type 'res lookup_res = Label of 'res | Nothing | Everything
module Make :
functor (Y : Map.OrderedType) ->
functor (Z : Map.OrderedType) ->
type 'a decompose_fun = 'a -> (Y.t * 'a list) option
type t
val empty : t
(** [add t f (tree,inf)] adds a structured object [tree] together with
the associated information [inf] to the table [t]; the function
[f] is used to translated [tree] into its prefix decomposition: [f]
must decompose any tree into a label characterizing its root node and
the list of its subtree *)
val add : t -> 'a decompose_fun -> 'a * Z.t -> t
val rmv : t -> 'a decompose_fun -> 'a * Z.t -> t
type 'tree lookup_fun = 'tree -> (Y.t * 'tree list) lookup_res
(** [lookup t f tree] looks for trees (and their associated
information) in table [t] such that the structured object [tree]
matches against them; [f] is used to translated [tree] into its
prefix decomposition: [f] must decompose any tree into a label
characterizing its root node and the list of its subtree *)
val lookup : t -> 'term lookup_fun -> 'term
-> Z.t list
val app : (Z.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
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