(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open CErrors
open Util
open Pp
open Names
open Constr
open Libnames
open Globnames
open Libobject
open Mod_subst
(* usage qque peu general: utilise aussi dans record *)
(* A class is a type constructor, its type is an arity whose number of
arguments is cl_param (0 for CL_SORT and CL_FUN) *)
type cl_typ =
| CL_SECVAR of variable
| CL_CONST of Constant.t
| CL_IND of inductive
| CL_PROJ of Projection.Repr.t
type cl_info_typ = {
cl_param : int
type coe_typ = GlobRef.t
module CoeTypMap = GlobRef.Map_env
type coe_info_typ = {
coe_value : GlobRef.t;
coe_local : bool;
coe_is_identity : bool;
coe_is_projection : Projection.Repr.t option;
coe_param : int;
let coe_info_typ_equal c1 c2 =
GlobRef.equal c1.coe_value c2.coe_value &&
c1.coe_local == c2.coe_local &&
c1.coe_is_identity == c2.coe_is_identity &&
c1.coe_is_projection == c2.coe_is_projection &&
Int.equal c1.coe_param c2.coe_param
let cl_typ_ord t1 t2 = match t1, t2 with
| CL_SECVAR v1, CL_SECVAR v2 -> Id.compare v1 v2
| CL_CONST c1, CL_CONST c2 -> Constant.CanOrd.compare c1 c2
| CL_PROJ c1, CL_PROJ c2 -> Projection.Repr.CanOrd.compare c1 c2
| CL_IND i1, CL_IND i2 -> ind_ord i1 i2
| _ -> Pervasives.compare t1 t2 (** OK *)
module ClTyp = struct
type t = cl_typ
let compare = cl_typ_ord
module ClTypMap = Map.Make(ClTyp)
module IntMap = Map.Make(Int)
let cl_typ_eq t1 t2 = Int.equal (cl_typ_ord t1 t2) 0
type inheritance_path = coe_info_typ list
(* table des classes, des coercions et graphe d'heritage *)
module Bijint :
module Index :
type t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val print : t -> Pp.t
type 'a t
val empty : 'a t
val mem : cl_typ -> 'a t -> bool
val map : Index.t -> 'a t -> cl_typ * 'a
val revmap : cl_typ -> 'a t -> Index.t * 'a
val add : cl_typ -> 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
val dom : 'a t -> cl_typ list
module Index = struct include Int let print = Pp.int end
type 'a t = { v : (cl_typ * 'a) IntMap.t; s : int; inv : int ClTypMap.t }
let empty = { v = IntMap.empty; s = 0; inv = ClTypMap.empty }
let mem y b = ClTypMap.mem y b.inv
let map x b = IntMap.find x b.v
let revmap y b = let n = ClTypMap.find y b.inv in (n, snd (IntMap.find n b.v))
let add x y b =
{ v = IntMap.add b.s (x,y) b.v; s = b.s+1; inv = ClTypMap.add x b.s b.inv }
let dom b = List.rev (ClTypMap.fold (fun x _ acc -> x::acc) b.inv [])
type cl_index = Bijint.Index.t
let init_class_tab =
let open Bijint in
add CL_FUN { cl_param = 0 } (add CL_SORT { cl_param = 0 } empty)
let class_tab =
Summary.ref ~name:"class_tab" (init_class_tab : cl_info_typ Bijint.t)
let coercion_tab =
Summary.ref ~name:"coercion_tab" (CoeTypMap.empty : coe_info_typ CoeTypMap.t)
module ClPairOrd =
type t = cl_index * cl_index
let compare (i1, j1) (i2, j2) =
let c = Bijint.Index.compare i1 i2 in
if Int.equal c 0 then Bijint.Index.compare j1 j2 else c
module ClPairMap = Map.Make(ClPairOrd)
let inheritance_graph =
Summary.ref ~name:"inheritance_graph" (ClPairMap.empty : inheritance_path ClPairMap.t)
(* ajout de nouveaux "objets" *)
let add_new_class cl s =
if not (Bijint.mem cl !class_tab) then
class_tab := Bijint.add cl s !class_tab
let add_new_coercion coe s =
coercion_tab := CoeTypMap.add coe s !coercion_tab
let add_new_path x y =
inheritance_graph := ClPairMap.add x y !inheritance_graph
(* class_info : cl_typ -> int * cl_info_typ *)
let class_info cl = Bijint.revmap cl !class_tab
let class_exists cl = Bijint.mem cl !class_tab
(* class_info_from_index : int -> cl_typ * cl_info_typ *)
