(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Format
open Coqdep_lexer
open Coqdep_common
open Minisys
(** The basic parts of coqdep (i.e. the parts used by [coqdep -boot])
are now in [Coqdep_common]. The code that remains here concerns
the other options. Calling this complete coqdep with the [-boot]
option should be equivalent to calling [coqdep_boot].
As of today, this module depends on the following Coq modules:
- Flags
- Envars
- CoqProject_file
All of it for `coqlib` handling. Ideally we would like to clean
coqlib handling up so this can be bootstrapped earlier.
let option_D = ref false
let option_w = ref false
let option_sort = ref false
let option_dump = ref None
let warning_mult suf iter =
let tab = Hashtbl.create 151 in
let check f d =
begin try
let d' = Hashtbl.find tab f in
if (Filename.dirname (file_name f d))
<> (Filename.dirname (file_name f d')) then begin
coqdep_warning "the file %s is defined twice!" (f ^ suf)
with Not_found -> () end;
Hashtbl.add tab f d
iter check
let sort () =
let seen = Hashtbl.create 97 in
let rec loop file =
let file = canonize file in
if not (Hashtbl.mem seen file) then begin
Hashtbl.add seen file ();
let cin = open_in (file ^ ".v") in
let lb = Lexing.from_channel cin in
while true do
match coq_action lb with
| Require (from, sl) ->
(fun s ->
match search_v_known ?from s with
| None -> ()
| Some f -> loop f)
| _ -> ()
with Fin_fichier ->
close_in cin;
printf "%s%s " file !suffixe
List.iter (fun (name,_) -> loop name) !vAccu
let (dep_tab : (string,string list) Hashtbl.t) = Hashtbl.create 151
let mL_dep_list b f =
Hashtbl.find dep_tab f
with Not_found ->
let deja_vu = ref ([] : string list) in
let chan = open_in f in
let buf = Lexing.from_channel chan in
while true do
let (Use_module str) = caml_action buf in
if str = b then begin
coqdep_warning "in file %s the notation %s. is useless !\n" f b
end else
if not (List.mem str !deja_vu) then addQueue deja_vu str
done; []
with Fin_fichier -> begin
close_in chan;
let rl = List.rev !deja_vu in
Hashtbl.add dep_tab f rl;
with Sys_error _ -> []
let affiche_Declare f dcl =
printf "\n*** In file %s: \n" f;
printf "Declare ML Module";
List.iter (fun str -> printf " \"%s\"" str) dcl;
printf ".\n%!"
let warning_Declare f dcl =
eprintf "*** Warning : in file %s, the ML modules declaration should be\n" f;
eprintf "*** Declare ML Module";
List.iter (fun str -> eprintf " \"%s\"" str) dcl;
eprintf ".\n%!"
let traite_Declare f =
let decl_list = ref ([] : string list) in
let rec treat = function
| s :: ll ->
let s' = basename_noext s in
(match search_ml_known s with
| Some mldir when not (List.mem s' !decl_list) ->
let fullname = file_name s' mldir in
let depl = mL_dep_list s (fullname ^ ".ml") in
treat depl;
decl_list := s :: !decl_list
| _ -> ());
treat ll
| [] -> ()
let chan = open_in f in
let buf = Lexing.from_channel chan in
begin try
while true do
let tok = coq_action buf in
(match tok with
| Declare sl ->
decl_list := [];
treat sl;
decl_list := List.rev !decl_list;
if !option_D then
affiche_Declare f !decl_list
else if !decl_list <> sl then
warning_Declare f !decl_list
| _ -> ())
with Fin_fichier -> () end;
close_in chan
with Sys_error _ -> ()
let declare_dependencies () =
(fun (name,_) ->
traite_Declare (name^".v");
pp_print_flush std_formatter ())
(List.rev !vAccu)
(** DAGs guaranteed to be transitive reductions *)
module DAG (Node : Set.OrderedType) :
type node = Node.t
type t
val empty : t
val add_transitive_edge : node -> node -> t -> t
val iter : (node -> node -> unit) -> t -> unit
end =
type node = Node.t
module NSet = Set.Make(Node)
module NMap = Map.Make(Node)
(** Associate to a node the set of its neighbours *)
