(* Title: HOL/Library/positivstellensatz.ML
Author: Amine Chaieb, University of Cambridge
A generic arithmetic prover based on Positivstellensatz certificates
--- also implements Fourier-Motzkin elimination as a special case
Fourier-Motzkin elimination.
(* A functor for finite mappings based on Tables *)
signature FUNC =
include TABLE
val apply : 'a table -> key -> 'a
val applyd :'a table -> (key -> 'a) -> key -> 'a
val combine : ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> ('a -> bool) -> 'a table -> 'a table -> 'a table
val dom : 'a table -> key list
val tryapplyd : 'a table -> key -> 'a -> 'a
val updatep : (key * 'a -> bool) -> key * 'a -> 'a table -> 'a table
val choose : 'a table -> key * 'a
val onefunc : key * 'a -> 'a table
functor FuncFun(Key: KEY) : FUNC =
structure Tab = Table(Key);
open Tab;
fun dom a = sort Key.ord (Tab.keys a);
fun applyd f d x = case Tab.lookup f x of
SOME y => y
| NONE => d x;
fun apply f x = applyd f (fn _ => raise Tab.UNDEF x) x;
fun tryapplyd f a d = applyd f (K d) a;
fun updatep p (k,v) t = if p (k, v) then t else update (k,v) t
fun combine f z a b =
fun h (k,v) t = case Tab.lookup t k of
NONE => Tab.update (k,v) t
| SOME v' => let val w = f v v'
in if z w then Tab.delete k t else Tab.update (k,w) t end;
in Tab.fold h a b end;
fun choose f =
(case Tab.min f of
SOME entry => entry
| NONE => error "FuncFun.choose : Completely empty function")
fun onefunc kv = update kv empty
(* Some standard functors and utility functions for them *)
structure FuncUtil =
structure Intfunc = FuncFun(type key = int val ord = int_ord);
structure Ratfunc = FuncFun(type key = Rat.rat val ord = Rat.ord);
structure Intpairfunc = FuncFun(type key = int*int val ord = prod_ord int_ord int_ord);
structure Symfunc = FuncFun(type key = string val ord = fast_string_ord);
structure Termfunc = FuncFun(type key = term val ord = Term_Ord.fast_term_ord);
structure Ctermfunc = FuncFun(type key = cterm val ord = Thm.fast_term_ord);
type monomial = int Ctermfunc.table;
val monomial_ord = list_ord (prod_ord Thm.fast_term_ord int_ord) o apply2 Ctermfunc.dest
structure Monomialfunc = FuncFun(type key = monomial val ord = monomial_ord)
type poly = Rat.rat Monomialfunc.table;
(* The ordering so we can create canonical HOL polynomials. *)
fun dest_monomial mon = sort (Thm.fast_term_ord o apply2 fst) (Ctermfunc.dest mon);
fun monomial_order (m1,m2) =
if Ctermfunc.is_empty m2 then LESS
else if Ctermfunc.is_empty m1 then GREATER
val mon1 = dest_monomial m1
val mon2 = dest_monomial m2
val deg1 = fold (Integer.add o snd) mon1 0
val deg2 = fold (Integer.add o snd) mon2 0
in if deg1 < deg2 then GREATER
else if deg1 > deg2 then LESS
else list_ord (prod_ord Thm.fast_term_ord int_ord) (mon1,mon2)
(* positivstellensatz datatype and prover generation *)
signature REAL_ARITH =
datatype positivstellensatz =
Axiom_eq of int
| Axiom_le of int
| Axiom_lt of int
| Rational_eq of Rat.rat
| Rational_le of Rat.rat
| Rational_lt of Rat.rat
| Square of FuncUtil.poly
| Eqmul of FuncUtil.poly * positivstellensatz
| Sum of positivstellensatz * positivstellensatz
| Product of positivstellensatz * positivstellensatz;
datatype pss_tree = Trivial | Cert of positivstellensatz | Branch of pss_tree * pss_tree
datatype tree_choice = Left | Right
type prover = tree_choice list ->
(thm list * thm list * thm list -> positivstellensatz -> thm) ->
thm list * thm list * thm list -> thm * pss_tree
type cert_conv = cterm -> thm * pss_tree
val gen_gen_real_arith :
Proof.context -> (Rat.rat -> cterm) * conv * conv * conv *
conv * conv * conv * conv * conv * conv * prover -> cert_conv
val real_linear_prover : (thm list * thm list * thm list -> positivstellensatz -> thm) ->
thm list * thm list * thm list -> thm * pss_tree
val gen_real_arith : Proof.context ->
