(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open CErrors
open Names
open Constr
open Context
open Declarations
open Util
open Nativevalues
open Nativelambda
open Environ
[@@@ocaml.warning "-32-37"]
(** This file defines the mllambda code generation phase of the native
compiler. mllambda represents a fragment of ML, and can easily be printed
to OCaml code. *)
(** Local names **)
(* The first component is there for debugging purposes only *)
type lname = { lname : Name.t; luid : int }
let eq_lname ln1 ln2 =
Int.equal ln1.luid ln2.luid
let dummy_lname = { lname = Anonymous; luid = -1 }
module LNord =
type t = lname
let compare l1 l2 = l1.luid - l2.luid
module LNmap = Map.Make(LNord)
module LNset = Set.Make(LNord)
let lname_ctr = ref (-1)
let fresh_lname n =
incr lname_ctr;
{ lname = n; luid = !lname_ctr }
(** Global names **)
type gname =
| Gind of string * inductive (* prefix, inductive name *)
| Gconstruct of string * constructor (* prefix, constructor name *)
| Gconstant of string * Constant.t (* prefix, constant name *)
| Gproj of string * inductive * int (* prefix, inductive, index (start from 0) *)
| Gcase of Label.t option * int
| Gpred of Label.t option * int
| Gfixtype of Label.t option * int
| Gnorm of Label.t option * int
| Gnormtbl of Label.t option * int
| Ginternal of string
| Grel of int
| Gnamed of Id.t
let eq_gname gn1 gn2 =
match gn1, gn2 with
| Gind (s1, ind1), Gind (s2, ind2) ->
String.equal s1 s2 && eq_ind ind1 ind2
| Gconstruct (s1, c1), Gconstruct (s2, c2) ->
String.equal s1 s2 && eq_constructor c1 c2
| Gconstant (s1, c1), Gconstant (s2, c2) ->
String.equal s1 s2 && Constant.equal c1 c2
| Gproj (s1, ind1, i1), Gproj (s2, ind2, i2) ->
String.equal s1 s2 && eq_ind ind1 ind2 && Int.equal i1 i2
| Gcase (None, i1), Gcase (None, i2) -> Int.equal i1 i2
| Gcase (Some l1, i1), Gcase (Some l2, i2) -> Int.equal i1 i2 && Label.equal l1 l2
| Gpred (None, i1), Gpred (None, i2) -> Int.equal i1 i2
| Gpred (Some l1, i1), Gpred (Some l2, i2) -> Int.equal i1 i2 && Label.equal l1 l2
| Gfixtype (None, i1), Gfixtype (None, i2) -> Int.equal i1 i2
| Gfixtype (Some l1, i1), Gfixtype (Some l2, i2) ->
Int.equal i1 i2 && Label.equal l1 l2
| Gnorm (None, i1), Gnorm (None, i2) -> Int.equal i1 i2
| Gnorm (Some l1, i1), Gnorm (Some l2, i2) -> Int.equal i1 i2 && Label.equal l1 l2
| Gnormtbl (None, i1), Gnormtbl (None, i2) -> Int.equal i1 i2
| Gnormtbl (Some l1, i1), Gnormtbl (Some l2, i2) ->
Int.equal i1 i2 && Label.equal l1 l2
| Ginternal s1, Ginternal s2 -> String.equal s1 s2
| Grel i1, Grel i2 -> Int.equal i1 i2
| Gnamed id1, Gnamed id2 -> Id.equal id1 id2
| (Gind _| Gconstruct _ | Gconstant _ | Gproj _ | Gcase _ | Gpred _
| Gfixtype _ | Gnorm _ | Gnormtbl _ | Ginternal _ | Grel _ | Gnamed _), _ ->
let dummy_gname =
Grel 0
open Hashset.Combine
let gname_hash gn = match gn with
| Gind (s, ind) ->
combinesmall 1 (combine (String.hash s) (ind_hash ind))
| Gconstruct (s, c) ->
combinesmall 2 (combine (String.hash s) (constructor_hash c))
| Gconstant (s, c) ->
combinesmall 3 (combine (String.hash s) (Constant.hash c))
| Gcase (l, i) -> combinesmall 4 (combine (Option.hash Label.hash l) (Int.hash i))
| Gpred (l, i) -> combinesmall 5 (combine (Option.hash Label.hash l) (Int.hash i))
| Gfixtype (l, i) -> combinesmall 6 (combine (Option.hash Label.hash l) (Int.hash i))
| Gnorm (l, i) -> combinesmall 7 (combine (Option.hash Label.hash l) (Int.hash i))
| Gnormtbl (l, i) -> combinesmall 8 (combine (Option.hash Label.hash l) (Int.hash i))
| Ginternal s -> combinesmall 9 (String.hash s)
| Grel i -> combinesmall 10 (Int.hash i)
| Gnamed id -> combinesmall 11 (Id.hash id)
| Gproj (s, p, i) -> combinesmall 12 (combine (String.hash s) (combine (ind_hash p) i))
let case_ctr = ref (-1)
let fresh_gcase l =
incr case_ctr;
Gcase (l,!case_ctr)
let pred_ctr = ref (-1)
let fresh_gpred l =
incr pred_ctr;
Gpred (l,!pred_ctr)
let fixtype_ctr = ref (-1)
let fresh_gfixtype l =
incr fixtype_ctr;
Gfixtype (l,!fixtype_ctr)
let norm_ctr = ref (-1)
let fresh_gnorm l =
incr norm_ctr;
Gnorm (l,!norm_ctr)
let normtbl_ctr = ref (-1)
let fresh_gnormtbl l =
incr normtbl_ctr;
Gnormtbl (l,!normtbl_ctr)
(** Symbols (pre-computed values) **)
type symbol =
| SymbValue of Nativevalues.t
| SymbSort of Sorts.t
| SymbName of Name.t
| SymbConst of Constant.t
| SymbMatch of annot_sw
| SymbInd of inductive
| SymbMeta of metavariable
| SymbEvar of Evar.t
| SymbLevel of Univ.Level.t
| SymbProj of (inductive * int)
let dummy_symb = SymbValue (dummy_value ())
let eq_symbol sy1 sy2 =
match sy1, sy2 with
| SymbValue v1, SymbValue v2 -> Pervasives.(=) v1 v2 (** FIXME: how is this even valid? *)
| SymbSort s1, SymbSort s2 -> Sorts.equal s1 s2
| SymbName n1, SymbName n2 -> Name.equal n1 n2
| SymbConst kn1, SymbConst kn2 -> Constant.equal kn1 kn2
| SymbMatch sw1, SymbMatch sw2 -> eq_annot_sw sw1 sw2
| SymbInd ind1, SymbInd ind2 -> eq_ind ind1 ind2
| SymbMeta m1, SymbMeta m2 -> Int.equal m1 m2
| SymbEvar evk1, SymbEvar evk2 -> Evar.equal evk1 evk2
| SymbLevel l1, SymbLevel l2 -> Univ.Level.equal l1 l2
| SymbProj (i1, k1), SymbProj (i2, k2) -> eq_ind i1 i2 && Int.equal k1 k2
| _, _ -> false
let hash_symbol symb =
match symb with
| SymbValue v -> combinesmall 1 (Hashtbl.hash v) (** FIXME *)
| SymbSort s -> combinesmall 2 (Sorts.hash s)
| SymbName name -> combinesmall 3 (Name.hash name)
| SymbConst c -> combinesmall 4 (Constant.hash c)
| SymbMatch sw -> combinesmall 5 (hash_annot_sw sw)
| SymbInd ind -> combinesmall 6 (ind_hash ind)
| SymbMeta m -> combinesmall 7 m
| SymbEvar evk -> combinesmall 8 (Evar.hash evk)
| SymbLevel l -> combinesmall 9 (Univ.Level.hash l)
| SymbProj (i, k) -> combinesmall 10 (combine (ind_hash i) k)
module HashedTypeSymbol = struct
type t = symbol
let equal = eq_symbol
let hash = hash_symbol
module HashtblSymbol = Hashtbl.Make(HashedTypeSymbol)
let symb_tbl = HashtblSymbol.create 211
let clear_symbols () = HashtblSymbol.clear symb_tbl
type symbols = symbol array
let empty_symbols = [||]
let get_value tbl i =
match tbl.(i) with
| SymbValue v -> v
| _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "get_value failed.")
let get_sort tbl i =
match tbl.(i) with
| SymbSort s -> s
| _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "get_sort failed.")
let get_name tbl i =
match tbl.(i) with
| SymbName id -> id
| _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "get_name failed.")
let get_const tbl i =
match tbl.(i) with
| SymbConst kn -> kn
| _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "get_const failed.")
let get_match tbl i =
match tbl.(i) with
| SymbMatch case_info -> case_info
| _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "get_match failed.")
let get_ind tbl i =
match tbl.(i) with
| SymbInd ind -> ind
| _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "get_ind failed.")
let get_meta tbl i =
match tbl.(i) with
| SymbMeta m -> m
| _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "get_meta failed.")
let get_evar tbl i =
match tbl.(i) with
| SymbEvar ev -> ev
| _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "get_evar failed.")
let get_level tbl i =
match tbl.(i) with
| SymbLevel u -> u
| _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "get_level failed.")
let get_proj tbl i =
match tbl.(i) with
| SymbProj p -> p
| _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "get_proj failed.")
