(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Format
open Unix
open Coqdep_lexer
open Minisys
(** [coqdep_boot] is a stripped-down version of [coqdep], whose
behavior is the one of [coqdep -boot]. Its only dependencies
are [Coqdep_lexer], [Unix] and [Minisys], and it should stay so.
If it need someday some additional information, pass it via
options (see for instance [option_dynlink] below).
let coqdep_warning args =
eprintf "*** Warning: @[";
kfprintf (fun fmt -> fprintf fmt "@]\n%!") err_formatter args
module StrSet = Set.Make(String)
module StrList = struct type t = string list let compare = compare end
module StrListMap = Map.Make(StrList)
type dynlink = Opt | Byte | Both | No | Variable
let option_c = ref false
let option_noglob = ref false
let option_dynlink = ref Both
let option_boot = ref false
let option_mldep = ref None
let norec_dirs = ref StrSet.empty
let suffixe = ref ".vo"
type dir = string option
(** [get_extension f l] checks whether [f] has one of the extensions
listed in [l]. It returns [f] without its extension, alongside with
the extension. When no extension match, [(f,"")] is returned *)
let rec get_extension f = function
| [] -> (f, "")
| s :: _ when Filename.check_suffix f s -> (Filename.chop_suffix f s, s)
| _ :: l -> get_extension f l
(** [basename_noext] removes both the directory part and the extension
(if necessary) of a filename *)
let basename_noext filename =
let fn = Filename.basename filename in
try Filename.chop_extension fn with Invalid_argument _ -> fn
(** ML Files specified on the command line. In the entries:
- the first string is the basename of the file, without extension nor
directory part
- the second string of [mlAccu] is the extension (either .ml or .mlg)
- the [dir] part is the directory, with None used as the current directory
let mlAccu = ref ([] : (string * string * dir) list)
and mliAccu = ref ([] : (string * dir) list)
and mllibAccu = ref ([] : (string * dir) list)
and mlpackAccu = ref ([] : (string * dir) list)
(** Coq files specifies on the command line:
- first string is the full filename, with only its extension removed
- second string is the absolute version of the previous (via getcwd)
let vAccu = ref ([] : (string * string) list)
(** Queue operations *)
let addQueue q v = q := v :: !q
let safe_hash_add cmp clq q (k, (v, b)) =
let (v2, _) = Hashtbl.find q k in
if not (cmp v v2) then
let nv =
try v :: StrListMap.find k !clq
with Not_found -> [v; v2]
clq := StrListMap.add k nv !clq;
(* overwrite previous bindings, as coqc does *)
Hashtbl.add q k (v, b)
with Not_found -> Hashtbl.add q k (v, b)
(** Files found in the loadpaths.
For the ML files, the string is the basename without extension.
let same_path_opt s s' =
let nf s = (* ./foo/a.ml and foo/a.ml are the same file *)
if Filename.is_implicit s
then "." // s
else s
let s = match s with None -> "." | Some s -> nf s in
let s' = match s' with None -> "." | Some s' -> nf s' in
s = s'
let warning_ml_clash x s suff s' suff' =
if suff = suff' && not (same_path_opt s s') then
coqdep_warning "%s%s already found in %s (discarding %s%s)\n" x suff
(match s with None -> "." | Some d -> d)
((match s' with None -> "." | Some d -> d) // x) suff
let mkknown () =
let h = (Hashtbl.create 19 : (string, dir * string) Hashtbl.t) in
let add x s suff =
try let s',suff' = Hashtbl.find h x in warning_ml_clash x s' suff' s suff
with Not_found -> Hashtbl.add h x (s,suff)
and iter f = Hashtbl.iter (fun x (s,_) -> f x s) h
and search x =
try Some (fst (Hashtbl.find h x))
with Not_found -> None
in add, iter, search
let add_ml_known, iter_ml_known, search_ml_known = mkknown ()
