Implementing reals a la Stolzenberg
Danko Ilik, March 2007
XField.v -- (unfinished) axiomatisation of the theories of real and
rational intervals.
Definition associative (A:Type)(op:A->A->A) :=
forall x y z:A, op (op x y) z = op x (op y z).
Definition commutative (A:Type)(op:A->A->A) :=
forall x y:A, op x y = op y x.
Definition trichotomous (A:Type)(R:A->A->Prop) :=
forall x y:A, R x y \/ x=y \/ R y x.
Definition relation (A:Type) := A -> A -> Prop.
Definition reflexive (A:Type)(R:relation A) := forall x:A, R x x.
Definition transitive (A:Type)(R:relation A) :=
forall x y z:A, R x y -> R y z -> R x z.
Definition symmetric (A:Type)(R:relation A) := forall x y:A, R x y -> R y x.
Record interval (X:Set)(le:X->X->Prop) : Set :=
interval_make {
interval_left : X;
interval_right : X;
interval_nonempty : le interval_left interval_right
Record I (grnd:Set)(le:grnd->grnd->Prop) : Type := Imake {
Icar := interval grnd le;
Iplus : Icar -> Icar -> Icar;
Imult : Icar -> Icar -> Icar;
Izero : Icar;
Ione : Icar;
Iopp : Icar -> Icar;
Iinv : Icar -> Icar;
Ic : Icar -> Icar -> Prop; (* consistency *)
(* monoids *)
Iplus_assoc : associative Icar Iplus;
Imult_assoc : associative Icar Imult;
(* abelian groups *)
Iplus_comm : commutative Icar Iplus;
Imult_comm : commutative Icar Imult;
Iplus_0_l : forall x:Icar, Ic (Iplus Izero x) x;
Iplus_0_r : forall x:Icar, Ic (Iplus x Izero) x;
Imult_0_l : forall x:Icar, Ic (Imult Ione x) x;
Imult_0_r : forall x:Icar, Ic (Imult x Ione) x;
Iplus_opp_r : forall x:Icar, Ic (Iplus x (Iopp x)) (Izero);
Imult_inv_r : forall x:Icar, ~(Ic x Izero) -> Ic (Imult x (Iinv x)) Ione;
(* distributive laws *)
Imult_plus_distr_l : forall x x' y y' z z' z'',
Ic x x' -> Ic y y' -> Ic z z' -> Ic z z'' ->
Ic (Imult (Iplus x y) z) (Iplus (Imult x' z') (Imult y' z''));
(* order and lattice structure *)
Ilt : Icar -> Icar -> Prop;
Ilc := fun (x y:Icar) => Ilt x y \/ Ic x y;
Isup : Icar -> Icar -> Icar;
Iinf : Icar -> Icar -> Icar;
Ilt_trans : transitive _ lt;
Ilt_trich : forall x y:Icar, Ilt x y \/ Ic x y \/ Ilt y x;
Isup_lub : forall x y z:Icar, Ilc x z -> Ilc y z -> Ilc (Isup x y) z;
Iinf_glb : forall x y z:Icar, Ilc x y -> Ilc x z -> Ilc x (Iinf y z);
(* order preserves operations? *)
(* properties of Ic *)
Ic_refl : reflexive _ Ic;
Ic_sym : symmetric _ Ic
Definition interval_set (X:Set)(le:X->X->Prop) :=
(interval X le) -> Prop. (* can be Set as well *)
Check interval_set.
Check Ic.
Definition consistent (X:Set)(le:X->X->Prop)(TI:I X le)(p:interval_set X le) :=
forall I J:interval X le, p I -> p J -> (Ic X le TI) I J.
Check consistent.
(* define 'fine' *)
Record N (grnd:Set)(le:grnd->grnd->Prop)(grndI:I grnd le) : Type := Nmake {
Ncar := interval_set grnd le;
Nplus : Ncar -> Ncar -> Ncar;
Nmult : Ncar -> Ncar -> Ncar;
Nzero : Ncar;
None : Ncar;
Nopp : Ncar -> Ncar;
Ninv : Ncar -> Ncar;
Nc : Ncar -> Ncar -> Prop; (* Ncistency *)
(* monoids *)
Nplus_assoc : associative Ncar Nplus;
Nmult_assoc : associative Ncar Nmult;
(* abelian groups *)
Nplus_comm : commutative Ncar Nplus;
Nmult_comm : commutative Ncar Nmult;
Nplus_0_l : forall x:Ncar, Nc (Nplus Nzero x) x;
Nplus_0_r : forall x:Ncar, Nc (Nplus x Nzero) x;
Nmult_0_l : forall x:Ncar, Nc (Nmult None x) x;
Nmult_0_r : forall x:Ncar, Nc (Nmult x None) x;
Nplus_opp_r : forall x:Ncar, Nc (Nplus x (Nopp x)) (Nzero);
Nmult_inv_r : forall x:Ncar, ~(Nc x Nzero) -> Nc (Nmult x (Ninv x)) None;
(* distributive laws *)
Nmult_plus_distr_l : forall x x' y y' z z' z'',
Nc x x' -> Nc y y' -> Nc z z' -> Nc z z'' ->
Nc (Nmult (Nplus x y) z) (Nplus (Nmult x' z') (Nmult y' z''));
(* order and lattice structure *)
Nlt : Ncar -> Ncar -> Prop;
Nlc := fun (x y:Ncar) => Nlt x y \/ Nc x y;
Nsup : Ncar -> Ncar -> Ncar;
Ninf : Ncar -> Ncar -> Ncar;
Nlt_trans : transitive _ lt;
Nlt_trich : forall x y:Ncar, Nlt x y \/ Nc x y \/ Nlt y x;
Nsup_lub : forall x y z:Ncar, Nlc x z -> Nlc y z -> Nlc (Nsup x y) z;
Ninf_glb : forall x y z:Ncar, Nlc x y -> Nlc x z -> Nlc x (Ninf y z);
(* order preserves operations? *)
(* properties of Nc *)
Nc_refl : reflexive _ Nc;
Nc_sym : symmetric _ Nc
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.16 Sekunden
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