(** Configuration script for Coq *)
(** This file should be run via: ocaml configure.ml <opts>
You could also use our wrapper ./configure <opts> *)
#load "unix.cma"
#load "str.cma"
open Printf
let coq_version = "8.10.1"
let coq_macos_version = "8.10.1" (** "[...] should be a string comprised of
three non-negative, period-separated integers [...]" *)
let vo_magic = 81000
let state_magic = 581000
let is_a_released_version = true
let distributed_exec =
["coqtop.opt"; "coqidetop.opt"; "coqqueryworker.opt"; "coqproofworker.opt"; "coqtacticworker.opt";
let verbose = ref false (* for debugging this script *)
let red, yellow, reset =
if Unix.isatty Unix.stdout && Unix.isatty Unix.stderr && Sys.os_type = "Unix"
then "\027[31m", "\027[33m", "\027[0m"
else "", "", ""
(** * Utility functions *)
let cfprintf oc = kfprintf (fun oc -> fprintf oc "\n%!") oc
let cprintf s = cfprintf stdout s
let ceprintf s = cfprintf stderr s
let die msg = ceprintf "%s%s%s\nConfiguration script failed!" red msg reset; exit 1
let warn s = kfprintf (fun oc -> cfprintf oc "%s" reset) stdout ("%sWarning: " ^^ s) yellow
let s2i = int_of_string
let i2s = string_of_int
let (/) x y = x ^ "/" ^ y
(** Remove the final '\r' that may exists on Win32 *)
let remove_final_cr s =
let n = String.length s in
if n<>0 && s.[n-1] = '\r' then String.sub s 0 (n-1)
else s
let check_exit_code (_,code) = match code with
| Unix.WEXITED 0 -> ()
| Unix.WEXITED 127 -> failwith "no such command"
| Unix.WEXITED n -> failwith ("exit code " ^ i2s n)
| Unix.WSIGNALED n -> failwith ("killed by signal " ^ i2s n)
| Unix.WSTOPPED n -> failwith ("stopped by signal " ^ i2s n)
(** As for Unix.close_process, our Unix.waipid will ignore all EINTR *)
let rec waitpid_non_intr pid =
try Unix.waitpid [] pid
with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EINTR, _, _) -> waitpid_non_intr pid
(** Below, we'd better read all lines on a channel before closing it,
otherwise a SIGPIPE could be encountered by the sub-process *)
let read_lines_and_close fd =
let cin = Unix.in_channel_of_descr fd in
let lines = ref [] in
while true do
lines := remove_final_cr (input_line cin) :: !lines
with End_of_file -> ()
close_in cin;
let lines = List.rev !lines in
try List.hd lines, lines with Failure _ -> "", []
(** Run some unix command and read the first line of its output.
We avoid Unix.open_process and its non-fully-portable /bin/sh,
especially when it comes to quoting the filenames.
See open_process_pid in ide/coq.ml for more details.
Error messages:
- if err=StdErr, any error message goes in the stderr of our script.
- if err=StdOut, we merge stderr and stdout (just as 2>&1).
- if err=DevNull, we drop the error messages (same as 2>/dev/null). *)
type err = StdErr | StdOut | DevNull
let exe = ref "" (* Will be set later on, when the suffix is known *)
let run ?(fatal=true) ?(err=StdErr) prog args =
let prog = (* Ensure prog ends with exe *)
if Str.string_match (Str.regexp ("^.*" ^ !exe ^ "$")) prog 0
then prog else (prog ^ !exe) in
let argv = Array.of_list (prog::args) in
let out_r,out_w = Unix.pipe () in
let nul_r,nul_w = Unix.pipe () in
let () = Unix.set_close_on_exec out_r in
let () = Unix.set_close_on_exec nul_r in
let fd_err = match err with
| StdErr -> Unix.stderr
| StdOut -> out_w
| DevNull -> nul_w
let pid = Unix.create_process prog argv Unix.stdin out_w fd_err in
let () = Unix.close out_w in
let () = Unix.close nul_w in
let line, all = read_lines_and_close out_r in
let _ = read_lines_and_close nul_r in
let () = check_exit_code (waitpid_non_intr pid) in
line, all
| _ when not fatal && not !verbose -> "", []
| e ->
let cmd = String.concat " " (prog::args) in
let exn = match e with Failure s -> s | _ -> Printexc.to_string e in
let msg = sprintf "Error while running '%s' (%s)" cmd exn in
if fatal then die msg else (warn "%s" msg; "", [])
let tryrun prog args = run ~fatal:false ~err:DevNull prog args
(** Splitting a string at some character *)
let string_split c s =
let len = String.length s in
let rec split n =
let pos = String.index_from s n c in
let dir = String.sub s n (pos-n) in
dir :: split (succ pos)
| Not_found -> [String.sub s n (len-n)]
if len = 0 then [] else split 0
(** String prefix test : does [s1] starts with [s2] ? *)
let starts_with s1 s2 =
let l1 = String.length s1 and l2 = String.length s2 in
l2 <= l1 && s2 = String.sub s1 0 l2
(** Turn a version string such as "4.01.0+rc2" into the list
["4";"01";"1"], stopping at the first non-digit or "." *)
let numeric_prefix_list s =
let isnum c = (c = '.' || (c >= '0' && c <= '9')) in
let max = String.length s in
let i = ref 0 in
while !i < max && isnum s.[!i] do incr i done;
match string_split '.' (String.sub s 0 !i) with
| [v] -> [v;"0";"0"]
| [v1;v2] -> [v1;v2;"0"]
| [v1;v2;""] -> [v1;v2;"0"] (* e.g. because it ends with ".beta" *)
| v -> v
(** Combined existence and directory tests *)
let dir_exists f = Sys.file_exists f && Sys.is_directory f
(** Does a file exist and is executable ? *)
let is_executable f =