type _t = NSet.t NMap.t
(** Optimisation: construct the reverse graph at the same time *)
type t = { dir : _t; rev : _t; }
let node_equal x y = Node.compare x y = 0
let add_edge x y graph =
let set = try NMap.find x graph with Not_found -> NSet.empty in
NMap.add x (NSet.add y set) graph
let remove_edge x y graph =
let set = try NMap.find x graph with Not_found -> NSet.empty in
let set = NSet.remove y set in
if NSet.is_empty set then NMap.remove x graph
else NMap.add x set graph
let has_edge x y graph =
let set = try NMap.find x graph with Not_found -> NSet.empty in
NSet.mem y set
let connected x y graph =
let rec aux rem seen =
if NSet.is_empty rem then false
let x = NSet.choose rem in
if node_equal x y then true
let rem = NSet.remove x rem in
if NSet.mem x seen then
aux rem seen
let seen = NSet.add x seen in
let next = try NMap.find x graph with Not_found -> NSet.empty in
let rem = NSet.union next rem in
aux rem seen
aux (NSet.singleton x) NSet.empty
(** Check whether there is a path from a to b going through the edge
x -> y. *)
let connected_through a b x y graph =
let rec aux rem seen =
if NMap.is_empty rem then false
let (n, through) = NMap.choose rem in
if node_equal n b && through then true
let rem = NMap.remove n rem in
let is_seen = try Some (NMap.find n seen) with Not_found -> None in
match is_seen with
| None ->
let seen = NMap.add n through seen in
let next = try NMap.find n graph with Not_found -> NSet.empty in
let is_x = node_equal n x in
let push m accu =
let through = through || (is_x && node_equal m y) in
NMap.add m through accu
let rem = NSet.fold push next rem in
aux rem seen
| Some false ->
(* The path we took encountered x -> y but not the one in seen *)
if through then aux (NMap.add n true rem) (NMap.add n true seen)
else aux rem seen
| Some true -> aux rem seen
aux (NMap.singleton a false) NMap.empty
let closure x graph =
let rec aux rem seen =
if NSet.is_empty rem then seen
let x = NSet.choose rem in
let rem = NSet.remove x rem in
if NSet.mem x seen then
aux rem seen
let seen = NSet.add x seen in
let next = try NMap.find x graph with Not_found -> NSet.empty in
let rem = NSet.union next rem in
aux rem seen
aux (NSet.singleton x) NSet.empty
let empty = { dir = NMap.empty; rev = NMap.empty; }
(** Online transitive reduction algorithm *)
let add_transitive_edge x y graph =
if connected x y graph.dir then graph
let dir = add_edge x y graph.dir in
let rev = add_edge y x graph.rev in
let graph = { dir; rev; } in
let ancestors = closure x rev in
let descendents = closure y dir in
let fold_ancestor a graph =
let fold_descendent b graph =
let to_remove = has_edge a b graph.dir in
let to_remove = to_remove && not (node_equal x a && node_equal y b) in
let to_remove = to_remove && connected_through a b x y graph.dir in
if to_remove then
let dir = remove_edge a b graph.dir in
let rev = remove_edge b a graph.rev in
{ dir; rev; }
else graph
NSet.fold fold_descendent descendents graph
NSet.fold fold_ancestor ancestors graph
let iter f graph =
let iter x set = NSet.iter (fun y -> f x y) set in
NMap.iter iter graph.dir
module Graph =
(** Dumping a dependency graph **)
module DAG = DAG(struct type t = string let compare = compare end)
(** TODO: we should share this code with Coqdep_common *)
module VData = struct
type t = string list option * string list
let compare = Pervasives.compare
module VCache = Set.Make(VData)
let treat_coq_file chan =
let buf = Lexing.from_channel chan in
let deja_vu_v = ref VCache.empty in
let deja_vu_ml = ref StrSet.empty in
let mark_v_done from acc str =
let seen = VCache.mem (from, str) !deja_vu_v in
if not seen then
