section \<open>Equipollence and Other Relations Connected with Cardinality\<close>
theory "Equipollence"
imports FuncSet
definition eqpoll :: "'a set \ 'b set \ bool" (infixl "\" 50)
where "eqpoll A B \ \f. bij_betw f A B"
definition lepoll :: "'a set \ 'b set \ bool" (infixl "\" 50)
where "lepoll A B \ \f. inj_on f A \ f ` A \ B"
definition lesspoll :: "'a set \ 'b set \ bool" (infixl \\\ 50)
where "A \ B == A \ B \ ~(A \ B)"
lemma lepoll_empty_iff_empty [simp]: "A \ {} \ A = {}"
by (auto simp: lepoll_def)
lemma eqpoll_iff_card_of_ordIso: "A \ B \ ordIso2 (card_of A) (card_of B)"
by (simp add: card_of_ordIso eqpoll_def)
lemma eqpoll_refl [iff]: "A \ A"
by (simp add: card_of_refl eqpoll_iff_card_of_ordIso)
lemma eqpoll_finite_iff: "A \ B \ finite A \ finite B"
by (meson bij_betw_finite eqpoll_def)
lemma eqpoll_iff_card:
assumes "finite A" "finite B"
shows "A \ B \ card A = card B"
using assms by (auto simp: bij_betw_iff_card eqpoll_def)
lemma lepoll_antisym:
assumes "A \ B" "B \ A" shows "A \ B"
using assms unfolding eqpoll_def lepoll_def by (metis Schroeder_Bernstein)
lemma lepoll_trans [trans]: "\A \ B; B \ C\ \ A \ C"
apply (clarsimp simp: lepoll_def)
apply (rename_tac f g)
apply (rule_tac x="g \ f" in exI)
apply (auto simp: image_subset_iff inj_on_def)
lemma lepoll_trans1 [trans]: "\A \ B; B \ C\ \ A \ C"
by (meson card_of_ordLeq eqpoll_iff_card_of_ordIso lepoll_def lepoll_trans ordIso_iff_ordLeq)
lemma lepoll_trans2 [trans]: "\A \ B; B \ C\ \ A \ C"
apply (clarsimp simp: eqpoll_def lepoll_def bij_betw_def)
apply (rename_tac f g)
apply (rule_tac x="g \ f" in exI)
apply (auto simp: image_subset_iff inj_on_def)
lemma eqpoll_sym: "A \ B \ B \ A"
unfolding eqpoll_def
using bij_betw_the_inv_into by auto
lemma eqpoll_trans [trans]: "\A \ B; B \ C\ \ A \ C"
unfolding eqpoll_def using bij_betw_trans by blast
lemma eqpoll_imp_lepoll: "A \ B \ A \ B"
unfolding eqpoll_def lepoll_def by (metis bij_betw_def order_refl)
lemma subset_imp_lepoll: "A \ B \ A \ B"
by (force simp: lepoll_def)
lemma lepoll_refl [iff]: "A \ A"
by (simp add: subset_imp_lepoll)
lemma lepoll_iff: "A \ B \ (\g. A \ g ` B)"
unfolding lepoll_def
proof safe
fix g assume "A \ g ` B"
then show "\f. inj_on f A \ f ` A \ B"
by (rule_tac x="inv_into B g" in exI) (auto simp: inv_into_into inj_on_inv_into)
qed (metis image_mono the_inv_into_onto)
lemma empty_lepoll [iff]: "{} \ A"
by (simp add: lepoll_iff)
lemma subset_image_lepoll: "B \ f ` A \ B \ A"
by (auto simp: lepoll_iff)
lemma image_lepoll: "f ` A \ A"
by (auto simp: lepoll_iff)
lemma infinite_le_lepoll: "infinite A \ (UNIV::nat set) \ A"
apply (auto simp: lepoll_def)
apply (simp add: infinite_countable_subset)
using infinite_iff_countable_subset by blast