(Rat.rat -> cterm) * conv * conv * conv * conv * conv * conv * conv * prover -> cert_conv
val gen_prover_real_arith : Proof.context -> prover -> cert_conv
val is_ratconst : cterm -> bool
val dest_ratconst : cterm -> Rat.rat
val cterm_of_rat : Rat.rat -> cterm
structure RealArith : REAL_ARITH =
open Conv
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Data structure for Positivstellensatz refutations. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
datatype positivstellensatz =
Axiom_eq of int
| Axiom_le of int
| Axiom_lt of int
| Rational_eq of Rat.rat
| Rational_le of Rat.rat
| Rational_lt of Rat.rat
| Square of FuncUtil.poly
| Eqmul of FuncUtil.poly * positivstellensatz
| Sum of positivstellensatz * positivstellensatz
| Product of positivstellensatz * positivstellensatz;
(* Theorems used in the procedure *)
datatype pss_tree = Trivial | Cert of positivstellensatz | Branch of pss_tree * pss_tree
datatype tree_choice = Left | Right
type prover = tree_choice list ->
(thm list * thm list * thm list -> positivstellensatz -> thm) ->
thm list * thm list * thm list -> thm * pss_tree
type cert_conv = cterm -> thm * pss_tree
(* Some useful derived rules *)
fun deduct_antisym_rule tha thb =
Thm.equal_intr (Thm.implies_intr (Thm.cprop_of thb) tha)
(Thm.implies_intr (Thm.cprop_of tha) thb);
fun prove_hyp tha thb =
if exists (curry op aconv (Thm.concl_of tha)) (Thm.hyps_of thb) (* FIXME !? *)
then Thm.equal_elim (Thm.symmetric (deduct_antisym_rule tha thb)) tha else thb;
val pth = @{lemma "(((x::real) < y) \ (y - x > 0))" and "((x \ y) \ (y - x \ 0))" and
"((x = y) \ (x - y = 0))" and "((\(x < y)) \ (x - y \ 0))" and
"((\(x \ y)) \ (x - y > 0))" and "((\(x = y)) \ (x - y > 0 \ -(x - y) > 0))"
by (atomize (full), auto simp add: less_diff_eq le_diff_eq not_less)};
val pth_final = @{lemma "(\p \ False) \ p" by blast}
val pth_add =
@{lemma "(x = (0::real) \ y = 0 \ x + y = 0 )" and "( x = 0 \ y \ 0 \ x + y \ 0)" and
"(x = 0 \ y > 0 \ x + y > 0)" and "(x \ 0 \ y = 0 \ x + y \ 0)" and
"(x \ 0 \ y \ 0 \ x + y \ 0)" and "(x \ 0 \ y > 0 \ x + y > 0)" and
"(x > 0 \ y = 0 \ x + y > 0)" and "(x > 0 \ y \ 0 \ x + y > 0)" and
"(x > 0 \ y > 0 \ x + y > 0)" by simp_all};
val pth_mul =
@{lemma "(x = (0::real) \ y = 0 \ x * y = 0)" and "(x = 0 \ y \ 0 \ x * y = 0)" and
"(x = 0 \ y > 0 \ x * y = 0)" and "(x \ 0 \ y = 0 \ x * y = 0)" and
"(x \ 0 \ y \ 0 \ x * y \ 0)" and "(x \ 0 \ y > 0 \ x * y \ 0)" and
"(x > 0 \ y = 0 \ x * y = 0)" and "(x > 0 \ y \ 0 \ x * y \ 0)" and
"(x > 0 \ y > 0 \ x * y > 0)"
by (auto intro: mult_mono[where a="0::real" and b="x" and d="y" and c="0", simplified]
mult_strict_mono[where b="x" and d="y" and a="0" and c="0", simplified])};
val pth_emul = @{lemma "y = (0::real) \ x * y = 0" by simp};
val pth_square = @{lemma "x * x \ (0::real)" by simp};
val weak_dnf_simps =
List.take (@{thms simp_thms}, 34) @
@{lemma "((P \ (Q \ R)) = ((P\Q) \ (P\R)))" and "((Q \ R) \ P) = ((Q\P) \ (R\P))" and
"(P \ Q) = (Q \ P)" and "((P \ Q) = (Q \ P))" by blast+};
val nnfD_simps =
@{lemma "((~(P & Q)) = (~P | ~Q))" and "((~(P | Q)) = (~P & ~Q) )" and
"((P --> Q) = (~P | Q) )" and "((P = Q) = ((P & Q) | (~P & ~ Q)))" and
"((~(P = Q)) = ((P & ~ Q) | (~P & Q)) )" and "((~ ~(P)) = P)" by blast+};
val choice_iff = @{lemma "(\x. \y. P x y) = (\f. \x. P x (f x))" by metis};
val prenex_simps =
map (fn th => th RS sym)
([@{thm "all_conj_distrib"}, @{thm "ex_disj_distrib"}] @
@{thms "HOL.all_simps"(1-4)} @ @{thms "ex_simps"(1-4)});
val real_abs_thms1 = @{lemma
"((-1 * \x::real\ \ r) = (-1 * x \ r \ 1 * x \ r))" and
"((-1 * \x\ + a \ r) = (a + -1 * x \ r \ a + 1 * x \ r))" and
"((a + -1 * \x\ \ r) = (a + -1 * x \ r \ a + 1 * x \ r))" and
"((a + -1 * \x\ + b \ r) = (a + -1 * x + b \ r \ a + 1 * x + b \ r))" and
