(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
(* coq-tex
* JCF, 16/1/98
* adapted from caml-tex (perl script written by Xavier Leroy)
* Perl isn't as portable as it pretends to be, and is quite difficult
* to read and maintain... Let us rewrite the stuff in Caml! *)
let linelen = ref 72
let output = ref ""
let output_specified = ref false
let image = ref ""
let cut_at_blanks = ref false
let verbose = ref false
let slanted = ref false
let hrule = ref false
let small = ref false
let boot = ref false
let any_prompt = Str.regexp "[A-Z0-9a-z_\\$']* < "
(* First pass: extract the Coq phrases to evaluate from [texfile]
* and put them into the file [inputv] *)
let begin_coq = Str.regexp "\\\\begin{coq_\\(example\\|example\\*\\|example\\#\\|eval\\)}[ \t]*$"
let end_coq = Str.regexp "\\\\end{coq_\\(example\\|example\\*\\|example\\#\\|eval\\)}[ \t]*$"
let extract texfile inputv =
let chan_in = open_in texfile in
let chan_out = open_out inputv in
let rec inside () =
let s = input_line chan_in in
if Str.string_match end_coq s 0 then
outside ()
else begin
output_string chan_out (s ^ "\n");
inside ()
and outside () =
let s = input_line chan_in in
if Str.string_match begin_coq s 0 then
inside ()
outside ()
output_string chan_out
("Set Printing Width " ^ (string_of_int !linelen) ^".\n");
outside ()
with End_of_file ->
(* a dummy command, just in case the last line was a comment *)
output_string chan_out "Set Printing Width 78.\n";
close_in chan_in;
close_out chan_out
(* Second pass: insert the answers of Coq from [coq_output] into the
* TeX file [texfile]. The result goes in file [result]. *)
let tex_escaped s =
let delims = Str.regexp "[_{}&%#$\\^~ <>'`]" in
let adapt_delim = function
| "{" | "}" | "&" | "%" | "#" | "$" as c -> "\\"^c
| "_" -> "{\\char`\\_}"
| "\\" -> "{\\char'134}"
| "^" -> "{\\char'136}"
| "~" -> "{\\char'176}"
| " " -> "~"
| "<" -> "{<}"
| ">" -> "{>}"
| "'" -> "{\\textquotesingle}"
| "`" -> "\\`{}"
| _ -> assert false
let adapt = function
| Str.Text s -> s
| Str.Delim s -> adapt_delim s
String.concat "" (List.map adapt (Str.full_split delims s))
let encapsule sl c_out s =
if sl then
Printf.fprintf c_out "\\texttt{\\textit{%s}}\\\\\n" (tex_escaped s)
Printf.fprintf c_out "\\texttt{%s}\\\\\n" (tex_escaped s)
let print_block c_out bl =
List.iter (fun s -> if s="" then () else encapsule !slanted c_out s) bl
let insert texfile coq_output result =
let c_tex = open_in texfile in
let c_coq = open_in coq_output in
let c_out = open_out result in
(* read lines until a prompt is found (starting from the second line),
purge prompts on the first line and return their number *)
let last_read = ref (input_line c_coq) in
let read_output () =
let first = !last_read in
let nb = ref 0 in
(* remove the leading prompts *)
let rec skip_prompts pos =
if Str.string_match any_prompt first pos then
let () = incr nb in
skip_prompts (Str.match_end ())
else pos in
let first =
let start = skip_prompts 0 in
String.sub first start (String.length first - start) in
(* read and return the following lines until a prompt is found *)
let rec read_lines () =
let s = input_line c_coq in
if Str.string_match any_prompt s 0 then begin
last_read := s; []
end else
s :: read_lines () in
(first :: read_lines (), !nb) in
let unhandled_output = ref None in
let read_output () =
match !unhandled_output with
| Some some -> unhandled_output := None; some
| None -> read_output () in
(* we are inside a \begin{coq_...} ... \end{coq_...} block
* show_... tell what kind of block it is *)
let rec inside show_answers show_questions not_first discarded =
let s = input_line c_tex in
if s = "" then
inside show_answers show_questions not_first (discarded + 1)
else if not (Str.string_match end_coq s 0) then begin
let (bl,n) = read_output () in
assert (n > discarded);
let n = n - discarded in
if not_first then output_string c_out "\\medskip\n";
if !verbose then Printf.printf "Coq < %s\n" s;
if show_questions then encapsule false c_out ("Coq < " ^ s);
let rec read_lines k =
if k = 0 then []
let s = input_line c_tex in
if Str.string_match end_coq s 0 then []
else s :: read_lines (k - 1) in
let al = read_lines (n - 1) in
if !verbose then List.iter (Printf.printf " %s\n") al;
