(* Title: HOL/Library/Countable.thy
Author: Alexander Krauss, TU Muenchen
Author: Brian Huffman, Portland State University
Author: Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
section \<open>Encoding (almost) everything into natural numbers\<close>
theory Countable
imports Old_Datatype HOL.Rat Nat_Bijection
subsection \<open>The class of countable types\<close>
class countable =
assumes ex_inj: "\to_nat :: 'a \ nat. inj to_nat"
lemma countable_classI:
fixes f :: "'a \ nat"
assumes "\x y. f x = f y \ x = y"
shows "OFCLASS('a, countable_class)"
proof (intro_classes, rule exI)
show "inj f"
by (rule injI [OF assms]) assumption
subsection \<open>Conversion functions\<close>
definition to_nat :: "'a::countable \ nat" where
"to_nat = (SOME f. inj f)"
definition from_nat :: "nat \ 'a::countable" where
"from_nat = inv (to_nat :: 'a \ nat)"
lemma inj_to_nat [simp]: "inj to_nat"
by (rule exE_some [OF ex_inj]) (simp add: to_nat_def)
lemma inj_on_to_nat[simp, intro]: "inj_on to_nat S"
using inj_to_nat by (auto simp: inj_on_def)
lemma surj_from_nat [simp]: "surj from_nat"
unfolding from_nat_def by (simp add: inj_imp_surj_inv)
lemma to_nat_split [simp]: "to_nat x = to_nat y \ x = y"
using injD [OF inj_to_nat] by auto
lemma from_nat_to_nat [simp]:
"from_nat (to_nat x) = x"
by (simp add: from_nat_def)
subsection \<open>Finite types are countable\<close>
subclass (in finite) countable
have "finite (UNIV::'a set)" by (rule finite_UNIV)
with finite_conv_nat_seg_image [of "UNIV::'a set"]
obtain n and f :: "nat \ 'a"
where "UNIV = f ` {i. i < n}" by auto
then have "surj f" unfolding surj_def by auto
then have "inj (inv f)" by (rule surj_imp_inj_inv)
then show "\to_nat :: 'a \ nat. inj to_nat" by (rule exI[of inj])
subsection \<open>Automatically proving countability of old-style datatypes\<close>
qualified inductive finite_item :: "'a Old_Datatype.item \ bool" where
undefined: "finite_item undefined"
| In0: "finite_item x \ finite_item (Old_Datatype.In0 x)"
| In1: "finite_item x \ finite_item (Old_Datatype.In1 x)"
| Leaf: "finite_item (Old_Datatype.Leaf a)"
| Scons: "\finite_item x; finite_item y\ \ finite_item (Old_Datatype.Scons x y)"
qualified function nth_item :: "nat \ ('a::countable) Old_Datatype.item"
"nth_item 0 = undefined"
| "nth_item (Suc n) =
(case sum_decode n of
Inl i \<Rightarrow>
(case sum_decode i of
Inl j \<Rightarrow> Old_Datatype.In0 (nth_item j)
| Inr j \<Rightarrow> Old_Datatype.In1 (nth_item j))
| Inr i \<Rightarrow>
(case sum_decode i of
Inl j \<Rightarrow> Old_Datatype.Leaf (from_nat j)
| Inr j \<Rightarrow>
(case prod_decode j of
(a, b) \<Rightarrow> Old_Datatype.Scons (nth_item a) (nth_item b))))"
by pat_completeness auto
lemma le_sum_encode_Inl: "x \ y \ x \ sum_encode (Inl y)"
unfolding sum_encode_def by simp
lemma le_sum_encode_Inr: "x \ y \ x \ sum_encode (Inr y)"
unfolding sum_encode_def by simp
qualified termination
by (relation "measure id")
(auto simp flip: sum_encode_eq prod_encode_eq
simp: le_imp_less_Suc le_sum_encode_Inl le_sum_encode_Inr
le_prod_encode_1 le_prod_encode_2)
lemma nth_item_covers: "finite_item x \ \n. nth_item n = x"
proof (induct set: finite_item)
case undefined
have "nth_item 0 = undefined" by simp
thus ?case ..