let push_symbol x =
try HashtblSymbol.find symb_tbl x
with Not_found ->
let i = HashtblSymbol.length symb_tbl in
HashtblSymbol.add symb_tbl x i; i
let symbols_tbl_name = Ginternal "symbols_tbl"
let get_symbols () =
let tbl = Array.make (HashtblSymbol.length symb_tbl) dummy_symb in
HashtblSymbol.iter (fun x i -> tbl.(i) <- x) symb_tbl; tbl
(** Lambda to Mllambda **)
type primitive =
| Mk_prod
| Mk_sort
| Mk_ind
| Mk_const
| Mk_sw
| Mk_fix of rec_pos * int
| Mk_cofix of int
| Mk_rel of int
| Mk_var of Id.t
| Mk_proj
| Is_int
| Cast_accu
| Upd_cofix
| Force_cofix
| Mk_uint
| Mk_int
| Mk_bool
| Val_to_int
| Mk_meta
| Mk_evar
| MLand
| MLle
| MLlt
| MLinteq
| MLlsl
| MLlsr
| MLland
| MLlor
| MLlxor
| MLadd
| MLsub
| MLmul
| MLmagic
| MLarrayget
| Mk_empty_instance
| Coq_primitive of CPrimitives.t * (prefix * pconstant) option
let eq_primitive p1 p2 =
match p1, p2 with
| Mk_prod, Mk_prod -> true
| Mk_sort, Mk_sort -> true
| Mk_ind, Mk_ind -> true
| Mk_const, Mk_const -> true
| Mk_sw, Mk_sw -> true
| Mk_fix (rp1, i1), Mk_fix (rp2, i2) -> Int.equal i1 i2 && eq_rec_pos rp1 rp2
| Mk_cofix i1, Mk_cofix i2 -> Int.equal i1 i2
| Mk_rel i1, Mk_rel i2 -> Int.equal i1 i2
| Mk_var id1, Mk_var id2 -> Id.equal id1 id2
| Cast_accu, Cast_accu -> true
| Upd_cofix, Upd_cofix -> true
| Force_cofix, Force_cofix -> true
| Mk_meta, Mk_meta -> true
| Mk_evar, Mk_evar -> true
| Mk_proj, Mk_proj -> true
| MLarrayget, MLarrayget -> true
| _ -> false
let primitive_hash = function
| Mk_prod -> 1
| Mk_sort -> 2
| Mk_ind -> 3
| Mk_const -> 4
| Mk_sw -> 5
| Mk_fix (r, i) ->
let h = Array.fold_left (fun h i -> combine h (Int.hash i)) 0 r in
combinesmall 6 (combine h (Int.hash i))
| Mk_cofix i ->
combinesmall 7 (Int.hash i)
| Mk_rel i ->
combinesmall 8 (Int.hash i)
| Mk_var id ->
combinesmall 9 (Id.hash id)
| Is_int -> 11
| Cast_accu -> 12
| Upd_cofix -> 13
| Force_cofix -> 14
| Mk_uint -> 15
| Mk_int -> 16
| Mk_bool -> 17
| Val_to_int -> 18
| Mk_meta -> 19
| Mk_evar -> 20
| MLand -> 21
| MLle -> 22
| MLlt -> 23
| MLinteq -> 24
| MLlsl -> 25
| MLlsr -> 26
| MLland -> 27
| MLlor -> 28
| MLlxor -> 29
| MLadd -> 30
| MLsub -> 31
| MLmul -> 32
| MLmagic -> 33
| Coq_primitive (prim, None) -> combinesmall 34 (CPrimitives.hash prim)
| Coq_primitive (prim, Some (prefix,(kn,_))) ->
combinesmall 35 (combine3 (String.hash prefix) (Constant.hash kn) (CPrimitives.hash prim))
| Mk_proj -> 36
| MLarrayget -> 37
| Mk_empty_instance -> 38
type mllambda =
| MLlocal of lname
| MLglobal of gname
| MLprimitive of primitive
| MLlam of lname array * mllambda
| MLletrec of (lname * lname array * mllambda) array * mllambda
| MLlet of lname * mllambda * mllambda
| MLapp of mllambda * mllambda array
| MLif of mllambda * mllambda * mllambda
| MLmatch of annot_sw * mllambda * mllambda * mllam_branches
(* argument, prefix, accu branch, branches *)
| MLconstruct of string * constructor * mllambda array
(* prefix, constructor name, arguments *)
| MLint of int
| MLuint of Uint63.t
| MLsetref of string * mllambda
| MLsequence of mllambda * mllambda
| MLarray of mllambda array
| MLisaccu of string * inductive * mllambda
and mllam_branches = ((constructor * lname option array) list * mllambda) array
let push_lnames n env lns =
snd (Array.fold_left (fun (i,r) x -> (i+1, LNmap.add x i r)) (n,env) lns)
let opush_lnames n env lns =
let oadd x i r = match x with Some ln -> LNmap.add ln i r | None -> r in
snd (Array.fold_left (fun (i,r) x -> (i+1, oadd x i r)) (n,env) lns)
(* Alpha-equivalence on mllambda *)
(* eq_mllambda gn1 gn2 n env1 env2 t1 t2 tests if t1 = t2 modulo gn1 = gn2 *)
let rec eq_mllambda gn1 gn2 n env1 env2 t1 t2 =
match t1, t2 with
| MLlocal ln1, MLlocal ln2 ->
Int.equal (LNmap.find ln1 env1) (LNmap.find ln2 env2)
with Not_found ->
eq_lname ln1 ln2)
| MLglobal gn1', MLglobal gn2' ->
eq_gname gn1' gn2' || (eq_gname gn1 gn1' && eq_gname gn2 gn2')
|| (eq_gname gn1 gn2' && eq_gname gn2 gn1')
| MLprimitive prim1, MLprimitive prim2 -> eq_primitive prim1 prim2
| MLlam (lns1, ml1), MLlam (lns2, ml2) ->
Int.equal (Array.length lns1) (Array.length lns2) &&
let env1 = push_lnames n env1 lns1 in
let env2 = push_lnames n env2 lns2 in
eq_mllambda gn1 gn2 (n+Array.length lns1) env1 env2 ml1 ml2
| MLletrec (defs1, body1), MLletrec (defs2, body2) ->
Int.equal (Array.length defs1) (Array.length defs2) &&
let lns1 = Array.map (fun (x,_,_) -> x) defs1 in
let lns2 = Array.map (fun (x,_,_) -> x) defs2 in
let env1 = push_lnames n env1 lns1 in
let env2 = push_lnames n env2 lns2 in
let n = n + Array.length defs1 in
eq_letrec gn1 gn2 n env1 env2 defs1 defs2 &&
eq_mllambda gn1 gn2 n env1 env2 body1 body2
| MLlet (ln1, def1, body1), MLlet (ln2, def2, body2) ->
eq_mllambda gn1 gn2 n env1 env2 def1 def2 &&
let env1 = LNmap.add ln1 n env1 in
let env2 = LNmap.add ln2 n env2 in
eq_mllambda gn1 gn2 (n+1) env1 env2 body1 body2
| MLapp (ml1, args1), MLapp (ml2, args2) ->
eq_mllambda gn1 gn2 n env1 env2 ml1 ml2 &&
Array.equal (eq_mllambda gn1 gn2 n env1 env2) args1 args2
| MLif (cond1,br1,br'1), MLif (cond2,br2,br'2) ->
eq_mllambda gn1 gn2 n env1 env2 cond1 cond2 &&
eq_mllambda gn1 gn2 n env1 env2 br1 br2 &&
eq_mllambda gn1 gn2 n env1 env2 br'1 br'2
| MLmatch (annot1, c1, accu1, br1), MLmatch (annot2, c2, accu2, br2) ->
eq_annot_sw annot1 annot2 &&
eq_mllambda gn1 gn2 n env1 env2 c1 c2 &&
eq_mllambda gn1 gn2 n env1 env2 accu1 accu2 &&
eq_mllam_branches gn1 gn2 n env1 env2 br1 br2
| MLconstruct (pf1, cs1, args1), MLconstruct (pf2, cs2, args2) ->
String.equal pf1 pf2 &&
eq_constructor cs1 cs2 &&
Array.equal (eq_mllambda gn1 gn2 n env1 env2) args1 args2
| MLint i1, MLint i2 ->
Int.equal i1 i2
| MLuint i1, MLuint i2 ->
Uint63.equal i1 i2
| MLsetref (id1, ml1), MLsetref (id2, ml2) ->
String.equal id1 id2 &&
eq_mllambda gn1 gn2 n env1 env2 ml1 ml2
| MLsequence (ml1, ml'1), MLsequence (ml2, ml'2) ->
eq_mllambda gn1 gn2 n env1 env2 ml1 ml2 &&
eq_mllambda gn1 gn2 n env1 env2 ml'1 ml'2
| MLarray arr1, MLarray arr2 ->
Array.equal (eq_mllambda gn1 gn2 n env1 env2) arr1 arr2
| MLisaccu (s1, ind1, ml1), MLisaccu (s2, ind2, ml2) ->
String.equal s1 s2 && eq_ind ind1 ind2 &&
eq_mllambda gn1 gn2 n env1 env2 ml1 ml2
| (MLlocal _ | MLglobal _ | MLprimitive _ | MLlam _ | MLletrec _ | MLlet _ |
MLapp _ | MLif _ | MLmatch _ | MLconstruct _ | MLint _ | MLuint _ |
MLsetref _ | MLsequence _ | MLarray _ | MLisaccu _), _ -> false
and eq_letrec gn1 gn2 n env1 env2 defs1 defs2 =
let eq_def (_,args1,ml1) (_,args2,ml2) =
Int.equal (Array.length args1) (Array.length args2) &&
let env1 = push_lnames n env1 args1 in
let env2 = push_lnames n env2 args2 in
eq_mllambda gn1 gn2 (n + Array.length args1) env1 env2 ml1 ml2
Array.equal eq_def defs1 defs2
(* we require here that patterns have the same order, which may be too strong *)
and eq_mllam_branches gn1 gn2 n env1 env2 br1 br2 =
let eq_cargs (cs1, args1) (cs2, args2) body1 body2 =
Int.equal (Array.length args1) (Array.length args2) &&
eq_constructor cs1 cs2 &&
let env1 = opush_lnames n env1 args1 in
let env2 = opush_lnames n env2 args2 in
eq_mllambda gn1 gn2 (n + Array.length args1) env1 env2 body1 body2
let eq_branch (ptl1,body1) (ptl2,body2) =
List.equal (fun pt1 pt2 -> eq_cargs pt1 pt2 body1 body2) ptl1 ptl2
Array.equal eq_branch br1 br2
(* hash_mllambda gn n env t computes the hash for t ignoring occurrences of gn *)
let rec hash_mllambda gn n env t =
match t with
| MLlocal ln -> combinesmall 1 (LNmap.find ln env)
| MLglobal gn' -> combinesmall 2 (if eq_gname gn gn' then 0 else gname_hash gn')
| MLprimitive prim -> combinesmall 3 (primitive_hash prim)
| MLlam (lns, ml) ->
let env = push_lnames n env lns in
combinesmall 4 (combine (Array.length lns) (hash_mllambda gn (n+1) env ml))
| MLletrec (defs, body) ->
