Identification Division.
Program-Id. Victor.
* Buch "Introduction to Cybernetics", 1966
* von Viktor Gluschkow
* p272
Data Division.
Working-Storage Section.
78 n value 100.
77 p pic 9(4).
77 i pic 9(4).
77 j pic 9(4).
77 k pic 9(4).
77 s pic 9(4).
77 xf pic 9(4).
77 xs pic 9(4).
77 vs pic 9(4).
77 vf pic 9(4).
77 yf pic 9(4).
77 ys pic 9(4).
77 sf pic 9(4)V99.
77 ss pic 9(4)V99.
77 a pic 9.
77 r pic 9 occurs n.
Procedure Division.
* Formula
accept r
move 0 to sf ss
move 0 to s
perform varying i from 1 until i=n
if r(xf(i)) and not r(yf(i)) then
add vf(i) to sf
if r(xs(i)) and not r(ys(i)) then
add vf(i) to sf
if sf>ss move 1 to p.
if sf<ss move 2 to p.
if sf=ss goto L.
display p
accept a
if a and (p=1) then
perform varying j from 1 until j=n
if r(xf(j)) and not r(yf(j)) then
add 1 to vf(j)
if a and (p=2) then
perform varying k from 1 until k=n
if r(xs(k)) and not r(ys(k)) then
add 1 to vs(k)
goto L.
* P=???
End-Program Victor.
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.2 Sekunden
Fehler beim Verzeichnis:
in der Quellcodebibliothek suchen
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.