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Require Import BinInt Znat.
Local Open Scope Z_scope.
(** Factorization lemmas *)
Theorem Zred_factor0 n : n = n * 1.
now Z.nzsimpl.
Theorem Zred_factor1 n : n + n = n * 2.
rewrite Z.mul_comm. apply Z.add_diag.
Theorem Zred_factor2 n m : n + n * m = n * (1 + m).
rewrite Z.mul_add_distr_l; now Z.nzsimpl.
Theorem Zred_factor3 n m : n * m + n = n * (1 + m).
now Z.nzsimpl.
Theorem Zred_factor4 n m p : n * m + n * p = n * (m + p).
symmetry; apply Z.mul_add_distr_l.
Theorem Zred_factor5 n m : n * 0 + m = m.
now Z.nzsimpl.
Theorem Zred_factor6 n : n = n + 0.
now Z.nzsimpl.
(** Other specific variants of theorems dedicated for the Omega tactic *)
Lemma new_var : forall x : Z, exists y : Z, x = y.
intros x; now exists x.
Lemma OMEGA1 x y : x = y -> 0 <= x -> 0 <= y.
now intros ->.
Lemma OMEGA2 x y : 0 <= x -> 0 <= y -> 0 <= x + y.
Lemma OMEGA3 x y k : k > 0 -> x = y * k -> x = 0 -> y = 0.
intros LT -> EQ. apply Z.mul_eq_0 in EQ. destruct EQ; now subst.
Lemma OMEGA4 x y z : x > 0 -> y > x -> z * y + x <> 0.
Z.swap_greater. intros Hx Hxy.
rewrite Z.add_move_0_l, <- Z.mul_opp_l.
destruct (Z.lt_trichotomy (-z) 1) as [LT|[->|GT]].
- intro. revert LT. apply Z.le_ngt, (Z.le_succ_l 0).
apply Z.mul_pos_cancel_r with y; Z.order.
- Z.nzsimpl. Z.order.
- rewrite (Z.mul_lt_mono_pos_r y), Z.mul_1_l in GT; Z.order.
Lemma OMEGA5 x y z : x = 0 -> y = 0 -> x + y * z = 0.
now intros -> ->.
Lemma OMEGA6 x y z : 0 <= x -> y = 0 -> 0 <= x + y * z.
intros H ->. now Z.nzsimpl.
Lemma OMEGA7 x y z t :
z > 0 -> t > 0 -> 0 <= x -> 0 <= y -> 0 <= x * z + y * t.
intros. Z.swap_greater. Z.order_pos.
Lemma OMEGA8 x y : 0 <= x -> 0 <= y -> x = - y -> x = 0.
intros H1 H2 H3. rewrite <- Z.opp_nonpos_nonneg in H2. Z.order.
Lemma OMEGA9 x y z t : y = 0 -> x = z -> y + (- x + z) * t = 0.
intros. subst. now rewrite Z.add_opp_diag_l.
Lemma OMEGA10 v c1 c2 l1 l2 k1 k2 :
(v * c1 + l1) * k1 + (v * c2 + l2) * k2 =
v * (c1 * k1 + c2 * k2) + (l1 * k1 + l2 * k2).
rewrite ?Z.mul_add_distr_r, ?Z.mul_add_distr_l, ?Z.mul_assoc.
rewrite <- !Z.add_assoc. f_equal. apply Z.add_shuffle3.
Lemma OMEGA11 v1 c1 l1 l2 k1 :
(v1 * c1 + l1) * k1 + l2 = v1 * (c1 * k1) + (l1 * k1 + l2).
rewrite ?Z.mul_add_distr_r, ?Z.mul_add_distr_l, ?Z.mul_assoc.
now rewrite Z.add_assoc.
Lemma OMEGA12 v2 c2 l1 l2 k2 :
l1 + (v2 * c2 + l2) * k2 = v2 * (c2 * k2) + (l1 + l2 * k2).
rewrite ?Z.mul_add_distr_r, ?Z.mul_add_distr_l, ?Z.mul_assoc.
apply Z.add_shuffle3.
Lemma OMEGA13 (v l1 l2 : Z) (x : positive) :
v * Zpos x + l1 + (v * Zneg x + l2) = l1 + l2.
rewrite Z.add_shuffle1.
rewrite <- Z.mul_add_distr_l, <- Pos2Z.opp_neg, Z.add_opp_diag_r.
now Z.nzsimpl.
Lemma OMEGA14 (v l1 l2 : Z) (x : positive) :
v * Zneg x + l1 + (v * Zpos x + l2) = l1 + l2.
rewrite Z.add_shuffle1.
rewrite <- Z.mul_add_distr_l, <- Pos2Z.opp_neg, Z.add_opp_diag_r.
now Z.nzsimpl.