let lns = Array.map (fun (x,_,_) -> x) defs in
let env = push_lnames n env lns in
let n = n + Array.length defs in
let h = combine (hash_mllambda gn n env body) (Array.length defs) in
combinesmall 5 (hash_mllambda_letrec gn n env h defs)
| MLlet (ln, def, body) ->
let hdef = hash_mllambda gn n env def in
let env = LNmap.add ln n env in
combinesmall 6 (combine hdef (hash_mllambda gn (n+1) env body))
| MLapp (ml, args) ->
let h = hash_mllambda gn n env ml in
combinesmall 7 (hash_mllambda_array gn n env h args)
| MLif (cond,br,br') ->
let hcond = hash_mllambda gn n env cond in
let hbr = hash_mllambda gn n env br in
let hbr' = hash_mllambda gn n env br' in
combinesmall 8 (combine3 hcond hbr hbr')
| MLmatch (annot, c, accu, br) ->
let hannot = hash_annot_sw annot in
let hc = hash_mllambda gn n env c in
let haccu = hash_mllambda gn n env accu in
combinesmall 9 (hash_mllam_branches gn n env (combine3 hannot hc haccu) br)
| MLconstruct (pf, cs, args) ->
let hpf = String.hash pf in
let hcs = constructor_hash cs in
combinesmall 10 (hash_mllambda_array gn n env (combine hpf hcs) args)
| MLint i ->
combinesmall 11 i
| MLuint i ->
combinesmall 12 (Uint63.hash i)
| MLsetref (id, ml) ->
let hid = String.hash id in
let hml = hash_mllambda gn n env ml in
combinesmall 13 (combine hid hml)
| MLsequence (ml, ml') ->
let hml = hash_mllambda gn n env ml in
let hml' = hash_mllambda gn n env ml' in
combinesmall 14 (combine hml hml')
| MLarray arr ->
combinesmall 15 (hash_mllambda_array gn n env 1 arr)
| MLisaccu (s, ind, c) ->
combinesmall 16 (combine (String.hash s) (combine (ind_hash ind) (hash_mllambda gn n env c)))
and hash_mllambda_letrec gn n env init defs =
let hash_def (_,args,ml) =
let env = push_lnames n env args in
let nargs = Array.length args in
combine nargs (hash_mllambda gn (n + nargs) env ml)
Array.fold_left (fun acc t -> combine (hash_def t) acc) init defs
and hash_mllambda_array gn n env init arr =
Array.fold_left (fun acc t -> combine (hash_mllambda gn n env t) acc) init arr
and hash_mllam_branches gn n env init br =
let hash_cargs (cs, args) body =
let nargs = Array.length args in
let hcs = constructor_hash cs in
let env = opush_lnames n env args in
let hbody = hash_mllambda gn (n + nargs) env body in
combine3 nargs hcs hbody
let hash_branch acc (ptl,body) =
List.fold_left (fun acc t -> combine (hash_cargs t body) acc) acc ptl
Array.fold_left hash_branch init br
let fv_lam l =
let rec aux l bind fv =
match l with
| MLlocal l ->
if LNset.mem l bind then fv else LNset.add l fv
| MLglobal _ | MLprimitive _ | MLint _ | MLuint _ -> fv
| MLlam (ln,body) ->
let bind = Array.fold_right LNset.add ln bind in
aux body bind fv
| MLletrec(bodies,def) ->
let bind =
Array.fold_right (fun (id,_,_) b -> LNset.add id b) bodies bind in
let fv_body (_,ln,body) fv =
let bind = Array.fold_right LNset.add ln bind in
aux body bind fv in
Array.fold_right fv_body bodies (aux def bind fv)
| MLlet(l,def,body) ->
aux body (LNset.add l bind) (aux def bind fv)
| MLapp(f,args) ->
let fv_arg arg fv = aux arg bind fv in
Array.fold_right fv_arg args (aux f bind fv)
| MLif(t,b1,b2) ->
aux t bind (aux b1 bind (aux b2 bind fv))
| MLmatch(_,a,p,bs) ->
let fv = aux a bind (aux p bind fv) in
let fv_bs (cargs, body) fv =
let bind =
List.fold_right (fun (_,args) bind ->
(fun o bind -> match o with
| Some l -> LNset.add l bind
| _ -> bind) args bind)
cargs bind in
aux body bind fv in
Array.fold_right fv_bs bs fv
(* argument, accu branch, branches *)
| MLconstruct (_,_,p) ->
Array.fold_right (fun a fv -> aux a bind fv) p fv
| MLsetref(_,l) -> aux l bind fv
| MLsequence(l1,l2) -> aux l1 bind (aux l2 bind fv)
| MLarray arr -> Array.fold_right (fun a fv -> aux a bind fv) arr fv
| MLisaccu (_, _, body) -> aux body bind fv
aux l LNset.empty LNset.empty
let mkMLlam params body =
if Array.is_empty params then body
match body with
| MLlam (params', body) -> MLlam(Array.append params params', body)
| _ -> MLlam(params,body)
let mkMLapp f args =
if Array.is_empty args then f
match f with
| MLapp(f,args') -> MLapp(f,Array.append args' args)
| _ -> MLapp(f,args)
let mkForceCofix prefix ind arg =
let name = fresh_lname Anonymous in
MLlet (name, arg,
MLif (
MLisaccu (prefix, ind, MLlocal name),
MLapp (MLprimitive Force_cofix, [|MLlocal name|]),
MLlocal name))
let empty_params = [||]
let decompose_MLlam c =
match c with
| MLlam(ids,c) -> ids,c
| _ -> empty_params,c
(*s Global declaration *)
type global =
(* | Gtblname of gname * Id.t array *)
| Gtblnorm of gname * lname array * mllambda array
| Gtblfixtype of gname * lname array * mllambda array
| Glet of gname * mllambda
| Gletcase of
gname * lname array * annot_sw * mllambda * mllambda * mllam_branches
| Gopen of string
| Gtype of inductive * int array
(* ind name, arities of constructors *)
| Gcomment of string
(* Alpha-equivalence on globals *)
let eq_global g1 g2 =
match g1, g2 with
| Gtblnorm (gn1,lns1,mls1), Gtblnorm (gn2,lns2,mls2)
| Gtblfixtype (gn1,lns1,mls1), Gtblfixtype (gn2,lns2,mls2) ->
Int.equal (Array.length lns1) (Array.length lns2) &&
Int.equal (Array.length mls1) (Array.length mls2) &&
let env1 = push_lnames 0 LNmap.empty lns1 in
let env2 = push_lnames 0 LNmap.empty lns2 in
Array.for_all2 (eq_mllambda gn1 gn2 (Array.length lns1) env1 env2) mls1 mls2
| Glet (gn1, def1), Glet (gn2, def2) ->
eq_mllambda gn1 gn2 0 LNmap.empty LNmap.empty def1 def2
| Gletcase (gn1,lns1,annot1,c1,accu1,br1),
Gletcase (gn2,lns2,annot2,c2,accu2,br2) ->
Int.equal (Array.length lns1) (Array.length lns2) &&
let env1 = push_lnames 0 LNmap.empty lns1 in
let env2 = push_lnames 0 LNmap.empty lns2 in
let t1 = MLmatch (annot1,c1,accu1,br1) in
let t2 = MLmatch (annot2,c2,accu2,br2) in
eq_mllambda gn1 gn2 (Array.length lns1) env1 env2 t1 t2
| Gopen s1, Gopen s2 -> String.equal s1 s2
| Gtype (ind1, arr1), Gtype (ind2, arr2) ->
eq_ind ind1 ind2 && Array.equal Int.equal arr1 arr2
| Gcomment s1, Gcomment s2 -> String.equal s1 s2
| _, _ -> false
let hash_global g =
match g with
| Gtblnorm (gn,lns,mls) ->
let nlns = Array.length lns in
let nmls = Array.length mls in
let env = push_lnames 0 LNmap.empty lns in
let hmls = hash_mllambda_array gn nlns env (combine nlns nmls) mls in
combinesmall 1 hmls
| Gtblfixtype (gn,lns,mls) ->
let nlns = Array.length lns in
let nmls = Array.length mls in
let env = push_lnames 0 LNmap.empty lns in
let hmls = hash_mllambda_array gn nlns env (combine nlns nmls) mls in
combinesmall 2 hmls
| Glet (gn, def) ->
combinesmall 3 (hash_mllambda gn 0 LNmap.empty def)
| Gletcase (gn,lns,annot,c,accu,br) ->
let nlns = Array.length lns in
let env = push_lnames 0 LNmap.empty lns in
let t = MLmatch (annot,c,accu,br) in
combinesmall 4 (combine nlns (hash_mllambda gn nlns env t))
| Gopen s -> combinesmall 5 (String.hash s)
| Gtype (ind, arr) ->
combinesmall 6 (combine (ind_hash ind) (Array.fold_left combine 0 arr))
| Gcomment s -> combinesmall 7 (String.hash s)
let global_stack = ref ([] : global list)
module HashedTypeGlobal = struct
type t = global
let equal = eq_global
let hash = hash_global
module HashtblGlobal = Hashtbl.Make(HashedTypeGlobal)
let global_tbl = HashtblGlobal.create 19991
let clear_global_tbl () = HashtblGlobal.clear global_tbl
let push_global gn t =
try HashtblGlobal.find global_tbl t
with Not_found ->
(global_stack := t :: !global_stack;
HashtblGlobal.add global_tbl t gn; gn)
let push_global_let gn body =
push_global gn (Glet (gn,body))
let push_global_fixtype gn params body =
push_global gn (Gtblfixtype (gn,params,body))
let push_global_norm gn params body =
push_global gn (Gtblnorm (gn, params, body))
let push_global_case gn params annot a accu bs =
push_global gn (Gletcase (gn, params, annot, a, accu, bs))