try let () = Unix.access f [Unix.X_OK] in true
with Unix.Unix_error _ -> false
(** Equivalent of rm -f *)
let safe_remove f =
try Unix.chmod f 0o644; Sys.remove f with _ -> ()
(** The PATH list for searching programs *)
let os_type_win32 = (Sys.os_type = "Win32")
let os_type_cygwin = (Sys.os_type = "Cygwin")
let global_path =
try string_split (if os_type_win32 then ';' else ':') (Sys.getenv "PATH")
with Not_found -> []
(** A "which" command. May raise [Not_found] *)
let which prog =
let rec search = function
| [] -> raise Not_found
| dir :: path ->
let file = if os_type_win32 then dir/prog^".exe" else dir/prog in
if is_executable file then file else search path
in search global_path
let program_in_path prog =
try let _ = which prog in true with Not_found -> false
(** * Date *)
(** The short one is displayed when starting coqtop,
The long one is used as compile date *)
let months =
[| "January";"February";"March";"April";"May";"June";
"July";"August";"September";"October";"November";"December" |]
let get_date () =
let now = Unix.localtime (Unix.time ()) in
let year = 1900+now.Unix.tm_year in
let month = months.(now.Unix.tm_mon) in
sprintf "%s %d" month year,
sprintf "%s %d %d %d:%02d:%02d" (String.sub month 0 3) now.Unix.tm_mday year
now.Unix.tm_hour now.Unix.tm_min now.Unix.tm_sec
let short_date, full_date = get_date ()
(** * Command-line parsing *)
type ide = Opt | Byte | No
type preferences = {
prefix : string option;
local : bool;
interactive : bool;
vmbyteflags : string option;
custom : bool option;
bindir : string option;
libdir : string option;
configdir : string option;
datadir : string option;
mandir : string option;
docdir : string option;
coqdocdir : string option;
ocamlfindcmd : string option;
arch : string option;
natdynlink : bool;
coqide : ide option;
macintegration : bool;
browser : string option;
withdoc : bool;
byteonly : bool;
flambda_flags : string list;
debug : bool;
profile : bool;
bin_annot : bool;
annot : bool;
bytecodecompiler : bool;
nativecompiler : bool;
coqwebsite : string;
force_caml_version : bool;
force_findlib_version : bool;
warn_error : bool;
module Profiles = struct
let default = {
prefix = None;
local = false;
interactive = true;
vmbyteflags = None;
custom = None;
bindir = None;
libdir = None;
configdir = None;
datadir = None;
mandir = None;
docdir = None;
coqdocdir = None;
ocamlfindcmd = None;
arch = None;
natdynlink = true;
coqide = None;
macintegration = true;
browser = None;
withdoc = false;
byteonly = false;
flambda_flags = [];
debug = true;
profile = false;
bin_annot = false;
annot = false;
bytecodecompiler = true;
nativecompiler = not (os_type_win32 || os_type_cygwin);
coqwebsite = "http://coq.inria.fr/";
force_caml_version = false;
force_findlib_version = false;
warn_error = false;
let devel state = { state with
local = true;
bin_annot = true;
annot = true;
warn_error = true;
let devel_doc = "-local -annot -bin-annot -warn-error yes"
let get = function
| "devel" -> devel
| s -> raise (Arg.Bad ("profile name expected instead of "^s))
let doc =
" Sets a bunch of flags. Supported profiles:
devel = " ^ devel_doc
let prefs = ref Profiles.default
(* Support don't ask *)
let cprintf x =
if !prefs.interactive
then cprintf x
else Printf.ifprintf stdout x
let get_bool = function
| "true" | "yes" | "y" | "all" -> true
| "false" | "no" | "n" -> false
| s -> raise (Arg.Bad ("boolean argument expected instead of "^s))
let get_ide = function
| "opt" -> Opt
| "byte" -> Byte
| "no" -> No
| s -> raise (Arg.Bad ("(opt|byte|no) argument expected instead of "^s))
let arg_bool f = Arg.String (fun s -> prefs := f !prefs (get_bool s))
let arg_string f = Arg.String (fun s -> prefs := f !prefs s)
let arg_string_option f = Arg.String (fun s -> prefs := f !prefs (Some s))
let arg_string_list c f = Arg.String (fun s -> prefs := f !prefs (string_split c s))
let arg_set f = Arg.Unit (fun () -> prefs := f !prefs true)
let arg_clear f = Arg.Unit (fun () -> prefs := f !prefs false)
let arg_set_option f = Arg.Unit (fun () -> prefs := f !prefs (Some true))
let arg_clear_option f = Arg.Unit (fun () -> prefs := f !prefs (Some false))
let arg_ide f = Arg.String (fun s -> prefs := f !prefs (Some (get_ide s)))
let arg_profile = Arg.String (fun s -> prefs := Profiles.get s !prefs)
(* TODO : earlier any option -foo was also available as --foo *)
let args_options = Arg.align [
"-prefix", arg_string_option (fun p prefix -> { p with prefix }),
" Set installation directory to ";
"-local", arg_set (fun p local -> { p with local }),
" Set installation directory to the current source tree";
"-no-ask", arg_clear (fun p interactive -> { p with interactive }),
" Don't ask questions / print variables during configure [questions will be filled with defaults]";
"-vmbyteflags", arg_string_option (fun p vmbyteflags -> { p with vmbyteflags }),
" Comma-separated link flags for the VM of coqtop.byte";
"-custom", arg_set_option (fun p custom -> { p with custom }),
" Build bytecode executables with -custom (not recommended)";
