(* Author: Steven Obua, TU Muenchen *)
section \<open>Various algebraic structures combined with a lattice\<close>
theory Lattice_Algebras
imports Complex_Main
class semilattice_inf_ab_group_add = ordered_ab_group_add + semilattice_inf
lemma add_inf_distrib_left: "a + inf b c = inf (a + b) (a + c)"
apply (rule antisym)
apply (simp_all add: le_infI)
apply (rule add_le_imp_le_left [of "uminus a"])
apply (simp only: add.assoc [symmetric], simp add: diff_le_eq add.commute)
lemma add_inf_distrib_right: "inf a b + c = inf (a + c) (b + c)"
proof -
have "c + inf a b = inf (c + a) (c + b)"
by (simp add: add_inf_distrib_left)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: add.commute)
class semilattice_sup_ab_group_add = ordered_ab_group_add + semilattice_sup
lemma add_sup_distrib_left: "a + sup b c = sup (a + b) (a + c)"
apply (rule antisym)
apply (rule add_le_imp_le_left [of "uminus a"])
apply (simp only: add.assoc [symmetric], simp)
apply (simp add: le_diff_eq add.commute)
apply (rule le_supI)
apply (rule add_le_imp_le_left [of "a"], simp only: add.assoc[symmetric], simp)+
lemma add_sup_distrib_right: "sup a b + c = sup (a + c) (b + c)"
proof -
have "c + sup a b = sup (c+a) (c+b)"
by (simp add: add_sup_distrib_left)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: add.commute)
class lattice_ab_group_add = ordered_ab_group_add + lattice
subclass semilattice_inf_ab_group_add ..
subclass semilattice_sup_ab_group_add ..
lemmas add_sup_inf_distribs =
add_inf_distrib_right add_inf_distrib_left add_sup_distrib_right add_sup_distrib_left
lemma inf_eq_neg_sup: "inf a b = - sup (- a) (- b)"
proof (rule inf_unique)
fix a b c :: 'a
show "- sup (- a) (- b) \ a"
by (rule add_le_imp_le_right [of _ "sup (uminus a) (uminus b)"])
(simp, simp add: add_sup_distrib_left)
show "- sup (-a) (-b) \ b"
by (rule add_le_imp_le_right [of _ "sup (uminus a) (uminus b)"])
(simp, simp add: add_sup_distrib_left)
assume "a \ b" "a \ c"
then show "a \ - sup (-b) (-c)"
by (subst neg_le_iff_le [symmetric]) (simp add: le_supI)
lemma sup_eq_neg_inf: "sup a b = - inf (- a) (- b)"
proof (rule sup_unique)
fix a b c :: 'a
show "a \ - inf (- a) (- b)"
by (rule add_le_imp_le_right [of _ "inf (uminus a) (uminus b)"])
(simp, simp add: add_inf_distrib_left)
show "b \ - inf (- a) (- b)"
by (rule add_le_imp_le_right [of _ "inf (uminus a) (uminus b)"])
(simp, simp add: add_inf_distrib_left)
show "- inf (- a) (- b) \ c" if "a \ c" "b \ c"
using that by (subst neg_le_iff_le [symmetric]) (simp add: le_infI)
lemma neg_inf_eq_sup: "- inf a b = sup (- a) (- b)"
by (simp add: inf_eq_neg_sup)
lemma diff_inf_eq_sup: "a - inf b c = a + sup (- b) (- c)"
using neg_inf_eq_sup [of b c, symmetric] by simp
lemma neg_sup_eq_inf: "- sup a b = inf (- a) (- b)"
by (simp add: sup_eq_neg_inf)
lemma diff_sup_eq_inf: "a - sup b c = a + inf (- b) (- c)"
using neg_sup_eq_inf [of b c, symmetric] by simp
lemma add_eq_inf_sup: "a + b = sup a b + inf a b"
proof -
have "0 = - inf 0 (a - b) + inf (a - b) 0"
by (simp add: inf_commute)
then have "0 = sup 0 (b - a) + inf (a - b) 0"
by (simp add: inf_eq_neg_sup)
then have "0 = (- a + sup a b) + (inf a b + (- b))"
by (simp only: add_sup_distrib_left add_inf_distrib_right) simp
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: algebra_simps)
subsection \<open>Positive Part, Negative Part, Absolute Value\<close>
definition nprt :: "'a \ 'a"
where "nprt x = inf x 0"
definition pprt :: "'a \ 'a"
where "pprt x = sup x 0"
lemma pprt_neg: "pprt (- x) = - nprt x"
proof -
have "sup (- x) 0 = sup (- x) (- 0)"
by (simp only: minus_zero)
also have "\ = - inf x 0"
by (simp only: neg_inf_eq_sup)
finally have "sup (- x) 0 = - inf x 0" .