(* Compares [t1] and [t2] up to alpha-equivalence. [t1] and [t2] may contain
free variables. *)
let eq_mllambda t1 t2 =
eq_mllambda dummy_gname dummy_gname 0 LNmap.empty LNmap.empty t1 t2
(*s Compilation environment *)
type env =
{ env_rel : mllambda list; (* (MLlocal lname) list *)
env_bound : int; (* length of env_rel *)
(* free variables *)
env_urel : (int * mllambda) list ref; (* list of unbound rel *)
env_named : (Id.t * mllambda) list ref;
env_univ : lname option}
let empty_env univ () =
{ env_rel = [];
env_bound = 0;
env_urel = ref [];
env_named = ref [];
env_univ = univ
let push_rel env id =
let local = fresh_lname id.binder_name in
local, { env with
env_rel = MLlocal local :: env.env_rel;
env_bound = env.env_bound + 1
let push_rels env ids =
let lnames, env_rel =
Array.fold_left (fun (names,env_rel) id ->
let local = fresh_lname id.binder_name in
(local::names, MLlocal local::env_rel)) ([],env.env_rel) ids in
Array.of_list (List.rev lnames), { env with
env_rel = env_rel;
env_bound = env.env_bound + Array.length ids
let get_rel env id i =
if i <= env.env_bound then
List.nth env.env_rel (i-1)
let i = i - env.env_bound in
try Int.List.assoc i !(env.env_urel)
with Not_found ->
let local = MLlocal (fresh_lname id) in
env.env_urel := (i,local) :: !(env.env_urel);
let get_var env id =
try Id.List.assoc id !(env.env_named)
with Not_found ->
let local = MLlocal (fresh_lname (Name id)) in
env.env_named := (id, local)::!(env.env_named);
let fresh_univ () =
fresh_lname (Name (Id.of_string "univ"))
(*s Traduction of lambda to mllambda *)
let get_prod_name codom =
match codom with
| MLlam(ids,_) -> ids.(0).lname
| _ -> assert false
let get_lname (_,l) =
match l with
| MLlocal id -> id
| _ -> invalid_arg "Nativecode.get_lname"
(* Collects free variables from env in an array of local names *)
let fv_params env =
let fvn, fvr = !(env.env_named), !(env.env_urel) in
let size = List.length fvn + List.length fvr in
let start,params = match env.env_univ with
| None -> 0, Array.make size dummy_lname
| Some u -> 1, let t = Array.make (size + 1) dummy_lname in t.(0) <- u; t
if Array.is_empty params then empty_params
else begin
let fvn = ref fvn in
let i = ref start in
while not (List.is_empty !fvn) do
params.(!i) <- get_lname (List.hd !fvn);
fvn := List.tl !fvn;
incr i
let fvr = ref fvr in
while not (List.is_empty !fvr) do
params.(!i) <- get_lname (List.hd !fvr);
fvr := List.tl !fvr;
incr i
let generalize_fv env body =
mkMLlam (fv_params env) body
let empty_args = [||]
let fv_args env fvn fvr =
let size = List.length fvn + List.length fvr in
let start,args = match env.env_univ with
| None -> 0, Array.make size (MLint 0)
| Some u -> 1, let t = Array.make (size + 1) (MLint 0) in t.(0) <- MLlocal u; t
if Array.is_empty args then empty_args
let fvn = ref fvn in
let i = ref start in
while not (List.is_empty !fvn) do
args.(!i) <- get_var env (fst (List.hd !fvn));
fvn := List.tl !fvn;
incr i
let fvr = ref fvr in
while not (List.is_empty !fvr) do
let (k,_ as kml) = List.hd !fvr in
let n = get_lname kml in
args.(!i) <- get_rel env n.lname k;
fvr := List.tl !fvr;
incr i
let get_value_code i =
MLapp (MLglobal (Ginternal "get_value"),
[|MLglobal symbols_tbl_name; MLint i|])
let get_sort_code i =
MLapp (MLglobal (Ginternal "get_sort"),
[|MLglobal symbols_tbl_name; MLint i|])
let get_name_code i =
MLapp (MLglobal (Ginternal "get_name"),
[|MLglobal symbols_tbl_name; MLint i|])
let get_const_code i =
MLapp (MLglobal (Ginternal "get_const"),
[|MLglobal symbols_tbl_name; MLint i|])
let get_match_code i =
MLapp (MLglobal (Ginternal "get_match"),
[|MLglobal symbols_tbl_name; MLint i|])
let get_ind_code i =
MLapp (MLglobal (Ginternal "get_ind"),
[|MLglobal symbols_tbl_name; MLint i|])
let get_meta_code i =
MLapp (MLglobal (Ginternal "get_meta"),
[|MLglobal symbols_tbl_name; MLint i|])
let get_evar_code i =
MLapp (MLglobal (Ginternal "get_evar"),
[|MLglobal symbols_tbl_name; MLint i|])
let get_level_code i =
MLapp (MLglobal (Ginternal "get_level"),
[|MLglobal symbols_tbl_name; MLint i|])
let get_proj_code i =
MLapp (MLglobal (Ginternal "get_proj"),
[|MLglobal symbols_tbl_name; MLint i|])
type rlist =
| Rnil
| Rcons of (constructor * lname option array) list ref * LNset.t * mllambda * rlist'
and rlist' = rlist ref
let rm_params fv params =
Array.map (fun l -> if LNset.mem l fv then Some l else None) params
let rec insert cargs body rl =
match !rl with
| Rnil ->
let fv = fv_lam body in
let (c,params) = cargs in
let params = rm_params fv params in
rl:= Rcons(ref [(c,params)], fv, body, ref Rnil)
| Rcons(l,fv,body',rl) ->
if eq_mllambda body body' then
let (c,params) = cargs in
let params = rm_params fv params in
l := (c,params)::!l
else insert cargs body rl
let rec to_list rl =
match !rl with
| Rnil -> []
| Rcons(l,_,body,tl) -> (!l,body)::to_list tl
let merge_branches t =
let newt = ref Rnil in
Array.iter (fun (c,args,body) -> insert (c,args) body newt) t;
Array.of_list (to_list newt)
let app_prim p args = MLapp(MLprimitive p, args)
type prim_aux =
| PAprim of string * pconstant * CPrimitives.t * prim_aux array
| PAml of mllambda
let add_check cond args =
let aux cond a =
match a with
| PAml(MLint _) -> cond
| PAml ml ->
(* FIXME: use explicit equality function *)
if List.mem ml cond then cond else ml::cond
| _ -> cond
Array.fold_left aux cond args
let extract_prim ml_of l =
let decl = ref [] in
let cond = ref [] in
let rec aux l =
match l with
| Lprim(prefix,kn,p,args) ->
let args = Array.map aux args in
cond := add_check !cond args;
| Lrel _ | Lvar _ | Luint _ | Lval _ | Lconst _ -> PAml (ml_of l)
| _ ->
let x = fresh_lname Anonymous in
decl := (x,ml_of l)::!decl;
PAml (MLlocal x) in
let res = aux l in
(!decl, !cond, res)
let cast_to_int v =
match v with
| MLint _ -> v
| _ -> MLapp(MLprimitive Val_to_int, [|v|])
let compile_prim decl cond paux =
let rec opt_prim_aux paux =
match paux with
| PAprim(_prefix, _kn, op, args) ->
let args = Array.map opt_prim_aux args in
app_prim (Coq_primitive(op,None)) args
| PAml ml -> ml
and naive_prim_aux paux =
match paux with
| PAprim(prefix, kn, op, args) ->
app_prim (Coq_primitive(op, Some (prefix,kn))) (Array.map naive_prim_aux args)
| PAml ml -> ml
let compile_cond cond paux =
match cond with
| [] -> opt_prim_aux paux
| [c1] ->
MLif(app_prim Is_int [|c1|], opt_prim_aux paux, naive_prim_aux paux)
| c1::cond ->
let cond =
(fun ml c -> app_prim MLland [| ml; cast_to_int c|])
(app_prim MLland [| cast_to_int c1; MLint 0 |]) cond in
let cond = app_prim MLmagic [|cond|] in
MLif(cond, naive_prim_aux paux, opt_prim_aux paux) in
let add_decl decl body =
List.fold_left (fun body (x,d) -> MLlet(x,d,body)) body decl in
(* The optimizations done for checking if integer values are closed are valid
only on 64-bit architectures. So on 32-bit architectures, we fall back to less optimized checks. *)
if max_int = 1073741823 (* 32-bits *) then
add_decl decl (naive_prim_aux paux)
add_decl decl (compile_cond cond paux)
let ml_of_instance instance u =
let ml_of_level l =
match Univ.Level.var_index l with
| Some i ->
let univ = MLapp(MLprimitive MLmagic, [|MLlocal (Option.get instance)|]) in
mkMLapp (MLprimitive MLarrayget) [|univ; MLint i|]
| None -> let i = push_symbol (SymbLevel l) in get_level_code i
let u = Univ.Instance.to_array u in
if Array.is_empty u then [||]
else let u = Array.map ml_of_level u in
[|MLapp (MLprimitive MLmagic, [|MLarray u|])|]
let rec ml_of_lam env l t =
match t with
| Lrel(id ,i) -> get_rel env id i
| Lvar id -> get_var env id
| Lmeta(mv,_ty) ->
let tyn = fresh_lname Anonymous in
let i = push_symbol (SymbMeta mv) in
MLapp(MLprimitive Mk_meta, [|get_meta_code i; MLlocal tyn|])
| Levar(evk, args) ->