let add_mli_known, iter_mli_known, search_mli_known = mkknown ()
let add_mllib_known, _, search_mllib_known = mkknown ()
let add_mlpack_known, _, search_mlpack_known = mkknown ()
let vKnown = (Hashtbl.create 19 : (string list, string * bool) Hashtbl.t)
(* The associated boolean is true if this is a root path. *)
let coqlibKnown = (Hashtbl.create 19 : (string list, unit) Hashtbl.t)
let get_prefix p l =
let rec drop_prefix_rec = function
| (h1::tp, h2::tl) when h1 = h2 -> drop_prefix_rec (tp,tl)
| ([], tl) -> Some tl
| _ -> None
drop_prefix_rec (p, l)
let search_table (type r) is_root table ?from s = match from with
| None -> Hashtbl.find table s
| Some from ->
let module M = struct exception Found of r end in
let iter logpath binding =
if is_root binding then match get_prefix from logpath with
| None -> ()
| Some rem ->
match get_prefix (List.rev s) (List.rev rem) with
| None -> ()
| Some _ -> raise (M.Found binding)
try Hashtbl.iter iter table; raise Not_found
with M.Found s -> s
let search_v_known ?from s =
let is_root (_, root) = root in
let (phys_dir, _) = search_table is_root vKnown ?from s in
Some phys_dir
with Not_found -> None
let is_in_coqlib ?from s =
let is_root _ = true in
try search_table is_root coqlibKnown ?from s; true with Not_found -> false
let clash_v = ref (StrListMap.empty : string list StrListMap.t)
let error_cannot_parse s (i,j) =
Printf.eprintf "File \"%s\", characters %i-%i: Syntax error\n" s i j;
exit 1
let warning_module_notfound f s =
coqdep_warning "in file %s, library %s is required and has not been found in the loadpath!"
f (String.concat "." s)
let warning_declare f s =
coqdep_warning "in file %s, declared ML module %s has not been found!" f s
let warning_clash file dir =
match StrListMap.find dir !clash_v with
(f1::f2::fl) ->
let f = Filename.basename f1 in
let d1 = Filename.dirname f1 in
let d2 = Filename.dirname f2 in
let dl = List.rev_map Filename.dirname fl in
"*** Warning: in file %s, \n required library %s matches several files in path\n (found %s.v in "
file (String.concat "." dir) f;
List.iter (fun s -> eprintf "%s, " s) dl;
eprintf "%s and %s; used the latter)\n" d2 d1
| _ -> assert false
let warning_cannot_open_dir dir =
coqdep_warning "cannot open %s" dir
let safe_assoc from verbose file k =
if verbose && StrListMap.mem k !clash_v then warning_clash file k;
match search_v_known ?from k with
| None -> raise Not_found
| Some path -> path
let absolute_dir dir =
let current = Sys.getcwd () in
Sys.chdir dir;
let dir' = Sys.getcwd () in
Sys.chdir current;
let absolute_file_name basename odir =
let dir = match odir with Some dir -> dir | None -> "." in
absolute_dir dir // basename
(** [find_dir_logpath dir] Return the logical path of directory [dir]
if it has been given one. Raise [Not_found] otherwise. In
particular we can check if "." has been attributed a logical path
after processing all options and silently give the default one if
it hasn't. We may also use this to warn if ap hysical path is met
let register_dir_logpath,find_dir_logpath =
let tbl: (string, string list) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 19 in
let reg physdir logpath = Hashtbl.add tbl (absolute_dir physdir) logpath in
let fnd physdir = Hashtbl.find tbl (absolute_dir physdir) in
let file_name s = function
| None -> s
| Some d -> d // s
let depend_ML str =
match search_mli_known str, search_ml_known str with
| Some mlidir, Some mldir ->
let mlifile = file_name str mlidir
and mlfile = file_name str mldir in
(" "^mlifile^".cmi"," "^mlfile^".cmx")
| None, Some mldir ->