"-no-custom", arg_clear_option (fun p custom -> { p with custom }),
" Do not build with -custom on Windows and MacOS";
"-bindir", arg_string_option (fun p bindir -> { p with bindir }),
" Where to install bin files";
"-libdir", arg_string_option (fun p libdir -> { p with libdir }),
" Where to install lib files";
"-configdir", arg_string_option (fun p configdir -> { p with configdir }),
" Where to install config files";
"-datadir", arg_string_option (fun p datadir -> { p with datadir }),
" Where to install data files";
"-mandir", arg_string_option (fun p mandir -> { p with mandir }),
" Where to install man files";
"-docdir", arg_string_option (fun p docdir -> { p with docdir }),
" Where to install doc files";
"-coqdocdir", arg_string_option (fun p coqdocdir -> { p with coqdocdir }),
" Where to install Coqdoc style files";
"-ocamlfind", arg_string_option (fun p ocamlfindcmd -> { p with ocamlfindcmd }),
" Specifies the ocamlfind command to use";
"-flambda-opts", arg_string_list ' ' (fun p flambda_flags -> { p with flambda_flags }),
" Specifies additional flags to be passed to the flambda optimizing compiler";
"-arch", arg_string_option (fun p arch -> { p with arch }),
" Specifies the architecture";
"-natdynlink", arg_bool (fun p natdynlink -> { p with natdynlink }),
"(yes|no) Use dynamic loading of native code or not";
"-coqide", arg_ide (fun p coqide -> { p with coqide }),
"(opt|byte|no) Specifies whether or not to compile CoqIDE";
"-nomacintegration", arg_clear (fun p macintegration -> { p with macintegration }),
" Do not try to build CoqIDE MacOS integration";
"-browser", arg_string_option (fun p browser -> { p with browser }),
" Use to open URL %s";
"-with-doc", arg_bool (fun p withdoc -> { p with withdoc }),
"(yes|no) Compile the documentation or not";
"-byte-only", arg_set (fun p byteonly -> { p with byteonly }),
" Compiles only bytecode version of Coq";
"-nodebug", arg_clear (fun p debug -> { p with debug }),
" Do not add debugging information in the Coq executables";
"-profiling", arg_set (fun p profile -> { p with profile }),
" Add profiling information in the Coq executables";
"-annotate", Arg.Unit (fun () -> die "-annotate has been removed. Please use -annot or -bin-annot instead."),
" Removed option. Please use -annot or -bin-annot instead";
"-annot", arg_set (fun p annot -> { p with annot }),
" Dumps ml text annotation files while compiling Coq (e.g. for Tuareg)";
"-bin-annot", arg_set (fun p bin_annot -> { p with bin_annot }),
" Dumps ml binary annotation files while compiling Coq (e.g. for Merlin)";
"-bytecode-compiler", arg_bool (fun p bytecodecompiler -> { p with bytecodecompiler }),
"(yes|no) Enable Coq's bytecode reduction machine (VM)";
"-native-compiler", arg_bool (fun p nativecompiler -> { p with nativecompiler }),
"(yes|no) Compilation to native code for conversion and normalization";
"-coqwebsite", arg_string (fun p coqwebsite -> { p with coqwebsite }),
" URL of the coq website";
"-force-caml-version", arg_set (fun p force_caml_version -> { p with force_caml_version }),
" Force OCaml version";
"-force-findlib-version", arg_set (fun p force_findlib_version -> { p with force_findlib_version }),
" Force findlib version";
"-warn-error", arg_bool (fun p warn_error -> { p with warn_error }),
"(yes|no) Make OCaml warnings into errors (default no)";
"-camldir", Arg.String (fun _ -> ()),
" Specifies path to 'ocaml' for running configure script";
"-profile", arg_profile,
let parse_args () =
(fun s -> raise (Arg.Bad ("Unknown option: "^s)))
"Available options for configure are:";
if !prefs.local && !prefs.prefix <> None then
die "Options -prefix and -local are incompatible."
let _ = parse_args ()
(** Default OCaml binaries *)
type camlexec =
{ mutable find : string;
mutable top : string;
mutable lex : string;
mutable yacc : string;
let camlexec =
{ find = "ocamlfind";
top = "ocaml";
lex = "ocamllex";
yacc = "ocamlyacc";
let reset_caml_lex c o = c.lex <- o
let reset_caml_yacc c o = c.yacc <- o
let reset_caml_top c o = c.top <- o
let reset_caml_find c o = c.find <- o
let coq_debug_flag = if !prefs.debug then "-g" else ""
let coq_profile_flag = if !prefs.profile then "-p" else ""
let coq_annot_flag = if !prefs.annot then "-annot" else ""
let coq_bin_annot_flag = if !prefs.bin_annot then "-bin-annot" else ""
(* This variable can be overridden only for debug purposes, use with
care. *)
let coq_safe_string = "-safe-string"
let coq_strict_sequence = "-strict-sequence"
let cflags = "-Wall -Wno-unused -g -O2"
(** * Architecture *)
let arch_progs =
("/bin/arch", []);
("/usr/bin/arch", []);
("/usr/ucb/arch", []) ]
let query_arch () =
cprintf "I can not automatically find the name of your architecture.";
cprintf "Give me a name, please [win32 for Win95, Win98 or WinNT]: %!";
read_line ()
let rec try_archs = function
| (prog,args)::rest when is_executable prog ->
let arch, _ = tryrun prog args in
if arch <> "" then arch else try_archs rest
| _ :: rest -> try_archs rest
| [] -> query_arch ()