then show ?thesis
by (simp only: pprt_def nprt_def)
lemma nprt_neg: "nprt (- x) = - pprt x"
proof -
from pprt_neg have "pprt (- (- x)) = - nprt (- x)" .
then have "pprt x = - nprt (- x)" by simp
then show ?thesis by simp
lemma prts: "a = pprt a + nprt a"
by (simp add: pprt_def nprt_def flip: add_eq_inf_sup)
lemma zero_le_pprt[simp]: "0 \ pprt a"
by (simp add: pprt_def)
lemma nprt_le_zero[simp]: "nprt a \ 0"
by (simp add: nprt_def)
lemma le_eq_neg: "a \ - b \ a + b \ 0"
(is "?lhs = ?rhs")
assume ?lhs
show ?rhs
by (rule add_le_imp_le_right[of _ "uminus b" _]) (simp add: add.assoc \<open>?lhs\<close>)
assume ?rhs
show ?lhs
by (rule add_le_imp_le_right[of _ "b" _]) (simp add: \<open>?rhs\<close>)
lemma pprt_0[simp]: "pprt 0 = 0" by (simp add: pprt_def)
lemma nprt_0[simp]: "nprt 0 = 0" by (simp add: nprt_def)
lemma pprt_eq_id [simp, no_atp]: "0 \ x \ pprt x = x"
by (simp add: pprt_def sup_absorb1)
lemma nprt_eq_id [simp, no_atp]: "x \ 0 \ nprt x = x"
by (simp add: nprt_def inf_absorb1)
lemma pprt_eq_0 [simp, no_atp]: "x \ 0 \ pprt x = 0"
by (simp add: pprt_def sup_absorb2)
lemma nprt_eq_0 [simp, no_atp]: "0 \ x \ nprt x = 0"
by (simp add: nprt_def inf_absorb2)
lemma sup_0_imp_0:
assumes "sup a (- a) = 0"
shows "a = 0"
proof -
have pos: "0 \ a" if "sup a (- a) = 0" for a :: 'a
proof -
from that have "sup a (- a) + a = a"
by simp
then have "sup (a + a) 0 = a"
by (simp add: add_sup_distrib_right)
then have "sup (a + a) 0 \ a"
by simp
then show ?thesis
by (blast intro: order_trans inf_sup_ord)
from assms have **: "sup (-a) (-(-a)) = 0"
by (simp add: sup_commute)
from pos[OF assms] pos[OF **] show "a = 0"
by simp
lemma inf_0_imp_0: "inf a (- a) = 0 \ a = 0"
apply (simp add: inf_eq_neg_sup)
apply (simp add: sup_commute)
apply (erule sup_0_imp_0)
lemma inf_0_eq_0 [simp, no_atp]: "inf a (- a) = 0 \ a = 0"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (erule inf_0_imp_0)
apply simp
lemma sup_0_eq_0 [simp, no_atp]: "sup a (- a) = 0 \ a = 0"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (erule sup_0_imp_0)
apply simp
lemma zero_le_double_add_iff_zero_le_single_add [simp]: "0 \ a + a \ 0 \ a"
(is "?lhs \ ?rhs")
show ?rhs if ?lhs
proof -
from that have a: "inf (a + a) 0 = 0"
by (simp add: inf_commute inf_absorb1)
have "inf a 0 + inf a 0 = inf (inf (a + a) 0) a" (is "?l = _")
by (simp add: add_sup_inf_distribs inf_aci)
then have "?l = 0 + inf a 0"
by (simp add: a, simp add: inf_commute)
then have "inf a 0 = 0"
by (simp only: add_right_cancel)
then show ?thesis
unfolding le_iff_inf by (simp add: inf_commute)