let () = deja_vu_v := VCache.add (from, str) !deja_vu_v in
match search_v_known ?from str with
| None -> acc
| Some file_str -> (canonize file_str, !suffixe) :: acc
else acc
let rec loop acc =
let token = try Some (coq_action buf) with Fin_fichier -> None in
match token with
| None -> acc
| Some action ->
let acc = match action with
| Require (from, strl) ->
List.fold_left (fun accu v -> mark_v_done from accu v) acc strl
| Declare sl ->
let declare suff dir s =
let base = escape (file_name s dir) in
match !option_dynlink with
| No -> []
| Byte -> [base,suff]
| Opt -> [base,".cmxs"]
| Both -> [base,suff; base,".cmxs"]
| Variable ->
if suff=".cmo" then [base,"$(DYNOBJ)"]
else [base,"$(DYNLIB)"]
let decl acc str =
let s = basename_noext str in
if not (StrSet.mem s !deja_vu_ml) then
let () = deja_vu_ml := StrSet.add s !deja_vu_ml in
match search_mllib_known s with
| Some mldir -> (declare ".cma" mldir s) @ acc
| None ->
match search_ml_known s with
| Some mldir -> (declare ".cmo" mldir s) @ acc
| None -> acc
else acc
List.fold_left decl acc sl
| Load str ->
let str = Filename.basename str in
let seen = VCache.mem (None, [str]) !deja_vu_v in
if not seen then
let () = deja_vu_v := VCache.add (None, [str]) !deja_vu_v in
match search_v_known [str] with
| None -> acc
| Some file_str -> (canonize file_str, ".v") :: acc
else acc
| AddLoadPath _ | AddRecLoadPath _ -> acc (* TODO *)
loop acc
loop []
let treat_coq_file f =
let chan = try Some (open_in f) with Sys_error _ -> None in
match chan with
| None -> []
| Some chan ->
let ans = treat_coq_file chan in
let () = close_in chan in
with Syntax_error (i, j) -> close_in chan; error_cannot_parse f (i, j)
type graph =
| Element of string
| Subgraph of string * graph list
let rec insert_graph name path graphs = match path, graphs with
| [] , graphs -> (Element name) :: graphs
| (box :: boxes), (Subgraph (hd, names)) :: tl when hd = box ->
Subgraph (hd, insert_graph name boxes names) :: tl
| _, hd :: tl -> hd :: (insert_graph name path tl)
| (box :: boxes), [] -> [ Subgraph (box, insert_graph name boxes []) ]
let print_graphs chan graph =
let rec print_aux name = function
| [] -> name
| (Element str) :: tl -> fprintf chan "\"%s\";\n" str; print_aux name tl
| Subgraph (box, names) :: tl ->
fprintf chan "subgraph cluster%n {\nlabel=\"%s\";\n" name box;
let name = print_aux (name + 1) names in
fprintf chan "}\n"; print_aux name tl
ignore (print_aux 0 graph)
let rec pop_common_prefix = function
| [Subgraph (_, graphs)] -> pop_common_prefix graphs
| graphs -> graphs
let split_path = Str.split (Str.regexp "/")
let rec pop_last = function
| [] -> []
| [ x ] -> []
| x :: xs -> x :: pop_last xs
let get_boxes path = pop_last (split_path path)
let insert_raw_graph file =
insert_graph file (get_boxes file)
let rec get_dependencies name args =
let vdep = treat_coq_file (name ^ ".v") in
let fold (deps, graphs, alseen) (dep, _) =
let dag = DAG.add_transitive_edge name dep deps in
if not (List.mem dep alseen) then
get_dependencies dep (dag, insert_raw_graph dep graphs, dep :: alseen)
(dag, graphs, alseen)
List.fold_left fold args vdep
let coq_dependencies_dump chan dumpboxes =
let (deps, graphs, _) =
List.fold_left (fun ih (name, _) -> get_dependencies name ih)
(DAG.empty, List.fold_left (fun ih (file, _) -> insert_raw_graph file ih) [] !vAccu,
List.map fst !vAccu) !vAccu
fprintf chan "digraph dependencies {\n";
if dumpboxes then print_graphs chan (pop_common_prefix graphs)
else List.iter (fun (name, _) -> fprintf chan "\"%s\"[label=\"%s\"]\n" name (basename_noext name)) !vAccu;
DAG.iter (fun name dep -> fprintf chan "\"%s\" -> \"%s\"\n" dep name) deps;
fprintf chan "}\n%!"