let i = push_symbol (SymbEvar evk) in
(** Arguments are *not* reversed in evar instances in native compilation *)
let args = MLarray(Array.map (ml_of_lam env l) args) in
MLapp(MLprimitive Mk_evar, [|get_evar_code i; args|])
| Lprod(dom,codom) ->
let dom = ml_of_lam env l dom in
let codom = ml_of_lam env l codom in
let n = get_prod_name codom in
let i = push_symbol (SymbName n) in
MLapp(MLprimitive Mk_prod, [|get_name_code i;dom;codom|])
| Llam(ids,body) ->
let lnames,env = push_rels env ids in
MLlam(lnames, ml_of_lam env l body)
| Lrec(id,body) ->
let ids,body = decompose_Llam body in
let lname, env = push_rel env id in
let lnames, env = push_rels env ids in
MLletrec([|lname, lnames, ml_of_lam env l body|], MLlocal lname)
| Llet(id,def,body) ->
let def = ml_of_lam env l def in
let lname, env = push_rel env id in
let body = ml_of_lam env l body in
| Lapp(f,args) ->
MLapp(ml_of_lam env l f, Array.map (ml_of_lam env l) args)
| Lconst (prefix, (c, u)) ->
let args = ml_of_instance env.env_univ u in
mkMLapp (MLglobal(Gconstant (prefix, c))) args
| Lproj (prefix, ind, i) -> MLglobal(Gproj (prefix, ind, i))
| Lprim _ ->
let decl,cond,paux = extract_prim (ml_of_lam env l) t in
compile_prim decl cond paux
| Lcase (annot,p,a,bs) ->
(* let predicate_uid fv_pred = compilation of p
let rec case_uid fv a_uid =
match a_uid with
| Accu _ => mk_sw (predicate_uid fv_pred) (case_uid fv) a_uid
| Ci argsi => compilation of branches
compile case = case_uid fv (compilation of a) *)
(* Compilation of the predicate *)
(* Remark: if we do not want to compile the predicate we
should a least compute the fv, then store the lambda representation
of the predicate (not the mllambda) *)
let env_p = empty_env env.env_univ () in
let pn = fresh_gpred l in
let mlp = ml_of_lam env_p l p in
let mlp = generalize_fv env_p mlp in
let (pfvn,pfvr) = !(env_p.env_named), !(env_p.env_urel) in
let pn = push_global_let pn mlp in
(* Compilation of the case *)
let env_c = empty_env env.env_univ () in
let a_uid = fresh_lname Anonymous in
let la_uid = MLlocal a_uid in
(* compilation of branches *)
let ml_br (c,params, body) =
let lnames, env_c = push_rels env_c params in
(c, lnames, ml_of_lam env_c l body)
let bs = Array.map ml_br bs in
let cn = fresh_gcase l in
(* Compilation of accu branch *)
let pred = MLapp(MLglobal pn, fv_args env_c pfvn pfvr) in
let (fvn, fvr) = !(env_c.env_named), !(env_c.env_urel) in
let cn_fv = mkMLapp (MLglobal cn) (fv_args env_c fvn fvr) in
(* remark : the call to fv_args does not add free variables in env_c *)
let i = push_symbol (SymbMatch annot) in
let accu =
MLapp(MLprimitive Mk_sw,
[| get_match_code i; MLapp (MLprimitive Cast_accu, [|la_uid|]);
cn_fv |]) in
(* let body = MLlam([|a_uid|], MLmatch(annot, la_uid, accu, bs)) in
let case = generalize_fv env_c body in *)
let cn = push_global_case cn (Array.append (fv_params env_c) [|a_uid|])
annot la_uid accu (merge_branches bs)
(* Final result *)
let arg = ml_of_lam env l a in
let force =
if annot.asw_finite then arg
else mkForceCofix annot.asw_prefix annot.asw_ind arg in
mkMLapp (MLapp (MLglobal cn, fv_args env fvn fvr)) [|force|]
| Lif(t,bt,bf) ->
MLif(ml_of_lam env l t, ml_of_lam env l bt, ml_of_lam env l bf)
| Lfix ((rec_pos, inds, start), (ids, tt, tb)) ->
(* let type_f fvt = [| type fix |]
let norm_f1 fv f1 .. fn params1 = body1
let norm_fn fv f1 .. fn paramsn = bodyn
let norm fv f1 .. fn =
[|norm_f1 fv f1 .. fn; ..; norm_fn fv f1 .. fn|]
compile fix =
let rec f1 params1 =
if is_accu rec_pos.(1) then mk_fix (type_f fvt) (norm fv) params1
else norm_f1 fv f1 .. fn params1
and .. and fn paramsn =
if is_accu rec_pos.(n) then mk_fix (type_f fvt) (norm fv) paramsn
else norm_fn fv f1 .. fv paramsn in
(* Compilation of type *)
let env_t = empty_env env.env_univ () in
let ml_t = Array.map (ml_of_lam env_t l) tt in
let params_t = fv_params env_t in
let args_t = fv_args env !(env_t.env_named) !(env_t.env_urel) in
let gft = fresh_gfixtype l in
let gft = push_global_fixtype gft params_t ml_t in
let mk_type = MLapp(MLglobal gft, args_t) in
(* Compilation of norm_i *)
let ndef = Array.length ids in
let lf,env_n = push_rels (empty_env env.env_univ ()) ids in
let t_params = Array.make ndef [||] in
let t_norm_f = Array.make ndef (Gnorm (l,-1)) in
let mk_let _envi (id,def) t = MLlet (id,def,t) in
let mk_lam_or_let (params,lets,env) (id,def) =
let ln,env' = push_rel env id in
match def with
| None -> (ln::params,lets,env')
| Some lam -> (params, (ln,ml_of_lam env l lam)::lets,env')
let ml_of_fix i body =
let varsi, bodyi = decompose_Llam_Llet body in
let paramsi,letsi,envi =
Array.fold_left mk_lam_or_let ([],[],env_n) varsi
let paramsi,letsi =
Array.of_list (List.rev paramsi), Array.of_list (List.rev letsi)
t_norm_f.(i) <- fresh_gnorm l;
let bodyi = ml_of_lam envi l bodyi in
t_params.(i) <- paramsi;
let bodyi = Array.fold_right (mk_let envi) letsi bodyi in
mkMLlam paramsi bodyi
let tnorm = Array.mapi ml_of_fix tb in
let fvn,fvr = !(env_n.env_named), !(env_n.env_urel) in
let fv_params = fv_params env_n in
let fv_args' = Array.map (fun id -> MLlocal id) fv_params in
let norm_params = Array.append fv_params lf in
let t_norm_f = Array.mapi (fun i body ->
push_global_let (t_norm_f.(i)) (mkMLlam norm_params body)) tnorm in
let norm = fresh_gnormtbl l in
let norm = push_global_norm norm fv_params
(Array.map (fun g -> mkMLapp (MLglobal g) fv_args') t_norm_f) in
(* Compilation of fix *)
let fv_args = fv_args env fvn fvr in
let lf, _env = push_rels env ids in
let lf_args = Array.map (fun id -> MLlocal id) lf in
let mk_norm = MLapp(MLglobal norm, fv_args) in
let mkrec i lname =
let paramsi = t_params.(i) in
let reci = MLlocal (paramsi.(rec_pos.(i))) in
let pargsi = Array.map (fun id -> MLlocal id) paramsi in
let (prefix, ind) = inds.(i) in
let body =
MLif(MLisaccu (prefix, ind, reci),
(MLapp(MLprimitive (Mk_fix(rec_pos,i)),
[|mk_type; mk_norm|]))
MLapp(MLglobal t_norm_f.(i),
Array.concat [fv_args;lf_args;pargsi]))
(lname, paramsi, body) in
MLletrec(Array.mapi mkrec lf, lf_args.(start))
| Lcofix (start, (ids, tt, tb)) ->
(* Compilation of type *)
let env_t = empty_env env.env_univ () in
let ml_t = Array.map (ml_of_lam env_t l) tt in
let params_t = fv_params env_t in
let args_t = fv_args env !(env_t.env_named) !(env_t.env_urel) in
let gft = fresh_gfixtype l in
let gft = push_global_fixtype gft params_t ml_t in
let mk_type = MLapp(MLglobal gft, args_t) in
(* Compilation of norm_i *)
let ndef = Array.length ids in
let lf,env_n = push_rels (empty_env env.env_univ ()) ids in
let t_params = Array.make ndef [||] in
let t_norm_f = Array.make ndef (Gnorm (l,-1)) in
let ml_of_fix i body =
let idsi,bodyi = decompose_Llam body in
let paramsi, envi = push_rels env_n idsi in
t_norm_f.(i) <- fresh_gnorm l;
let bodyi = ml_of_lam envi l bodyi in
t_params.(i) <- paramsi;
mkMLlam paramsi bodyi in
let tnorm = Array.mapi ml_of_fix tb in
let fvn,fvr = !(env_n.env_named), !(env_n.env_urel) in
let fv_params = fv_params env_n in
let fv_args' = Array.map (fun id -> MLlocal id) fv_params in
let norm_params = Array.append fv_params lf in
let t_norm_f = Array.mapi (fun i body ->
push_global_let (t_norm_f.(i)) (mkMLlam norm_params body)) tnorm in
let norm = fresh_gnormtbl l in
let norm = push_global_norm norm fv_params
(Array.map (fun g -> mkMLapp (MLglobal g) fv_args') t_norm_f) in
(* Compilation of fix *)
let fv_args = fv_args env fvn fvr in
let mk_norm = MLapp(MLglobal norm, fv_args) in
let lnorm = fresh_lname Anonymous in
let ltype = fresh_lname Anonymous in
let lf, _env = push_rels env ids in
let lf_args = Array.map (fun id -> MLlocal id) lf in
let upd i _lname cont =
let paramsi = t_params.(i) in
let pargsi = Array.map (fun id -> MLlocal id) paramsi in