lemma lepoll_Pow_self: "A \ Pow A"
unfolding lepoll_def inj_def
proof (intro exI conjI)
show "inj_on (\x. {x}) A"
by (auto simp: inj_on_def)
qed auto
lemma eqpoll_iff_bijections:
"A \ B \ (\f g. (\x \ A. f x \ B \ g(f x) = x) \ (\y \ B. g y \ A \ f(g y) = y))"
by (auto simp: eqpoll_def bij_betw_iff_bijections)
lemma lepoll_restricted_funspace:
"{f. f ` A \ B \ {x. f x \ k x} \ A \ finite {x. f x \ k x}} \ Fpow (A \ B)"
proof -
have *: "\U \ Fpow (A \ B). f = (\x. if \y. (x, y) \ U then SOME y. (x,y) \ U else k x)"
if "f ` A \ B" "{x. f x \ k x} \ A" "finite {x. f x \ k x}" for f
apply (rule_tac x="(\x. (x, f x)) ` {x. f x \ k x}" in bexI)
using that by (auto simp: image_def Fpow_def)
show ?thesis
apply (rule subset_image_lepoll [where f = "\U x. if \y. (x,y) \ U then @y. (x,y) \ U else k x"])
using * by (auto simp: image_def)
lemma singleton_lepoll: "{x} \ insert y A"
by (force simp: lepoll_def)
lemma singleton_eqpoll: "{x} \ {y}"
by (blast intro: lepoll_antisym singleton_lepoll)
lemma subset_singleton_iff_lepoll: "(\x. S \ {x}) \ S \ {()}"
proof safe
show "S \ {()}" if "S \ {x}" for x
using subset_imp_lepoll [OF that] by (simp add: singleton_eqpoll lepoll_trans2)
show "\x. S \ {x}" if "S \ {()}"
by (metis (no_types, hide_lams) image_empty image_insert lepoll_iff that)
lemma infinite_insert_lepoll:
assumes "infinite A" shows "insert a A \ A"
proof -
obtain f :: "nat \ 'a" where "inj f" and f: "range f \ A"
using assms infinite_countable_subset by blast
let ?g = "(\z. if z=a then f 0 else if z \ range f then f (Suc (inv f z)) else z)"
show ?thesis
unfolding lepoll_def
proof (intro exI conjI)
show "inj_on ?g (insert a A)"
using inj_on_eq_iff [OF \<open>inj f\<close>]
by (auto simp: inj_on_def)
show "?g ` insert a A \ A"
using f by auto
lemma infinite_insert_eqpoll: "infinite A \ insert a A \ A"
by (simp add: lepoll_antisym infinite_insert_lepoll subset_imp_lepoll subset_insertI)
lemma finite_lepoll_infinite:
assumes "infinite A" "finite B" shows "B \ A"
proof -
have "B \ (UNIV::nat set)"
unfolding lepoll_def
using finite_imp_inj_to_nat_seg [OF \<open>finite B\<close>] by blast
then show ?thesis
using \<open>infinite A\<close> infinite_le_lepoll lepoll_trans by auto
subsection\<open>The strict relation\<close>
lemma lesspoll_not_refl [iff]: "~ (i \ i)"
by (simp add: lepoll_antisym lesspoll_def)
lemma lesspoll_imp_lepoll: "A \ B ==> A \ B"
by (unfold lesspoll_def, blast)
lemma lepoll_iff_leqpoll: "A \ B \ A \ B | A \ B"
using eqpoll_imp_lepoll lesspoll_def by blast
lemma lesspoll_trans [trans]: "\X \ Y; Y \ Z\ \ X \ Z"
by (meson eqpoll_sym lepoll_antisym lepoll_trans lepoll_trans1 lesspoll_def)
lemma lesspoll_trans1 [trans]: "\X \ Y; Y \ Z\ \ X \ Z"
by (meson eqpoll_sym lepoll_antisym lepoll_trans lepoll_trans1 lesspoll_def)
