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Sprache: Scala
Untersuchungsergebnis.rst Download desHaskell {Haskell[156] Ada[407] Abap[556]}zum Wurzelverzeichnis wechseln .. _proofschemes:
Proof schemes
.. _proofschemes-induction-principles:
Generation of induction principles with ``Scheme``
The ``Scheme`` command is a high-level tool for generating automatically
(possibly mutual) induction principles for given types and sorts. Its
syntax follows the schema:
.. cmd:: Scheme @ident__1 := Induction for @ident__2 Sort @sort {* with @ident__i := Induction for @ident__j Sort @sort}
This command is a high-level tool for generating automatically
(possibly mutual) induction principles for given types and sorts.
Each :n:`@ident__j` is a different inductive type identifier belonging to
the same package of mutual inductive definitions.
The command generates the :n:`@ident__i`\s to be mutually recursive
definitions. Each term :n:`@ident__i` proves a general principle of mutual
induction for objects in type :n:`@ident__j`.
.. cmdv:: Scheme @ident := Minimality for @ident Sort @sort {* with @ident := Minimality for @ident' Sort @sort}
Same as before but defines a non-dependent elimination principle more
natural in case of inductively defined relations.
.. cmdv:: Scheme Equality for @ident
:name: Scheme Equality
Tries to generate a Boolean equality and a proof of the decidability of the usual equality. If `ident`
involves some other inductive types, their equality has to be defined first.
.. cmdv:: Scheme Induction for @ident Sort @sort {* with Induction for @ident Sort @sort}
If you do not provide the name of the schemes, they will be automatically computed from the
sorts involved (works also with Minimality).
.. example::
Induction scheme for tree and forest.
A mutual induction principle for tree and forest in sort ``Set`` can be defined using the command
.. coqtop:: none
Axiom A : Set.
Axiom B : Set.
.. coqtop:: all
Inductive tree : Set := node : A -> forest -> tree
with forest : Set :=
leaf : B -> forest
| cons : tree -> forest -> forest.
Scheme tree_forest_rec := Induction for tree Sort Set
with forest_tree_rec := Induction for forest Sort Set.
You may now look at the type of tree_forest_rec:
.. coqtop:: all
Check tree_forest_rec.
This principle involves two different predicates for trees andforests;
it also has three premises each one corresponding to a constructor of
one of the inductive definitions.
The principle `forest_tree_rec` shares exactly the same premises, only
the conclusion now refers to the property of forests.
.. example::
Predicates odd and even on naturals.
Let odd and even be inductively defined as:
.. coqtop:: all
Inductive odd : nat -> Prop := oddS : forall n:nat, even n -> odd (S n)
with even : nat -> Prop :=
| evenO : even 0
| evenS : forall n:nat, odd n -> even (S n).
The following command generates a powerful elimination principle:
.. coqtop:: all
Scheme odd_even := Minimality for odd Sort Prop
with even_odd := Minimality for even Sort Prop.
The type of odd_even for instance will be:
.. coqtop:: all
Check odd_even.
The type of `even_odd` shares the same premises but the conclusion is
`(n:nat)(even n)->(P0 n)`.
Automatic declaration of schemes
.. flag:: Elimination Schemes
Enables automatic declaration of induction principles when defining a new
inductive type. Defaults to on.
.. flag:: Nonrecursive Elimination Schemes
Enables automatic declaration of induction principles for types declared with the :cmd:`Variant` and
:cmd:`Record` commands. Defaults to off.
.. flag:: Case Analysis Schemes
This flag governs the generation of case analysis lemmas for inductive types,
i.e. corresponding to the pattern matching term alone and without fixpoint.
.. flag:: Boolean Equality Schemes
Decidable Equality Schemes
These flags control the automatic declaration of those Boolean equalities (see
the second variant of ``Scheme``).
.. warning::
You have to be careful with this option since Coq may now reject well-defined
inductive types because it cannot compute a Boolean equality for them.
.. flag:: Rewriting Schemes
This flag governs generation of equality-related schemes such as congruence.
Combined Scheme
.. cmd:: Combined Scheme @ident from {+, @ident__i}
This command is a tool for combining induction principles generated
by the :cmd:`Scheme` command.
Each :n:`@ident__i` is a different inductive principle that must belong
to the same package of mutual inductive principle definitions.
This command generates :n:`@ident` to be the conjunction of the
principles: it is built from the common premises of the principles
and concluded by the conjunction of their conclusions.
In the case where all the inductive principles used are in sort
``Prop``, the propositional conjunction ``and`` is used, otherwise
the simple product ``prod`` is used instead.
.. example::
We can define the induction principles for trees and forests using:
.. coqtop:: all
Scheme tree_forest_ind := Induction for tree Sort Prop
with forest_tree_ind := Induction for forest Sort Prop.
Then we can build the combined induction principle which gives the
conjunction of the conclusions of each individual principle:
.. coqtop:: all
Combined Scheme tree_forest_mutind from tree_forest_ind,forest_tree_ind.
The type of tree_forest_mutind will be:
.. coqtop:: all
Check tree_forest_mutind.
.. example::
We can also combine schemes at sort ``Type``:
.. coqtop:: all
Scheme tree_forest_rect := Induction for tree Sort Type
with forest_tree_rect := Induction for forest Sort Type.
.. coqtop:: all
Combined Scheme tree_forest_mutrect from tree_forest_rect, forest_tree_rect.
.. coqtop:: all
Check tree_forest_mutrect.