let uniti = fresh_lname Anonymous in
let body =
MLlam(Array.append paramsi [|uniti|],
MLapp(MLglobal t_norm_f.(i),
Array.concat [fv_args;lf_args;pargsi])) in
MLsequence(MLapp(MLprimitive Upd_cofix, [|lf_args.(i);body|]),
cont) in
let upd = Array.fold_right_i upd lf lf_args.(start) in
let mk_let i lname cont =
MLapp(MLprimitive(Mk_cofix i),[| MLlocal ltype; MLlocal lnorm|]),
cont) in
let init = Array.fold_right_i mk_let lf upd in
MLlet(lnorm, mk_norm, MLlet(ltype, mk_type, init))
let mkrec i lname =
let paramsi = t_params.(i) in
let pargsi = Array.map (fun id -> MLlocal id) paramsi in
let uniti = fresh_lname Anonymous in
let body =
MLapp( MLprimitive(Mk_cofix i),
MLapp(MLglobal t_norm_f.(i),
Array.concat [fv_args;lf_args;pargsi]))|]) in
(lname, paramsi, body) in
MLletrec(Array.mapi mkrec lf, lf_args.(start)) *)
| Lmakeblock (prefix,(cn,_u),_,args) ->
let args = Array.map (ml_of_lam env l) args in
| Lconstruct (prefix, (cn,u)) ->
let uargs = ml_of_instance env.env_univ u in
mkMLapp (MLglobal (Gconstruct (prefix, cn))) uargs
| Luint i -> MLapp(MLprimitive Mk_uint, [|MLuint i|])
| Lval v ->
let i = push_symbol (SymbValue v) in get_value_code i
| Lsort s ->
let i = push_symbol (SymbSort s) in
let uarg = match env.env_univ with
| None -> MLarray [||]
| Some u -> MLlocal u
let uarg = MLapp(MLprimitive MLmagic, [|uarg|]) in
MLapp(MLprimitive Mk_sort, [|get_sort_code i; uarg|])
| Lind (prefix, (ind, u)) ->
let uargs = ml_of_instance env.env_univ u in
mkMLapp (MLglobal (Gind (prefix, ind))) uargs
| Llazy -> MLglobal (Ginternal "lazy")
| Lforce -> MLglobal (Ginternal "Lazy.force")
let mllambda_of_lambda univ auxdefs l t =
let env = empty_env univ () in
global_stack := auxdefs;
let ml = ml_of_lam env l t in
let fv_rel = !(env.env_urel) in
let fv_named = !(env.env_named) in
(* build the free variables *)
let get_lname (_,t) =
match t with
| MLlocal x -> x
| _ -> assert false in
let params =
List.append (List.map get_lname fv_rel) (List.map get_lname fv_named) in
if List.is_empty params then
(!global_stack, ([],[]), ml)
(* final result : global list, fv, ml *)
(!global_stack, (fv_named, fv_rel), mkMLlam (Array.of_list params) ml)
(** Code optimization **)
(** Optimization of match and fix *)
let can_subst l =
match l with
| MLlocal _ | MLint _ | MLuint _ | MLglobal _ -> true
| _ -> false
let subst s l =
if LNmap.is_empty s then l
let rec aux l =
match l with
| MLlocal id -> (try LNmap.find id s with Not_found -> l)
| MLglobal _ | MLprimitive _ | MLint _ | MLuint _ -> l
| MLlam(params,body) -> MLlam(params, aux body)
| MLletrec(defs,body) ->
let arec (f,params,body) = (f,params,aux body) in
MLletrec(Array.map arec defs, aux body)
| MLlet(id,def,body) -> MLlet(id,aux def, aux body)
| MLapp(f,args) -> MLapp(aux f, Array.map aux args)
| MLif(t,b1,b2) -> MLif(aux t, aux b1, aux b2)
| MLmatch(annot,a,accu,bs) ->
let auxb (cargs,body) = (cargs,aux body) in
MLmatch(annot,a,aux accu, Array.map auxb bs)
| MLconstruct(prefix,c,args) -> MLconstruct(prefix,c,Array.map aux args)
| MLsetref(s,l1) -> MLsetref(s,aux l1)
| MLsequence(l1,l2) -> MLsequence(aux l1, aux l2)
| MLarray arr -> MLarray (Array.map aux arr)
| MLisaccu (s, ind, l) -> MLisaccu (s, ind, aux l)
aux l
let add_subst id v s =
match v with
| MLlocal id' when Int.equal id.luid id'.luid -> s
| _ -> LNmap.add id v s
let subst_norm params args s =
let len = Array.length params in
assert (Int.equal (Array.length args) len && Array.for_all can_subst args);
let s = ref s in
for i = 0 to len - 1 do
s := add_subst params.(i) args.(i) !s
let subst_case params args s =
let len = Array.length params in
assert (len > 0 &&
Int.equal (Array.length args) len &&
let r = ref true and i = ref 0 in
(* we test all arguments excepted the last *)
while !i < len - 1 && !r do r := can_subst args.(!i); incr i done;
let s = ref s in
for i = 0 to len - 2 do
s := add_subst params.(i) args.(i) !s
!s, params.(len-1), args.(len-1)
let empty_gdef = Int.Map.empty, Int.Map.empty
let get_norm (gnorm, _) i = Int.Map.find i gnorm
let get_case (_, gcase) i = Int.Map.find i gcase
let all_lam n bs =
let f (_, l) =
match l with
| MLlam(params, _) -> Int.equal (Array.length params) n
| _ -> false in
Array.for_all f bs
let commutative_cut annot a accu bs args =
let mkb (c,b) =
match b with
| MLlam(params, body) ->
(c, Array.fold_left2 (fun body x v -> MLlet(x,v,body)) body params args)
| _ -> assert false in
MLmatch(annot, a, mkMLapp accu args, Array.map mkb bs)
let optimize gdef l =
let rec optimize s l =
match l with
| MLlocal id -> (try LNmap.find id s with Not_found -> l)
| MLglobal _ | MLprimitive _ | MLint _ | MLuint _ -> l
| MLlam(params,body) ->
MLlam(params, optimize s body)
| MLletrec(decls,body) ->
let opt_rec (f,params,body) = (f,params,optimize s body ) in
MLletrec(Array.map opt_rec decls, optimize s body)
| MLlet(id,def,body) ->
let def = optimize s def in
if can_subst def then optimize (add_subst id def s) body
else MLlet(id,def,optimize s body)
| MLapp(f, args) ->
let args = Array.map (optimize s) args in
begin match f with
| MLglobal (Gnorm (_,i)) ->
let params,body = get_norm gdef i in
let s = subst_norm params args s in
optimize s body
with Not_found -> MLapp(optimize s f, args))
| MLglobal (Gcase (_,i)) ->
let params,body = get_case gdef i in
let s, id, arg = subst_case params args s in
if can_subst arg then optimize (add_subst id arg s) body
else MLlet(id, arg, optimize s body)
with Not_found -> MLapp(optimize s f, args))
| _ ->
let f = optimize s f in
match f with
| MLmatch (annot,a,accu,bs) ->
if all_lam (Array.length args) bs then
commutative_cut annot a accu bs args
else MLapp(f, args)
| _ -> MLapp(f, args)
| MLif(t,b1,b2) ->
(* This optimization is critical: it applies to all fixpoints that start
by matching on their recursive argument *)
let t = optimize s t in
let b1 = optimize s b1 in
let b2 = optimize s b2 in
begin match t, b2 with
| MLisaccu (_, _, l1), MLmatch(annot, l2, _, bs)
when eq_mllambda l1 l2 -> MLmatch(annot, l1, b1, bs)
| _, _ -> MLif(t, b1, b2)
| MLmatch(annot,a,accu,bs) ->
let opt_b (cargs,body) = (cargs,optimize s body) in
MLmatch(annot, optimize s a, subst s accu, Array.map opt_b bs)
| MLconstruct(prefix,c,args) ->
MLconstruct(prefix,c,Array.map (optimize s) args)
| MLsetref(r,l) -> MLsetref(r, optimize s l)
| MLsequence(l1,l2) -> MLsequence(optimize s l1, optimize s l2)
| MLarray arr -> MLarray (Array.map (optimize s) arr)
| MLisaccu (pf, ind, l) -> MLisaccu (pf, ind, optimize s l)
optimize LNmap.empty l
let optimize_stk stk =
let add_global gdef g =
match g with
| Glet (Gnorm (_,i), body) ->
let (gnorm, gcase) = gdef in
(Int.Map.add i (decompose_MLlam body) gnorm, gcase)
| Gletcase(Gcase (_,i), params, annot,a,accu,bs) ->
let (gnorm,gcase) = gdef in
(gnorm, Int.Map.add i (params,MLmatch(annot,a,accu,bs)) gcase)
| Gletcase _ -> assert false
| _ -> gdef in
let gdef = List.fold_left add_global empty_gdef stk in
let optimize_global g =
match g with
| Glet(Gconstant (prefix, c), body) ->
Glet(Gconstant (prefix, c), optimize gdef body)
| _ -> g in
List.map optimize_global stk
(** Printing to ocaml **)
(* Redefine a bunch of functions in module Names to generate names
acceptable to OCaml. *)
let string_of_id s = Unicode.ascii_of_ident (Id.to_string s)
let string_of_label l = string_of_id (Label.to_id l)
let string_of_dirpath = function
| [] -> "_"
| sl -> String.concat "_" (List.rev_map string_of_id sl)
(* The first letter of the file name has to be a capital to be accepted by *)
(* OCaml as a module identifier. *)
let string_of_dirpath s = "N"^string_of_dirpath s
let mod_uid_of_dirpath dir = string_of_dirpath (DirPath.repr dir)
let link_info_of_dirpath dir =
Linked (mod_uid_of_dirpath dir ^ ".")