let usage () =
eprintf " usage: coqdep [options] +\n";
eprintf " options:\n";
eprintf " -c : Also print the dependencies of caml modules (=ocamldep).\n";
(* Does not work anymore *)
(* eprintf " -w : Print informations on missing or wrong \"Declare
ML Module\" commands in coq files.\n"; *)
(* Does not work anymore: *)
(* eprintf " -D : Prints the missing ocmal module names. No dependency computed.\n"; *)
eprintf " -boot : For coq developers, prints dependencies over coq library files (omitted by default).\n";
eprintf " -sort : output the given file name ordered by dependencies\n";
eprintf " -noglob | -no-glob : \n";
eprintf " -f file : read -I, -Q, -R and filenames from _CoqProject-formatted FILE.";
eprintf " -I dir -as logname : add (non recursively) dir to coq load path under logical name logname\n";
eprintf " -I dir : add (non recursively) dir to ocaml path\n";
eprintf " -R dir -as logname : add and import dir recursively to coq load path under logical name logname\n"; (* deprecate? *)
eprintf " -R dir logname : add and import dir recursively to coq load path under logical name logname\n";
eprintf " -Q dir logname : add (recursively) and open (non recursively) dir to coq load path under logical name logname\n";
eprintf " -dumpgraph f : print a dot dependency graph in file 'f'\n";
eprintf " -dumpgraphbox f : print a dot dependency graph box in file 'f'\n";
eprintf " -exclude-dir dir : skip subdirectories named 'dir' during -R/-Q search\n";
eprintf " -coqlib dir : set the coq standard library directory\n";
eprintf " -suffix s : \n";
eprintf " -slash : deprecated, no effect\n";
eprintf " -dyndep (opt|byte|both|no|var) : set how dependencies over ML modules are printed\n";
exit 1
let split_period = Str.split (Str.regexp (Str.quote "."))
let add_q_include path l = add_rec_dir_no_import add_known path (split_period l)
let add_r_include path l = add_rec_dir_import add_known path (split_period l)
let treat_coqproject f =
let open CoqProject_file in
let iter_sourced f = List.iter (fun {thing} -> f thing) in
let warning_fn x = coqdep_warning "%s" x in
let project = read_project_file ~warning_fn f in
iter_sourced (fun { path } -> add_caml_dir path) project.ml_includes;
iter_sourced (fun ({ path }, l) -> add_q_include path l) project.q_includes;
iter_sourced (fun ({ path }, l) -> add_r_include path l) project.r_includes;
iter_sourced (fun f -> treat_file None f) (all_files project)
let rec parse = function
| "-c" :: ll -> option_c := true; parse ll
| "-D" :: ll -> option_D := true; parse ll
| "-w" :: ll -> option_w := true; parse ll
| "-boot" :: ll -> option_boot := true; parse ll
| "-sort" :: ll -> option_sort := true; parse ll
| ("-noglob" | "-no-glob") :: ll -> option_noglob := true; parse ll
| "-f" :: f :: ll -> treat_coqproject f; parse ll
| "-I" :: r :: ll -> add_caml_dir r; parse ll
| "-I" :: [] -> usage ()
| "-R" :: r :: ln :: ll -> add_r_include r ln; parse ll
| "-Q" :: r :: ln :: ll -> add_q_include r ln; parse ll
| "-R" :: ([] | [_]) -> usage ()
| "-dumpgraph" :: f :: ll -> option_dump := Some (false, f); parse ll