let arch = match !prefs.arch with
| Some a -> a
| None ->
let arch,_ = tryrun "uname" ["-s"] in
if starts_with arch "CYGWIN" then "win32"
else if starts_with arch "MINGW32" then "win32"
else if arch <> "" then arch
else try_archs arch_progs
(** NB: [arch_is_win32] is broader than [os_type_win32], cf. cygwin *)
let arch_is_win32 = (arch = "win32")
let exe = exe := if arch_is_win32 then ".exe" else ""; !exe
let dll = if os_type_win32 then ".dll" else ".so"
(** * Git Precommit Hook *)
let _ =
let f = ".git/hooks/pre-commit" in
if dir_exists ".git/hooks" && not (Sys.file_exists f) then begin
cprintf "Creating pre-commit hook in %s" f;
let o = open_out f in
let pr s = fprintf o s in
pr "#!/bin/sh\n";
pr "\n";
pr "if [ -x dev/tools/pre-commit ]; then\n";
pr " exec dev/tools/pre-commit\n";
pr "fi\n";
close_out o;
Unix.chmod f 0o775
(** * Browser command *)
let browser =
match !prefs.browser with
| Some b -> b
| None when arch_is_win32 -> "start %s"
| None when arch = "Darwin" -> "open %s"
| _ -> "firefox -remote \"OpenURL(%s,new-tab)\" || firefox %s &"
(** * OCaml programs *)
let camlbin, caml_version, camllib, findlib_version =
let () = match !prefs.ocamlfindcmd with
| Some cmd -> reset_caml_find camlexec cmd
| None ->
try reset_caml_find camlexec (which camlexec.find)
with Not_found ->
die (sprintf "Error: cannot find '%s' in your path!\n" camlexec.find ^
"Please adjust your path or use the -ocamlfind option of ./configure")
if not (is_executable camlexec.find)
then die ("Error: cannot find the executable '"^camlexec.find^"'.")
let findlib_version, _ = run camlexec.find ["query"; "findlib"; "-format"; "%v"] in
let caml_version, _ = run camlexec.find ["ocamlc";"-version"] in
let camllib, _ = run camlexec.find ["printconf";"stdlib"] in
let camlbin = (* TODO beurk beurk beurk *)
Filename.dirname (Filename.dirname camllib) / "bin/" in
let () =
if is_executable (camlbin / "ocamllex")
then reset_caml_lex camlexec (camlbin / "ocamllex") in
let () =
if is_executable (camlbin / "ocamlyacc")
then reset_caml_yacc camlexec (camlbin / "ocamlyacc") in
let () =
if is_executable (camlbin / "ocaml")
then reset_caml_top camlexec (camlbin / "ocaml") in
camlbin, caml_version, camllib, findlib_version
(** Caml version as a list of string, e.g. ["4";"00";"1"] *)
let caml_version_list = numeric_prefix_list caml_version
(** Same, with integers in the version list *)
let caml_version_nums =
if List.length caml_version_list < 2 then failwith "bad version";
List.map s2i caml_version_list
with _ ->
die ("I found the OCaml compiler but cannot read its version number!\n" ^
"Is it installed properly?")
let check_caml_version () =
if caml_version_nums >= [4;5;0] then
cprintf "You have OCaml %s. Good!" caml_version
let () = cprintf "Your version of OCaml is %s." caml_version in
if !prefs.force_caml_version then
warn "Your version of OCaml is outdated."
die "You need OCaml 4.05.0 or later."
let _ = check_caml_version ()
let findlib_version_list = numeric_prefix_list findlib_version
let findlib_version_nums =
if List.length findlib_version_list < 2 then failwith "bad version";
List.map s2i findlib_version_list
with _ ->
die ("I found ocamlfind but cannot read its version number!\n" ^
"Is it installed properly?")
let check_findlib_version () =
if findlib_version_nums >= [1;4;1] then
cprintf "You have OCamlfind %s. Good!" findlib_version
let () = cprintf "Your version of OCamlfind is %s." findlib_version in
if !prefs.force_findlib_version then
warn "Your version of OCamlfind is outdated."
die "You need OCamlfind 1.4.1 or later."
let _ = check_findlib_version ()
let camltag = match caml_version_list with
| x::y::_ -> "OCAML"^x^y
| _ -> assert false
(** Explanation of disabled warnings:
4: fragile pattern matching: too common in the code and too annoying to avoid in general
9: missing fields in a record pattern: too common in the code and not worth the bother
27: innocuous unused variable: innocuous
41: ambiguous constructor or label: too common
42: disambiguated counstructor or label: too common
44: "open" shadowing already defined identifier: too common, especially when some are aliases
45: "open" shadowing a label or constructor: see 44
48: implicit elimination of optional arguments: too common
58: "no cmx file was found in path": See https://github.com/ocaml/num/issues/9
let coq_warnings = "-w +a-4-9-27-41-42-44-45-48-58"
let coq_warn_error =
if !prefs.warn_error
then "-warn-error +a"
else ""
(* Flags used to compile Coq and plugins (via coq_makefile) *)
let caml_flags =
Printf.sprintf "-thread -rectypes %s %s %s %s %s" coq_warnings coq_annot_flag coq_bin_annot_flag coq_safe_string coq_strict_sequence
(* Flags used to compile Coq but _not_ plugins (via coq_makefile) *)
let coq_caml_flags =
let shorten_camllib s =
if starts_with s (camllib^"/") then
let l = String.length camllib + 1 in
"+" ^ String.sub s l (String.length s - l)
else s
(** * Native compiler *)
let msg_byteonly =
"Only the bytecode version of Coq will be available."