Lemma OMEGA15 v c1 c2 l1 l2 k2 :
v * c1 + l1 + (v * c2 + l2) * k2 = v * (c1 + c2 * k2) + (l1 + l2 * k2).
rewrite ?Z.mul_add_distr_r, ?Z.mul_add_distr_l, ?Z.mul_assoc.
apply Z.add_shuffle1.
Lemma OMEGA16 v c l k : (v * c + l) * k = v * (c * k) + l * k.
now rewrite ?Z.mul_add_distr_r, ?Z.mul_add_distr_l, ?Z.mul_assoc.
Lemma OMEGA17 x y z : Zne x 0 -> y = 0 -> Zne (x + y * z) 0.
unfold Zne, not. intros NE EQ. subst. now Z.nzsimpl.
Lemma OMEGA18 x y k : x = y * k -> Zne x 0 -> Zne y 0.
unfold Zne, not. intros. subst; auto.
Lemma OMEGA19 x : Zne x 0 -> 0 <= x + -1 \/ 0 <= x * -1 + -1.
unfold Zne. intros Hx. apply Z.lt_gt_cases in Hx.
destruct Hx as [LT|GT].
- right. change (-1) with (-(1)).
rewrite Z.mul_opp_r, <- Z.opp_add_distr. Z.nzsimpl.
rewrite Z.opp_nonneg_nonpos. now apply Z.le_succ_l.
- left. now apply Z.lt_le_pred.
Lemma OMEGA20 x y z : Zne x 0 -> y = 0 -> Zne (x + y * z) 0.
unfold Zne, not. intros H1 H2 H3; apply H1; rewrite H2 in H3;
simpl in H3; rewrite Z.add_0_r in H3; trivial with arith.
Definition fast_Zplus_comm (x y : Z) (P : Z -> Prop)
(H : P (y + x)) := eq_ind_r P H (Z.add_comm x y).
Definition fast_Zplus_assoc_reverse (n m p : Z) (P : Z -> Prop)
(H : P (n + (m + p))) := eq_ind_r P H (Zplus_assoc_reverse n m p).
Definition fast_Zplus_assoc (n m p : Z) (P : Z -> Prop)
(H : P (n + m + p)) := eq_ind_r P H (Z.add_assoc n m p).
Definition fast_Zplus_permute (n m p : Z) (P : Z -> Prop)
(H : P (m + (n + p))) := eq_ind_r P H (Z.add_shuffle3 n m p).
Definition fast_OMEGA10 (v c1 c2 l1 l2 k1 k2 : Z) (P : Z -> Prop)
(H : P (v * (c1 * k1 + c2 * k2) + (l1 * k1 + l2 * k2))) :=
eq_ind_r P H (OMEGA10 v c1 c2 l1 l2 k1 k2).
Definition fast_OMEGA11 (v1 c1 l1 l2 k1 : Z) (P : Z -> Prop)
(H : P (v1 * (c1 * k1) + (l1 * k1 + l2))) :=
eq_ind_r P H (OMEGA11 v1 c1 l1 l2 k1).
Definition fast_OMEGA12 (v2 c2 l1 l2 k2 : Z) (P : Z -> Prop)
(H : P (v2 * (c2 * k2) + (l1 + l2 * k2))) :=
eq_ind_r P H (OMEGA12 v2 c2 l1 l2 k2).
Definition fast_OMEGA15 (v c1 c2 l1 l2 k2 : Z) (P : Z -> Prop)
(H : P (v * (c1 + c2 * k2) + (l1 + l2 * k2))) :=
eq_ind_r P H (OMEGA15 v c1 c2 l1 l2 k2).
Definition fast_OMEGA16 (v c l k : Z) (P : Z -> Prop)
(H : P (v * (c * k) + l * k)) := eq_ind_r P H (OMEGA16 v c l k).
Definition fast_OMEGA13 (v l1 l2 : Z) (x : positive) (P : Z -> Prop)
(H : P (l1 + l2)) := eq_ind_r P H (OMEGA13 v l1 l2 x).
Definition fast_OMEGA14 (v l1 l2 : Z) (x : positive) (P : Z -> Prop)
(H : P (l1 + l2)) := eq_ind_r P H (OMEGA14 v l1 l2 x).
Definition fast_Zred_factor0 (x : Z) (P : Z -> Prop)
(H : P (x * 1)) := eq_ind_r P H (Zred_factor0 x).
Definition fast_Zopp_eq_mult_neg_1 (x : Z) (P : Z -> Prop)
(H : P (x * -1)) := eq_ind_r P H (Z.opp_eq_mul_m1 x).
Definition fast_Zmult_comm (x y : Z) (P : Z -> Prop)
(H : P (y * x)) := eq_ind_r P H (Z.mul_comm x y).
Definition fast_Zopp_plus_distr (x y : Z) (P : Z -> Prop)
(H : P (- x + - y)) := eq_ind_r P H (Z.opp_add_distr x y).