lemma lesspoll_trans2 [trans]: "\X \ Y; Y \ Z\ \ X \ Z"
by (meson eqpoll_imp_lepoll eqpoll_sym lepoll_antisym lepoll_trans lesspoll_def)
lemma eq_lesspoll_trans [trans]: "\X \ Y; Y \ Z\ \ X \ Z"
using eqpoll_imp_lepoll lesspoll_trans1 by blast
lemma lesspoll_eq_trans [trans]: "\X \ Y; Y \ Z\ \ X \ Z"
using eqpoll_imp_lepoll lesspoll_trans2 by blast
lemma lesspoll_Pow_self: "A \ Pow A"
unfolding lesspoll_def bij_betw_def eqpoll_def
by (meson lepoll_Pow_self Cantors_paradox)
lemma finite_lesspoll_infinite:
assumes "infinite A" "finite B" shows "B \ A"
by (meson assms eqpoll_finite_iff finite_lepoll_infinite lesspoll_def)
subsection\<open>Mapping by an injection\<close>
lemma inj_on_image_eqpoll_self: "inj_on f A \ f ` A \ A"
by (meson bij_betw_def eqpoll_def eqpoll_sym)
lemma inj_on_image_lepoll_1 [simp]:
assumes "inj_on f A" shows "f ` A \ B \ A \ B"
by (meson assms image_lepoll lepoll_def lepoll_trans order_refl)
lemma inj_on_image_lepoll_2 [simp]:
assumes "inj_on f B" shows "A \ f ` B \ A \ B"
by (meson assms eq_iff image_lepoll lepoll_def lepoll_trans)
lemma inj_on_image_lesspoll_1 [simp]:
assumes "inj_on f A" shows "f ` A \ B \ A \ B"
by (meson assms image_lepoll le_less lepoll_def lesspoll_trans1)
lemma inj_on_image_lesspoll_2 [simp]:
assumes "inj_on f B" shows "A \ f ` B \ A \ B"
by (meson assms eqpoll_sym inj_on_image_eqpoll_self lesspoll_eq_trans)
lemma inj_on_image_eqpoll_1 [simp]:
assumes "inj_on f A" shows "f ` A \ B \ A \ B"
by (metis assms eqpoll_trans inj_on_image_eqpoll_self eqpoll_sym)
lemma inj_on_image_eqpoll_2 [simp]:
assumes "inj_on f B" shows "A \ f ` B \ A \ B"
by (metis assms inj_on_image_eqpoll_1 eqpoll_sym)
subsection \<open>Inserting elements into sets\<close>
lemma insert_lepoll_insertD:
assumes "insert u A \ insert v B" "u \ A" "v \ B" shows "A \ B"
proof -
obtain f where inj: "inj_on f (insert u A)" and fim: "f ` (insert u A) \ insert v B"
by (meson assms lepoll_def)
show ?thesis
unfolding lepoll_def
proof (intro exI conjI)
let ?g = "\x\A. if f x = v then f u else f x"
show "inj_on ?g A"
using inj \<open>u \<notin> A\<close> by (auto simp: inj_on_def)
show "?g ` A \ B"
using fim \<open>u \<notin> A\<close> image_subset_iff inj inj_on_image_mem_iff by fastforce
lemma insert_eqpoll_insertD: "\insert u A \ insert v B; u \ A; v \ B\ \ A \ B"
by (meson insert_lepoll_insertD eqpoll_imp_lepoll eqpoll_sym lepoll_antisym)
lemma insert_lepoll_cong:
assumes "A \ B" "b \ B" shows "insert a A \ insert b B"
proof -
obtain f where f: "inj_on f A" "f ` A \ B"
by (meson assms lepoll_def)
let ?f = "\u \ insert a A. if u=a then b else f u"
show ?thesis
unfolding lepoll_def
proof (intro exI conjI)
show "inj_on ?f (insert a A)"