show ?lhs if ?rhs
by (simp add: add_mono[OF that that, simplified])
lemma double_zero [simp]: "a + a = 0 \ a = 0"
using add_nonneg_eq_0_iff eq_iff by auto
lemma zero_less_double_add_iff_zero_less_single_add [simp]: "0 < a + a \ 0 < a"
by (meson le_less_trans less_add_same_cancel2 less_le_not_le
lemma double_add_le_zero_iff_single_add_le_zero [simp]: "a + a \ 0 \ a \ 0"
proof -
have "a + a \ 0 \ 0 \ - (a + a)"
by (subst le_minus_iff) simp
moreover have "\ \ a \ 0"
by (simp only: minus_add_distrib zero_le_double_add_iff_zero_le_single_add) simp
ultimately show ?thesis
by blast
lemma double_add_less_zero_iff_single_less_zero [simp]: "a + a < 0 \ a < 0"
proof -
have "a + a < 0 \ 0 < - (a + a)"
by (subst less_minus_iff) simp
moreover have "\ \ a < 0"
by (simp only: minus_add_distrib zero_less_double_add_iff_zero_less_single_add) simp
ultimately show ?thesis
by blast
declare neg_inf_eq_sup [simp]
and neg_sup_eq_inf [simp]
and diff_inf_eq_sup [simp]
and diff_sup_eq_inf [simp]
lemma le_minus_self_iff: "a \ - a \ a \ 0"
proof -
from add_le_cancel_left [of "uminus a" "plus a a" zero]
have "a \ - a \ a + a \ 0"
by (simp flip: add.assoc)
then show ?thesis
by simp
lemma minus_le_self_iff: "- a \ a \ 0 \ a"
proof -
have "- a \ a \ 0 \ a + a"
using add_le_cancel_left [of "uminus a" zero "plus a a"]
by (simp flip: add.assoc)
then show ?thesis
by simp
lemma zero_le_iff_zero_nprt: "0 \ a \ nprt a = 0"
unfolding le_iff_inf by (simp add: nprt_def inf_commute)
lemma le_zero_iff_zero_pprt: "a \ 0 \ pprt a = 0"
unfolding le_iff_sup by (simp add: pprt_def sup_commute)
lemma le_zero_iff_pprt_id: "0 \ a \ pprt a = a"
unfolding le_iff_sup by (simp add: pprt_def sup_commute)
lemma zero_le_iff_nprt_id: "a \ 0 \ nprt a = a"
unfolding le_iff_inf by (simp add: nprt_def inf_commute)
lemma pprt_mono [simp, no_atp]: "a \ b \ pprt a \ pprt b"
unfolding le_iff_sup by (simp add: pprt_def sup_aci sup_assoc [symmetric, of a])
lemma nprt_mono [simp, no_atp]: "a \ b \ nprt a \ nprt b"
unfolding le_iff_inf by (simp add: nprt_def inf_aci inf_assoc [symmetric, of a])
lemmas add_sup_inf_distribs =
add_inf_distrib_right add_inf_distrib_left add_sup_distrib_right add_sup_distrib_left
class lattice_ab_group_add_abs = lattice_ab_group_add + abs +
assumes abs_lattice: "\a\ = sup a (- a)"
lemma abs_prts: "\a\ = pprt a - nprt a"
proof -
have "0 \ \a\"
proof -
have a: "a \ \a\" and b: "- a \ \a\"
by (auto simp add: abs_lattice)
show ?thesis
by (rule add_mono [OF a b, simplified])
then have "0 \ sup a (- a)"
unfolding abs_lattice .