let class_info_from_index i = Bijint.map i !class_tab
let cl_fun_index = fst(class_info CL_FUN)
let cl_sort_index = fst(class_info CL_SORT)
(* coercion_info : coe_typ -> coe_info_typ *)
let coercion_info coe = CoeTypMap.find coe !coercion_tab
let coercion_exists coe = CoeTypMap.mem coe !coercion_tab
(* find_class_type : evar_map -> constr -> cl_typ * universe_list * constr list *)
let find_class_type sigma t =
let open EConstr in
let t', args = Reductionops.whd_betaiotazeta_stack sigma t in
match EConstr.kind sigma t' with
| Var id -> CL_SECVAR id, EInstance.empty, args
| Const (sp,u) -> CL_CONST sp, u, args
| Proj (p, c) when not (Projection.unfolded p) ->
CL_PROJ (Projection.repr p), EInstance.empty, (c :: args)
| Ind (ind_sp,u) -> CL_IND ind_sp, u, args
| Prod _ -> CL_FUN, EInstance.empty, []
| Sort _ -> CL_SORT, EInstance.empty, []
| _ -> raise Not_found
let subst_cl_typ subst ct = match ct with
| CL_SECVAR _ -> ct
| CL_PROJ c ->
let c' = subst_proj_repr subst c in
if c' == c then ct else CL_PROJ c'
| CL_CONST c ->
let c',t = subst_con subst c in
if c' == c then ct else (match t with
| None -> CL_CONST c'
| Some t ->
pi1 (find_class_type Evd.empty (EConstr.of_constr t.Univ.univ_abstracted_value)))
| CL_IND i ->
let i' = subst_ind subst i in
if i' == i then ct else CL_IND i'
(*CSC: here we should change the datatype for coercions: it should be possible
to declare any term as a coercion *)
let subst_coe_typ subst t = subst_global_reference subst t
(* class_of : Term.constr -> int *)
let class_of env sigma t =
let (t, n1, i, u, args) =
let (cl, u, args) = find_class_type sigma t in
let (i, { cl_param = n1 } ) = class_info cl in
(t, n1, i, u, args)
with Not_found ->
let t = Tacred.hnf_constr env sigma t in
let (cl, u, args) = find_class_type sigma t in
let (i, { cl_param = n1 } ) = class_info cl in
(t, n1, i, u, args)
if Int.equal (List.length args) n1 then t, i else raise Not_found
let inductive_class_of ind = fst (class_info (CL_IND ind))
let class_args_of env sigma c = pi3 (find_class_type sigma c)
let string_of_class = function
| CL_FUN -> "Funclass"
| CL_SORT -> "Sortclass"
| CL_CONST sp ->
string_of_qualid (Nametab.shortest_qualid_of_global Id.Set.empty (ConstRef sp))
| CL_PROJ sp ->
let sp = Projection.Repr.constant sp in
string_of_qualid (Nametab.shortest_qualid_of_global Id.Set.empty (ConstRef sp))
| CL_IND sp ->
string_of_qualid (Nametab.shortest_qualid_of_global Id.Set.empty (IndRef sp))
| CL_SECVAR sp ->
string_of_qualid (Nametab.shortest_qualid_of_global Id.Set.empty (VarRef sp))
let pr_class x = str (string_of_class x)
(* lookup paths *)
let lookup_path_between_class (s,t) =
ClPairMap.find (s,t) !inheritance_graph
let lookup_path_to_fun_from_class s =
lookup_path_between_class (s,cl_fun_index)
let lookup_path_to_sort_from_class s =
lookup_path_between_class (s,cl_sort_index)
(* advanced path lookup *)
let apply_on_class_of env sigma t cont =
let (cl,u,args) = find_class_type sigma t in
let (i, { cl_param = n1 } ) = class_info cl in
if not (Int.equal (List.length args) n1) then raise Not_found;
t, cont i
with Not_found ->
(* Is it worth to be more incremental on the delta steps? *)
let t = Tacred.hnf_constr env sigma t in
let (cl, u, args) = find_class_type sigma t in
let (i, { cl_param = n1 } ) = class_info cl in
if not (Int.equal (List.length args) n1) then raise Not_found;
t, cont i
let lookup_path_between env sigma (s,t) =
let (s,(t,p)) =
apply_on_class_of env sigma s (fun i ->
apply_on_class_of env sigma t (fun j ->
lookup_path_between_class (i,j))) in
