Require Import ZArith.
Definition zeq := Z.eq_dec.
Definition update (A: Set) (x: Z) (v: A) (s: Z -> A) : Z -> A :=
fun y => if zeq x y then v else s y.
Arguments update [A].
Definition ident := Z.
Parameter operator: Set.
Parameter value: Set.
Parameter is_true: value -> Prop.
Definition label := Z.
Inductive expr : Set :=
| Evar: ident -> expr
| Econst: value -> expr
| Eop: operator -> expr -> expr -> expr.
Inductive stmt : Set :=
| Sskip: stmt
| Sassign: ident -> expr -> stmt
| Scall: ident -> ident -> expr -> stmt (* x := f(e) *)
| Sreturn: expr -> stmt
| Sseq: stmt -> stmt -> stmt
| Sifthenelse: expr -> stmt -> stmt -> stmt
| Sloop: stmt -> stmt
| Sblock: stmt -> stmt
| Sexit: nat -> stmt
| Slabel: label -> stmt -> stmt
| Sgoto: label -> stmt.
Record function : Set := mkfunction {
fn_param: ident;
fn_body: stmt
Parameter program: ident -> option function.
Parameter main_function: ident.
Definition store := ident -> value.
Parameter empty_store : store.
Parameter eval_op: operator -> value -> value -> option value.
Fixpoint eval_expr (st: store) (e: expr) {struct e} : option value :=
match e with
| Evar v => Some (st v)
| Econst v => Some v
| Eop op e1 e2 =>
match eval_expr st e1, eval_expr st e2 with
| Some v1, Some v2 => eval_op op v1 v2
| _, _ => None
Inductive outcome: Set :=
| Onormal: outcome
| Oexit: nat -> outcome
| Ogoto: label -> outcome
| Oreturn: value -> outcome.
Definition outcome_block (out: outcome) : outcome :=
match out with
| Onormal => Onormal
| Oexit O => Onormal
| Oexit (S m) => Oexit m
| Ogoto lbl => Ogoto lbl
| Oreturn v => Oreturn v
Fixpoint label_defined (lbl: label) (s: stmt) {struct s}: Prop :=
match s with
| Sskip => False
| Sassign id e => False
| Scall id fn e => False
| Sreturn e => False
| Sseq s1 s2 => label_defined lbl s1 \/ label_defined lbl s2
| Sifthenelse e s1 s2 => label_defined lbl s1 \/ label_defined lbl s2
| Sloop s1 => label_defined lbl s1
| Sblock s1 => label_defined lbl s1
| Sexit n => False
| Slabel lbl1 s1 => lbl1 = lbl \/ label_defined lbl s1
| Sgoto lbl => False
Inductive exec : stmt -> store -> outcome -> store -> Prop :=
| exec_skip: forall st,
exec Sskip st Onormal st
| exec_assign: forall id e st v,
eval_expr st e = Some v ->
exec (Sassign id e) st Onormal (update id v st)
| exec_call: forall id fn e st v1 f v2 st',
eval_expr st e = Some v1 ->
program fn = Some f ->
exec_function f (update f.(fn_param) v1 empty_store) v2 st' ->
exec (Scall id fn e) st Onormal (update id v2 st)
| exec_return: forall e st v,
eval_expr st e = Some v ->
exec (Sreturn e) st (Oreturn v) st
| exec_seq_2: forall s1 s2 st st1 out' st',
exec s1 st Onormal st1 -> exec s2 st1 out' st' ->
exec (Sseq s1 s2) st out' st'
| exec_seq_1: forall s1 s2 st out st',
exec s1 st out st' -> out <> Onormal ->
exec (Sseq s1 s2) st out st'
| exec_ifthenelse_true: forall e s1 s2 st out st' v,
eval_expr st e = Some v -> is_true v -> exec s1 st out st' ->
exec (Sifthenelse e s1 s2) st out st'
| exec_ifthenelse_false: forall e s1 s2 st out st' v,
eval_expr st e = Some v -> ~is_true v -> exec s2 st out st' ->
exec (Sifthenelse e s1 s2) st out st'
| exec_loop_loop: forall s st st1 out' st',
exec s st Onormal st1 ->
exec (Sloop s) st1 out' st' ->
exec (Sloop s) st out' st'
| exec_loop_stop: forall s st st' out,
exec s st out st' -> out <> Onormal ->
exec (Sloop s) st out st'
| exec_block: forall s st out st',
exec s st out st' ->
exec (Sblock s) st (outcome_block out) st'
| exec_exit: forall n st,
exec (Sexit n) st (Oexit n) st
