(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
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(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
(** Generic arguments used by the extension mechanisms of several Coq ASTs. *)
(** The route of a generic argument, from parsing to evaluation.
In the following diagram, "object" can be tactic_expr, constr, tactic_arg, etc.
{% \begin{verbatim} %}
parsing in_raw out_raw
char stream ---> raw_object ---> raw_object generic_argument -------+
encapsulation decaps|
globalization |
encaps |
in_glob |
glob_object generic_argument
out in out_glob |
object <--- object generic_argument <--- object <--- glob_object <---+
| decaps encaps interp decaps
effective use
{% \end{verbatim} %}
To distinguish between the uninterpreted, globalized and
interpreted worlds, we annotate the type [generic_argument] by a
phantom argument.
(** {5 Generic types} *)
module ArgT :
type ('a, 'b, 'c) tag
val eq : ('a1, 'b1, 'c1) tag -> ('a2, 'b2, 'c2) tag -> ('a1 * 'b1 * 'c1, 'a2 * 'b2 * 'c2) CSig.eq option
val repr : ('a, 'b, 'c) tag -> string
type any = Any : ('a, 'b, 'c) tag -> any
val name : string -> any option
(** Generic types. The first parameter is the OCaml lowest level, the second one
is the globalized level, and third one the internalized level. *)
type (_, _, _) genarg_type =
| ExtraArg : ('a, 'b, 'c) ArgT.tag -> ('a, 'b, 'c) genarg_type
| ListArg : ('a, 'b, 'c) genarg_type -> ('a list, 'b list, 'c list) genarg_type
| OptArg : ('a, 'b, 'c) genarg_type -> ('a option, 'b option, 'c option) genarg_type
| PairArg : ('a1, 'b1, 'c1) genarg_type * ('a2, 'b2, 'c2) genarg_type ->
('a1 * 'a2, 'b1 * 'b2, 'c1 * 'c2) genarg_type
type 'a uniform_genarg_type = ('a, 'a, 'a) genarg_type
(** Alias for concision when the three types agree. *)
val make0 : string -> ('raw, 'glob, 'top) genarg_type
(** Create a new generic type of argument: force to associate
unique ML types at each of the three levels. *)
val create_arg : string -> ('raw, 'glob, 'top) genarg_type
(** Alias for [make0]. *)
(** {5 Specialized types} *)
(** All of [rlevel], [glevel] and [tlevel] must be non convertible
to ensure the injectivity of the GADT type inference. *)
type rlevel = [ `rlevel ]
type glevel = [ `glevel ]
type tlevel = [ `tlevel ]
(** Generic types at a fixed level. The first parameter embeds the OCaml type
and the second one the level. *)
type (_, _) abstract_argument_type =
| Rawwit : ('a, 'b, 'c) genarg_type -> ('a, rlevel) abstract_argument_type
| Glbwit : ('a, 'b, 'c) genarg_type -> ('b, glevel) abstract_argument_type
| Topwit : ('a, 'b, 'c) genarg_type -> ('c, tlevel) abstract_argument_type
type 'a raw_abstract_argument_type = ('a, rlevel) abstract_argument_type
(** Specialized type at raw level. *)
type 'a glob_abstract_argument_type = ('a, glevel) abstract_argument_type
(** Specialized type at globalized level. *)
type 'a typed_abstract_argument_type = ('a, tlevel) abstract_argument_type
(** Specialized type at internalized level. *)
(** {6 Projections} *)
val rawwit : ('a, 'b, 'c) genarg_type -> ('a, rlevel) abstract_argument_type
(** Projection on the raw type constructor. *)
val glbwit : ('a, 'b, 'c) genarg_type -> ('b, glevel) abstract_argument_type
(** Projection on the globalized type constructor. *)
val topwit : ('a, 'b, 'c) genarg_type -> ('c, tlevel) abstract_argument_type
(** Projection on the internalized type constructor. *)
(** {5 Generic arguments} *)
type 'l generic_argument = GenArg : ('a, 'l) abstract_argument_type * 'a -> 'l generic_argument
(** A inhabitant of ['level generic_argument] is a inhabitant of some type at
level ['level], together with the representation of this type. *)
type raw_generic_argument = rlevel generic_argument
type glob_generic_argument = glevel generic_argument
type typed_generic_argument = tlevel generic_argument
(** {6 Constructors} *)
val in_gen : ('a, 'co) abstract_argument_type -> 'a -> 'co generic_argument
(** [in_gen t x] embeds an argument of type [t] into a generic argument. *)
val out_gen : ('a, 'co) abstract_argument_type -> 'co generic_argument -> 'a
(** [out_gen t x] recovers an argument of type [t] from a generic argument. It
fails if [x] has not the right dynamic type. *)
val has_type : 'co generic_argument -> ('a, 'co) abstract_argument_type -> bool
(** [has_type v t] tells whether [v] has type [t]. If true, it ensures that
[out_gen t v] will not raise a dynamic type exception. *)
(** {6 Type reification} *)
type argument_type = ArgumentType : ('a, 'b, 'c) genarg_type -> argument_type
(** {6 Equalities} *)
val argument_type_eq : argument_type -> argument_type -> bool
val genarg_type_eq :
('a1, 'b1, 'c1) genarg_type ->
('a2, 'b2, 'c2) genarg_type ->
('a1 * 'b1 * 'c1, 'a2 * 'b2 * 'c2) CSig.eq option
val abstract_argument_type_eq :
('a, 'l) abstract_argument_type -> ('b, 'l) abstract_argument_type ->
('a, 'b) CSig.eq option
val pr_argument_type : argument_type -> Pp.t
(** Print a human-readable representation for a given type. *)
val genarg_tag : 'a generic_argument -> argument_type
val unquote : ('a, 'co) abstract_argument_type -> argument_type
(** {6 Registering genarg-manipulating functions}
This is boilerplate code used here and there in the code of Coq. *)
val get_arg_tag : ('a, 'b, 'c) genarg_type -> ('a, 'b, 'c) ArgT.tag
(** Works only on base objects (ExtraArg), otherwise fails badly. *)
module type GenObj =
type ('raw, 'glb, 'top) obj
(** An object manipulating generic arguments. *)
val name : string
(** A name for such kind of manipulation, e.g. [interp]. *)
val default : ('raw, 'glb, 'top) genarg_type -> ('raw, 'glb, 'top) obj option
(** A generic object when there is no registered object for this type. *)
module Register (M : GenObj) :
val register0 : ('raw, 'glb, 'top) genarg_type ->
('raw, 'glb, 'top) M.obj -> unit
(** Register a ground type manipulation function. *)
val obj : ('raw, 'glb, 'top) genarg_type -> ('raw, 'glb, 'top) M.obj
(** Recover a manipulation function at a given type. *)
(** {5 Compatibility layer}
The functions below are aliases for generic_type constructors.
val wit_list : ('a, 'b, 'c) genarg_type -> ('a list, 'b list, 'c list) genarg_type
val wit_opt : ('a, 'b, 'c) genarg_type -> ('a option, 'b option, 'c option) genarg_type
val wit_pair : ('a1, 'b1, 'c1) genarg_type -> ('a2, 'b2, 'c2) genarg_type ->
('a1 * 'a2, 'b1 * 'b2, 'c1 * 'c2) genarg_type
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