let lookup_path_to_fun_from env sigma s =
apply_on_class_of env sigma s lookup_path_to_fun_from_class
let lookup_path_to_sort_from env sigma s =
apply_on_class_of env sigma s lookup_path_to_sort_from_class
let mkNamed = function
| GlobRef.ConstRef c -> EConstr.mkConst c
| VarRef v -> EConstr.mkVar v
| ConstructRef c -> EConstr.mkConstruct c
| IndRef i -> EConstr.mkInd i
let get_coercion_constructor env coe =
let evd = Evd.from_env env in
let red x = fst (Reductionops.whd_all_stack env evd x) in
match EConstr.kind evd (red (mkNamed coe.coe_value)) with
| Constr.Construct (c, _) ->
c, Inductiveops.constructor_nrealargs c -1
| _ -> raise Not_found
let lookup_pattern_path_between env (s,t) =
let i = inductive_class_of s in
let j = inductive_class_of t in
List.map (get_coercion_constructor env) (ClPairMap.find (i,j) !inheritance_graph)
(* rajouter une coercion dans le graphe *)
let path_printer : ((Bijint.Index.t * Bijint.Index.t) * inheritance_path -> Pp.t) ref =
ref (fun _ -> str "")
let install_path_printer f = path_printer := f
let print_path x = !path_printer x
let path_comparator : (inheritance_path -> inheritance_path -> bool) ref =
ref (fun _ _ -> false)
let install_path_comparator f = path_comparator := f
let compare_path p q = !path_comparator p q
let warn_ambiguous_path =
CWarnings.create ~name:"ambiguous-paths" ~category:"typechecker"
(fun l -> prlist_with_sep fnl (fun (c,p,q) ->
str"New coercion path " ++ print_path (c,p) ++
str" is ambiguous with existing " ++ print_path (c, q) ++ str".") l)
(* add_coercion_in_graph : coe_index * cl_index * cl_index -> unit
coercion,source,target *)
let different_class_params i =
let ci = class_info_from_index i in
if (snd ci).cl_param > 0 then true
match fst ci with
| CL_IND i -> Global.is_polymorphic (IndRef i)
| CL_CONST c -> Global.is_polymorphic (ConstRef c)
| _ -> false
let add_coercion_in_graph (ic,source,target) =
let old_inheritance_graph = !inheritance_graph in
let ambig_paths =
(ref [] : ((cl_index * cl_index) * inheritance_path * inheritance_path) list ref) in
let try_add_new_path (i,j as ij) p =
if not (Bijint.Index.equal i j) || different_class_params i then
match lookup_path_between_class ij with
| q ->
if not (compare_path p q) then
ambig_paths := (ij,p,q)::!ambig_paths;
| exception Not_found -> (add_new_path ij p; true)
let try_add_new_path1 ij p =
let _ = try_add_new_path ij p in ()
if try_add_new_path (source,target) [ic] then begin
(fun (s,t) p ->
if not (Bijint.Index.equal s t) then begin
if Bijint.Index.equal t source then begin
try_add_new_path1 (s,target) (p@[ic]);
(fun (u,v) q ->
if not (Bijint.Index.equal u v) && Bijint.Index.equal u target && not (List.equal coe_info_typ_equal p q) then
try_add_new_path1 (s,v) (p@[ic]@q))
if Bijint.Index.equal s target then try_add_new_path1 (source,t) (ic::p)
match !ambig_paths with [] -> () | _ -> warn_ambiguous_path !ambig_paths
type coercion = {
coercion_type : coe_typ;
coercion_local : bool;
coercion_is_id : bool;
coercion_is_proj : Projection.Repr.t option;
coercion_source : cl_typ;
coercion_target : cl_typ;
coercion_params : int;
(* Computation of the class arity *)
let reference_arity_length ref =
let t, _ = Typeops.type_of_global_in_context (Global.env ()) ref in
List.length (fst (Reductionops.splay_arity (Global.env()) Evd.empty (EConstr.of_constr t))) (** FIXME *)
let projection_arity_length p =
let len = reference_arity_length (ConstRef (Projection.Repr.constant p)) in
len - Projection.Repr.npars p
let class_params = function