| exec_label: forall s lbl st st' out,
exec s st out st' ->
exec (Slabel lbl s) st out st'
| exec_goto: forall st lbl,
exec (Sgoto lbl) st (Ogoto lbl) st
(** [execg lbl stmt st out st'] starts executing at label [lbl] within [s],
in initial store [st]. The result of the execution is the outcome
[out] with final store [st']. *)
with execg: label -> stmt -> store -> outcome -> store -> Prop :=
| execg_left_seq_2: forall lbl s1 s2 st st1 out' st',
execg lbl s1 st Onormal st1 -> exec s2 st1 out' st' ->
execg lbl (Sseq s1 s2) st out' st'
| execg_left_seq_1: forall lbl s1 s2 st out st',
execg lbl s1 st out st' -> out <> Onormal ->
execg lbl (Sseq s1 s2) st out st'
| execg_right_seq: forall lbl s1 s2 st out st',
~(label_defined lbl s1) ->
execg lbl s2 st out st' ->
execg lbl (Sseq s1 s2) st out st'
| execg_ifthenelse_left: forall lbl e s1 s2 st out st',
execg lbl s1 st out st' ->
execg lbl (Sifthenelse e s1 s2) st out st'
| execg_ifthenelse_right: forall lbl e s1 s2 st out st',
~(label_defined lbl s1) ->
execg lbl s2 st out st' ->
execg lbl (Sifthenelse e s1 s2) st out st'
| execg_loop_loop: forall lbl s st st1 out' st',
execg lbl s st Onormal st1 ->
exec (Sloop s) st1 out' st' ->
execg lbl (Sloop s) st out' st'
| execg_loop_stop: forall lbl s st st' out,
execg lbl s st out st' -> out <> Onormal ->
execg lbl (Sloop s) st out st'
| execg_block: forall lbl s st out st',
execg lbl s st out st' ->
execg lbl (Sblock s) st (outcome_block out) st'
| execg_label_found: forall lbl s st st' out,
exec s st out st' ->
execg lbl (Slabel lbl s) st out st'
| execg_label_notfound: forall lbl s lbl' st st' out,
lbl' <> lbl ->
execg lbl s st out st' ->
execg lbl (Slabel lbl' s) st out st'
(** [exec_finish out st st'] takes the outcome [out] and the store [st]
at the end of the evaluation of the program. If [out] is a [goto],
execute again the program starting at the corresponding label.
Iterate this way until [out] is [Onormal]. *)
with exec_finish: function -> outcome -> store -> value -> store -> Prop :=
| exec_finish_normal: forall f st v,
exec_finish f (Oreturn v) st v st
| exec_finish_goto: forall f lbl st out v st1 st',
execg lbl f.(fn_body) st out st1 ->
exec_finish f out st1 v st' ->
exec_finish f (Ogoto lbl) st v st'
(** Execution of a function *)
with exec_function: function -> store -> value -> store -> Prop :=
| exec_function_intro: forall f st out st1 v st',
exec f.(fn_body) st out st1 ->
exec_finish f out st1 v st' ->
exec_function f st v st'.
Scheme exec_ind4:= Minimality for exec Sort Prop
with execg_ind4:= Minimality for execg Sort Prop
with exec_finish_ind4 := Minimality for exec_finish Sort Prop
with exec_function_ind4 := Minimality for exec_function Sort Prop.
Scheme exec_dind4:= Induction for exec Sort Prop
with execg_dind4:= Minimality for execg Sort Prop
with exec_finish_dind4 := Induction for exec_finish Sort Prop
with exec_function_dind4 := Induction for exec_function Sort Prop.
Combined Scheme exec_inductiond from exec_dind4, execg_dind4, exec_finish_dind4,
Scheme exec_dind4' := Induction for exec Sort Prop
with execg_dind4' := Induction for execg Sort Prop
with exec_finish_dind4' := Induction for exec_finish Sort Prop
with exec_function_dind4' := Induction for exec_function Sort Prop.
Combined Scheme exec_induction from exec_ind4, execg_ind4, exec_finish_ind4,
Combined Scheme exec_inductiond' from exec_dind4', execg_dind4', exec_finish_dind4',
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.14 Sekunden
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