| "-dumpgraphbox" :: f :: ll -> option_dump := Some (true, f); parse ll
| "-exclude-dir" :: r :: ll -> System.exclude_directory r; parse ll
| "-exclude-dir" :: [] -> usage ()
| "-coqlib" :: r :: ll -> Envars.set_user_coqlib r; parse ll
| "-coqlib" :: [] -> usage ()
| "-suffix" :: s :: ll -> suffixe := s ; parse ll
| "-suffix" :: [] -> usage ()
| "-slash" :: ll ->
coqdep_warning "warning: option -slash has no effect and is deprecated.";
parse ll
| "-dyndep" :: "no" :: ll -> option_dynlink := No; parse ll
| "-dyndep" :: "opt" :: ll -> option_dynlink := Opt; parse ll
| "-dyndep" :: "byte" :: ll -> option_dynlink := Byte; parse ll
| "-dyndep" :: "both" :: ll -> option_dynlink := Both; parse ll
| "-dyndep" :: "var" :: ll -> option_dynlink := Variable; parse ll
| ("-h"|"--help"|"-help") :: _ -> usage ()
| f :: ll -> treat_file None f; parse ll
| [] -> ()
(* Exception to be raised by Envars *)
exception CoqlibError of string
let coqdep () =
if Array.length Sys.argv < 2 then usage ();
if not Coq_config.has_natdynlink then option_dynlink := No;
parse (List.tl (Array.to_list Sys.argv));
(* Add current dir with empty logical path if not set by options above. *)
(try ignore (Coqdep_common.find_dir_logpath (Sys.getcwd()))
with Not_found -> add_norec_dir_import add_known "." []);
(* NOTE: These directories are searched from last to first *)
if !option_boot then begin
add_rec_dir_import add_known "theories" ["Coq"];
add_rec_dir_import add_known "plugins" ["Coq"];
add_rec_dir_import (fun _ -> add_caml_known) "theories" ["Coq"];
add_rec_dir_import (fun _ -> add_caml_known) "plugins" ["Coq"];
end else begin
(* option_boot is actually always false in this branch *)
Envars.set_coqlib ~fail:(fun msg -> raise (CoqlibError msg));
let coqlib = Envars.coqlib () in
add_rec_dir_import add_coqlib_known (coqlib//"theories") ["Coq"];
add_rec_dir_import add_coqlib_known (coqlib//"plugins") ["Coq"];
let user = coqlib//"user-contrib" in
if Sys.file_exists user then add_rec_dir_no_import add_coqlib_known user [];
List.iter (fun s -> add_rec_dir_no_import add_coqlib_known s [])
(Envars.xdg_dirs ~warn:(fun x -> coqdep_warning "%s" x));
List.iter (fun s -> add_rec_dir_no_import add_coqlib_known s []) Envars.coqpath;
List.iter (fun (f,d) -> add_mli_known f d ".mli") !mliAccu;
List.iter (fun (f,d) -> add_mllib_known f d ".mllib") !mllibAccu;
List.iter (fun (f,suff,d) -> add_ml_known f d suff) !mlAccu;
warning_mult ".mli" iter_mli_known;
warning_mult ".ml" iter_ml_known;
if !option_sort then begin sort (); exit 0 end;
if !option_c && not !option_D then mL_dependencies ();
if not !option_D then coq_dependencies ();
if !option_w || !option_D then declare_dependencies ();
begin match !option_dump with
| None -> ()
| Some (box, file) ->
let chan = open_out file in
let chan_fmt = formatter_of_out_channel chan in
try Graph.coq_dependencies_dump chan_fmt box; close_out chan
with e -> close_out chan; raise e
let _ =
coqdep ()
with CoqlibError msg ->
eprintf "*** Error: %s@\n%!" msg;
exit 1
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.37 Sekunden
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