let msg_no_ocamlopt () =
warn "Cannot find the OCaml native-code compiler.\n%s" msg_byteonly
let msg_no_dynlink_cmxa () =
warn "Cannot find native-code dynlink library.\n%s" msg_byteonly;
cprintf "For building a native-code Coq, you may try to first";
cprintf "compile and install a dummy dynlink.cmxa (see dev/dynlink.ml)";
cprintf "and then run ./configure -natdynlink no"
let check_native () =
let () = if !prefs.byteonly then raise Not_found in
let version, _ = tryrun camlexec.find ["opt";"-version"] in
if version = "" then let () = msg_no_ocamlopt () in raise Not_found
else if fst (tryrun camlexec.find ["query";"dynlink"]) = ""
then let () = msg_no_dynlink_cmxa () in raise Not_found
let () =
if version <> caml_version then
warn "Native and bytecode compilers do not have the same version!"
in cprintf "You have native-code compilation. Good!"
let best_compiler =
try check_native (); "opt" with Not_found -> "byte"
(** * Native dynlink *)
let hasnatdynlink = !prefs.natdynlink && best_compiler = "opt"
let natdynlinkflag =
if hasnatdynlink then "true" else "false"
(** * OS dependent libraries *)
let operating_system =
if starts_with arch "sun4" then
let os, _ = run "uname" ["-r"] in
if starts_with os "5" then
"Sun Solaris "^os
"Sun OS "^os
(try Sys.getenv "OS" with Not_found -> "")
(** Num library *)
(* since 4.06, the Num library is no longer distributed with OCaml (replaced
by Zarith)
let check_for_numlib () =
if caml_version_nums >= [4;6;0] then
let numlib,_ = tryrun camlexec.find ["query";"num"] in
match numlib with
| "" ->
die "Num library not installed, required for OCaml 4.06 or later"
| _ -> cprintf "You have the Num library installed. Good!"
let numlib =
check_for_numlib ()
(** * lablgtk3 and CoqIDE *)
(** Detect and/or verify the Lablgtk3 location *)
let get_lablgtkdir () =
tryrun camlexec.find ["query";"lablgtk3-sourceview3"]
(** Detect and/or verify the Lablgtk2 version *)
let check_lablgtk_version () =
let v, _ = tryrun camlexec.find ["query"; "-format"; "%v"; "lablgtk3"] in
(true, v)
(* ejgallego: we wait to do version checks until an official release is out *)
(* try
let vi = numeric_prefix_list v in
(* Temporary hack *)
if vi = ["3";"0";"beta3"] then (false, v) else
let vi = List.map s2i vi in
if vi < [3; 0; 0] then
(false, v)
(true, v)
with _ -> (false, v)
let pr_ide = function No -> "no" | Byte -> "only bytecode" | Opt -> "native"
exception Ide of ide
(** If the user asks an impossible coqide, we abort the configuration *)
let set_ide ide msg = match ide, !prefs.coqide with
| No, Some (Byte|Opt)
| Byte, Some Opt -> die (msg^":\n=> cannot build requested CoqIde")
| _ ->
cprintf "%s:\n=> %s CoqIde will be built." msg (pr_ide ide);
raise (Ide ide)
let lablgtkdir = ref ""
(** Which CoqIde is possible ? Which one is requested ?
This function also sets the lablgtkdir reference in case of success. *)
let check_coqide () =
if !prefs.coqide = Some No then set_ide No "CoqIde manually disabled";
let dir, via = get_lablgtkdir () in
if dir = ""
then set_ide No "LablGtk3 not found"
let (ok, version) = check_lablgtk_version () in
let found = sprintf "LablGtk3 found (%s)" version in
if not ok then set_ide No (found^", but too old (required >= 3.0, found " ^ version ^ ")");
(* We're now sure to produce at least one kind of coqide *)
lablgtkdir := shorten_camllib dir;
if !prefs.coqide = Some Byte then set_ide Byte (found^", bytecode requested");
if best_compiler <> "opt" then set_ide Byte (found^", but no native compiler");
if not (Sys.file_exists (camllib/"threads"/"threads.cmxa")) then
set_ide Byte (found^", but no native threads");
set_ide Opt (found^", with native threads")
let coqide =
try check_coqide ()
with Ide Opt -> "opt" | Ide Byte -> "byte" | Ide No -> "no"
(** System-specific CoqIde flags *)
let idearchflags = ref ""
let idearchfile = ref ""
let idecdepsflags = ref ""
let idearchdef = ref "X11"
let coqide_flags () =
match coqide, arch with
| "opt", "Darwin" when !prefs.macintegration ->
let osxdir,_ = tryrun camlexec.find ["query";"lablgtkosx"] in
if osxdir <> "" then begin
idearchflags := "lablgtkosx.cma";
idearchdef := "QUARTZ"
| "opt", "win32" ->
idearchfile := "ide/ide_win32_stubs.o ide/coq_icon.o";
idecdepsflags := "-custom";
idearchflags := "-ccopt '-subsystem windows'";
idearchdef := "WIN32"
| _, "win32" ->
idearchflags := "-ccopt '-subsystem windows'";
idearchdef := "WIN32"
| _ -> ()
let _ = coqide_flags ()
(** * strip command *)
let strip =
