(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Univ
module G = AcyclicGraph.Make(struct
type t = Level.t
module Set = LSet
module Map = LMap
module Constraint = Constraint
let equal = Level.equal
let compare = Level.compare
type explanation = Univ.explanation
let error_inconsistency d u v p =
raise (UniverseInconsistency (d,Universe.make u, Universe.make v, p))
let pr = Level.pr
end) [@@inlined] (* without inline, +1% ish on HoTT, compcert. See jenkins 594 vs 596 *)
(* Do not include G to make it easier to control universe specific
code (eg add_universe with a constraint vs G.add with no
constraint) *)
type t = { graph: G.t; sprop_cumulative : bool }
type 'a check_function = t -> 'a -> 'a -> bool
let g_map f g =
let g' = f g.graph in
if g.graph == g' then g
else {g with graph=g'}
let make_sprop_cumulative g = {g with sprop_cumulative=true}
let check_smaller_expr g (u,n) (v,m) =
let diff = n - m in
match diff with
| 0 -> G.check_leq g.graph u v
| 1 -> G.check_lt g.graph u v
| x when x < 0 -> G.check_leq g.graph u v
| _ -> false
let exists_bigger g ul l =
Universe.exists (fun ul' ->
check_smaller_expr g ul ul') l
let real_check_leq g u v =
Universe.for_all (fun ul -> exists_bigger g ul v) u
let check_leq g u v =
Universe.equal u v || (g.sprop_cumulative && Universe.is_sprop u) ||
(not (Universe.is_sprop u) && not (Universe.is_sprop v) &&
(is_type0m_univ u ||
real_check_leq g u v))
let check_eq g u v =
Universe.equal u v ||
(not (Universe.is_sprop u || Universe.is_sprop v) &&
(real_check_leq g u v && real_check_leq g v u))
let check_eq_level g u v =
u == v ||
(not (Level.is_sprop u || Level.is_sprop v) && G.check_eq g.graph u v)
let empty_universes = {graph=G.empty; sprop_cumulative=false}
let initial_universes =
let big_rank = 1000000 in
let g = G.empty in
let g = G.add ~rank:big_rank Level.prop g in
let g = G.add ~rank:big_rank Level.set g in
{graph=G.enforce_lt Level.prop Level.set g; sprop_cumulative=false}
let enforce_constraint (u,d,v) g =
match d with
| Le -> G.enforce_leq u v g
| Lt -> G.enforce_lt u v g
| Eq -> G.enforce_eq u v g
let enforce_constraint (u,d,v as cst) g =
match Level.is_sprop u, d, Level.is_sprop v with
| false, _, false -> g_map (enforce_constraint cst) g
| true, (Eq|Le), true -> g
| true, Le, false when g.sprop_cumulative -> g
| _ -> raise (UniverseInconsistency (d,Universe.make u, Universe.make v, None))
let merge_constraints csts g = Constraint.fold enforce_constraint csts g
let check_constraint g (u,d,v) =
match d with
| Le -> G.check_leq g u v
| Lt -> G.check_lt g u v
| Eq -> G.check_eq g u v
let check_constraint g (u,d,v as cst) =
match Level.is_sprop u, d, Level.is_sprop v with
| false, _, false -> check_constraint g.graph cst
| true, (Eq|Le), true -> true
| true, Le, false -> g.sprop_cumulative
| _ -> false
let check_constraints csts g = Constraint.for_all (check_constraint g) csts
let leq_expr (u,m) (v,n) =
let d = match m - n with
| 1 -> Lt
| diff -> assert (diff <= 0); Le
let enforce_leq_alg u v g =
let open Util in
let enforce_one (u,v) = function
| Inr _ as orig -> orig
| Inl (cstrs,g) as orig ->
if check_smaller_expr g u v then orig
(let c = leq_expr u v in
match enforce_constraint c g with
| g -> Inl (Constraint.add c cstrs,g)
| exception (UniverseInconsistency _ as e) -> Inr e)
(* max(us) <= max(vs) <-> forall u in us, exists v in vs, u <= v *)
let c = Universe.map (fun u -> Universe.map (fun v -> (u,v)) v) u in
let c = List.cartesians enforce_one (Inl (Constraint.empty,g)) c in
(* We pick a best constraint: smallest number of constraints, not an error if possible. *)
let order x y = match x, y with
| Inr _, Inr _ -> 0
| Inl _, Inr _ -> -1
| Inr _, Inl _ -> 1
| Inl (c,_), Inl (c',_) ->
Int.compare (Constraint.cardinal c) (Constraint.cardinal c')
match List.min order c with
| Inl x -> x
| Inr e -> raise e
(* sanity check wrapper *)
let enforce_leq_alg u v g =
let _,g as cg = enforce_leq_alg u v g in
assert (check_leq g u v);
exception AlreadyDeclared = G.AlreadyDeclared
let add_universe u ~lbound ~strict g =
let graph = G.add u g.graph in
let d = if strict then Lt else Le in
enforce_constraint (lbound,d,u) {g with graph}
let add_universe_unconstrained u g = {g with graph=G.add u g.graph}
exception UndeclaredLevel = G.Undeclared
let check_declared_universes g l = G.check_declared g.graph (LSet.remove Level.sprop l)
let constraints_of_universes g = G.constraints_of g.graph
let constraints_for ~kept g = G.constraints_for ~kept:(LSet.remove Level.sprop kept) g.graph
(** Subtyping of polymorphic contexts *)
let check_subtype ~lbound univs ctxT ctx =
if AUContext.size ctxT == AUContext.size ctx then
let (inst, cst) = UContext.dest (AUContext.repr ctx) in
let cstT = UContext.constraints (AUContext.repr ctxT) in
let push accu v = add_universe v ~lbound ~strict:false accu in
let univs = Array.fold_left push univs (Instance.to_array inst) in
let univs = merge_constraints cstT univs in
check_constraints cst univs
else false
(** Instances *)
let check_eq_instances g t1 t2 =
let t1 = Instance.to_array t1 in
let t2 = Instance.to_array t2 in
t1 == t2 ||
(Int.equal (Array.length t1) (Array.length t2) &&
let rec aux i =
(Int.equal i (Array.length t1)) || (check_eq_level g t1.(i) t2.(i) && aux (i + 1))
in aux 0)
let domain g = LSet.add Level.sprop (G.domain g.graph)
let choose p g u = if Level.is_sprop u
then if p u then Some u else None
else G.choose p g.graph u
let dump_universes f g = G.dump f g.graph
let check_universes_invariants g = G.check_invariants ~required_canonical:Level.is_small g.graph
let pr_universes prl g = G.pr prl g.graph
let dummy_mp = Names.DirPath.make [Names.Id.of_string "Type"]
let make_dummy i = Level.(make (UGlobal.make dummy_mp i))
let sort_universes g = g_map (G.sort make_dummy [Level.prop;Level.set]) g
(** Profiling *)
let merge_constraints =
if Flags.profile then
let key = CProfile.declare_profile "merge_constraints" in
CProfile.profile2 key merge_constraints
else merge_constraints
let check_constraints =
if Flags.profile then
let key = CProfile.declare_profile "check_constraints" in
CProfile.profile2 key check_constraints
else check_constraints
let check_eq =
if Flags.profile then
let check_eq_key = CProfile.declare_profile "check_eq" in
CProfile.profile3 check_eq_key check_eq
else check_eq
let check_leq =
if Flags.profile then
let check_leq_key = CProfile.declare_profile "check_leq" in
CProfile.profile3 check_leq_key check_leq
else check_leq
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