let mlfile = file_name str mldir in
(" "^mlfile^".cmo"," "^mlfile^".cmx")
| Some mlidir, None ->
let mlifile = file_name str mlidir in
(" "^mlifile^".cmi"," "^mlifile^".cmi")
| None, None -> "", ""
let soustraite_fichier_ML dep md ext =
let chan = open_process_in (dep^" -modules "^md^ext) in
let list = ocamldep_parse (Lexing.from_channel chan) in
let a_faire = ref "" in
let a_faire_opt = ref "" in
(fun str ->
let byte,opt = depend_ML str in
a_faire := !a_faire ^ byte;
a_faire_opt := !a_faire_opt ^ opt)
(List.rev list);
(!a_faire, !a_faire_opt)
| Sys_error _ -> ("","")
| _ ->
Printf.eprintf "Coqdep: subprocess %s failed on file %s%s\n" dep md ext;
exit 1
let autotraite_fichier_ML md ext =
let chan = open_in (md ^ ext) in
let buf = Lexing.from_channel chan in
let deja_vu = ref (StrSet.singleton md) in
let a_faire = ref "" in
let a_faire_opt = ref "" in
begin try
while true do
let (Use_module str) = caml_action buf in
if StrSet.mem str !deja_vu then
else begin
deja_vu := StrSet.add str !deja_vu;
let byte,opt = depend_ML str in
a_faire := !a_faire ^ byte;
a_faire_opt := !a_faire_opt ^ opt
with Fin_fichier -> ()
close_in chan;
(!a_faire, !a_faire_opt)
with Sys_error _ -> ("","")
let traite_fichier_ML md ext =
match !option_mldep with
| Some dep -> soustraite_fichier_ML dep md ext
| None -> autotraite_fichier_ML md ext
let traite_fichier_modules md ext =
let chan = open_in (md ^ ext) in
let list = mllib_list (Lexing.from_channel chan) in
(fun a_faire str -> match search_mlpack_known str with
| Some mldir ->
let file = file_name str mldir in
a_faire @ [file]
| None ->
match search_ml_known str with
| Some mldir ->
let file = file_name str mldir in
a_faire @ [file]
| None -> a_faire) [] list
| Sys_error _ -> []
| Syntax_error (i,j) -> error_cannot_parse (md^ext) (i,j)
(* Makefile's escaping rules are awful: $ is escaped by doubling and
other special characters are escaped by backslash prefixing while
backslashes themselves must be escaped only if part of a sequence
followed by a special character (i.e. in case of ambiguity with a
use of it as escaping character). Moreover (even if not crucial)
it is apparently not possible to directly escape ';' and leading '\t'. *)
let escape =
let s' = Buffer.create 10 in
fun s ->
Buffer.clear s';
for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
let c = s.[i] in
if c = ' ' || c = '#' || c = ':' (* separators and comments *)
|| c = '%' (* pattern *)
|| c = '?' || c = '[' || c = ']' || c = '*' (* expansion in filenames *)
|| i=0 && c = '~' && (String.length s = 1 || s.[1] = '/' ||
'A' <= s.[1] && s.[1] <= 'Z' ||
'a' <= s.[1] && s.[1] <= 'z') (* homedir expansion *)
then begin
let j = ref (i-1) in
while !j >= 0 && s.[!j] = '\\' do
Buffer.add_char s' '\\'; decr j (* escape all preceding '\' *)
Buffer.add_char s' '\\';
if c = '$' then Buffer.add_char s' '$';
Buffer.add_char s' c
Buffer.contents s'
let compare_file f1 f2 =
absolute_file_name (Filename.basename f1) (Some (Filename.dirname f1))
= absolute_file_name (Filename.basename f2) (Some (Filename.dirname f2))
let canonize f =
let f' = absolute_dir (Filename.dirname f) // Filename.basename f in
match List.filter (fun (_,full) -> f' = full) !vAccu with
| (f,_) :: _ -> escape f
| _ -> escape f
module VData = struct
type t = string list option * string list
let compare = Pervasives.compare
module VCache = Set.Make(VData)
let rec traite_fichier_Coq suffixe verbose f =
let chan = open_in f in
let buf = Lexing.from_channel chan in
let deja_vu_v = ref VCache.empty in
let deja_vu_ml = ref StrSet.empty in
while true do
let tok = coq_action buf in
match tok with