"((a + b + -1 * \x\ \ r) = (a + b + -1 * x \ r \ a + b + 1 * x \ r))" and
"((a + b + -1 * \x\ + c \ r) = (a + b + -1 * x + c \ r \ a + b + 1 * x + c \ r))" and
"((-1 * max x y \ r) = (-1 * x \ r \ -1 * y \ r))" and
"((-1 * max x y + a \ r) = (a + -1 * x \ r \ a + -1 * y \ r))" and
"((a + -1 * max x y \ r) = (a + -1 * x \ r \ a + -1 * y \ r))" and
"((a + -1 * max x y + b \ r) = (a + -1 * x + b \ r \ a + -1 * y + b \ r))" and
"((a + b + -1 * max x y \ r) = (a + b + -1 * x \ r \ a + b + -1 * y \ r))" and
"((a + b + -1 * max x y + c \ r) = (a + b + -1 * x + c \ r \ a + b + -1 * y + c \ r))" and
"((1 * min x y \ r) = (1 * x \ r \ 1 * y \ r))" and
"((1 * min x y + a \ r) = (a + 1 * x \ r \ a + 1 * y \ r))" and
"((a + 1 * min x y \ r) = (a + 1 * x \ r \ a + 1 * y \ r))" and
"((a + 1 * min x y + b \ r) = (a + 1 * x + b \ r \ a + 1 * y + b \ r))" and
"((a + b + 1 * min x y \ r) = (a + b + 1 * x \ r \ a + b + 1 * y \ r))" and
"((a + b + 1 * min x y + c \ r) = (a + b + 1 * x + c \ r \ a + b + 1 * y + c \ r))" and
"((min x y \ r) = (x \ r \ y \ r))" and
"((min x y + a \ r) = (a + x \ r \ a + y \ r))" and
"((a + min x y \ r) = (a + x \ r \ a + y \ r))" and
"((a + min x y + b \ r) = (a + x + b \ r \ a + y + b \ r))" and
"((a + b + min x y \ r) = (a + b + x \ r \ a + b + y \ r))" and
"((a + b + min x y + c \ r) = (a + b + x + c \ r \ a + b + y + c \ r))" and
"((-1 * \x\ > r) = (-1 * x > r \ 1 * x > r))" and
"((-1 * \x\ + a > r) = (a + -1 * x > r \ a + 1 * x > r))" and
"((a + -1 * \x\ > r) = (a + -1 * x > r \ a + 1 * x > r))" and
"((a + -1 * \x\ + b > r) = (a + -1 * x + b > r \ a + 1 * x + b > r))" and
"((a + b + -1 * \x\ > r) = (a + b + -1 * x > r \ a + b + 1 * x > r))" and
"((a + b + -1 * \x\ + c > r) = (a + b + -1 * x + c > r \ a + b + 1 * x + c > r))" and
"((-1 * max x y > r) = ((-1 * x > r) \ -1 * y > r))" and
"((-1 * max x y + a > r) = (a + -1 * x > r \ a + -1 * y > r))" and
"((a + -1 * max x y > r) = (a + -1 * x > r \ a + -1 * y > r))" and
"((a + -1 * max x y + b > r) = (a + -1 * x + b > r \ a + -1 * y + b > r))" and
"((a + b + -1 * max x y > r) = (a + b + -1 * x > r \ a + b + -1 * y > r))" and
"((a + b + -1 * max x y + c > r) = (a + b + -1 * x + c > r \ a + b + -1 * y + c > r))" and
"((min x y > r) = (x > r \ y > r))" and
"((min x y + a > r) = (a + x > r \ a + y > r))" and
"((a + min x y > r) = (a + x > r \ a + y > r))" and
"((a + min x y + b > r) = (a + x + b > r \ a + y + b > r))" and
"((a + b + min x y > r) = (a + b + x > r \ a + b + y > r))" and
"((a + b + min x y + c > r) = (a + b + x + c > r \ a + b + y + c > r))"
by auto};
val abs_split' = @{lemma "P \x::'a::linordered_idom\<bar> == (x \<ge> 0 \<and> P x \<or> x < 0 \<and> P (-x))"
by (atomize (full)) (auto split: abs_split)};
val max_split = @{lemma "P (max x y) \ ((x::'a::linorder) \ y \ P y \ x > y \ P x)"
by (atomize (full)) (cases "x \ y", auto simp add: max_def)};
val min_split = @{lemma "P (min x y) \ ((x::'a::linorder) \ y \ P x \ x > y \ P y)"
by (atomize (full)) (cases "x \ y", auto simp add: min_def)};
(* Miscellaneous *)
fun literals_conv bops uops cv =
fun h t =
(case Thm.term_of t of
b$_$_ => if member (op aconv) bops b then binop_conv h t else cv t
| u$_ => if member (op aconv) uops u then arg_conv h t else cv t
| _ => cv t)
in h end;
fun cterm_of_rat x =
val (a, b) = Rat.dest x
if b = 1 then Numeral.mk_cnumber \<^ctyp>\<open>real\<close> a
else Thm.apply (Thm.apply \<^cterm>\<open>(/) :: real \<Rightarrow> _\<close>
(Numeral.mk_cnumber \<^ctyp>\<open>real\<close> a))
(Numeral.mk_cnumber \<^ctyp>\<open>real\<close> b)
fun dest_ratconst t =
case Thm.term_of t of
Const(\<^const_name>\<open>divide\<close>, _)$a$b => Rat.make(HOLogic.dest_number a |> snd, HOLogic.dest_number b |> snd)
| _ => Rat.of_int (HOLogic.dest_number (Thm.term_of t) |> snd)
