Untersuchungsergebnis.opam Download desLatech {Latech[61] CS[175] Ada[229]}zum Wurzelverzeichnis wechseln
synopsis: "The Coq Proof Assistant --- Reference Manual"
description: """
Coq is a formal proof management system. It provides
a formal language to write mathematical definitions, executable
algorithms and theorems together with an environment for
semi-interactive development of machine-checked proofs.
This package provides the Coq Reference Manual.
opam-version: "2.0"
maintainer: "The Coq development team "
authors: "The Coq development team, INRIA, CNRS, and contributors."
homepage: "https://coq.inria.fr/"
bug-reports: "https://github.com/coq/coq/issues"
dev-repo: "https://github.com/coq/coq.git"
license: "Open Publication License"
depends: [
"dune" { build }
"coq" { build & = version }
build-env: [
[ COQ_CONFIGURE_PREFIX = "%{prefix}" ]
build: [
[ "dune" "build" "@refman" "-j" jobs ]
# Would be better to have a *-conf package?
depexts: [
[ "sphinx" ]
[ "sphinx_rtd_theme" ]
[ "beautifulsoup4" ]
[ "antlr4-python3-runtime"]
[ "pexpect" ]
[ "sphinxcontrib-bibtex" ]
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