Definition fast_Zopp_mult_distr_r (x y : Z) (P : Z -> Prop)
(H : P (x * - y)) := eq_ind_r P H (Zopp_mult_distr_r x y).
Definition fast_Zmult_plus_distr_l (n m p : Z) (P : Z -> Prop)
(H : P (n * p + m * p)) := eq_ind_r P H (Z.mul_add_distr_r n m p).
Definition fast_Zmult_assoc_reverse (n m p : Z) (P : Z -> Prop)
(H : P (n * (m * p))) := eq_ind_r P H (Zmult_assoc_reverse n m p).
Definition fast_Zred_factor1 (x : Z) (P : Z -> Prop)
(H : P (x * 2)) := eq_ind_r P H (Zred_factor1 x).
Definition fast_Zred_factor2 (x y : Z) (P : Z -> Prop)
(H : P (x * (1 + y))) := eq_ind_r P H (Zred_factor2 x y).
Definition fast_Zred_factor3 (x y : Z) (P : Z -> Prop)
(H : P (x * (1 + y))) := eq_ind_r P H (Zred_factor3 x y).
Definition fast_Zred_factor4 (x y z : Z) (P : Z -> Prop)
(H : P (x * (y + z))) := eq_ind_r P H (Zred_factor4 x y z).
Definition fast_Zred_factor5 (x y : Z) (P : Z -> Prop)
(H : P y) := eq_ind_r P H (Zred_factor5 x y).
Definition fast_Zred_factor6 (x : Z) (P : Z -> Prop)
(H : P (x + 0)) := eq_ind_r P H (Zred_factor6 x).
Theorem intro_Z :
forall n:nat, exists y : Z, Z.of_nat n = y /\ 0 <= y * 1 + 0.
intros n; exists (Z.of_nat n); split; trivial.
rewrite Z.mul_1_r, Z.add_0_r. apply Nat2Z.is_nonneg.
Register fast_Zplus_assoc_reverse as plugins.omega.fast_Zplus_assoc_reverse.
Register fast_Zplus_assoc as plugins.omega.fast_Zplus_assoc.
Register fast_Zmult_assoc_reverse as plugins.omega.fast_Zmult_assoc_reverse.
Register fast_Zplus_permute as plugins.omega.fast_Zplus_permute.
Register fast_Zplus_comm as plugins.omega.fast_Zplus_comm.
Register fast_Zmult_comm as plugins.omega.fast_Zmult_comm.
Register OMEGA1 as plugins.omega.OMEGA1.
Register OMEGA2 as plugins.omega.OMEGA2.
Register OMEGA3 as plugins.omega.OMEGA3.
Register OMEGA4 as plugins.omega.OMEGA4.
Register OMEGA5 as plugins.omega.OMEGA5.
Register OMEGA6 as plugins.omega.OMEGA6.
Register OMEGA7 as plugins.omega.OMEGA7.
Register OMEGA8 as plugins.omega.OMEGA8.
Register OMEGA9 as plugins.omega.OMEGA9.
Register fast_OMEGA10 as plugins.omega.fast_OMEGA10.
Register fast_OMEGA11 as plugins.omega.fast_OMEGA11.
Register fast_OMEGA12 as plugins.omega.fast_OMEGA12.
Register fast_OMEGA13 as plugins.omega.fast_OMEGA13.
Register fast_OMEGA14 as plugins.omega.fast_OMEGA14.
Register fast_OMEGA15 as plugins.omega.fast_OMEGA15.
Register fast_OMEGA16 as plugins.omega.fast_OMEGA16.
Register OMEGA17 as plugins.omega.OMEGA17.
Register OMEGA18 as plugins.omega.OMEGA18.
Register OMEGA19 as plugins.omega.OMEGA19.
Register OMEGA20 as plugins.omega.OMEGA20.
Register fast_Zred_factor0 as plugins.omega.fast_Zred_factor0.
Register fast_Zred_factor1 as plugins.omega.fast_Zred_factor1.
Register fast_Zred_factor2 as plugins.omega.fast_Zred_factor2.
Register fast_Zred_factor3 as plugins.omega.fast_Zred_factor3.
Register fast_Zred_factor4 as plugins.omega.fast_Zred_factor4.
Register fast_Zred_factor5 as plugins.omega.fast_Zred_factor5.
Register fast_Zred_factor6 as plugins.omega.fast_Zred_factor6.
Register fast_Zmult_plus_distr_l as plugins.omega.fast_Zmult_plus_distr_l.
Register fast_Zopp_plus_distr as plugins.omega.fast_Zopp_plus_distr.
Register fast_Zopp_mult_distr_r as plugins.omega.fast_Zopp_mult_distr_r.
Register fast_Zopp_eq_mult_neg_1 as plugins.omega.fast_Zopp_eq_mult_neg_1.
Register new_var as plugins.omega.new_var.
Register intro_Z as plugins.omega.intro_Z.
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