(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Util
open Proofview.Notations
open Context.Named.Declaration
module NamedDecl = Context.Named.Declaration
let extract_prefix env info =
let ctx1 = List.rev (EConstr.named_context env) in
let ctx2 = List.rev (Evd.evar_context info) in
let rec share l1 l2 accu = match l1, l2 with
| d1 :: l1, d2 :: l2 ->
if d1 == d2 then share l1 l2 (d1 :: accu)
else (accu, d2 :: l2)
| _ -> (accu, l2)
share ctx1 ctx2 []
let typecheck_evar ev env sigma =
let info = Evd.find sigma ev in
(* Typecheck the hypotheses. *)
let type_hyp (sigma, env) decl =
let t = NamedDecl.get_type decl in
let sigma, _ = Typing.sort_of env sigma t in
let sigma = match decl with
| LocalAssum _ -> sigma
| LocalDef (_,body,_) -> Typing.check env sigma body t
(sigma, EConstr.push_named decl env)
let (common, changed) = extract_prefix env info in
let env = Environ.reset_with_named_context (EConstr.val_of_named_context common) env in
let (sigma, env) = List.fold_left type_hyp (sigma, env) changed in
(* Typecheck the conclusion *)
let sigma, _ = Typing.sort_of env sigma (Evd.evar_concl info) in
(* Get the side-effect's constant declarations to update the monad's
* environmnent *)
let add_if_undefined env eff =
let open Entries in
try ignore(Environ.lookup_constant eff.seff_constant env); env
with Not_found -> Environ.add_constant eff.seff_constant eff.seff_body env
(* Add the side effects to the monad's environment, if not already done. *)
let add_side_effects env eff =
List.fold_left add_if_undefined env eff
let generic_refine ~typecheck f gl =
let sigma = Proofview.Goal.sigma gl in
let env = Proofview.Goal.env gl in
let concl = Proofview.Goal.concl gl in
let state = Proofview.Goal.state gl in
(* Save the [future_goals] state to restore them after the
refinement. *)
let prev_future_goals = Evd.save_future_goals sigma in
(* Create the refinement term *)
Proofview.Unsafe.tclEVARS (Evd.reset_future_goals sigma) >>= fun () ->
f >>= fun (v, c) ->
Proofview.tclEVARMAP >>= fun sigma ->
Proofview.V82.wrap_exceptions begin fun () ->
let evs = Evd.save_future_goals sigma in
(* Redo the effects in sigma in the monad's env *)
let privates_csts = Evd.eval_side_effects sigma in
let sideff = Safe_typing.side_effects_of_private_constants privates_csts in
let env = add_side_effects env sideff in
(* Check that the introduced evars are well-typed *)
let fold accu ev = typecheck_evar ev env accu in
let sigma = if typecheck then Evd.fold_future_goals fold sigma evs else sigma in
(* Check that the refined term is typesafe *)
let sigma = if typecheck then Typing.check env sigma c concl else sigma in
(* Check that the goal itself does not appear in the refined term *)
let self = Proofview.Goal.goal gl in
let _ =
if not (Evarutil.occur_evar_upto sigma self c) then ()
else Pretype_errors.error_occur_check env sigma self c
(* Restore the [future goals] state. *)
let sigma = Evd.restore_future_goals sigma prev_future_goals in
(* Select the goals *)
let evs = Evd.map_filter_future_goals (Proofview.Unsafe.advance sigma) evs in
let comb,shelf,given_up,evkmain = Evd.dispatch_future_goals evs in
(* Proceed to the refinement *)
let sigma = match Proofview.Unsafe.advance sigma self with
| None ->
(* Nothing to do, the goal has been solved by side-effect *)
| Some self ->
match evkmain with
| None -> Evd.define self c sigma
| Some evk ->
let id = Evd.evar_ident self sigma in
let sigma = Evd.define self c sigma in
match id with
| None -> sigma
| Some id -> Evd.rename evk id sigma
(* Mark goals *)
let sigma = Proofview.Unsafe.mark_as_goals sigma comb in
let comb = CList.map (fun x -> Proofview.goal_with_state x state) comb in
let trace env sigma = Pp.(hov 2 (str"simple refine"++spc()++
Termops.Internal.print_constr_env env sigma c)) in
Proofview.Trace.name_tactic trace (Proofview.tclUNIT v) >>= fun v ->
Proofview.Unsafe.tclSETENV (Environ.reset_context env) <*>
Proofview.Unsafe.tclEVARS sigma <*>
Proofview.Unsafe.tclSETGOALS comb <*>
Proofview.Unsafe.tclPUTSHELF shelf <*>
Proofview.Unsafe.tclPUTGIVENUP given_up <*>
Proofview.tclUNIT v
let lift c =
Proofview.tclEVARMAP >>= fun sigma ->
Proofview.V82.wrap_exceptions begin fun () ->
let (sigma, c) = c sigma in
Proofview.Unsafe.tclEVARS sigma >>= fun () ->
Proofview.tclUNIT c
let make_refine_enter ~typecheck f gl = generic_refine ~typecheck (lift f) gl
let refine_one ~typecheck f =
Proofview.Goal.enter_one (make_refine_enter ~typecheck f)
let refine ~typecheck f =
let f evd =
let (evd,c) = f evd in (evd,((), c))
Proofview.Goal.enter (make_refine_enter ~typecheck f)
(** {7 solve_constraints}
Ensure no remaining unification problems are left. Run at every "." by default. *)
let solve_constraints =
let open Proofview in
tclENV >>= fun env -> tclEVARMAP >>= fun sigma ->
try let sigma = Evarconv.solve_unif_constraints_with_heuristics env sigma in
Unsafe.tclEVARSADVANCE sigma
with e -> tclZERO e
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