then have "sup (sup a (- a)) 0 = sup a (- a)"
by (rule sup_absorb1)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: add_sup_inf_distribs ac_simps pprt_def nprt_def abs_lattice)
subclass ordered_ab_group_add_abs
have abs_ge_zero [simp]: "0 \ \a\" for a
proof -
have a: "a \ \a\" and b: "- a \ \a\"
by (auto simp add: abs_lattice)
show "0 \ \a\"
by (rule add_mono [OF a b, simplified])
have abs_leI: "a \ b \ - a \ b \ \a\ \ b" for a b
by (simp add: abs_lattice le_supI)
fix a b
show "0 \ \a\"
by simp
show "a \ \a\"
by (auto simp add: abs_lattice)
show "\-a\ = \a\"
by (simp add: abs_lattice sup_commute)
show "- a \ b \ \a\ \ b" if "a \ b"
using that by (rule abs_leI)
show "\a + b\ \ \a\ + \b\"
proof -
have g: "\a\ + \b\ = sup (a + b) (sup (- a - b) (sup (- a + b) (a + (- b))))"
(is "_ = sup ?m ?n")
by (simp add: abs_lattice add_sup_inf_distribs ac_simps)
have a: "a + b \ sup ?m ?n"
by simp
have b: "- a - b \ ?n"
by simp
have c: "?n \ sup ?m ?n"
by simp
from b c have d: "- a - b \ sup ?m ?n"
by (rule order_trans)
have e: "- a - b = - (a + b)"
by simp
from a d e have "\a + b\ \ sup ?m ?n"
apply -
apply (drule abs_leI)
apply (simp_all only: algebra_simps minus_add)
apply (metis add_uminus_conv_diff d sup_commute uminus_add_conv_diff)
with g[symmetric] show ?thesis by simp
lemma sup_eq_if:
fixes a :: "'a::{lattice_ab_group_add,linorder}"
shows "sup a (- a) = (if a < 0 then - a else a)"
using add_le_cancel_right [of a a "- a", symmetric, simplified]
and add_le_cancel_right [of "-a" a a, symmetric, simplified]
by (auto simp: sup_max max.absorb1 max.absorb2)
lemma abs_if_lattice:
fixes a :: "'a::{lattice_ab_group_add_abs,linorder}"
shows "\a\ = (if a < 0 then - a else a)"
by auto
lemma estimate_by_abs:
fixes a b c :: "'a::lattice_ab_group_add_abs"
assumes "a + b \ c"
shows "a \ c + \b\"
proof -
from assms have "a \ c + (- b)"
by (simp add: algebra_simps)
have "- b \ \b\"
by (rule abs_ge_minus_self)
then have "c + (- b) \ c + \b\"
by (rule add_left_mono)
with \<open>a \<le> c + (- b)\<close> show ?thesis
by (rule order_trans)
class lattice_ring = ordered_ring + lattice_ab_group_add_abs
subclass semilattice_inf_ab_group_add ..
subclass semilattice_sup_ab_group_add ..
lemma abs_le_mult:
fixes a b :: "'a::lattice_ring"
shows "\a * b\ \ \a\ * \b\"
proof -
let ?x = "pprt a * pprt b - pprt a * nprt b - nprt a * pprt b + nprt a * nprt b"
let ?y = "pprt a * pprt b + pprt a * nprt b + nprt a * pprt b + nprt a * nprt b"
have a: "\a\ * \b\ = ?x"
by (simp only: abs_prts[of a] abs_prts[of b] algebra_simps)
have bh: "u = a \ v = b \
u * v = pprt a * pprt b + pprt a * nprt b +
nprt a * pprt b + nprt a * nprt b" for u v :: 'a
apply (subst prts[of u], subst prts[of v])
apply (simp add: algebra_simps)
note b = this[OF refl[of a] refl[of b]]
have xy: "- ?x \ ?y"
apply simp
apply (metis (full_types) add_increasing add_uminus_conv_diff
lattice_ab_group_add_class.minus_le_self_iff minus_add_distrib mult_nonneg_nonneg
mult_nonpos_nonpos nprt_le_zero zero_le_pprt)
have yx: "?y \ ?x"
apply simp
apply (metis (full_types) add_nonpos_nonpos add_uminus_conv_diff
lattice_ab_group_add_class.le_minus_self_iff minus_add_distrib mult_nonneg_nonpos
mult_nonpos_nonneg nprt_le_zero zero_le_pprt)
have i1: "a * b \ \a\ * \b\"
by (simp only: a b yx)
have i2: "- (\a\ * \b\) \ a * b"
by (simp only: a b xy)
show ?thesis
apply (rule abs_leI)
apply (simp add: i1)
apply (simp add: i2[simplified minus_le_iff])
