\section{Lead class}
The Lead models a Pacemaker lead that read and write pulse values from and to the heart. Each lead its attached to a specific chamber and this is captured using the instance variable chamber.
class Lead is subclass of GLOBAL
instance variables
private chamber : Chamber;
private scheduledPulse : [(Time * Pulse)];
Also a scheduledPulse variable keeps track of a possible pulse that was scheduled by the HeartContorller.
Lead: Chamber ==> Lead
Lead(chm) ==
chamber := chm;
scheduledPulse := nil;
getChamber is an auxiliar operation that inspect the chamber where this lead is
attached to.
getChamber: () ==> Chamber
getChamber () == return chamber;
Whenever theres an electrical pulse in the chamber corresponding to this lead the environment will call the following stimulate operation. And the lead will transmit it immediately to the HeartController.
stimulate : Sense ==> ()
stimulate (s) == Pacemaker`heartController.sensorNotify(s,chamber);
The stepping mechanism in this class is just for each time unit check if there is a scheuled pulse that is made by followPlan.
Step: () ==> ()
Step () == followPlan();
A lead its in a finish state if there's no scheduledPulse.
isFinished : () ==> bool
isFinished () == return scheduledPulse = nil;
The following operation its used by the HeartController when a pulse should be delivered. Its logic is simple if a pulse is to be delivered right now does it, otherwise schedules it. Because there will be always just one scheduled pulse a precondition is set accordingly.
addLeadPace : Pulse * Time ==> ()
addLeadPace (p,t) ==
if t <= World`timerRef.GetTime()
then dischargePulse(p)
else (scheduledPulse := mk_(t,p);
pre t > World`timerRef.GetTime() => scheduledPulse = nil;
Then the private function dischargePulse delivers the pulse to the environment.
dischargePulse : Pulse ==> ()
dischargePulse (p) ==
The followPlan is invoked each Step in order to discharge the pulse that eventually was scheduled.
followPlan : () ==> ()
followPlan () ==
dcl curTime : Time := World`timerRef.GetTime();
if scheduledPulse <> nil
then if(curTime >= scheduledPulse.#1)
then (dischargePulse(scheduledPulse.#2);
scheduledPulse := nil);
end Lead
\subsection*{Test coverage}
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