case (In0 x)
then obtain n where "nth_item n = x" by fast
hence "nth_item (Suc (sum_encode (Inl (sum_encode (Inl n))))) = Old_Datatype.In0 x" by simp
thus ?case ..
case (In1 x)
then obtain n where "nth_item n = x" by fast
hence "nth_item (Suc (sum_encode (Inl (sum_encode (Inr n))))) = Old_Datatype.In1 x" by simp
thus ?case ..
case (Leaf a)
have "nth_item (Suc (sum_encode (Inr (sum_encode (Inl (to_nat a)))))) = Old_Datatype.Leaf a"
by simp
thus ?case ..
case (Scons x y)
then obtain i j where "nth_item i = x" and "nth_item j = y" by fast
hence "nth_item
(Suc (sum_encode (Inr (sum_encode (Inr (prod_encode (i, j))))))) = Old_Datatype.Scons x y"
by simp
thus ?case ..
theorem countable_datatype:
fixes Rep :: "'b \ ('a::countable) Old_Datatype.item"
fixes Abs :: "('a::countable) Old_Datatype.item \ 'b"
fixes rep_set :: "('a::countable) Old_Datatype.item \ bool"
assumes type: "type_definition Rep Abs (Collect rep_set)"
assumes finite_item: "\x. rep_set x \ finite_item x"
shows "OFCLASS('b, countable_class)"
define f where "f y = (LEAST n. nth_item n = Rep y)" for y
fix y :: 'b
have "rep_set (Rep y)"
using type_definition.Rep [OF type] by simp
hence "finite_item (Rep y)"
by (rule finite_item)
hence "\n. nth_item n = Rep y"
by (rule nth_item_covers)
hence "nth_item (f y) = Rep y"
unfolding f_def by (rule LeastI_ex)
hence "Abs (nth_item (f y)) = y"
using type_definition.Rep_inverse [OF type] by simp
hence "inj f"
by (rule inj_on_inverseI)
thus "\f::'b \ nat. inj f"
by - (rule exI)
ML \<open>
fun old_countable_datatype_tac ctxt =
SUBGOAL (fn (goal, _) =>
val ty_name =
(case goal of
(_ $ Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Pure.type\<close>, Type (\<^type_name>\<open>itself\<close>, [Type (n, _)]))) => n
| _ => raise Match)
val typedef_info = hd (Typedef.get_info ctxt ty_name)
val typedef_thm = #type_definition (snd typedef_info)
val pred_name =
(case HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (Thm.concl_of typedef_thm) of
(_ $ _ $ _ $ (_ $ Const (n, _))) => n
| _ => raise Match)
val induct_info = Inductive.the_inductive_global ctxt pred_name
val pred_names = #names (fst induct_info)
val induct_thms = #inducts (snd induct_info)
val alist = pred_names ~~ induct_thms
val induct_thm = the (AList.lookup (op =) alist pred_name)
val vars = rev (Term.add_vars (Thm.prop_of induct_thm) [])
val insts = vars |> map (fn (_, T) => try (Thm.cterm_of ctxt)
(Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Countable.finite_item\<close>, T)))
val induct_thm' = Thm.instantiate' [] insts induct_thm
val rules = @{thms finite_item.intros}
SOLVED' (fn i => EVERY
[resolve_tac ctxt @{thms countable_datatype} i,
resolve_tac ctxt [typedef_thm] i,
eresolve_tac ctxt [induct_thm'] i,
REPEAT (resolve_tac ctxt rules i ORELSE assume_tac ctxt i)]) 1
subsection \<open>Automatically proving countability of datatypes\<close>
ML_file \<open>../Tools/BNF/bnf_lfp_countable.ML\<close>
ML \<open>
fun countable_datatype_tac ctxt st =
(case try (fn () => HEADGOAL (old_countable_datatype_tac ctxt) st) () of
SOME res => res