if show_questions then
List.iter (fun s -> encapsule false c_out (" " ^ s)) al;
let la = n - 1 - List.length al in
if la <> 0 then
(* this happens when the block ends with a comment; the output
is for the command at the beginning of the next block *)
unhandled_output := Some (bl, la)
else begin
if !verbose then List.iter print_endline bl;
if show_answers then print_block c_out bl;
inside show_answers show_questions (show_answers || show_questions) 0
end else if discarded > 0 then begin
(* this happens when the block ends with an empty line *)
let (bl,n) = read_output () in
assert (n > discarded);
unhandled_output := Some (bl, n - discarded)
end in
(* we are outside of a \begin{coq_...} ... \end{coq_...} block *)
let rec outside just_after =
let start_block () =
if !small then output_string c_out "\\begin{small}\n";
output_string c_out "\\begin{flushleft}\n";
if !hrule then output_string c_out "\\hrulefill\\\\\n" in
let end_block () =
if !hrule then output_string c_out "\\hrulefill\\\\\n";
output_string c_out "\\end{flushleft}\n";
if !small then output_string c_out "\\end{small}\n" in
let s = input_line c_tex in
if Str.string_match begin_coq s 0 then begin
let kind = Str.matched_group 1 s in
if kind = "eval" then begin
if just_after then end_block ();
inside false false false 0;
outside false
end else begin
let show_answers = kind <> "example*" in
let show_questions = kind <> "example#" in
if not just_after then start_block ();
inside show_answers show_questions just_after 0;
outside true
end else begin
if just_after then end_block ();
output_string c_out (s ^ "\n");
outside false
end in
let _ = read_output () in (* to skip the Coq banner *)
let _ = read_output () in (* to skip the Coq answer to Set Printing Width *)
outside false
with End_of_file -> begin
close_in c_tex;
close_in c_coq;
close_out c_out
(* Process of one TeX file *)
let rm f = try Sys.remove f with _ -> ()
let one_file texfile =
let inputv = Filename.temp_file "coq_tex" ".v" in
let coq_output = Filename.temp_file "coq_tex" ".coq_output"in
let result =
if !output_specified then
else if Filename.check_suffix texfile ".tex" then
(Filename.chop_suffix texfile ".tex") ^ ".v.tex"
texfile ^ ".v.tex"
(* 1. extract Coq phrases *)
extract texfile inputv;
(* 2. run Coq on input *)
let _ = Sys.command (Printf.sprintf "%s < %s > %s 2>&1" !image inputv
(* 3. insert Coq output into original file *)
insert texfile coq_output result;
(* 4. clean up *)
rm inputv; rm coq_output
with reraise -> begin
rm inputv; rm coq_output;
raise reraise
(* Parsing of the command line, check of the Coq command and process
* of all the files in the command line, one by one *)
let files = ref []
let parse_cl () =
[ "-o", Arg.String (fun s -> output_specified := true; output := s),
"output-file Specify the resulting LaTeX file";
"-n", Arg.Int (fun n -> linelen := n),
"line-width Set the line width";
"-image", Arg.String (fun s -> image := s),
"coq-image Use coq-image as Coq command";
"-w", Arg.Set cut_at_blanks,
" Try to cut lines at blanks";
"-v", Arg.Set verbose,
" Verbose mode (show Coq answers on stdout)";
"-sl", Arg.Set slanted,
" Coq answers in slanted font (only with LaTeX2e)";
"-hrule", Arg.Set hrule,
" Coq parts are written between 2 horizontal lines";
"-small", Arg.Set small,
" Coq parts are written in small font";
(fun s -> files := s :: !files)
"coq-tex [options] file ..."
let find_coqtop () =
let prog = Sys.executable_name in
let size = String.length prog in
let i = Str.search_backward (Str.regexp_string "coq-tex") prog (size-7) in
(String.sub prog 0 i)^"coqtop"^(String.sub prog (i+7) (size-i-7))
with Not_found -> begin
Printf.printf "Warning: preprocessing with default image \"coqtop\"\n";
let _ =
parse_cl ();
if !image = "" then image := Filename.quote (find_coqtop ());
if Sys.command (!image ^ " -batch -silent") <> 0 then begin
Printf.printf "Error: ";
let _ = Sys.command (!image ^ " -batch") in
exit 1
end else begin
(*Printf.printf "Your version of coqtop seems OK\n";*)
flush stdout
List.iter one_file (List.rev !files)
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.19 Sekunden
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