| Require (from, strl) ->
List.iter (fun str ->
if not (VCache.mem (from, str) !deja_vu_v) then begin
deja_vu_v := VCache.add (from, str) !deja_vu_v;
let file_str = safe_assoc from verbose f str in
printf " %s%s" (canonize file_str) suffixe
with Not_found ->
if verbose && not (is_in_coqlib ?from str) then
let str =
match from with
| None -> str
| Some pth -> pth @ str
warning_module_notfound f str
end) strl
| Declare sl ->
let declare suff dir s =
let base = escape (file_name s dir) in
match !option_dynlink with
| No -> ()
| Byte -> printf " %s%s" base suff
| Opt -> printf " %s.cmxs" base
| Both -> printf " %s%s %s.cmxs" base suff base
| Variable ->
printf " %s%s" base
(if suff=".cmo" then "$(DYNOBJ)" else "$(DYNLIB)")
let decl str =
let s = basename_noext str in
if not (StrSet.mem s !deja_vu_ml) then begin
deja_vu_ml := StrSet.add s !deja_vu_ml;
match search_mllib_known s with
| Some mldir -> declare ".cma" mldir s
| None ->
match search_mlpack_known s with
| Some mldir -> declare ".cmo" mldir s
| None ->
match search_ml_known s with
| Some mldir -> declare ".cmo" mldir s
| None -> warning_declare f str
in List.iter decl sl
| Load str ->
let str = Filename.basename str in
if not (VCache.mem (None, [str]) !deja_vu_v) then begin
deja_vu_v := VCache.add (None, [str]) !deja_vu_v;
let (file_str, _) = Hashtbl.find vKnown [str] in
let canon = canonize file_str in
printf " %s.v" canon;
traite_fichier_Coq suffixe true (canon ^ ".v")
with Not_found -> ()
| AddLoadPath _ | AddRecLoadPath _ -> (* TODO *) ()
with Fin_fichier -> close_in chan
| Syntax_error (i,j) -> close_in chan; error_cannot_parse f (i,j)
with Sys_error _ -> ()
let mL_dependencies () =
(fun (name,ext,dirname) ->
let fullname = file_name name dirname in
let (dep,dep_opt) = traite_fichier_ML fullname ext in
let intf = match search_mli_known name with
| None -> ""
| Some mldir -> " "^(file_name name mldir)^".cmi"
let efullname = escape fullname in
printf "%s.cmo:%s%s\n" efullname dep intf;
printf "%s.cmx:%s%s\n%!" efullname dep_opt intf)
(List.rev !mlAccu);
(fun (name,dirname) ->
let fullname = file_name name dirname in
let (dep,_) = traite_fichier_ML fullname ".mli" in
printf "%s.cmi:%s\n%!" (escape fullname) dep)
(List.rev !mliAccu);
(fun (name,dirname) ->
let fullname = file_name name dirname in
let dep = traite_fichier_modules fullname ".mllib" in
let efullname = escape fullname in
printf "%s_MLLIB_DEPENDENCIES:=%s\n" efullname (String.concat " " dep);
printf "%s.cma:$(addsuffix .cmo,$(%s_MLLIB_DEPENDENCIES))\n" efullname efullname;
printf "%s.cmxa:$(addsuffix .cmx,$(%s_MLLIB_DEPENDENCIES))\n%!" efullname efullname)
(List.rev !mllibAccu);
(fun (name,dirname) ->
let fullname = file_name name dirname in
let dep = traite_fichier_modules fullname ".mlpack" in
let efullname = escape fullname in
printf "%s_MLPACK_DEPENDENCIES:=%s\n" efullname (String.concat " " dep);
printf "%s.cmo:$(addsuffix .cmo,$(%s_MLPACK_DEPENDENCIES))\n" efullname efullname;
printf "%s.cmx:$(addsuffix .cmx,$(%s_MLPACK_DEPENDENCIES))\n" efullname efullname;
let efullname_capital = String.capitalize_ascii (Filename.basename efullname) in
List.iter (fun dep ->
printf "%s.cmx : FOR_PACK=-for-pack %s\n" dep efullname_capital)
printf "%!")
(List.rev !mlpackAccu)
let coq_dependencies () =
(fun (name,_) ->
let ename = escape name in
let glob = if !option_noglob then "" else " "^ename^".glob" in
printf "%s%s%s %s.v.beautified: %s.v" ename !suffixe glob ename ename;
traite_fichier_Coq !suffixe true (name ^ ".v");
printf "\n";
printf "%s.vio: %s.v" ename ename;
traite_fichier_Coq ".vio" true (name ^ ".v");
printf "\n%!")