if arch = "Darwin" then
if hasnatdynlink then "true" else "strip"
if !prefs.profile || !prefs.debug then "true" else begin
let _, all = run camlexec.find ["ocamlc";"-config"] in
let strip = String.concat "" (List.map (fun l ->
match string_split ' ' l with
| "ranlib:" :: cc :: _ -> (* on windows, we greb the right strip *)
Str.replace_first (Str.regexp "ranlib") "strip" cc
| _ -> ""
) all) in
if strip = "" then "strip" else strip
(** * Documentation : do we have latex, hevea, ... *)
let check_sphinx_deps () =
ignore (run (which "python3") ["doc/tools/coqrst/checkdeps.py"])
let check_doc () =
let err s =
die (sprintf "A documentation build was requested, but %s was not found." s);
if not (program_in_path "python3") then err "python3";
if not (program_in_path "sphinx-build") then err "sphinx-build";
check_sphinx_deps ()
let _ = if !prefs.withdoc then check_doc ()
(** * Installation directories : bindir, libdir, mandir, docdir, etc *)
let coqtop = Sys.getcwd ()
let unix = os_type_cygwin || not arch_is_win32
(** Variable name, description, ref in prefs, default dir, prefix-relative *)
type path_style =
| Absolute of string (* Should start with a "/" *)
| Relative of string (* Should not start with a "/" *)
let install = [
"BINDIR", "the Coq binaries", !prefs.bindir,
Relative "bin", Relative "bin", Relative "bin";
"COQLIBINSTALL", "the Coq library", !prefs.libdir,
Relative "lib", Relative "lib/coq", Relative "";
"CONFIGDIR", "the Coqide configuration files", !prefs.configdir,
Relative "config", Absolute "/etc/xdg/coq", Relative "ide";
"DATADIR", "the Coqide data files", !prefs.datadir,
Relative "share", Relative "share/coq", Relative "ide";
"MANDIR", "the Coq man pages", !prefs.mandir,
Relative "man", Relative "share/man", Relative "man";
"DOCDIR", "the Coq documentation", !prefs.docdir,
Relative "doc", Relative "share/doc/coq", Relative "doc";
"COQDOCDIR", "the Coqdoc LaTeX files", !prefs.coqdocdir,
Relative "latex", Relative "share/texmf/tex/latex/misc", Relative "tools/coqdoc";
let strip_trailing_slash_if_any p =
if p.[String.length p - 1] = '/' then String.sub p 0 (String.length p - 1) else p
let use_suffix prefix = function
| Relative "" -> prefix
| Relative suff -> prefix ^ "/" ^ suff
| Absolute path -> path
let relativize = function
(* Turn a global layout based on some prefix to a relative layout *)
| Relative _ as suffix -> suffix
| Absolute path -> Relative (String.sub path 1 (String.length path - 1))
let find_suffix prefix path = match prefix with
| None -> Absolute path
| Some p ->
let p = strip_trailing_slash_if_any p in
let lpath = String.length path in
let lp = String.length p in
if lpath > lp && String.sub path 0 lp = p then
Relative (String.sub path (lp+1) (lpath - lp - 1))
Absolute path
let do_one_instdir (var,msg,uservalue,selfcontainedlayout,unixlayout,locallayout) =
let dir,suffix =
if !prefs.local then (use_suffix coqtop locallayout,locallayout)
let env_prefix =
match !prefs.prefix with
| None ->
try Some (Sys.getenv "COQ_CONFIGURE_PREFIX")
| Not_found when !prefs.interactive -> None
| Not_found -> Some Sys.(getcwd () ^ "/../install/default")
| p -> p
in match uservalue, env_prefix with
| Some d, p -> d,find_suffix p d
| _, Some p ->
let suffix = if arch_is_win32 then selfcontainedlayout else relativize unixlayout in
use_suffix p suffix, suffix
| _, p ->
let suffix = if unix then unixlayout else selfcontainedlayout in
let base = if unix then "/usr/local" else "C:/coq" in
let dflt = use_suffix base suffix in
let () = printf "Where should I install %s [%s]? " msg dflt in
let line = read_line () in
if line = "" then (dflt,suffix) else (line,find_suffix p line)
in (var,msg,dir,suffix)
let install_dirs = List.map do_one_instdir install
let select var = List.find (fun (v,_,_,_) -> v=var) install_dirs
let coqlib,coqlibsuffix = let (_,_,d,s) = select "COQLIBINSTALL" in d,s
let docdir,docdirsuffix = let (_,_,d,s) = select "DOCDIR" in d,s
let configdir,configdirsuffix = let (_,_,d,s) = select "CONFIGDIR" in d,s
let datadir,datadirsuffix = let (_,_,d,s) = select "DATADIR" in d,s
(** * OCaml runtime flags *)
(** Do we use -custom (yes by default on Windows and MacOS) *)
let custom_os = arch_is_win32 || arch = "Darwin"
let use_custom = match !prefs.custom with
| Some b -> b
| None -> custom_os
let custom_flag = if use_custom then "-custom" else ""
let build_loadpath =
ref "# you might want to set CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH by hand!"
