(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Util
open Constr
open Names
type pa_constructor =
{ cnode : int;
arity : int;
args : int list}
type pa_fun=
module PafMap : CSig.MapS with type key = pa_fun
module PacMap : CSig.MapS with type key = pa_constructor
type cinfo =
{ci_constr: pconstructor; (* inductive type *)
ci_arity: int; (* # args *)
ci_nhyps: int} (* # projectable args *)
type term =
Symb of constr
| Product of Sorts.t * Sorts.t
| Eps of Id.t
| Appli of term*term
| Constructor of cinfo (* constructor arity + nhyps *)
module Constrhash : Hashtbl.S with type key = constr
module Termhash : Hashtbl.S with type key = term
type ccpattern =
PApp of term * ccpattern list
| PVar of int
type rule=
| Axiom of constr * bool
| Injection of int * pa_constructor * int * pa_constructor * int
type from=
| Hyp of constr
| HeqG of constr
| HeqnH of constr*constr
type 'a eq = {lhs:int;rhs:int;rule:'a}
type equality = rule eq
type disequality = from eq
type patt_kind =
| Trivial of types
| Creates_variables
type quant_eq=
{qe_hyp_id: Id.t;
qe_pol: bool;
qe_lhs: ccpattern;
qe_rhs: ccpattern;
type inductive_status =
| Partial of pa_constructor
| Partial_applied
| Total of (int * pa_constructor)
type representative=
{mutable weight:int;
mutable lfathers:Int.Set.t;
mutable fathers:Int.Set.t;
mutable inductive_status: inductive_status;
class_type : types;
mutable functions: Int.Set.t PafMap.t} (*pac -> term = app(constr,t) *)
type cl = Rep of representative| Eqto of int*equality
type vertex = Leaf| Node of (int*int)
type node =
{mutable clas:cl;
mutable cpath: int;
mutable constructors: int PacMap.t;
type forest=
{mutable max_size:int;
mutable size:int;
mutable map: node array;
axioms: (term*term) Constrhash.t;
mutable epsilons: pa_constructor list;
syms: int Termhash.t}
type state
type explanation =
Discrimination of (int*pa_constructor*int*pa_constructor)
| Contradiction of disequality
| Incomplete
type matching_problem
val term_equal : term -> term -> bool
val constr_of_term : term -> constr
val debug : (unit -> Pp.t) -> unit
val forest : state -> forest
val axioms : forest -> (term * term) Constrhash.t
val epsilons : forest -> pa_constructor list
val empty : int -> Goal.goal Evd.sigma -> state
val add_term : state -> term -> int
val add_equality : state -> constr -> term -> term -> unit
val add_disequality : state -> from -> term -> term -> unit
val add_quant : state -> Id.t -> bool ->
int * patt_kind * ccpattern * patt_kind * ccpattern -> unit
val tail_pac : pa_constructor -> pa_constructor
val find : forest -> int -> int
val find_oldest_pac : forest -> int -> pa_constructor -> int
val term : forest -> int -> term
val get_constructor_info : forest -> int -> cinfo
val subterms : forest -> int -> int * int
val join_path : forest -> int -> int ->
((int * int) * equality) list * ((int * int) * equality) list
val make_fun_table : state -> Int.Set.t PafMap.t
val do_match : state ->
(quant_eq * int array) list ref -> matching_problem Stack.t -> unit
val init_pb_stack : state -> matching_problem Stack.t
val paf_of_patt : int Termhash.t -> ccpattern -> pa_fun
val find_instances : state -> (quant_eq * int array) list
val execute : bool -> state -> explanation option
val pr_idx_term : Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> forest -> int -> Pp.t
val empty_forest: unit -> forest
(*type pa_constructor
module PacMap:CSig.MapS with type key=pa_constructor
type term =
Symb of Term.constr
| Eps
| Appli of term * term
| Constructor of Names.constructor*int*int
type rule =
| Axiom of Names.Id.t
| Injection of int*int*int*int
type equality =
{lhs : int;
rhs : int;
rule : rule}
module ST :
type t
val empty : unit -> t
val enter : int -> int * int -> t -> unit
val query : int * int -> t -> int
val delete : int -> t -> unit
val delete_list : int list -> t -> unit
module UF :
type t
exception Discriminable of int * int * int * int * t
val empty : unit -> t
val find : t -> int -> int
val size : t -> int -> int
val get_constructor : t -> int -> Names.constructor
val pac_arity : t -> int -> int * int -> int
val mem_node_pac : t -> int -> int * int -> int
val add_pacs : t -> int -> pa_constructor PacMap.t ->
int list * equality list
val term : t -> int -> term
val subterms : t -> int -> int * int
val add : t -> term -> int
val union : t -> int -> int -> equality -> int list * equality list
val join_path : t -> int -> int ->
((int*int)*equality) list*
((int*int)*equality) list
val combine_rec : UF.t -> int list -> equality list
val process_rec : UF.t -> equality list -> int list
val cc : UF.t -> unit
val make_uf :
(Names.Id.t * (term * term)) list -> UF.t
val add_one_diseq : UF.t -> (term * term) -> int * int
val add_disaxioms :
UF.t -> (Names.Id.t * (term * term)) list ->
(Names.Id.t * (int * int)) list
val check_equal : UF.t -> int * int -> bool
val find_contradiction : UF.t ->
(Names.Id.t * (int * int)) list ->
(Names.Id.t * (int * int))
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