(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Names
open Extend
open Genarg
open Constrexpr
open Libnames
(** The parser of Coq *)
module Parsable :
type t
val make : ?loc:Loc.t -> char Stream.t -> t
(* Get comment parsing information from the Lexer *)
val comment_state : t -> ((int * int) * string) list
module Entry : sig
type 'a t = 'a Extend.entry
val create : string -> 'a t
val parse : 'a t -> Parsable.t -> 'a
val print : Format.formatter -> 'a t -> unit
val of_parser : string -> (Tok.t Stream.t -> 'a) -> 'a t
val parse_token_stream : 'a t -> Tok.t Stream.t -> 'a
val name : 'a t -> string
(** The parser of Coq is built from three kinds of rule declarations:
- dynamic rules declared at the evaluation of Coq files (using
e.g. Notation, Infix, or Tactic Notation)
- static rules explicitly defined in files g_*.ml4
- static rules macro-generated by ARGUMENT EXTEND, TACTIC EXTEND and
VERNAC EXTEND (see e.g. file extratactics.ml4)
Note that parsing a Coq document is in essence stateful: the parser
needs to recognize commands that start proofs and use a different
parsing entry point for them.
We thus provide two different interfaces: the "raw" parsing
interface, in the style of camlp5, which provides more flexibility,
and a more specialize "parse_vernac" one, which will indeed adjust
the state as needed.
(** Dynamic extension of rules
For constr notations, dynamic addition of new rules is done in
several steps:
- "x + y" (user gives a notation string of type Topconstr.notation)
| (together with a constr entry level, e.g. 50, and indications of)
| (subentries, e.g. x in constr next level and y constr same level)
| splitting into tokens by Metasyntax.split_notation_string
[String "x"; String "+"; String "y"] : symbol_token list
| interpreted as a mixed parsing/printing production
| by Metasyntax.analyse_notation_tokens
[NonTerminal "x"; Terminal "+"; NonTerminal "y"] : symbol list
| translated to a parsing production by Metasyntax.make_production
[GramConstrNonTerminal (ETConstr (NextLevel,(BorderProd Left,LeftA)),
Some "x");
GramConstrTerminal ("","+");
GramConstrNonTerminal (ETConstr (NextLevel,(BorderProd Right,LeftA)),
Some "y")]
: grammar_constr_prod_item list
| Egrammar.make_constr_prod_item
Gramext.g_symbol list which is sent to camlp5
For user level tactic notations, dynamic addition of new rules is
also done in several steps:
- "f" constr(x) (user gives a Tactic Notation command)
| parsing
[TacTerm "f"; TacNonTerm ("constr", Some "x")]
: grammar_tactic_prod_item_expr list
| Metasyntax.interp_prod_item
[GramTerminal "f";
GramNonTerminal (ConstrArgType, Aentry ("constr","constr"), Some "x")]
: grammar_prod_item list
| Egrammar.make_prod_item
Gramext.g_symbol list
For TACTIC/VERNAC/ARGUMENT EXTEND, addition of new rules is done as follows:
- "f" constr(x) (developer gives an EXTEND rule)
| macro-generation in tacextend.ml4/vernacextend.ml4/argextend.ml4
[GramTerminal "f";
GramNonTerminal (ConstrArgType, Aentry ("constr","constr"), Some "x")]
| Egrammar.make_prod_item
Gramext.g_symbol list
(** Parse a string *)
val parse_string : 'a Entry.t -> ?loc:Loc.t -> string -> 'a
val eoi_entry : 'a Entry.t -> 'a Entry.t
val map_entry : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a Entry.t -> 'b Entry.t
type gram_universe
val get_univ : string -> gram_universe
val create_universe : string -> gram_universe
val new_entry : gram_universe -> string -> 'a Entry.t
val uprim : gram_universe
val uconstr : gram_universe
val utactic : gram_universe
val register_grammar : ('raw, 'glb, 'top) genarg_type -> 'raw Entry.t -> unit
val genarg_grammar : ('raw, 'glb, 'top) genarg_type -> 'raw Entry.t
val create_generic_entry : gram_universe -> string ->
('a, rlevel) abstract_argument_type -> 'a Entry.t
module Prim :
open Names
open Libnames
val preident : string Entry.t
val ident : Id.t Entry.t
val name : lname Entry.t
val identref : lident Entry.t
val univ_decl : universe_decl_expr Entry.t
val ident_decl : ident_decl Entry.t
val pattern_ident : Id.t Entry.t
val pattern_identref : lident Entry.t
val base_ident : Id.t Entry.t
val natural : int Entry.t
val bigint : string Entry.t
val integer : int Entry.t
val string : string Entry.t
val lstring : lstring Entry.t
val reference : qualid Entry.t
val qualid : qualid Entry.t
val fullyqualid : Id.t list CAst.t Entry.t
val by_notation : (string * string option) Entry.t
val smart_global : qualid or_by_notation Entry.t
val dirpath : DirPath.t Entry.t