using f \<open>b \<notin> B\<close> by (auto simp: inj_on_def)
show "?f ` insert a A \ insert b B"
using f \<open>b \<notin> B\<close> by auto
lemma insert_eqpoll_cong:
"\A \ B; a \ A; b \ B\ \ insert a A \ insert b B"
apply (rule lepoll_antisym)
apply (simp add: eqpoll_imp_lepoll insert_lepoll_cong)+
by (meson eqpoll_imp_lepoll eqpoll_sym insert_lepoll_cong)
lemma insert_eqpoll_insert_iff:
"\a \ A; b \ B\ \ insert a A \ insert b B \ A \ B"
by (meson insert_eqpoll_insertD insert_eqpoll_cong)
lemma insert_lepoll_insert_iff:
" \a \ A; b \ B\ \ (insert a A \ insert b B) \ (A \ B)"
by (meson insert_lepoll_insertD insert_lepoll_cong)
lemma less_imp_insert_lepoll:
assumes "A \ B" shows "insert a A \ B"
proof -
obtain f where "inj_on f A" "f ` A \ B"
using assms by (metis bij_betw_def eqpoll_def lepoll_def lesspoll_def psubset_eq)
then obtain b where b: "b \ B" "b \ f ` A"
by auto
show ?thesis
unfolding lepoll_def
proof (intro exI conjI)
show "inj_on (f(a:=b)) (insert a A)"
using b \<open>inj_on f A\<close> by (auto simp: inj_on_def)
show "(f(a:=b)) ` insert a A \ B"
using \<open>f ` A \<subset> B\<close> by (auto simp: b)
lemma finite_insert_lepoll: "finite A \ (insert a A \ A) \ (a \ A)"
proof (induction A rule: finite_induct)
case (insert x A)
then show ?case
apply (auto simp: insert_absorb)
by (metis insert_commute insert_iff insert_lepoll_insertD)
qed auto
subsection\<open>Binary sums and unions\<close>
lemma Un_lepoll_mono:
assumes "A \ C" "B \ D" "disjnt C D" shows "A \ B \ C \ D"
proof -
obtain f g where inj: "inj_on f A" "inj_on g B" and fg: "f ` A \ C" "g ` B \ D"
by (meson assms lepoll_def)
have "inj_on (\x. if x \ A then f x else g x) (A \ B)"
using inj \<open>disjnt C D\<close> fg unfolding disjnt_iff
by (fastforce intro: inj_onI dest: inj_on_contraD split: if_split_asm)
with fg show ?thesis
unfolding lepoll_def
by (rule_tac x="\x. if x \ A then f x else g x" in exI) auto
lemma Un_eqpoll_cong: "\A \ C; B \ D; disjnt A B; disjnt C D\ \ A \ B \ C \ D"
by (meson Un_lepoll_mono eqpoll_imp_lepoll eqpoll_sym lepoll_antisym)
lemma sum_lepoll_mono:
assumes "A \ C" "B \ D" shows "A <+> B \ C <+> D"
proof -
obtain f g where "inj_on f A" "f ` A \ C" "inj_on g B" "g ` B \ D"
by (meson assms lepoll_def)
then show ?thesis
unfolding lepoll_def
by (rule_tac x="case_sum (Inl \ f) (Inr \ g)" in exI) (force simp: inj_on_def)
lemma sum_eqpoll_cong: "\A \ C; B \ D\ \ A <+> B \ C <+> D"
by (meson eqpoll_imp_lepoll eqpoll_sym lepoll_antisym sum_lepoll_mono)
subsection\<open>Binary Cartesian products\<close>
lemma times_square_lepoll: "A \ A \ A"
unfolding lepoll_def inj_def
proof (intro exI conjI)
show "inj_on (\x. (x,x)) A"
by (auto simp: inj_on_def)
qed auto
lemma times_commute_eqpoll: "A \ B \ B \ A"
unfolding eqpoll_def