fun is_ratconst t = can dest_ratconst t
fun find_term p t = if p t then t else
case t of
a$b => (find_term p a handle TERM _ => find_term p b)
| Abs (_,_,t') => find_term p t'
| _ => raise TERM ("find_term",[t]);
fun find_cterm p t =
if p t then t else
case Thm.term_of t of
_$_ => (find_cterm p (Thm.dest_fun t) handle CTERM _ => find_cterm p (Thm.dest_arg t))
| Abs (_,_,_) => find_cterm p (Thm.dest_abs NONE t |> snd)
| _ => raise CTERM ("find_cterm",[t]);
fun is_comb t = (case Thm.term_of t of _ $ _ => true | _ => false);
fun is_binop ct ct' = ct aconvc (Thm.dest_fun (Thm.dest_fun ct'))
handle CTERM _ => false;
(* Map back polynomials to HOL. *)
fun cterm_of_varpow x k = if k = 1 then x else Thm.apply (Thm.apply \<^cterm>\<open>(^) :: real \<Rightarrow> _\<close> x)
(Numeral.mk_cnumber \<^ctyp>\<open>nat\<close> k)
fun cterm_of_monomial m =
if FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.is_empty m then \<^cterm>\<open>1::real\<close>
val m' = FuncUtil.dest_monomial m
val vps = fold_rev (fn (x,k) => cons (cterm_of_varpow x k)) m' []
in foldr1 (fn (s, t) => Thm.apply (Thm.apply \<^cterm>\<open>(*) :: real \<Rightarrow> _\<close> s) t) vps
fun cterm_of_cmonomial (m,c) =
if FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.is_empty m then cterm_of_rat c
else if c = @1 then cterm_of_monomial m
else Thm.apply (Thm.apply \<^cterm>\<open>(*)::real \<Rightarrow> _\<close> (cterm_of_rat c)) (cterm_of_monomial m);
fun cterm_of_poly p =
if FuncUtil.Monomialfunc.is_empty p then \<^cterm>\<open>0::real\<close>
val cms = map cterm_of_cmonomial
(sort (prod_ord FuncUtil.monomial_order (K EQUAL)) (FuncUtil.Monomialfunc.dest p))
in foldr1 (fn (t1, t2) => Thm.apply(Thm.apply \<^cterm>\<open>(+) :: real \<Rightarrow> _\<close> t1) t2) cms
(* A general real arithmetic prover *)
fun gen_gen_real_arith ctxt (mk_numeric,
absconv1,absconv2,prover) =
val pre_ss = put_simpset HOL_basic_ss ctxt addsimps
@{thms simp_thms ex_simps all_simps not_all not_ex ex_disj_distrib
all_conj_distrib if_bool_eq_disj}
val prenex_ss = put_simpset HOL_basic_ss ctxt addsimps prenex_simps
val skolemize_ss = put_simpset HOL_basic_ss ctxt addsimps [choice_iff]
val presimp_conv = Simplifier.rewrite pre_ss
val prenex_conv = Simplifier.rewrite prenex_ss
val skolemize_conv = Simplifier.rewrite skolemize_ss
val weak_dnf_ss = put_simpset HOL_basic_ss ctxt addsimps weak_dnf_simps
val weak_dnf_conv = Simplifier.rewrite weak_dnf_ss
fun eqT_elim th = Thm.equal_elim (Thm.symmetric th) @{thm TrueI}
fun oprconv cv ct =
let val g = Thm.dest_fun2 ct
in if g aconvc \<^cterm>\<open>(\<le>) :: real \<Rightarrow> _\<close>
orelse g aconvc \<^cterm>\<open>(<) :: real \<Rightarrow> _\<close>
then arg_conv cv ct else arg1_conv cv ct
fun real_ineq_conv th ct =
val th' = (Thm.instantiate (Thm.match (Thm.lhs_of th, ct)) th
handle Pattern.MATCH => raise CTERM ("real_ineq_conv", [ct]))
in Thm.transitive th' (oprconv poly_conv (Thm.rhs_of th'))
val [real_lt_conv, real_le_conv, real_eq_conv,
real_not_lt_conv, real_not_le_conv, _] =
map real_ineq_conv pth
fun match_mp_rule ths ths' =
fun f ths ths' = case ths of [] => raise THM("match_mp_rule",0,ths)
| th::ths => (ths' MRS th handle THM _ => f ths ths')
in f ths ths' end
fun mul_rule th th' = fconv_rule (arg_conv (oprconv poly_mul_conv))
(match_mp_rule pth_mul [th, th'])
fun add_rule th th' = fconv_rule (arg_conv (oprconv poly_add_conv))
(match_mp_rule pth_add [th, th'])
fun emul_rule ct th = fconv_rule (arg_conv (oprconv poly_mul_conv))
(Thm.instantiate' [] [SOME ct] (th RS pth_emul))
fun square_rule t = fconv_rule (arg_conv (oprconv poly_conv))
(Thm.instantiate' [] [SOME t] pth_square)
fun hol_of_positivstellensatz(eqs,les,lts) proof =
fun translate prf =
case prf of
Axiom_eq n => nth eqs n
| Axiom_le n => nth les n