| CL_FUN | CL_SORT -> 0
| CL_CONST sp -> reference_arity_length (ConstRef sp)
| CL_PROJ sp -> projection_arity_length sp
| CL_SECVAR sp -> reference_arity_length (VarRef sp)
| CL_IND sp -> reference_arity_length (IndRef sp)
(* add_class : cl_typ -> locality_flag option -> bool -> unit *)
let add_class cl =
add_new_class cl { cl_param = class_params cl }
let cache_coercion (_, c) =
let () = add_class c.coercion_source in
let () = add_class c.coercion_target in
let is, _ = class_info c.coercion_source in
let it, _ = class_info c.coercion_target in
let xf =
{ coe_value = c.coercion_type;
coe_local = c.coercion_local;
coe_is_identity = c.coercion_is_id;
coe_is_projection = c.coercion_is_proj;
coe_param = c.coercion_params;
} in
let () = add_new_coercion c.coercion_type xf in
add_coercion_in_graph (xf,is,it)
let open_coercion i o =
if Int.equal i 1 then
cache_coercion o
let subst_coercion (subst, c) =
let coe = subst_coe_typ subst c.coercion_type in
let cls = subst_cl_typ subst c.coercion_source in
let clt = subst_cl_typ subst c.coercion_target in
let clp = Option.Smart.map (subst_proj_repr subst) c.coercion_is_proj in
if c.coercion_type == coe && c.coercion_source == cls &&
c.coercion_target == clt && c.coercion_is_proj == clp
then c
else { c with coercion_type = coe; coercion_source = cls;
coercion_target = clt; coercion_is_proj = clp; }
let discharge_coercion (_, c) =
if c.coercion_local then None
let n =
let ins = Lib.section_instance c.coercion_type in
Array.length (snd ins)
with Not_found -> 0
let nc = { c with
coercion_params = n + c.coercion_params;
coercion_is_proj = Option.map Lib.discharge_proj_repr c.coercion_is_proj;
} in
Some nc
let classify_coercion obj =
if obj.coercion_local then Dispose else Substitute obj
let inCoercion : coercion -> obj =
declare_object {(default_object "COERCION") with
open_function = open_coercion;
cache_function = cache_coercion;
subst_function = subst_coercion;
classify_function = classify_coercion;
discharge_function = discharge_coercion }
let declare_coercion coef ?(local = false) ~isid ~src:cls ~target:clt ~params:ps =
let isproj =
match coef with
| ConstRef c -> Recordops.find_primitive_projection c
| _ -> None
let c = {
coercion_type = coef;
coercion_local = local;
coercion_is_id = isid;
coercion_is_proj = isproj;
coercion_source = cls;
coercion_target = clt;
coercion_params = ps;
} in
Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inCoercion c)
(* For printing purpose *)
let pr_cl_index = Bijint.Index.print
let classes () = Bijint.dom !class_tab
let coercions () =
List.rev (CoeTypMap.fold (fun _ y acc -> y::acc) !coercion_tab [])
let inheritance_graph () =
ClPairMap.bindings !inheritance_graph
let coercion_of_reference r =
let ref = Nametab.global r in
if not (coercion_exists ref) then
user_err ~hdr:"try_add_coercion"
(Nametab.pr_global_env Id.Set.empty ref ++ str" is not a coercion.");
module CoercionPrinting =
type t = coe_typ
let compare = GlobRef.Ordered.compare
let encode = coercion_of_reference
let subst = subst_coe_typ
let printer x = Nametab.pr_global_env Id.Set.empty x
let key = ["Printing";"Coercion"]
let title = "Explicitly printed coercions: "
let member_message x b =
str "Explicit printing of coercion " ++ printer x ++
str (if b then " is set" else " is unset")
module PrintingCoercion = Goptions.MakeRefTable(CoercionPrinting)
let hide_coercion coe =
if not (PrintingCoercion.active coe) then
let coe_info = coercion_info coe in
Some coe_info.coe_param
else None
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