by (force intro: bij_betw_byWitness [where f = "\(x,y). (y,x)" and f' = "\(x,y). (y,x)"])
lemma times_assoc_eqpoll: "(A \ B) \ C \ A \ (B \ C)"
unfolding eqpoll_def
by (force intro: bij_betw_byWitness [where f = "\((x,y),z). (x,(y,z))" and f' = "\(x,(y,z)). ((x,y),z)"])
lemma times_singleton_eqpoll: "{a} \ A \ A"
proof -
have "{a} \ A = (\x. (a,x)) ` A"
by auto
also have "\ \ A"
proof (rule inj_on_image_eqpoll_self)
show "inj_on (Pair a) A"
by (auto simp: inj_on_def)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma times_lepoll_mono:
assumes "A \ C" "B \ D" shows "A \ B \ C \ D"
proof -
obtain f g where "inj_on f A" "f ` A \ C" "inj_on g B" "g ` B \ D"
by (meson assms lepoll_def)
then show ?thesis
unfolding lepoll_def
by (rule_tac x="\(x,y). (f x, g y)" in exI) (auto simp: inj_on_def)
lemma times_eqpoll_cong: "\A \ C; B \ D\ \ A \ B \ C \ D"
by (metis eqpoll_imp_lepoll eqpoll_sym lepoll_antisym times_lepoll_mono)
assumes "B \ {}" shows lepoll_times1: "A \ A \ B" and lepoll_times2: "A \ B \ A"
using assms lepoll_iff by fastforce+
lemma times_0_eqpoll: "{} \ A \ {}"
by (simp add: eqpoll_iff_bijections)
lemma Sigma_lepoll_mono:
assumes "A \ C" "\x. x \ A \ B x \ D x" shows "Sigma A B \ Sigma C D"
proof -
have "\x. x \ A \ \f. inj_on f (B x) \ f ` (B x) \ D x"
by (meson assms lepoll_def)
then obtain f where "\x. x \ A \ inj_on (f x) (B x) \ f x ` B x \ D x"
by metis
with \<open>A \<subseteq> C\<close> show ?thesis
unfolding lepoll_def inj_on_def
by (rule_tac x="\(x,y). (x, f x y)" in exI) force
lemma sum_times_distrib_eqpoll: "(A <+> B) \ C \ (A \ C) <+> (B \ C)"
unfolding eqpoll_def
show "bij_betw (\(x,z). case_sum(\y. Inl(y,z)) (\y. Inr(y,z)) x) ((A <+> B) \ C) (A \ C <+> B \ C)"
by (rule bij_betw_byWitness [where f' = "case_sum (\(x,z). (Inl x, z)) (\(y,z). (Inr y, z))"]) auto
lemma prod_insert_eqpoll:
assumes "a \ A" shows "insert a A \ B \ B <+> A \ B"
unfolding eqpoll_def
show "bij_betw (\(x,y). if x=a then Inl y else Inr (x,y)) (insert a A \ B) (B <+> A \ B)"
by (rule bij_betw_byWitness [where f' = "case_sum (\y. (a,y)) id"]) (auto simp: assms)
subsection\<open>General Unions\<close>
lemma Union_eqpoll_Times:
assumes B: "\x. x \ A \ F x \ B" and disj: "pairwise (\x y. disjnt (F x) (F y)) A"
shows "(\x\A. F x) \ A \ B"
proof (rule lepoll_antisym)
obtain b where b: "\x. x \ A \ bij_betw (b x) (F x) B"
using B unfolding eqpoll_def by metis
show "\(F ` A) \ A \ B"
unfolding lepoll_def
proof (intro exI conjI)
define \<chi> where "\<chi> \<equiv> \<lambda>z. THE x. x \<in> A \<and> z \<in> F x"
have \<chi>: "\<chi> z = x" if "x \<in> A" "z \<in> F x" for x z
unfolding \<chi>_def
apply (rule the_equality)
apply (simp add: that)
by (metis disj disjnt_iff pairwiseD that)