| Axiom_lt n => nth lts n
| Rational_eq x => eqT_elim(numeric_eq_conv(Thm.apply \<^cterm>\<open>Trueprop\<close>
(Thm.apply (Thm.apply \<^cterm>\<open>(=)::real \<Rightarrow> _\<close> (mk_numeric x))
| Rational_le x => eqT_elim(numeric_ge_conv(Thm.apply \<^cterm>\<open>Trueprop\<close>
(Thm.apply (Thm.apply \<^cterm>\<open>(\<le>)::real \<Rightarrow> _\<close>
\<^cterm>\<open>0::real\<close>) (mk_numeric x))))
| Rational_lt x => eqT_elim(numeric_gt_conv(Thm.apply \<^cterm>\<open>Trueprop\<close>
(Thm.apply (Thm.apply \<^cterm>\<open>(<)::real \<Rightarrow> _\<close> \<^cterm>\<open>0::real\<close>)
(mk_numeric x))))
| Square pt => square_rule (cterm_of_poly pt)
| Eqmul(pt,p) => emul_rule (cterm_of_poly pt) (translate p)
| Sum(p1,p2) => add_rule (translate p1) (translate p2)
| Product(p1,p2) => mul_rule (translate p1) (translate p2)
in fconv_rule (first_conv [numeric_ge_conv, numeric_gt_conv, numeric_eq_conv, all_conv])
(translate proof)
val init_conv = presimp_conv then_conv
nnf_conv ctxt then_conv skolemize_conv then_conv prenex_conv then_conv
val concl = Thm.dest_arg o Thm.cprop_of
fun is_binop opr ct = (Thm.dest_fun2 ct aconvc opr handle CTERM _ => false)
val is_req = is_binop \<^cterm>\<open>(=):: real \<Rightarrow> _\<close>
val is_ge = is_binop \<^cterm>\<open>(\<le>):: real \<Rightarrow> _\<close>
val is_gt = is_binop \<^cterm>\<open>(<):: real \<Rightarrow> _\<close>
val is_conj = is_binop \<^cterm>\<open>HOL.conj\<close>
val is_disj = is_binop \<^cterm>\<open>HOL.disj\<close>
fun conj_pair th = (th RS @{thm conjunct1}, th RS @{thm conjunct2})
fun disj_cases th th1 th2 =
val (p,q) = Thm.dest_binop (concl th)
val c = concl th1
val _ =
if c aconvc (concl th2) then ()
else error "disj_cases : conclusions not alpha convertible"
in Thm.implies_elim (Thm.implies_elim
(Thm.implies_elim (Thm.instantiate' [] (map SOME [p,q,c]) @{thm disjE}) th)
(Thm.implies_intr (Thm.apply \<^cterm>\<open>Trueprop\<close> p) th1))
(Thm.implies_intr (Thm.apply \<^cterm>\<open>Trueprop\<close> q) th2)
fun overall cert_choice dun ths =
case ths of
[] =>
val (eq,ne) = List.partition (is_req o concl) dun
val (le,nl) = List.partition (is_ge o concl) ne
val lt = filter (is_gt o concl) nl
in prover (rev cert_choice) hol_of_positivstellensatz (eq,le,lt) end
| th::oths =>
val ct = concl th
if is_conj ct then
val (th1,th2) = conj_pair th
in overall cert_choice dun (th1::th2::oths) end
else if is_disj ct then
val (th1, cert1) =
overall (Left::cert_choice) dun
(Thm.assume (Thm.apply \<^cterm>\<open>Trueprop\<close> (Thm.dest_arg1 ct))::oths)
val (th2, cert2) =
overall (Right::cert_choice) dun
(Thm.assume (Thm.apply \<^cterm>\<open>Trueprop\<close> (Thm.dest_arg ct))::oths)
in (disj_cases th th1 th2, Branch (cert1, cert2)) end
else overall cert_choice (th::dun) oths
fun dest_binary b ct =
if is_binop b ct then Thm.dest_binop ct
else raise CTERM ("dest_binary",[b,ct])
val dest_eq = dest_binary \<^cterm>\<open>(=) :: real \<Rightarrow> _\<close>
val neq_th = nth pth 5
fun real_not_eq_conv ct =
val (l,r) = dest_eq (Thm.dest_arg ct)
val th = Thm.instantiate ([],[((("x", 0), \<^typ>\<open>real\<close>),l),((("y", 0), \<^typ>\<open>real\<close>),r)]) neq_th
val th_p = poly_conv(Thm.dest_arg(Thm.dest_arg1(Thm.rhs_of th)))
val th_x = Drule.arg_cong_rule \<^cterm>\<open>uminus :: real \<Rightarrow> _\<close> th_p
val th_n = fconv_rule (arg_conv poly_neg_conv) th_x
val th' = Drule.binop_cong_rule \<^cterm>\HOL.disj\
(Drule.arg_cong_rule (Thm.apply \<^cterm>\<open>(<)::real \<Rightarrow> _\<close> \<^cterm>\<open>0::real\<close>) th_p)
(Drule.arg_cong_rule (Thm.apply \<^cterm>\<open>(<)::real \<Rightarrow> _\<close> \<^cterm>\<open>0::real\<close>) th_n)
in Thm.transitive th th'
fun equal_implies_1_rule PQ =
val P = Thm.lhs_of PQ