.. _functional-scheme:
Generation of induction principles with ``Functional`` ``Scheme``
.. cmd:: Functional Scheme @ident__0 := Induction for @ident' Sort @sort {* with @ident__i := Induction for @ident__i' Sort @sort}
This command is a high-level experimental tool for
generating automatically induction principles corresponding to
(possibly mutually recursive) functions. First, it must be made
available via ``Require Import FunInd``.
Each :n:`@ident__i` is a different mutually defined function
name (the names must be in the same order as when they were defined). This
command generates the induction principle for each :n:`@ident__i`, following
the recursive structure and case analyses of the corresponding function
.. warning::
There is a difference between induction schemes generated by the command
:cmd:`Functional Scheme` and these generated by the :cmd:`Function`. Indeed,
:cmd:`Function` generally produces smaller principles that are closer to how
a user would implement them. See :ref:`advanced-recursive-functions` for details.
.. example::
Induction scheme for div2.
We define the function div2 as follows:
.. coqtop:: all
Require Import FunInd.
Require Import Arith.
Fixpoint div2 (n:nat) : nat :=
match n with
| O => 0
| S O => 0
| S (S n') => S (div2 n')
The definition of a principle of induction corresponding to the
recursive structure of `div2` is defined by the command:
.. coqtop:: all
Functional Scheme div2_ind := Induction for div2 Sort Prop.
You may now look at the type of div2_ind:
.. coqtop:: all
Check div2_ind.
We can now prove the following lemma using this principle:
.. coqtop:: all
Lemma div2_le' : forall n:nat, div2 n <= n.
intro n.
pattern n, (div2 n).
apply div2_ind; intros.
auto with arith.
auto with arith.
simpl; auto with arith.
We can use directly the functional induction (:tacn:`function induction`) tactic instead
of the pattern/apply trick:
.. coqtop:: all
Reset div2_le'.
Lemma div2_le : forall n:nat, div2 n <= n.
intro n.
functional induction (div2 n).
auto with arith.
auto with arith.
auto with arith.
.. example::
Induction scheme for tree_size.
We define trees by the following mutual inductive type:
.. original LaTeX had "Variable" instead of "Axiom", which generates an ugly warning
.. coqtop:: reset all
Axiom A : Set.
Inductive tree : Set :=
node : A -> forest -> tree
with forest : Set :=
| empty : forest
| cons : tree -> forest -> forest.
We define the function tree_size that computes the size of a tree or a
forest. Note that we use ``Function`` which generally produces better
.. coqtop:: all
Require Import FunInd.
Function tree_size (t:tree) : nat :=
match t with
| node A f => S (forest_size f)
with forest_size (f:forest) : nat :=
match f with
| empty => 0
| cons t f' => (tree_size t + forest_size f')
Notice that the induction principles ``tree_size_ind`` and ``forest_size_ind``
generated by ``Function`` are not mutual.
.. coqtop:: all
Check tree_size_ind.
Mutual induction principles following the recursive structure of ``tree_size``
and ``forest_size`` can be generated by the following command:
.. coqtop:: all
Functional Scheme tree_size_ind2 := Induction for tree_size Sort Prop
with forest_size_ind2 := Induction for forest_size Sort Prop.
You may now look at the type of `tree_size_ind2`:
.. coqtop:: all
Check tree_size_ind2.
.. _derive-inversion:
Generation of inversion principles with ``Derive`` ``Inversion``
.. cmd:: Derive Inversion @ident with @ident Sort @sort
Derive Inversion @ident with (forall @binders, @ident @term) Sort @sort
This command generates an inversion principle for the
:tacn:`inversion ... using ...` tactic. The first :token:`ident` is the name
of the generated principle. The second :token:`ident` should be an inductive
predicate, and :token:`binders` the variables occurring in the term
:token:`term`. This command generates the inversion lemma for the sort
:token:`sort` corresponding to the instance :n:`forall @binders, @ident @term`.
When applied, it is equivalent to having inverted the instance with the
tactic :g:`inversion`.
.. cmdv:: Derive Inversion_clear @ident with @ident Sort @sort
Derive Inversion_clear @ident with (forall @binders, @ident @term) Sort @sort
When applied, it is equivalent to having inverted the instance with the
tactic inversion replaced by the tactic `inversion_clear`.
.. cmdv:: Derive Dependent Inversion @ident with @ident Sort @sort
Derive Dependent Inversion @ident with (forall @binders, @ident @term) Sort @sort
When applied, it is equivalent to having inverted the instance with
the tactic `dependent inversion`.
.. cmdv:: Derive Dependent Inversion_clear @ident with @ident Sort @sort
Derive Dependent Inversion_clear @ident with (forall @binders, @ident @term) Sort @sort
When applied, it is equivalent to having inverted the instance
with the tactic `dependent inversion_clear`.
.. example::
Consider the relation `Le` over natural numbers and the following
parameter ``P``:
.. coqtop:: all
Inductive Le : nat -> nat -> Set :=
| LeO : forall n:nat, Le 0 n
| LeS : forall n m:nat, Le n m -> Le (S n) (S m).
Parameter P : nat -> nat -> Prop.
To generate the inversion lemma for the instance :g:`(Le (S n) m)` and the
sort :g:`Prop`, we do:
.. coqtop:: all
Derive Inversion_clear leminv with (forall n m:nat, Le (S n) m) Sort Prop.
Check leminv.
Then we can use the proven inversion lemma:
.. the original LaTeX did not have any Coq code to setup the goal
.. coqtop:: none
Goal forall (n m : nat) (H : Le (S n) m), P n m.
.. coqtop:: all
inversion H using leminv.
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