val ne_string : string Entry.t
val ne_lstring : lstring Entry.t
val var : lident Entry.t
module Constr :
val constr : constr_expr Entry.t
val constr_eoi : constr_expr Entry.t
val lconstr : constr_expr Entry.t
val binder_constr : constr_expr Entry.t
val operconstr : constr_expr Entry.t
val ident : Id.t Entry.t
val global : qualid Entry.t
val universe_level : Glob_term.glob_level Entry.t
val sort : Glob_term.glob_sort Entry.t
val sort_family : Sorts.family Entry.t
val pattern : cases_pattern_expr Entry.t
val constr_pattern : constr_expr Entry.t
val lconstr_pattern : constr_expr Entry.t
val closed_binder : local_binder_expr list Entry.t
val binder : local_binder_expr list Entry.t (* closed_binder or variable *)
val binders : local_binder_expr list Entry.t (* list of binder *)
val open_binders : local_binder_expr list Entry.t
val binders_fixannot : (local_binder_expr list * recursion_order_expr option) Entry.t
val typeclass_constraint : (lname * bool * constr_expr) Entry.t
val record_declaration : constr_expr Entry.t
val appl_arg : (constr_expr * explicitation CAst.t option) Entry.t
module Module :
val module_expr : module_ast Entry.t
val module_type : module_ast Entry.t
val epsilon_value : ('a -> 'self) -> ('self, _, 'a) Extend.symbol -> 'self option
(** {5 Extending the parser without synchronization} *)
type gram_reinit = Gramlib.Gramext.g_assoc * Gramlib.Gramext.position
(** Type of reinitialization data *)
val grammar_extend : 'a Entry.t -> gram_reinit option ->
'a Extend.extend_statement -> unit
(** Extend the grammar of Coq, without synchronizing it with the backtracking
mechanism. This means that grammar extensions defined this way will survive
an undo. *)
(** {5 Extending the parser with summary-synchronized commands} *)
module GramState : Store.S
(** Auxiliary state of the grammar. Any added data must be marshallable. *)
(** {6 Extension with parsing rules} *)
type 'a grammar_command
(** Type of synchronized parsing extensions. The ['a] type should be
marshallable. *)
type extend_rule =
| ExtendRule : 'a Entry.t * gram_reinit option * 'a extend_statement -> extend_rule
type 'a grammar_extension = 'a -> GramState.t -> extend_rule list * GramState.t
(** Grammar extension entry point. Given some ['a] and a current grammar state,
such a function must produce the list of grammar extensions that will be
applied in the same order and kept synchronized w.r.t. the summary, together
with a new state. It should be pure. *)
val create_grammar_command : string -> 'a grammar_extension -> 'a grammar_command
(** Create a new grammar-modifying command with the given name. The extension
function is called to generate the rules for a given data. *)
val extend_grammar_command : 'a grammar_command -> 'a -> unit
(** Extend the grammar of Coq with the given data. *)
(** {6 Extension with parsing entries} *)
type ('a, 'b) entry_command
(** Type of synchronized entry creation. The ['a] type should be
marshallable. *)
type ('a, 'b) entry_extension = 'a -> GramState.t -> string list * GramState.t
(** Entry extension entry point. Given some ['a] and a current grammar state,
such a function must produce the list of entry extensions that will be
created and kept synchronized w.r.t. the summary, together
with a new state. It should be pure. *)
val create_entry_command : string -> ('a, 'b) entry_extension -> ('a, 'b) entry_command
(** Create a new entry-creating command with the given name. The extension
function is called to generate the new entries for a given data. *)
val extend_entry_command : ('a, 'b) entry_command -> 'a -> 'b Entry.t list
(** Create new synchronized entries using the provided data. *)
val find_custom_entry : ('a, 'b) entry_command -> string -> 'b Entry.t
(** Find an entry generated by the synchronized system in the current state.
@raise Not_found if non-existent. *)
(** {6 Protection w.r.t. backtrack} *)
val with_grammar_rule_protection : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
type frozen_t
val parser_summary_tag : frozen_t Summary.Dyn.tag
(** Registering grammars by name *)
type any_entry = AnyEntry : 'a Entry.t -> any_entry
val register_grammars_by_name : string -> any_entry list -> unit
val find_grammars_by_name : string -> any_entry list
(** Parsing state handling *)
val freeze : marshallable:bool -> frozen_t
val unfreeze : frozen_t -> unit
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Die Informationen auf dieser Webseite wurden
nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.