in Thm.implies_intr P (Thm.equal_elim PQ (Thm.assume P))
(*FIXME!!! Copied from groebner.ml*)
val strip_exists =
fun h (acc, t) =
case Thm.term_of t of
Const(\<^const_name>\<open>Ex\<close>,_)$Abs(_,_,_) =>
h (Thm.dest_abs NONE (Thm.dest_arg t) |>> (fn v => v::acc))
| _ => (acc,t)
in fn t => h ([],t)
fun name_of x =
case Thm.term_of x of
Free(s,_) => s
| Var ((s,_),_) => s
| _ => "x"
fun mk_forall x th =
val T = Thm.typ_of_cterm x
val all = Thm.cterm_of ctxt (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>All\<close>, (T --> \<^typ>\<open>bool\<close>) --> \<^typ>\<open>bool\<close>))
in Drule.arg_cong_rule all (Thm.abstract_rule (name_of x) x th) end
val specl = fold_rev (fn x => fn th => Thm.instantiate' [] [SOME x] (th RS spec));
fun ext T = Thm.cterm_of ctxt (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Ex\<close>, (T --> \<^typ>\<open>bool\<close>) --> \<^typ>\<open>bool\<close>))
fun mk_ex v t = Thm.apply (ext (Thm.typ_of_cterm v)) (Thm.lambda v t)
fun choose v th th' =
case Thm.concl_of th of
\<^term>\<open>Trueprop\<close> $ (Const(\<^const_name>\<open>Ex\<close>,_)$_) =>
val p = (funpow 2 Thm.dest_arg o Thm.cprop_of) th
val T = Thm.dest_ctyp0 (Thm.ctyp_of_cterm p)
val th0 = fconv_rule (Thm.beta_conversion true)
(Thm.instantiate' [SOME T] [SOME p, (SOME o Thm.dest_arg o Thm.cprop_of) th'] exE)
val pv = (Thm.rhs_of o Thm.beta_conversion true)
(Thm.apply \<^cterm>\<open>Trueprop\<close> (Thm.apply p v))
val th1 = Thm.forall_intr v (Thm.implies_intr pv th')
in Thm.implies_elim (Thm.implies_elim th0 th) th1 end
| _ => raise THM ("choose",0,[th, th'])
fun simple_choose v th =
choose v
((Thm.apply \<^cterm>\<open>Trueprop\<close> o mk_ex v) (Thm.dest_arg (hd (Thm.chyps_of th))))) th
val strip_forall =
fun h (acc, t) =
case Thm.term_of t of
Const(\<^const_name>\<open>All\<close>,_)$Abs(_,_,_) =>
h (Thm.dest_abs NONE (Thm.dest_arg t) |>> (fn v => v::acc))
| _ => (acc,t)
in fn t => h ([],t)
fun f ct =
val nnf_norm_conv' =
nnf_conv ctxt then_conv
literals_conv [\<^term>\<open>HOL.conj\<close>, \<^term>\<open>HOL.disj\<close>] []
(first_conv [real_lt_conv, real_le_conv,
real_eq_conv, real_not_lt_conv,
real_not_le_conv, real_not_eq_conv, all_conv]))
fun absremover ct = (literals_conv [\<^term>\<open>HOL.conj\<close>, \<^term>\<open>HOL.disj\<close>] []
(try_conv (absconv1 then_conv binop_conv (arg_conv poly_conv))) then_conv
try_conv (absconv2 then_conv nnf_norm_conv' then_conv binop_conv absremover)) ct
val nct = Thm.apply \<^cterm>\<open>Trueprop\<close> (Thm.apply \<^cterm>\<open>Not\<close> ct)
val th0 = (init_conv then_conv arg_conv nnf_norm_conv') nct
val tm0 = Thm.dest_arg (Thm.rhs_of th0)
val (th, certificates) =
if tm0 aconvc \<^cterm>\<open>False\<close> then (equal_implies_1_rule th0, Trivial) else
val (evs,bod) = strip_exists tm0
val (avs,ibod) = strip_forall bod
val th1 = Drule.arg_cong_rule \<^cterm>\<open>Trueprop\<close> (fold mk_forall avs (absremover ibod))
val (th2, certs) = overall [] [] [specl avs (Thm.assume (Thm.rhs_of th1))]
val th3 =
fold simple_choose evs
(prove_hyp (Thm.equal_elim th1 (Thm.assume (Thm.apply \<^cterm>\<open>Trueprop\<close> bod))) th2)
in (Drule.implies_intr_hyps (prove_hyp (Thm.equal_elim th0 (Thm.assume nct)) th3), certs)
in (Thm.implies_elim (Thm.instantiate' [] [SOME ct] pth_final) th, certificates)
in f
(* A linear arithmetic prover *)
val linear_add = FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.combine (curry op +) (fn z => z = @0)
fun linear_cmul c = FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.map (fn _ => fn x => c * x)
val one_tm = \<^cterm>\<open>1::real\<close>
fun contradictory p (e,_) = ((FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.is_empty e) andalso not(p @0)) orelse
