setArgument(LyxArrayBase *, int i=0);
/// Number of arguments
int getNoArgs() { return nargs; }
void GetMacroXY(int, int&, int&) const;
MathParInset *getMacroPar(int) const;
void SetMacroFocus(int&, int, int);
void setEditMode(bool);
/// Replace the appropriate arguments with a specific macro's data
void update(MathMacro* m=0);
short flags;
MathedTextCodes tcode;
MathMacroArgument *args;
int nargs;
friend class MathMacro;
typedef MathMacro *MathMacroP;
typedef MathMacroTemplate *MathMacroTemplateP;
class MathMacroTable
void addTemplate(MathMacroTemplate *);
MathMacro *getMacro(char const*) const;
MathMacroTemplate *getTemplate(char const*) const;
void builtinMacros();
static MathMacroTable mathMTable;
static bool built;
const int max_macros;
int num_macros;
MathMacroTemplateP *macro_table;
/*----------------------- inlines -------------------------*/
bool MathMacro::setArgumentIdx(int i)
if (i>=0 && i<nargs) {
idx = i;
return true;
} else
return false;
int MathMacro::getArgumentIdx()
return idx;
int MathMacro::getMaxArgumentIdx()
return nargs-1;
LyxArrayBase *MathMacro::GetData()
return args[idx].array;
void MathMacro::SetData(LyxArrayBase *a)
args[idx].array = a;
MathMacro *MathMacroTable::getMacro(char const* name) const
MathMacroTemplate *mt = getTemplate(name);
return (mt) ? new MathMacro(mt): 0;
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