(List.rev !vAccu)
let rec suffixes = function
| [] -> assert false
| [name] -> [[name]]
| dir::suffix as l -> l::suffixes suffix
let add_caml_known phys_dir _ f =
let basename,suff =
get_extension f [".ml";".mli";".mlg";".mllib";".mlpack"] in
match suff with
| ".ml"|".mlg" -> add_ml_known basename (Some phys_dir) suff
| ".mli" -> add_mli_known basename (Some phys_dir) suff
| ".mllib" -> add_mllib_known basename (Some phys_dir) suff
| ".mlpack" -> add_mlpack_known basename (Some phys_dir) suff
| _ -> ()
let add_coqlib_known recur phys_dir log_dir f =
match get_extension f [".vo"; ".vio"] with
| (basename, (".vo" | ".vio")) ->
let name = log_dir@[basename] in
let paths = if recur then suffixes name else [name] in
List.iter (fun f -> Hashtbl.add coqlibKnown f ()) paths
| _ -> ()
let add_known recur phys_dir log_dir f =
match get_extension f [".v"; ".vo"; ".vio"] with
| (basename,".v") ->
let name = log_dir@[basename] in
let file = phys_dir//basename in
let () = safe_hash_add compare_file clash_v vKnown (name, (file, true)) in
if recur then
let paths = List.tl (suffixes name) in
let iter n = safe_hash_add compare_file clash_v vKnown (n, (file, false)) in
List.iter iter paths
| (basename, (".vo" | ".vio")) when not(!option_boot) ->
let name = log_dir@[basename] in
let paths = if recur then suffixes name else [name] in
List.iter (fun f -> Hashtbl.add coqlibKnown f ()) paths
| _ -> ()
(* Visits all the directories under [dir], including [dir] *)
let is_not_seen_directory phys_f =
not (StrSet.mem phys_f !norec_dirs)
let rec add_directory recur add_file phys_dir log_dir =
register_dir_logpath phys_dir log_dir;
let f = function
| FileDir (phys_f,f) ->
if is_not_seen_directory phys_f && recur then
add_directory true add_file phys_f (log_dir @ [f])
| FileRegular f ->
add_file phys_dir log_dir f
if exists_dir phys_dir then
process_directory f phys_dir
warning_cannot_open_dir phys_dir
(** Simply add this directory and imports it, no subdirs. This is used
by the implicit adding of the current path (which is not recursive). *)
let add_norec_dir_import add_file phys_dir log_dir =
try add_directory false (add_file true) phys_dir log_dir with Unix_error _ -> ()
(** -Q semantic: go in subdirs but only full logical paths are known. *)
let add_rec_dir_no_import add_file phys_dir log_dir =
try add_directory true (add_file false) phys_dir log_dir with Unix_error _ -> ()
(** -R semantic: go in subdirs and suffixes of logical paths are known. *)
let add_rec_dir_import add_file phys_dir log_dir =
add_directory true (add_file true) phys_dir log_dir
(** -I semantic: do not go in subdirs. *)
let add_caml_dir phys_dir =
add_directory false add_caml_known phys_dir []
let rec treat_file old_dirname old_name =
let name = Filename.basename old_name
and new_dirname = Filename.dirname old_name in
let dirname =
match (old_dirname,new_dirname) with
| (d, ".") -> d
| (None,d) -> Some d
| (Some d1,d2) -> Some (d1//d2)
let complete_name = file_name name dirname in
match try (stat complete_name).st_kind with _ -> S_BLK with
| S_DIR ->
(if name.[0] <> '.' then
let newdirname =
match dirname with
| None -> name
| Some d -> d//name
Array.iter (treat_file (Some newdirname)) (Sys.readdir complete_name))
| S_REG ->
(match get_extension name [".v";".ml";".mli";".mlg";".mllib";".mlpack"] with
| (base,".v") ->
let name = file_name base dirname
and absname = absolute_file_name base dirname in
addQueue vAccu (name, absname)
| (base,(".ml"|".mlg" as ext)) -> addQueue mlAccu (base,ext,dirname)
| (base,".mli") -> addQueue mliAccu (base,dirname)
| (base,".mllib") -> addQueue mllibAccu (base,dirname)
| (base,".mlpack") -> addQueue mlpackAccu (base,dirname)
| _ -> ())
| _ -> ()
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.41 Sekunden
Fehler beim Verzeichnis:
in der Quellcodebibliothek suchen
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.