((eq_set (op aconvc) (FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.dom e, [one_tm])) andalso
not(p(FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.apply e one_tm)))
fun linear_ineqs vars (les,lts) =
case find_first (contradictory (fn x => x > @0)) lts of
SOME r => r
| NONE =>
(case find_first (contradictory (fn x => x > @0)) les of
SOME r => r
| NONE =>
if null vars then error "linear_ineqs: no contradiction" else
val ineqs = les @ lts
fun blowup v =
length(filter (fn (e,_) => FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.tryapplyd e v @0 = @0) ineqs) +
length(filter (fn (e,_) => FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.tryapplyd e v @0 > @0) ineqs) *
length(filter (fn (e,_) => FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.tryapplyd e v @0 < @0) ineqs)
val v = fst(hd(sort (fn ((_,i),(_,j)) => int_ord (i,j))
(map (fn v => (v,blowup v)) vars)))
fun addup (e1,p1) (e2,p2) acc =
val c1 = FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.tryapplyd e1 v @0
val c2 = FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.tryapplyd e2 v @0
if c1 * c2 >= @0 then acc else
val e1' = linear_cmul (abs c2) e1
val e2' = linear_cmul (abs c1) e2
val p1' = Product(Rational_lt (abs c2), p1)
val p2' = Product(Rational_lt (abs c1), p2)
in (linear_add e1' e2',Sum(p1',p2'))::acc
val (les0,les1) =
List.partition (fn (e,_) => FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.tryapplyd e v @0 = @0) les
val (lts0,lts1) =
List.partition (fn (e,_) => FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.tryapplyd e v @0 = @0) lts
val (lesp,lesn) =
List.partition (fn (e,_) => FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.tryapplyd e v @0 > @0) les1
val (ltsp,ltsn) =
List.partition (fn (e,_) => FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.tryapplyd e v @0 > @0) lts1
val les' = fold_rev (fn ep1 => fold_rev (addup ep1) lesp) lesn les0
val lts' = fold_rev (fn ep1 => fold_rev (addup ep1) (lesp@ltsp)) ltsn
(fold_rev (fn ep1 => fold_rev (addup ep1) (lesn@ltsn)) ltsp lts0)
in linear_ineqs (remove (op aconvc) v vars) (les',lts')
fun linear_eqs(eqs,les,lts) =
case find_first (contradictory (fn x => x = @0)) eqs of
SOME r => r
| NONE =>
(case eqs of
[] =>
let val vars = remove (op aconvc) one_tm
(fold_rev (union (op aconvc) o FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.dom o fst) (les@lts) [])
in linear_ineqs vars (les,lts) end
| (e,p)::es =>
if FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.is_empty e then linear_eqs (es,les,lts) else
val (x,c) = FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.choose (FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.delete_safe one_tm e)
fun xform (inp as (t,q)) =
let val d = FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.tryapplyd t x @0 in
if d = @0 then inp else
val k = ~ d * abs c / c
val e' = linear_cmul k e
val t' = linear_cmul (abs c) t
val p' = Eqmul(FuncUtil.Monomialfunc.onefunc (FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.empty, k),p)
val q' = Product(Rational_lt (abs c), q)
in (linear_add e' t',Sum(p',q'))
in linear_eqs(map xform es,map xform les,map xform lts)
fun linear_prover (eq,le,lt) =
val eqs = map_index (fn (n, p) => (p,Axiom_eq n)) eq
val les = map_index (fn (n, p) => (p,Axiom_le n)) le
val lts = map_index (fn (n, p) => (p,Axiom_lt n)) lt
in linear_eqs(eqs,les,lts)
fun lin_of_hol ct =
if ct aconvc \<^cterm>\<open>0::real\<close> then FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.empty
else if not (is_comb ct) then FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.onefunc (ct, @1)
else if is_ratconst ct then FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.onefunc (one_tm, dest_ratconst ct)
let val (lop,r) = Thm.dest_comb ct