let string_of_name x =
match x with
| Anonymous -> "anonymous" (* assert false *)
| Name id -> string_of_id id
let string_of_label_def l =
match l with
| None -> ""
| Some l -> string_of_label l
(* Relativization of module paths *)
let rec list_of_mp acc = function
| MPdot (mp,l) -> list_of_mp (string_of_label l::acc) mp
| MPfile dp ->
let dp = DirPath.repr dp in
string_of_dirpath dp :: acc
| MPbound mbid -> ("X"^string_of_id (MBId.to_id mbid))::acc
let list_of_mp mp = list_of_mp [] mp
let string_of_kn kn =
let (mp,l) = KerName.repr kn in
let mp = list_of_mp mp in
String.concat "_" mp ^ "_" ^ string_of_label l
let string_of_con c = string_of_kn (Constant.user c)
let string_of_mind mind = string_of_kn (MutInd.user mind)
let string_of_gname g =
match g with
| Gind (prefix, (mind, i)) ->
Format.sprintf "%sindaccu_%s_%i" prefix (string_of_mind mind) i
| Gconstruct (prefix, ((mind, i), j)) ->
Format.sprintf "%sconstruct_%s_%i_%i" prefix (string_of_mind mind) i (j-1)
| Gconstant (prefix, c) ->
Format.sprintf "%sconst_%s" prefix (string_of_con c)
| Gproj (prefix, (mind, n), i) ->
Format.sprintf "%sproj_%s_%i_%i" prefix (string_of_mind mind) n i
| Gcase (l,i) ->
Format.sprintf "case_%s_%i" (string_of_label_def l) i
| Gpred (l,i) ->
Format.sprintf "pred_%s_%i" (string_of_label_def l) i
| Gfixtype (l,i) ->
Format.sprintf "fixtype_%s_%i" (string_of_label_def l) i
| Gnorm (l,i) ->
Format.sprintf "norm_%s_%i" (string_of_label_def l) i
| Ginternal s -> Format.sprintf "%s" s
| Gnormtbl (l,i) ->
Format.sprintf "normtbl_%s_%i" (string_of_label_def l) i
| Grel i ->
Format.sprintf "rel_%i" i
| Gnamed id ->
Format.sprintf "named_%s" (string_of_id id)
let pp_gname fmt g =
Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (string_of_gname g)
let pp_lname fmt ln =
Format.fprintf fmt "x_%s_%i" (string_of_name ln.lname) ln.luid
let pp_ldecls fmt ids =
let len = Array.length ids in
for i = 0 to len - 1 do
Format.fprintf fmt " (%a : Nativevalues.t)" pp_lname ids.(i)
let string_of_construct prefix ((mind,i),j) =
let id = Format.sprintf "Construct_%s_%i_%i" (string_of_mind mind) i (j-1) in
prefix ^ id
let pp_int fmt i =
if i < 0 then Format.fprintf fmt "(%i)" i else Format.fprintf fmt "%i" i
let pp_mllam fmt l =
let rec pp_mllam fmt l =
match l with
| MLlocal ln -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[%a@]" pp_lname ln
| MLglobal g -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[%a@]" pp_gname g
| MLprimitive p -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[%a@]" pp_primitive p
| MLlam(ids,body) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[(fun%a@ ->@\n %a)@]"
pp_ldecls ids pp_mllam body
| MLletrec(defs, body) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[%a@ in@\n%a@]" pp_letrec defs
pp_mllam body
| MLlet(id,def,body) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[(let@ %a@ =@\n %a@ in@\n%a)@]"
pp_lname id pp_mllam def pp_mllam body
| MLapp(f, args) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[%a@ %a@]" pp_mllam f (pp_args true) args
| MLif(t,l1,l2) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[(if %a then@\n %a@\nelse@\n %a)@]"
pp_mllam t pp_mllam l1 pp_mllam l2
| MLmatch (annot, c, accu_br, br) ->
let mind,i = annot.asw_ind in
let prefix = annot.asw_prefix in
let accu = Format.sprintf "%sAccu_%s_%i" prefix (string_of_mind mind) i in
Format.fprintf fmt
"@[begin match Obj.magic (%a) with@\n| %s _ ->@\n %a@\n%aend@]"
pp_mllam c accu pp_mllam accu_br (pp_branches prefix) br
| MLconstruct(prefix,c,args) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[(Obj.magic (%s%a) : Nativevalues.t)@]"
(string_of_construct prefix c) pp_cargs args
| MLint i -> pp_int fmt i
| MLuint i -> Format.fprintf fmt "(%s)" (Uint63.compile i)
| MLsetref (s, body) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[%s@ :=@\n %a@]" s pp_mllam body
| MLsequence(l1,l2) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[%a;@\n%a@]" pp_mllam l1 pp_mllam l2
| MLarray arr ->
let len = Array.length arr in
Format.fprintf fmt "@[[|";
if 0 < len then begin
for i = 0 to len - 2 do
Format.fprintf fmt "%a;" pp_mllam arr.(i)
pp_mllam fmt arr.(len-1)
Format.fprintf fmt "|]@]"
| MLisaccu (prefix, (mind, i), c) ->
let accu = Format.sprintf "%sAccu_%s_%i" prefix (string_of_mind mind) i in
Format.fprintf fmt
"@[begin match Obj.magic (%a) with@\n| %s _ ->@\n true@\n| _ ->@\n false@\nend@]"
pp_mllam c accu
and pp_letrec fmt defs =
let len = Array.length defs in
let pp_one_rec (fn, argsn, body) =
Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a =@\n %a"
pp_lname fn
pp_ldecls argsn pp_mllam body in
Format.fprintf fmt "@[let rec ";
pp_one_rec defs.(0);
for i = 1 to len - 1 do
Format.fprintf fmt "@\nand ";
pp_one_rec defs.(i)
and pp_blam fmt l =
match l with
| MLprimitive (Mk_prod | Mk_sort) (* FIXME: why this special case? *)
| MLlam _ | MLletrec _ | MLlet _ | MLapp _ | MLif _ ->
Format.fprintf fmt "(%a)" pp_mllam l
| MLconstruct(_,_,args) when Array.length args > 0 ->
Format.fprintf fmt "(%a)" pp_mllam l
| _ -> pp_mllam fmt l
and pp_args sep fmt args =
let sep = if sep then " " else "," in
let len = Array.length args in
if len > 0 then begin
Format.fprintf fmt "%a" pp_blam args.(0);
for i = 1 to len - 1 do
Format.fprintf fmt "%s%a" sep pp_blam args.(i)
and pp_cargs fmt args =
let len = Array.length args in
match len with
| 0 -> ()
| 1 -> Format.fprintf fmt " %a" pp_blam args.(0)
| _ -> Format.fprintf fmt "(%a)" (pp_args false) args
and pp_cparam fmt param =
match param with
| Some l -> pp_mllam fmt (MLlocal l)
| None -> Format.fprintf fmt "_"
and pp_cparams fmt params =
let len = Array.length params in
match len with
| 0 -> ()
| 1 -> Format.fprintf fmt " %a" pp_cparam params.(0)
| _ ->
let aux fmt params =
Format.fprintf fmt "%a" pp_cparam params.(0);
for i = 1 to len - 1 do
Format.fprintf fmt ",%a" pp_cparam params.(i)
done in
Format.fprintf fmt "(%a)" aux params
and pp_branches prefix fmt bs =
let pp_branch (cargs,body) =
let pp_c fmt (cn,args) =
Format.fprintf fmt "| %s%a "
(string_of_construct prefix cn) pp_cparams args in
let rec pp_cargs fmt cargs =
match cargs with
| [] -> ()
| cargs::cargs' ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a" pp_c cargs pp_cargs cargs' in
Format.fprintf fmt "%a ->@\n %a@\n"
pp_cargs cargs pp_mllam body
Array.iter pp_branch bs
and pp_primitive fmt = function
| Mk_prod -> Format.fprintf fmt "mk_prod_accu"
| Mk_sort -> Format.fprintf fmt "mk_sort_accu"
| Mk_ind -> Format.fprintf fmt "mk_ind_accu"
| Mk_const -> Format.fprintf fmt "mk_constant_accu"
| Mk_sw -> Format.fprintf fmt "mk_sw_accu"
| Mk_fix(rec_pos,start) ->
let pp_rec_pos fmt rec_pos =
Format.fprintf fmt "@[[| %i" rec_pos.(0);
for i = 1 to Array.length rec_pos - 1 do
Format.fprintf fmt "; %i" rec_pos.(i)
