(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
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(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
Require Export RelationClasses.
Require Import Bool Morphisms Setoid.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
(** Structure with nothing inside.
Used to force a module type T into a module via Nop <+ T. (HACK!) *)
Module Type Nop.
End Nop.
(** * Structure with just a base type [t] *)
Module Type Typ.
Parameter Inline(10) t : Type.
End Typ.
(** * Structure with an equality relation [eq] *)
Module Type HasEq (Import T:Typ).
Parameter Inline(30) eq : t -> t -> Prop.
End HasEq.
Module Type Eq := Typ <+ HasEq.
Module Type EqNotation (Import E:Eq).
Infix "==" := eq (at level 70, no associativity).
Notation "x ~= y" := (~eq x y) (at level 70, no associativity).
End EqNotation.
Module Type Eq' := Eq <+ EqNotation.
(** * Specification of the equality via the [Equivalence] type class *)
Module Type IsEq (Import E:Eq).
Declare Instance eq_equiv : Equivalence eq.
End IsEq.
(** * Earlier specification of equality by three separate lemmas. *)
Module Type IsEqOrig (Import E:Eq').
Axiom eq_refl : forall x : t, x==x.
Axiom eq_sym : forall x y : t, x==y -> y==x.
Axiom eq_trans : forall x y z : t, x==y -> y==z -> x==z.
Hint Immediate eq_sym : core.
Hint Resolve eq_refl eq_trans : core.
End IsEqOrig.
(** * Types with decidable equality *)
Module Type HasEqDec (Import E:Eq').
Parameter eq_dec : forall x y : t, { x==y } + { ~ x==y }.
End HasEqDec.
(** * Boolean Equality *)
(** Having [eq_dec] is the same as having a boolean equality plus
a correctness proof. *)
Module Type HasEqb (Import T:Typ).
Parameter Inline eqb : t -> t -> bool.
End HasEqb.
Module Type EqbSpec (T:Typ)(X:HasEq T)(Y:HasEqb T).
Parameter eqb_eq : forall x y, Y.eqb x y = true <-> X.eq x y.
End EqbSpec.
Module Type EqbNotation (T:Typ)(E:HasEqb T).
Infix "=?" := E.eqb (at level 70, no associativity).
End EqbNotation.
Module Type HasEqBool (E:Eq) := HasEqb E <+ EqbSpec E E.
(** From these basic blocks, we can build many combinations
of static standalone module types. *)
Module Type EqualityType := Eq <+ IsEq.
Module Type EqualityTypeOrig := Eq <+ IsEqOrig.
Module Type EqualityTypeBoth <: EqualityType <: EqualityTypeOrig
:= Eq <+ IsEq <+ IsEqOrig.
Module Type DecidableType <: EqualityType
:= Eq <+ IsEq <+ HasEqDec.
Module Type DecidableTypeOrig <: EqualityTypeOrig
:= Eq <+ IsEqOrig <+ HasEqDec.
Module Type DecidableTypeBoth <: DecidableType <: DecidableTypeOrig
:= EqualityTypeBoth <+ HasEqDec.
Module Type BooleanEqualityType <: EqualityType
:= Eq <+ IsEq <+ HasEqBool.
Module Type BooleanDecidableType <: DecidableType <: BooleanEqualityType
:= Eq <+ IsEq <+ HasEqDec <+ HasEqBool.
Module Type DecidableTypeFull <: DecidableTypeBoth <: BooleanDecidableType
:= Eq <+ IsEq <+ IsEqOrig <+ HasEqDec <+ HasEqBool.
(** Same, with notation for [eq] *)
Module Type EqualityType' := EqualityType <+ EqNotation.
Module Type EqualityTypeOrig' := EqualityTypeOrig <+ EqNotation.
Module Type EqualityTypeBoth' := EqualityTypeBoth <+ EqNotation.
Module Type DecidableType' := DecidableType <+ EqNotation.
Module Type DecidableTypeOrig' := DecidableTypeOrig <+ EqNotation.
Module Type DecidableTypeBoth' := DecidableTypeBoth <+ EqNotation.
Module Type BooleanEqualityType' :=
BooleanEqualityType <+ EqNotation <+ EqbNotation.
Module Type BooleanDecidableType' :=
BooleanDecidableType <+ EqNotation <+ EqbNotation.
Module Type DecidableTypeFull' := DecidableTypeFull <+ EqNotation.
(** * Compatibility wrapper from/to the old version of
[EqualityType] and [DecidableType] *)
Module BackportEq (E:Eq)(F:IsEq E) <: IsEqOrig E.
Definition eq_refl := @Equivalence_Reflexive _ _ F.eq_equiv.
Definition eq_sym := @Equivalence_Symmetric _ _ F.eq_equiv.
Definition eq_trans := @Equivalence_Transitive _ _ F.eq_equiv.
End BackportEq.
Module UpdateEq (E:Eq)(F:IsEqOrig E) <: IsEq E.
Instance eq_equiv : Equivalence E.eq.
Proof. exact (Build_Equivalence _ F.eq_refl F.eq_sym F.eq_trans). Qed.