| NONE => BNF_LFP_Countable.countable_datatype_tac ctxt st);
(* compatibility *)
fun countable_tac ctxt =
SELECT_GOAL (countable_datatype_tac ctxt);
method_setup countable_datatype = \<open>
Scan.succeed (SIMPLE_METHOD o countable_datatype_tac)
\<close> "prove countable class instances for datatypes"
subsection \<open>More Countable types\<close>
text \<open>Naturals\<close>
instance nat :: countable
by (rule countable_classI [of "id"]) simp
text \<open>Pairs\<close>
instance prod :: (countable, countable) countable
by (rule countable_classI [of "\(x, y). prod_encode (to_nat x, to_nat y)"])
(auto simp add: prod_encode_eq)
text \<open>Sums\<close>
instance sum :: (countable, countable) countable
by (rule countable_classI [of "(\x. case x of Inl a \ to_nat (False, to_nat a)
| Inr b \<Rightarrow> to_nat (True, to_nat b))"])
(simp split: sum.split_asm)
text \<open>Integers\<close>
instance int :: countable
by (rule countable_classI [of int_encode]) (simp add: int_encode_eq)
text \<open>Options\<close>
instance option :: (countable) countable
by countable_datatype
text \<open>Lists\<close>
instance list :: (countable) countable
by countable_datatype
text \<open>String literals\<close>
instance String.literal :: countable
by (rule countable_classI [of "to_nat \ String.explode"]) (simp add: String.explode_inject)
text \<open>Functions\<close>
instance "fun" :: (finite, countable) countable
obtain xs :: "'a list" where xs: "set xs = UNIV"
using finite_list [OF finite_UNIV] ..
show "\to_nat::('a \ 'b) \ nat. inj to_nat"
show "inj (\f. to_nat (map f xs))"
by (rule injI, simp add: xs fun_eq_iff)
text \<open>Typereps\<close>
instance typerep :: countable
by countable_datatype
subsection \<open>The rationals are countably infinite\<close>
definition nat_to_rat_surj :: "nat \ rat" where
"nat_to_rat_surj n = (let (a, b) = prod_decode n in Fract (int_decode a) (int_decode b))"
lemma surj_nat_to_rat_surj: "surj nat_to_rat_surj"
unfolding surj_def
fix r::rat
show "\n. r = nat_to_rat_surj n"
proof (cases r)
fix i j assume [simp]: "r = Fract i j" and "j > 0"
have "r = (let m = int_encode i; n = int_encode j in nat_to_rat_surj (prod_encode (m, n)))"
by (simp add: Let_def nat_to_rat_surj_def)
thus "\n. r = nat_to_rat_surj n" by(auto simp: Let_def)
lemma Rats_eq_range_nat_to_rat_surj: "\ = range nat_to_rat_surj"
by (simp add: Rats_def surj_nat_to_rat_surj)
context field_char_0
lemma Rats_eq_range_of_rat_o_nat_to_rat_surj:
"\ = range (of_rat \ nat_to_rat_surj)"
using surj_nat_to_rat_surj
by (auto simp: Rats_def image_def surj_def) (blast intro: arg_cong[where f = of_rat])
lemma surj_of_rat_nat_to_rat_surj:
"r \ \ \ \n. r = of_rat (nat_to_rat_surj n)"
by (simp add: Rats_eq_range_of_rat_o_nat_to_rat_surj image_def)
instance rat :: countable
show "\to_nat::rat \ nat. inj to_nat"
have "surj nat_to_rat_surj"
by (rule surj_nat_to_rat_surj)
then show "inj (inv nat_to_rat_surj)"
by (rule surj_imp_inj_inv)
theorem rat_denum: "\f :: nat \ rat. surj f"
using surj_nat_to_rat_surj by metis
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