let ?f = "\z. (\ z, b (\ z) z)"
show "inj_on ?f (\(F ` A))"
unfolding inj_on_def
by clarify (metis \<chi> b bij_betw_inv_into_left)
show "?f ` \(F ` A) \ A \ B"
using \<chi> b bij_betwE by blast
show "A \ B \ \(F ` A)"
unfolding lepoll_def
proof (intro exI conjI)
let ?f = "\(x,y). inv_into (F x) (b x) y"
have *: "inv_into (F x) (b x) y \ F x" if "x \ A" "y \ B" for x y
by (metis b bij_betw_imp_surj_on inv_into_into that)
then show "inj_on ?f (A \ B)"
unfolding inj_on_def
by clarsimp (metis (mono_tags, lifting) b bij_betw_inv_into_right disj disjnt_iff pairwiseD)
show "?f ` (A \ B) \ \ (F ` A)"
by clarsimp (metis b bij_betw_imp_surj_on inv_into_into)
lemma UN_lepoll_UN:
assumes A: "\x. x \ A \ B x \ C x"
and disj: "pairwise (\x y. disjnt (C x) (C y)) A"
shows "\ (B`A) \ \ (C`A)"
proof -
obtain f where f: "\x. x \ A \ inj_on (f x) (B x) \ f x ` (B x) \ (C x)"
using A unfolding lepoll_def by metis
show ?thesis
unfolding lepoll_def
proof (intro exI conjI)
define \<chi> where "\<chi> \<equiv> \<lambda>z. @x. x \<in> A \<and> z \<in> B x"
have \<chi>: "\<chi> z \<in> A \<and> z \<in> B (\<chi> z)" if "x \<in> A" "z \<in> B x" for x z
unfolding \<chi>_def by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) someI_ex that)
let ?f = "\z. (f (\ z) z)"
show "inj_on ?f (\(B ` A))"
using disj f unfolding inj_on_def disjnt_iff pairwise_def image_subset_iff
by (metis UN_iff \<chi>)
show "?f ` \ (B ` A) \ \ (C ` A)"
using \<chi> f unfolding image_subset_iff by blast
lemma UN_eqpoll_UN:
assumes A: "\x. x \ A \ B x \ C x"
and B: "pairwise (\x y. disjnt (B x) (B y)) A"
and C: "pairwise (\x y. disjnt (C x) (C y)) A"
shows "(\x\A. B x) \ (\x\A. C x)"
proof (rule lepoll_antisym)
show "\ (B ` A) \ \ (C ` A)"
by (meson A C UN_lepoll_UN eqpoll_imp_lepoll)
show "\ (C ` A) \ \ (B ` A)"
by (simp add: A B UN_lepoll_UN eqpoll_imp_lepoll eqpoll_sym)
subsection\<open>General Cartesian products (Pi)\<close>
lemma PiE_sing_eqpoll_self: "({a} \\<^sub>E B) \ B"
proof -
have 1: "x = y"
if "x \ {a} \\<^sub>E B" "y \ {a} \\<^sub>E B" "x a = y a" for x y
by (metis IntD2 PiE_def extensionalityI singletonD that)
have 2: "x \ (\h. h a) ` ({a} \\<^sub>E B)" if "x \ B" for x
using that by (rule_tac x="\z\{a}. x" in image_eqI) auto
show ?thesis
unfolding eqpoll_def bij_betw_def inj_on_def
by (force intro: 1 2)
lemma lepoll_funcset_right:
"B \ B' \ A \\<^sub>E B \ A \\<^sub>E B'"
apply (auto simp: lepoll_def inj_on_def)
apply (rule_tac x = "\g. \z \ A. f(g z)" in exI)
apply (auto simp: fun_eq_iff)
apply (metis PiE_E)
by blast
lemma lepoll_funcset_left:
assumes "B \ {}" "A \ A'"
shows "A \\<^sub>E B \ A' \\<^sub>E B"
proof -
obtain b where "b \ B"
using assms by blast
obtain f where "inj_on f A" and fim: "f ` A \ A'"
using assms by (auto simp: lepoll_def)