if not (is_comb lop) then FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.onefunc (ct, @1)
let val (opr,l) = Thm.dest_comb lop
if opr aconvc \<^cterm>\<open>(+) :: real \<Rightarrow> _\<close>
then linear_add (lin_of_hol l) (lin_of_hol r)
else if opr aconvc \<^cterm>\<open>(*) :: real \<Rightarrow> _\<close>
andalso is_ratconst l then FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.onefunc (r, dest_ratconst l)
else FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.onefunc (ct, @1)
fun is_alien ct =
case Thm.term_of ct of
Const(\<^const_name>\<open>of_nat\<close>, _)$ n => not (can HOLogic.dest_number n)
| Const(\<^const_name>\<open>of_int\<close>, _)$ n => not (can HOLogic.dest_number n)
| _ => false
fun real_linear_prover translator (eq,le,lt) =
val lhs = lin_of_hol o Thm.dest_arg1 o Thm.dest_arg o Thm.cprop_of
val rhs = lin_of_hol o Thm.dest_arg o Thm.dest_arg o Thm.cprop_of
val eq_pols = map lhs eq
val le_pols = map rhs le
val lt_pols = map rhs lt
val aliens = filter is_alien
(fold_rev (union (op aconvc) o FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.dom)
(eq_pols @ le_pols @ lt_pols) [])
val le_pols' = le_pols @ map (fn v => FuncUtil.Ctermfunc.onefunc (v,@1)) aliens
val (_,proof) = linear_prover (eq_pols,le_pols',lt_pols)
val le' = le @ map (fn a => Thm.instantiate' [] [SOME (Thm.dest_arg a)] @{thm of_nat_0_le_iff}) aliens
in ((translator (eq,le',lt) proof), Trivial)
(* A less general generic arithmetic prover dealing with abs,max and min*)
val absmaxmin_elim_ss1 =
simpset_of (put_simpset HOL_basic_ss \<^context> addsimps real_abs_thms1)
fun absmaxmin_elim_conv1 ctxt =
Simplifier.rewrite (put_simpset absmaxmin_elim_ss1 ctxt)
val absmaxmin_elim_conv2 =
val pth_abs = Thm.instantiate' [SOME \<^ctyp>\real\] [] abs_split'
val pth_max = Thm.instantiate' [SOME \<^ctyp>\real\] [] max_split
val pth_min = Thm.instantiate' [SOME \<^ctyp>\real\] [] min_split
val abs_tm = \<^cterm>\<open>abs :: real \<Rightarrow> _\<close>
val p_v = (("P", 0), \<^typ>\<open>real \<Rightarrow> bool\<close>)
val x_v = (("x", 0), \<^typ>\<open>real\<close>)
val y_v = (("y", 0), \<^typ>\<open>real\<close>)
val is_max = is_binop \<^cterm>\<open>max :: real \<Rightarrow> _\<close>
val is_min = is_binop \<^cterm>\<open>min :: real \<Rightarrow> _\<close>
fun is_abs t = is_comb t andalso Thm.dest_fun t aconvc abs_tm
fun eliminate_construct p c tm =
val t = find_cterm p tm
val th0 = (Thm.symmetric o Thm.beta_conversion false) (Thm.apply (Thm.lambda t tm) t)
val (p,ax) = (Thm.dest_comb o Thm.rhs_of) th0
in fconv_rule(arg_conv(binop_conv (arg_conv (Thm.beta_conversion false))))
(Thm.transitive th0 (c p ax))
val elim_abs = eliminate_construct is_abs
(fn p => fn ax =>
Thm.instantiate ([], [(p_v,p), (x_v, Thm.dest_arg ax)]) pth_abs)
val elim_max = eliminate_construct is_max
(fn p => fn ax =>
let val (ax,y) = Thm.dest_comb ax
in Thm.instantiate ([], [(p_v,p), (x_v, Thm.dest_arg ax), (y_v,y)])
pth_max end)
val elim_min = eliminate_construct is_min
(fn p => fn ax =>
let val (ax,y) = Thm.dest_comb ax
in Thm.instantiate ([], [(p_v,p), (x_v, Thm.dest_arg ax), (y_v,y)])
pth_min end)
in first_conv [elim_abs, elim_max, elim_min, all_conv]
fun gen_real_arith ctxt (mkconst,eq,ge,gt,norm,neg,add,mul,prover) =
gen_gen_real_arith ctxt
absmaxmin_elim_conv1 ctxt,absmaxmin_elim_conv2,prover)
(* An instance for reals*)
fun gen_prover_real_arith ctxt prover =
val {add, mul, neg, pow = _, sub = _, main} =
Semiring_Normalizer.semiring_normalizers_ord_wrapper ctxt
(the (Semiring_Normalizer.match ctxt \<^cterm>\<open>(0::real) + 1\<close>))
in gen_real_arith ctxt
Numeral_Simprocs.field_comp_conv ctxt,
Numeral_Simprocs.field_comp_conv ctxt,
Numeral_Simprocs.field_comp_conv ctxt,
main ctxt, neg ctxt, add ctxt, mul ctxt, prover)
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