let config_runtime () =
match !prefs.vmbyteflags with
| Some flags -> string_split ',' flags
| _ when use_custom -> [custom_flag]
| _ when !prefs.local ->
| _ ->
build_loadpath := sprintf "export %s:='%s/kernel/byterun':$(%s)" ld coqtop ld;
let vmbyteflags = config_runtime ()
let esc s = if String.contains s ' ' then "\"" ^ s ^ "\"" else s
(** * Summary of the configuration *)
let print_summary () =
let pr s = printf s in
pr "\n";
pr " Architecture : %s\n" arch;
if operating_system <> "" then
pr " Operating system : %s\n" operating_system;
pr " Sys.os_type : %s\n" Sys.os_type;
pr " Coq VM bytecode link flags : %s\n" (String.concat " " vmbyteflags);
pr " Other bytecode link flags : %s\n" custom_flag;
pr " OCaml version : %s\n" caml_version;
pr " OCaml binaries in : %s\n" (esc camlbin);
pr " OCaml library in : %s\n" (esc camllib);
pr " OCaml flambda flags : %s\n" (String.concat " " !prefs.flambda_flags);
if best_compiler = "opt" then
pr " Native dynamic link support : %B\n" hasnatdynlink;
if coqide <> "no" then
pr " Lablgtk3 library in : %s\n" (esc !lablgtkdir);
if !idearchdef = "QUARTZ" then
pr " Mac OS integration is on\n";
pr " CoqIde : %s\n" coqide;
pr " Documentation : %s\n"
(if !prefs.withdoc then "All" else "None");
pr " Web browser : %s\n" browser;
pr " Coq web site : %s\n" !prefs.coqwebsite;
pr " Bytecode VM enabled : %B\n" !prefs.bytecodecompiler;
pr " Native Compiler enabled : %B\n\n" !prefs.nativecompiler;
if !prefs.local then
pr " Local build, no installation...\n"
(pr " Paths for true installation:\n";
(fun (_,msg,dir,_) -> pr " - %s will be copied in %s\n" msg (esc dir))
pr "\n";
pr "If anything is wrong above, please restart './configure'.\n\n";
pr "*Warning* To compile the system for a new architecture\n";
pr " don't forget to do a 'make clean' before './configure'.\n"
let _ =
if !prefs.interactive then print_summary ()
(** * Build the dev/ocamldebug-coq file *)
let write_dbg_wrapper f =
safe_remove f;
let o = open_out_bin f in (* _bin to avoid adding \r on Cygwin/Windows *)
let pr s = fprintf o s in
pr "#!/bin/sh\n\n";
pr "###### ocamldebug-coq : a wrapper around ocamldebug for Coq ######\n\n";
pr "# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE: automatically generated by ../configure #\n\n";
pr "export COQTOP=%S\n" coqtop;
pr "OCAMLDEBUG=%S\n" (camlbin^"/ocamldebug");
pr ". $COQTOP/dev/ocamldebug-coq.run\n";
close_out o;
Unix.chmod f 0o555
let _ = write_dbg_wrapper "dev/ocamldebug-coq"
(** * Build the config/coq_config.ml file *)
let write_configml f =
safe_remove f;
let o = open_out f in
let pr s = fprintf o s in
let pr_s = pr "let %s = %S\n" in
let pr_b = pr "let %s = %B\n" in
let pr_i = pr "let %s = %d\n" in
let pr_p s o = pr "let %s = %S\n" s
(match o with Relative s -> s | Absolute s -> s) in
let pr_li n l = pr "let %s = [%s]\n" n (String.concat ";" (List.map string_of_int l)) in
pr "(* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE: automatically generated by ../configure *)\n";
pr "(* Exact command that generated this file: *)\n";
pr "(* %s *)\n\n" (String.concat " " (Array.to_list Sys.argv));
pr_b "local" !prefs.local;
pr_s "coqlib" coqlib;
pr_s "configdir" configdir;
pr_s "datadir" datadir;
pr_s "docdir" docdir;
pr_p "coqlibsuffix" coqlibsuffix;
pr_p "configdirsuffix" configdirsuffix;
pr_p "datadirsuffix" datadirsuffix;
pr_p "docdirsuffix" docdirsuffix;
pr_s "ocamlfind" camlexec.find;
pr_s "caml_flags" caml_flags;
pr_s "version" coq_version;
pr_s "caml_version" caml_version;
pr_li "caml_version_nums" caml_version_nums;
pr_s "date" short_date;
pr_s "compile_date" full_date;
pr_s "arch" arch;
pr_b "arch_is_win32" arch_is_win32;
pr_s "exec_extension" exe;
pr "let gtk_platform = `%s\n" !idearchdef;
pr_b "has_natdynlink" hasnatdynlink;
pr_i "vo_magic_number" vo_magic;
pr_i "state_magic_number" state_magic;
pr_s "browser" browser;
pr_s "wwwcoq" !prefs.coqwebsite;
pr_s "wwwbugtracker" (!prefs.coqwebsite ^ "bugs/");
pr_s "wwwrefman" (!prefs.coqwebsite ^ "distrib/V" ^ coq_version ^ "/refman/");
pr_s "wwwstdlib" (!prefs.coqwebsite ^ "distrib/V" ^ coq_version ^ "/stdlib/");
pr_s "localwwwrefman" ("file:/" ^ docdir ^ "/html/refman");
pr_b "bytecode_compiler" !prefs.bytecodecompiler;
pr_b "native_compiler" !prefs.nativecompiler;
let core_src_dirs = [ "config"; "lib"; "clib"; "kernel"; "library";
"engine"; "pretyping"; "interp"; "gramlib"; "gramlib/.pack"; "parsing"; "proofs";
"tactics"; "toplevel"; "printing"; "ide"; "stm"; "vernac" ] in
let core_src_dirs = List.fold_left (fun acc core_src_subdir -> acc ^ " \"" ^ core_src_subdir ^ "\";\n")
core_src_dirs in
pr "\nlet core_src_dirs = [\n%s]\n" core_src_dirs;
pr "\nlet plugins_dirs = [\n";
let plugins =
try Sys.readdir "plugins"
with _ -> [||]
Array.sort compare plugins;
(fun f ->
let f' = "plugins/"^f in
if Sys.is_directory f' && f.[0] <> '.' then pr " %S;\n" f')
pr "]\n";