instance lattice_ring \<subseteq> ordered_ring_abs
fix a b :: "'a::lattice_ring"
assume a: "(0 \ a \ a \ 0) \ (0 \ b \ b \ 0)"
show "\a * b\ = \a\ * \b\"
proof -
have s: "(0 \ a * b) \ (a * b \ 0)"
apply auto
apply (rule_tac split_mult_pos_le)
apply (rule_tac contrapos_np[of "a * b \ 0"])
apply simp
apply (rule_tac split_mult_neg_le)
using a
apply blast
have mulprts: "a * b = (pprt a + nprt a) * (pprt b + nprt b)"
by (simp flip: prts)
show ?thesis
proof (cases "0 \ a * b")
case True
then show ?thesis
apply (simp_all add: mulprts abs_prts)
using a
apply (auto simp add:
iffD1[OF zero_le_iff_zero_nprt] iffD1[OF le_zero_iff_zero_pprt]
iffD1[OF le_zero_iff_pprt_id] iffD1[OF zero_le_iff_nprt_id])
apply(drule (1) mult_nonneg_nonpos[of a b], simp)
apply(drule (1) mult_nonneg_nonpos2[of b a], simp)
case False
with s have "a * b \ 0"
by simp
then show ?thesis
apply (simp_all add: mulprts abs_prts)
apply (insert a)
apply (auto simp add: algebra_simps)
apply(drule (1) mult_nonneg_nonneg[of a b],simp)
apply(drule (1) mult_nonpos_nonpos[of a b],simp)
lemma mult_le_prts:
fixes a b :: "'a::lattice_ring"
assumes "a1 \ a"
and "a \ a2"
and "b1 \ b"
and "b \ b2"
shows "a * b \
pprt a2 * pprt b2 + pprt a1 * nprt b2 + nprt a2 * pprt b1 + nprt a1 * nprt b1"
proof -
have "a * b = (pprt a + nprt a) * (pprt b + nprt b)"
by (subst prts[symmetric])+ simp
then have "a * b = pprt a * pprt b + pprt a * nprt b + nprt a * pprt b + nprt a * nprt b"
by (simp add: algebra_simps)
moreover have "pprt a * pprt b \ pprt a2 * pprt b2"
by (simp_all add: assms mult_mono)
moreover have "pprt a * nprt b \ pprt a1 * nprt b2"
proof -
have "pprt a * nprt b \ pprt a * nprt b2"
by (simp add: mult_left_mono assms)
moreover have "pprt a * nprt b2 \ pprt a1 * nprt b2"
by (simp add: mult_right_mono_neg assms)
ultimately show ?thesis
by simp
moreover have "nprt a * pprt b \ nprt a2 * pprt b1"
proof -
have "nprt a * pprt b \ nprt a2 * pprt b"
by (simp add: mult_right_mono assms)
moreover have "nprt a2 * pprt b \ nprt a2 * pprt b1"
by (simp add: mult_left_mono_neg assms)
ultimately show ?thesis
by simp
moreover have "nprt a * nprt b \ nprt a1 * nprt b1"
proof -
have "nprt a * nprt b \ nprt a * nprt b1"
by (simp add: mult_left_mono_neg assms)
moreover have "nprt a * nprt b1 \ nprt a1 * nprt b1"
by (simp add: mult_right_mono_neg assms)
ultimately show ?thesis
by simp
ultimately show ?thesis
by - (rule add_mono | simp)+
lemma mult_ge_prts:
fixes a b :: "'a::lattice_ring"
assumes "a1 \ a"
and "a \ a2"
and "b1 \ b"
and "b \ b2"
shows "a * b \
nprt a1 * pprt b2 + nprt a2 * nprt b2 + pprt a1 * pprt b1 + pprt a2 * nprt b1"
proof -
from assms have a1: "- a2 \ -a"
by auto
from assms have a2: "- a \ -a1"
by auto
from mult_le_prts[of "- a2" "- a" "- a1" "b1" b "b2",
OF a1 a2 assms(3) assms(4), simplified nprt_neg pprt_neg]
have le: "- (a * b) \
- nprt a1 * pprt b2 + - nprt a2 * nprt b2 +
- pprt a1 * pprt b1 + - pprt a2 * nprt b1"
by simp
then have "- (- nprt a1 * pprt b2 + - nprt a2 * nprt b2 +
- pprt a1 * pprt b1 + - pprt a2 * nprt b1) \<le> a * b"
by (simp only: minus_le_iff)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: algebra_simps)
instance int :: lattice_ring
show "\k\ = sup k (- k)" for k :: int
by (auto simp add: sup_int_def)
instance real :: lattice_ring
show "\a\ = sup a (- a)" for a :: real
by (auto simp add: sup_real_def)
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