(* Title: HOL/Tools/split_rule.ML
Author: Stefan Berghofer, David von Oheimb, and Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
Some tools for managing tupled arguments and abstractions in rules.
signature SPLIT_RULE =
val split_rule_var: Proof.context -> term -> thm -> thm
val split_rule: Proof.context -> thm -> thm
val complete_split_rule: Proof.context -> thm -> thm
structure Split_Rule: SPLIT_RULE =
(** split rules **)
fun internal_case_prod_const (Ta, Tb, Tc) =
Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Product_Type.internal_case_prod\<close>,
[[Ta, Tb] ---> Tc, HOLogic.mk_prodT (Ta, Tb)] ---> Tc);
fun eval_internal_split ctxt =
hol_simplify ctxt @{thms internal_case_prod_def} o
hol_simplify ctxt @{thms internal_case_prod_conv};
fun remove_internal_split ctxt = eval_internal_split ctxt o split_all ctxt;
(*In ap_split S T u, term u expects separate arguments for the factors of S,
with result type T. The call creates a new term expecting one argument
of type S.*)
fun ap_split (Type (\<^type_name>\<open>Product_Type.prod\<close>, [T1, T2])) T3 u =
internal_case_prod_const (T1, T2, T3) $
Abs ("v", T1,
ap_split T2 T3
((ap_split T1 (HOLogic.flatten_tupleT T2 ---> T3) (incr_boundvars 1 u)) $
Bound 0))
| ap_split _ T3 u = u;
(*Curries any Var of function type in the rule*)
fun split_rule_var' ctxt (t as Var (v, Type ("fun", [T1, T2]))) rl =
let val T' = HOLogic.flatten_tupleT T1 ---> T2;
val newt = ap_split T1 T2 (Var (v, T'));
in Thm.instantiate ([], [(dest_Var t, Thm.cterm_of ctxt newt)]) rl end
| split_rule_var' _ _ rl = rl;
(* complete splitting of partially split rules *)
fun ap_split' (T::Ts) U u = Abs ("v", T, ap_split' Ts U
(ap_split T (maps HOLogic.flatten_tupleT Ts ---> U)
(incr_boundvars 1 u) $ Bound 0))
| ap_split' _ _ u = u;
fun complete_split_rule_var ctxt (t as Var (v, T), ts) (rl, vs) =
val (Us', U') = strip_type T;
val Us = take (length ts) Us';
val U = drop (length ts) Us' ---> U';
val T' = maps HOLogic.flatten_tupleT Us ---> U;
fun mk_tuple (v as Var ((a, _), T)) (xs, insts) =
val Ts = HOLogic.flatten_tupleT T;
val ys = Name.variant_list xs (replicate (length Ts) a);
(xs @ ys,
(dest_Var v,
Thm.cterm_of ctxt (HOLogic.mk_ptuple (HOLogic.flat_tupleT_paths T) T
(map (Var o apfst (rpair 0)) (ys ~~ Ts)))) :: insts)
| mk_tuple _ x = x;
val newt = ap_split' Us U (Var (v, T'));
val (vs', insts) = fold mk_tuple ts (vs, []);
(Drule.instantiate_normalize ([], ((v, T), Thm.cterm_of ctxt newt) :: insts) rl, vs')
| complete_split_rule_var _ _ x = x;
fun collect_vars (Abs (_, _, t)) = collect_vars t
| collect_vars t =
(case strip_comb t of
(v as Var _, ts) => cons (v, ts)
| (_, ts) => fold collect_vars ts);
fun split_rule_var ctxt =
(Drule.export_without_context o remove_internal_split ctxt) oo split_rule_var' ctxt;
(*curries ALL function variables occurring in a rule's conclusion*)
fun split_rule ctxt rl =
fold_rev (split_rule_var' ctxt) (Misc_Legacy.term_vars (Thm.concl_of rl)) rl
|> remove_internal_split ctxt
|> Drule.export_without_context;
(*curries ALL function variables*)
fun complete_split_rule ctxt rl =
val prop = Thm.prop_of rl;
val xs = Term.fold_aterms (fn Var ((x, _), _) => insert (op =) x | _ => I) prop [];
val vars = collect_vars prop [];
fst (fold_rev (complete_split_rule_var ctxt) vars (rl, xs))
|> remove_internal_split ctxt
|> Drule.export_without_context
|> Rule_Cases.save rl
(* attribute syntax *)
val _ =
(Attrib.setup \<^binding>\<open>split_format\<close>
(Scan.lift (Args.parens (Args.$$$ "complete")
>> K (Thm.rule_attribute [] (complete_split_rule o Context.proof_of))))
"split pair-typed subterms in premises, or function arguments" #>
Attrib.setup \<^binding>\<open>split_rule\<close>
(Scan.succeed (Thm.rule_attribute [] (split_rule o Context.proof_of)))
"curries ALL function variables occurring in a rule's conclusion");
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.16 Sekunden
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