then obtain h where h: "\x. x \ A \ h (f x) = x"
using the_inv_into_f_f by fastforce
let ?F = "\g. \u \ A'. if h u \ A then g(h u) else b"
show ?thesis
unfolding lepoll_def inj_on_def
proof (intro exI conjI ballI impI ext)
fix k l x
assume k: "k \ A \\<^sub>E B" and l: "l \ A \\<^sub>E B" and "?F k = ?F l"
then have "?F k (f x) = ?F l (f x)"
by simp
then show "k x = l x"
apply (auto simp: h split: if_split_asm)
apply (metis PiE_arb h k l)
apply (metis (full_types) PiE_E h k l)
using fim k l by fastforce
show "?F ` (A \\<^sub>E B) \ A' \\<^sub>E B"
using \<open>b \<in> B\<close> by force
lemma lepoll_funcset:
"\B \ {}; A \ A'; B \ B'\ \ A \\<^sub>E B \ A' \\<^sub>E B'"
by (rule lepoll_trans [OF lepoll_funcset_right lepoll_funcset_left]) auto
lemma lepoll_PiE:
assumes "\i. i \ A \ B i \ C i"
shows "PiE A B \ PiE A C"
proof -
obtain f where f: "\i. i \ A \ inj_on (f i) (B i) \ (f i) ` B i \ C i"
using assms unfolding lepoll_def by metis
then show ?thesis
unfolding lepoll_def
apply (rule_tac x = "\g. \i \ A. f i (g i)" in exI)
apply (auto simp: inj_on_def)
apply (rule PiE_ext, auto)
apply (metis (full_types) PiE_mem restrict_apply')
by blast
lemma card_le_PiE_subindex:
assumes "A \ A'" "Pi\<^sub>E A' B \ {}"
shows "PiE A B \ PiE A' B"
proof -
have "\x. x \ A' \ \y. y \ B x"
using assms by blast
then obtain g where g: "\x. x \ A' \ g x \ B x"
by metis
let ?F = "\f x. if x \ A then f x else if x \ A' then g x else undefined"
have "Pi\<^sub>E A B \ (\f. restrict f A) ` Pi\<^sub>E A' B"
show "f \ Pi\<^sub>E A B \ f \ (\f. restrict f A) ` Pi\<^sub>E A' B" for f
using \<open>A \<subseteq> A'\<close>
by (rule_tac x="?F f" in image_eqI) (auto simp: g fun_eq_iff)
then have "Pi\<^sub>E A B \ (\f. \i \ A. f i) ` Pi\<^sub>E A' B"
by (simp add: subset_imp_lepoll)
also have "\ \ PiE A' B"
by (rule image_lepoll)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma finite_restricted_funspace:
assumes "finite A" "finite B"
shows "finite {f. f ` A \ B \ {x. f x \ k x} \ A}" (is "finite ?F")
proof (rule finite_subset)
show "finite ((\U x. if \y. (x,y) \ U then @y. (x,y) \ U else k x) ` Pow(A \ B))" (is "finite ?G")
using assms by auto
show "?F \ ?G"
fix f
assume "f \ ?F"
then show "f \ ?G"
by (rule_tac x="(\x. (x,f x)) ` {x. f x \ k x}" in image_eqI) (auto simp: fun_eq_iff image_def)
proposition finite_PiE_iff:
"finite(PiE I S) \ PiE I S = {} \ finite {i \ I. ~(\a. S i \ {a})} \ (\i \ I. finite(S i))"
(is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof (cases "PiE I S = {}")
case False
define J where "J \ {i \ I. \a. S i \ {a}}"
show ?thesis
assume L: ?lhs
have "infinite (Pi\<^sub>E I S)" if "infinite J"
proof -
have "(UNIV::nat set) \ (UNIV::(nat\bool) set)"
proof -