pr "\nlet all_src_dirs = core_src_dirs @ plugins_dirs\n";
close_out o;
Unix.chmod f 0o444
let _ = write_configml "config/coq_config.ml"
(** * Build the config/Makefile file *)
let write_makefile f =
safe_remove f;
let o = open_out f in
let pr s = fprintf o s in
pr "###### config/Makefile : Configuration file for Coq ##############\n";
pr "# #\n";
pr "# This file is generated by the script \"configure\" #\n";
pr "# If something is wrong below, then rerun the script \"configure\" #\n";
pr "# with the good options (see the file INSTALL). #\n";
pr "# #\n";
pr "##################################################################\n\n";
pr "#Variable used to detect whether ./configure has run successfully.\n";
pr "COQ_CONFIGURED=yes\n\n";
pr "# Local use (no installation)\n";
pr "LOCAL=%B\n\n" !prefs.local;
pr "# Bytecode link flags : should we use -custom or not ?\n";
pr "CUSTOM=%s\n" custom_flag;
pr "VMBYTEFLAGS=%s\n" (String.concat " " vmbyteflags);
pr "%s\n\n" !build_loadpath;
pr "# Paths for true installation\n";
List.iter (fun (v,msg,_,_) -> pr "# %s: path for %s\n" v msg) install_dirs;
List.iter (fun (v,_,dir,_) -> pr "%s=%S\n" v dir) install_dirs;
pr "\n# Coq version\n";
pr "VERSION=%s\n" coq_version;
pr "VERSION4MACOS=%s\n\n" coq_macos_version;
pr "# Objective-Caml compile command\n";
pr "OCAML=%S\n" camlexec.top;
pr "OCAMLFIND=%S\n" camlexec.find;
pr "OCAMLLEX=%S\n" camlexec.lex;
pr "OCAMLYACC=%S\n" camlexec.yacc;
pr "# The best compiler: native (=opt) or bytecode (=byte)\n";
pr "BEST=%s\n\n" best_compiler;
pr "# Ocaml version number\n";
pr "CAMLVERSION=%s\n\n" camltag;
pr "# Ocaml libraries\n";
pr "CAMLLIB=%S\n\n" camllib;
pr "# Ocaml .h directory\n";
pr "CAMLHLIB=%S\n\n" camllib;
pr "# Caml link command and Caml make top command\n";
pr "# Caml flags\n";
pr "CAMLFLAGS=%s %s\n" caml_flags coq_caml_flags;
pr "# User compilation flag\n";
pr "USERFLAGS=\n\n";
(* XXX make this configurable *)
pr "FLAMBDA_FLAGS=%s\n" (String.concat " " !prefs.flambda_flags);
pr "# Flags for GCC\n";
pr "CFLAGS=%s\n\n" cflags;
pr "# Compilation debug flags\n";
pr "CAMLDEBUG=%s\n" coq_debug_flag;
pr "CAMLDEBUGOPT=%s\n\n" coq_debug_flag;
pr "# Compilation profile flag\n";
pr "CAMLTIMEPROF=%s\n\n" coq_profile_flag;
pr "# Your architecture\n";
pr "# Can be obtain by UNIX command arch\n";
pr "ARCH=%s\n" arch;
pr "HASNATDYNLINK=%s\n\n" natdynlinkflag;
pr "# Supplementary libs for some systems, currently:\n";
pr "# . Sun Solaris: -cclib -lunix -cclib -lnsl -cclib -lsocket\n";
pr "# . others : -cclib -lunix\n";
pr "# executable files extension, currently:\n";
pr "# Unix systems:\n";
pr "# Win32 systems : .exe\n";
pr "EXE=%s\n" exe;
pr "DLLEXT=%s\n\n" dll;
pr "# the command MKDIR (try to use mkdirhier if you have problems)\n";
pr "MKDIR=mkdir -p\n\n";
pr "#the command STRIP\n";
pr "# Unix systems and profiling: true\n";
pr "# Unix systems and no profiling: strip\n";
pr "STRIP=%s\n\n" strip;
pr "# LablGTK\n";
pr "# CoqIde (no/byte/opt)\n";
pr "HASCOQIDE=%s\n" coqide;
pr "IDEFLAGS=%s\n" !idearchflags;
pr "IDEOPTCDEPS=%s\n" !idearchfile;
pr "IDECDEPS=%s\n" !idearchfile;
pr "IDECDEPSFLAGS=%s\n" !idecdepsflags;
pr "IDEINT=%s\n\n" !idearchdef;
pr "# Defining REVISION\n";
pr "# Option to control compilation and installation of the documentation\n";
pr "WITHDOC=%s\n\n" (if !prefs.withdoc then "all" else "no");
pr "# Option to produce precompiled files for native_compute\n";
pr "NATIVECOMPUTE=%s\n" (if !prefs.nativecompiler then "-native-compiler yes" else "");
pr "COQWARNERROR=%s\n" (if !prefs.warn_error then "-w +default" else "");
close_out o;
Unix.chmod f 0o444
let _ = write_makefile "config/Makefile"
let write_macos_metadata exec =
let f = "config/Info-"^exec^".plist" in
let () = safe_remove f in
let o = open_out f in
let pr s = fprintf o s in
pr "1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
pr "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN\" \"http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd\">\n";
pr "1.0\">\n";
pr "\n";
pr " CFBundleIdentifier\n";
pr " fr.inria.coq.%s\n" exec;
pr " CFBundleName\n";
pr " %s\n" exec;
pr " CFBundleVersion\n";
pr " %s\n" coq_macos_version;
pr " CFBundleShortVersionString\n";
pr " %s\n" coq_macos_version;
pr " CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion\n";
pr " 6.0\n";
pr "\n";
pr "\n";
let () = close_out o in
Unix.chmod f 0o444
let () = if arch = "Darwin" then
List.iter write_macos_metadata distributed_exec
let write_configpy f =
safe_remove f;
let o = open_out f in
let pr s = fprintf o s in
pr "# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE: automatically generated by ../configure\n";
pr "version = '%s'\n" coq_version;
pr "is_a_released_version = %s\n" (if is_a_released_version then "True" else "False")
let _ = write_configpy "config/coq_config.py"
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