End UpdateEq.
Module Backport_ET (E:EqualityType) <: EqualityTypeBoth
:= E <+ BackportEq.
Module Update_ET (E:EqualityTypeOrig) <: EqualityTypeBoth
:= E <+ UpdateEq.
Module Backport_DT (E:DecidableType) <: DecidableTypeBoth
:= E <+ BackportEq.
Module Update_DT (E:DecidableTypeOrig) <: DecidableTypeBoth
:= E <+ UpdateEq.
(** * Having [eq_dec] is equivalent to having [eqb] and its spec. *)
Module HasEqDec2Bool (E:Eq)(F:HasEqDec E) <: HasEqBool E.
Definition eqb x y := if F.eq_dec x y then true else false.
Lemma eqb_eq : forall x y, eqb x y = true <-> E.eq x y.
intros x y. unfold eqb. destruct F.eq_dec as [EQ|NEQ].
- auto with *.
- split.
+ discriminate.
+ intro EQ; elim NEQ; auto.
End HasEqDec2Bool.
Module HasEqBool2Dec (E:Eq)(F:HasEqBool E) <: HasEqDec E.
Lemma eq_dec : forall x y, {E.eq x y}+{~E.eq x y}.
intros x y. assert (H:=F.eqb_eq x y).
destruct (F.eqb x y); [left|right].
- apply -> H; auto.
- intro EQ. apply H in EQ. discriminate.
End HasEqBool2Dec.
Module Dec2Bool (E:DecidableType) <: BooleanDecidableType
:= E <+ HasEqDec2Bool.
Module Bool2Dec (E:BooleanEqualityType) <: BooleanDecidableType
:= E <+ HasEqBool2Dec.
(** Some properties of boolean equality *)
Module BoolEqualityFacts (Import E : BooleanEqualityType').
(** [eqb] is compatible with [eq] *)
Instance eqb_compat : Proper (E.eq ==> E.eq ==> Logic.eq) eqb.
intros x x' Exx' y y' Eyy'.
apply eq_true_iff_eq.
now rewrite 2 eqb_eq, Exx', Eyy'.
(** Alternative specification of [eqb] based on [reflect]. *)
Lemma eqb_spec x y : reflect (x==y) (x =? y).
apply iff_reflect. symmetry. apply eqb_eq.
(** Negated form of [eqb_eq] *)
Lemma eqb_neq x y : (x =? y) = false <-> x ~= y.
now rewrite <- not_true_iff_false, eqb_eq.
(** Basic equality laws for [eqb] *)
Lemma eqb_refl x : (x =? x) = true.
now apply eqb_eq.
Lemma eqb_sym x y : (x =? y) = (y =? x).
apply eq_true_iff_eq. now rewrite 2 eqb_eq.
(** Transitivity is a particular case of [eqb_compat] *)
End BoolEqualityFacts.
(** * UsualDecidableType
A particular case of [DecidableType] where the equality is
the usual one of Coq. *)
Module Type HasUsualEq (Import T:Typ) <: HasEq T.
Definition eq := @Logic.eq t.
End HasUsualEq.
Module Type UsualEq <: Eq := Typ <+ HasUsualEq.
Module Type UsualIsEq (E:UsualEq) <: IsEq E.
(* No Instance syntax to avoid saturating the Equivalence tables *)
Definition eq_equiv : Equivalence E.eq := eq_equivalence.
End UsualIsEq.
Module Type UsualIsEqOrig (E:UsualEq) <: IsEqOrig E.
Definition eq_refl := @Logic.eq_refl E.t.
Definition eq_sym := @Logic.eq_sym E.t.
Definition eq_trans := @Logic.eq_trans E.t.
End UsualIsEqOrig.
Module Type UsualEqualityType <: EqualityType
:= UsualEq <+ UsualIsEq.
Module Type UsualDecidableType <: DecidableType
:= UsualEq <+ UsualIsEq <+ HasEqDec.
Module Type UsualDecidableTypeOrig <: DecidableTypeOrig
:= UsualEq <+ UsualIsEqOrig <+ HasEqDec.
Module Type UsualDecidableTypeBoth <: DecidableTypeBoth
:= UsualEq <+ UsualIsEq <+ UsualIsEqOrig <+ HasEqDec.
Module Type UsualBoolEq := UsualEq <+ HasEqBool.
Module Type UsualDecidableTypeFull <: DecidableTypeFull
:= UsualEq <+ UsualIsEq <+ UsualIsEqOrig <+ HasEqDec <+ HasEqBool.
(** Some shortcuts for easily building a [UsualDecidableType] *)
Module Type MiniDecidableType.
Include Typ.
Parameter eq_dec : forall x y : t, {x=y}+{~x=y}.
End MiniDecidableType.
Module Make_UDT (M:MiniDecidableType) <: UsualDecidableTypeBoth
:= M <+ HasUsualEq <+ UsualIsEq <+ UsualIsEqOrig.
Module Make_UDTF (M:UsualBoolEq) <: UsualDecidableTypeFull
:= M <+ UsualIsEq <+ UsualIsEqOrig <+ HasEqBool2Dec.
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