have "\N::nat set. inj_on (=) N"
by (simp add: inj_on_def)
then show ?thesis
by (meson infinite_iff_countable_subset infinite_le_lepoll top.extremum)
also have "\ = (UNIV::nat set) \\<^sub>E (UNIV::bool set)"
by auto
also have "\ \ J \\<^sub>E (UNIV::bool set)"
apply (rule lepoll_funcset_left)
using infinite_le_lepoll that by auto
also have "\ \ Pi\<^sub>E J S"
proof -
have *: "(UNIV::bool set) \ S i" if "i \ I" and "\a. \ S i \ {a}" for i
proof -
obtain a b where "{a,b} \ S i" "a \ b"
by (metis \<open>\<forall>a. \<not> S i \<subseteq> {a}\<close> all_not_in_conv empty_subsetI insertCI insert_subset set_eq_subset subsetI)
then show ?thesis
apply (clarsimp simp: lepoll_def inj_on_def)
apply (rule_tac x="\x. if x then a else b" in exI, auto)
show ?thesis
by (auto simp: * J_def intro: lepoll_PiE)
also have "\ \ Pi\<^sub>E I S"
using False by (auto simp: J_def intro: card_le_PiE_subindex)
finally have "(UNIV::nat set) \ Pi\<^sub>E I S" .
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: infinite_le_lepoll)
moreover have "finite (S i)" if "i \ I" for i
proof (rule finite_subset)
obtain f where f: "f \ PiE I S"
using False by blast
show "S i \ (\f. f i) ` Pi\<^sub>E I S"
show "s \ (\f. f i) ` Pi\<^sub>E I S" if "s \ S i" for s
using that f \<open>i \<in> I\<close>
by (rule_tac x="\j. if j = i then s else f j" in image_eqI) auto
show "finite ((\x. x i) ` Pi\<^sub>E I S)"
using L by blast
ultimately show ?rhs
using L
by (auto simp: J_def False)
assume R: ?rhs
have "\i \ I - J. \a. S i = {a}"
using False J_def by blast
then obtain a where a: "\i \ I - J. S i = {a i}"
by metis
let ?F = "{f. f ` J \ (\i \ J. S i) \ {i. f i \ (if i \ I then a i else undefined)} \ J}"
have *: "finite (Pi\<^sub>E I S)"
if "finite J" and "\i\I. finite (S i)"
proof (rule finite_subset)
show "Pi\<^sub>E I S \ ?F"
apply safe
using J_def apply blast
by (metis DiffI PiE_E a singletonD)
show "finite ?F"
proof (rule finite_restricted_funspace [OF \<open>finite J\<close>])
show "finite (\ (S ` J))"
using that J_def by blast
show ?lhs
using R by (auto simp: * J_def)
qed auto
corollary finite_funcset_iff:
"finite(I \\<^sub>E S) \ (\a. S \ {a}) \ I = {} \ finite I \ finite S"
apply (auto simp: finite_PiE_iff PiE_eq_empty_iff dest: not_finite_existsD)
using finite.simps by auto
lemma lists_lepoll_mono:
assumes "A \ B" shows "lists A \ lists B"
proof -
obtain f where f: "inj_on f A" "f ` A \ B"
by (meson assms lepoll_def)
moreover have "inj_on (map f) (lists A)"
using f unfolding inj_on_def
by clarsimp (metis list.inj_map_strong)
ultimately show ?thesis
unfolding lepoll_def by force
lemma lepoll_lists: "A \ lists A"
unfolding lepoll_def inj_on_def by(rule_tac x="\x. [x]" in exI) auto
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