Format.fprintf fmt " |]@]" in
Format.fprintf fmt "mk_fix_accu %a %i" pp_rec_pos rec_pos start
| Mk_cofix(start) -> Format.fprintf fmt "mk_cofix_accu %i" start
| Mk_rel i -> Format.fprintf fmt "mk_rel_accu %i" i
| Mk_var id ->
Format.fprintf fmt "mk_var_accu (Names.Id.of_string \"%s\")" (string_of_id id)
| Mk_proj -> Format.fprintf fmt "mk_proj_accu"
| Is_int -> Format.fprintf fmt "is_int"
| Cast_accu -> Format.fprintf fmt "cast_accu"
| Upd_cofix -> Format.fprintf fmt "upd_cofix"
| Force_cofix -> Format.fprintf fmt "force_cofix"
| Mk_uint -> Format.fprintf fmt "mk_uint"
| Mk_int -> Format.fprintf fmt "mk_int"
| Mk_bool -> Format.fprintf fmt "mk_bool"
| Val_to_int -> Format.fprintf fmt "val_to_int"
| Mk_meta -> Format.fprintf fmt "mk_meta_accu"
| Mk_evar -> Format.fprintf fmt "mk_evar_accu"
| MLand -> Format.fprintf fmt "(&&)"
| MLle -> Format.fprintf fmt "(<=)"
| MLlt -> Format.fprintf fmt "(<)"
| MLinteq -> Format.fprintf fmt "(==)"
| MLlsl -> Format.fprintf fmt "(lsl)"
| MLlsr -> Format.fprintf fmt "(lsr)"
| MLland -> Format.fprintf fmt "(land)"
| MLlor -> Format.fprintf fmt "(lor)"
| MLlxor -> Format.fprintf fmt "(lxor)"
| MLadd -> Format.fprintf fmt "(+)"
| MLsub -> Format.fprintf fmt "(-)"
| MLmul -> Format.fprintf fmt "( * )"
| MLmagic -> Format.fprintf fmt "Obj.magic"
| MLarrayget -> Format.fprintf fmt "Array.get"
| Mk_empty_instance -> Format.fprintf fmt "Univ.Instance.empty"
| Coq_primitive (op,None) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "no_check_%s" (CPrimitives.to_string op)
| Coq_primitive (op, Some (prefix,(c,_))) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%s %a" (CPrimitives.to_string op)
pp_mllam (MLglobal (Gconstant (prefix,c)))
Format.fprintf fmt "@[%a@]" pp_mllam l
let pp_array fmt t =
let len = Array.length t in
Format.fprintf fmt "@[[|";
for i = 0 to len - 2 do
Format.fprintf fmt "%a; " pp_mllam t.(i)
if len > 0 then
Format.fprintf fmt "%a" pp_mllam t.(len - 1);
Format.fprintf fmt "|]@]"
let pp_global fmt g =
match g with
| Glet (gn, c) ->
let ids, c = decompose_MLlam c in
Format.fprintf fmt "@[let %a%a =@\n %a@]@\n@." pp_gname gn
pp_ldecls ids
pp_mllam c
| Gopen s ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[open %s@]@." s
| Gtype ((mind, i), lar) ->
let l = string_of_mind mind in
let rec aux s ar =
if Int.equal ar 0 then s else aux (s^" * Nativevalues.t") (ar-1) in
let pp_const_sig i fmt j ar =
let sig_str = if ar > 0 then aux "of Nativevalues.t" (ar-1) else "" in
Format.fprintf fmt " | Construct_%s_%i_%i %s@\n" l i j sig_str
let pp_const_sigs i fmt lar =
Format.fprintf fmt " | Accu_%s_%i of Nativevalues.t@\n" l i;
Array.iteri (pp_const_sig i fmt) lar
Format.fprintf fmt "@[type ind_%s_%i =@\n%a@]@\n@." l i (pp_const_sigs i) lar
| Gtblfixtype (g, params, t) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[let %a %a =@\n %a@]@\n@." pp_gname g
pp_ldecls params pp_array t
| Gtblnorm (g, params, t) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[let %a %a =@\n %a@]@\n@." pp_gname g
pp_ldecls params pp_array t
| Gletcase(gn,params,annot,a,accu,bs) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[(* Hash = %i *)@\nlet rec %a %a =@\n %a@]@\n@."
(hash_global g)
pp_gname gn pp_ldecls params
pp_mllam (MLmatch(annot,a,accu,bs))
| Gcomment s ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[(* %s *)@]@." s
(** Compilation of elements in environment **)
let rec compile_with_fv env sigma univ auxdefs l t =
let (auxdefs,(fv_named,fv_rel),ml) = mllambda_of_lambda univ auxdefs l t in
if List.is_empty fv_named && List.is_empty fv_rel then (auxdefs,ml)
else apply_fv env sigma univ (fv_named,fv_rel) auxdefs ml
and apply_fv env sigma univ (fv_named,fv_rel) auxdefs ml =
let get_rel_val (n,_) auxdefs =
match !(lookup_rel_native_val n env) with
| NVKnone ->
compile_rel env sigma univ auxdefs n
(* | NVKvalue (v,d) -> assert false *)
let get_named_val (id,_) auxdefs =
match !(lookup_named_native_val id env) with
| NVKnone ->
compile_named env sigma univ auxdefs id
(* | NVKvalue (v,d) -> assert false *)
let auxdefs = List.fold_right get_rel_val fv_rel auxdefs in
let auxdefs = List.fold_right get_named_val fv_named auxdefs in
let lvl = Context.Rel.length (rel_context env) in
let fv_rel = List.map (fun (n,_) -> MLglobal (Grel (lvl-n))) fv_rel in
let fv_named = List.map (fun (id,_) -> MLglobal (Gnamed id)) fv_named in
let aux_name = fresh_lname Anonymous in
auxdefs, MLlet(aux_name, ml, mkMLapp (MLlocal aux_name) (Array.of_list (fv_rel@fv_named)))
and compile_rel env sigma univ auxdefs n =
let open Context.Rel.Declaration in
let decl = lookup_rel n env in
let n = List.length (rel_context env) - n in
match decl with
| LocalDef (_,t,_) ->
let code = lambda_of_constr env sigma t in
let auxdefs,code = compile_with_fv env sigma univ auxdefs None code in
Glet(Grel n, code)::auxdefs
| LocalAssum _ ->
Glet(Grel n, MLprimitive (Mk_rel n))::auxdefs
and compile_named env sigma univ auxdefs id =
let open Context.Named.Declaration in
match lookup_named id env with
| LocalDef (_,t,_) ->
let code = lambda_of_constr env sigma t in
let auxdefs,code = compile_with_fv env sigma univ auxdefs None code in
Glet(Gnamed id, code)::auxdefs
| LocalAssum _ ->
Glet(Gnamed id, MLprimitive (Mk_var id))::auxdefs
let compile_constant env sigma prefix ~interactive con cb =
let no_univs = 0 = Univ.AUContext.size (Declareops.constant_polymorphic_context cb) in
begin match cb.const_body with
| Def t ->
let t = Mod_subst.force_constr t in
let code = lambda_of_constr env sigma t in
if !Flags.debug then Feedback.msg_debug (Pp.str "Generated lambda code");
let is_lazy = is_lazy t in
let code = if is_lazy then mk_lazy code else code in
let name =
if interactive then LinkedInteractive prefix
else Linked prefix
let l = Constant.label con in
let auxdefs,code =
if no_univs then compile_with_fv env sigma None [] (Some l) code
let univ = fresh_univ () in
let (auxdefs,code) = compile_with_fv env sigma (Some univ) [] (Some l) code in
(auxdefs,mkMLlam [|univ|] code)
if !Flags.debug then Feedback.msg_debug (Pp.str "Generated mllambda code");
let code =
optimize_stk (Glet(Gconstant ("", con),code)::auxdefs)
if !Flags.debug then Feedback.msg_debug (Pp.str "Optimized mllambda code");
code, name
| _ ->
let i = push_symbol (SymbConst con) in
let args =
if no_univs then [|get_const_code i; MLarray [||]|]
else [|get_const_code i|]
let t = mkMLlam [|univ|] (mkMLapp (MLprimitive Mk_const)
[Glet(Gconstant ("", con), mkMLapp (MLprimitive Mk_const) args)],
if interactive then LinkedInteractive prefix
--> --------------------
--> maximum size reached
--> --------------------
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.109 Sekunden
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Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.