(* Title: Pure/General/antiquote.ML
Author: Makarius
Antiquotations within plain text.
signature ANTIQUOTE =
type control = {range: Position.range, name: string * Position.T, body: Symbol_Pos.T list}
type antiq = {start: Position.T, stop: Position.T, range: Position.range, body: Symbol_Pos.T list}
datatype 'a antiquote = Text of 'a | Control of control | Antiq of antiq
type text_antiquote = Symbol_Pos.T list antiquote
val text_antiquote_range: text_antiquote -> Position.range
val text_range: text_antiquote list -> Position.range
val split_lines: text_antiquote list -> text_antiquote list list
val antiq_reports: 'a antiquote list -> Position.report list
val update_reports: bool -> Position.T -> string list -> Position.report_text list
val scan_control: control scanner
val scan_antiq: antiq scanner
val scan_antiquote: text_antiquote scanner
val scan_antiquote_comments: text_antiquote scanner
val parse_comments: Position.T -> Symbol_Pos.T list -> text_antiquote list
val read_comments: Input.source -> text_antiquote list
structure Antiquote: ANTIQUOTE =
(* datatype antiquote *)
type control = {range: Position.range, name: string * Position.T, body: Symbol_Pos.T list};
type antiq = {start: Position.T, stop: Position.T, range: Position.range, body: Symbol_Pos.T list};
datatype 'a antiquote = Text of 'a | Control of control | Antiq of antiq;
type text_antiquote = Symbol_Pos.T list antiquote;
fun text_antiquote_range (Text ss) = Symbol_Pos.range ss
| text_antiquote_range (Control {range, ...}) = range
| text_antiquote_range (Antiq {range, ...}) = range;
fun text_range ants =
if null ants then Position.no_range
Position.range (#1 (text_antiquote_range (hd ants)), #2 (text_antiquote_range (List.last ants)));
(* split lines *)
fun split_lines input =
fun add a (line, lines) = (a :: line, lines);
fun flush (line, lines) = ([], rev line :: lines);
fun split (a as Text ss) =
(case chop_prefix (fn ("\n", _) => false | _ => true) ss of
([], []) => I
| (_, []) => add a
| ([], _ :: rest) => flush #> split (Text rest)
| (prefix, _ :: rest) => add (Text prefix) #> flush #> split (Text rest))
| split a = add a;
in if null input then [] else rev (#2 (flush (fold split input ([], [])))) end;
(* reports *)
fun antiq_reports ants = ants |> maps
(fn Text _ => []
| Control {range = (pos, _), ...} => [(pos, Markup.antiquoted)]
| Antiq {start, stop, range = (pos, _), ...} =>
[(start, Markup.antiquote),
(stop, Markup.antiquote),
(pos, Markup.antiquoted),
(pos, Markup.language_antiquotation)]);
(* update *)
fun update_reports embedded pos src =
val n = length src;
val no_arg = n = 1;
val embedded_arg = n = 2 andalso embedded;
val control =
(case src of
name :: _ =>
if Symbol.is_ascii_identifier name andalso name <> "cartouche" andalso
(no_arg orelse embedded_arg)
then SOME (Symbol.control_prefix ^ name ^ Symbol.control_suffix)
else NONE
| [] => NONE);
val arg = if embedded_arg then cartouche (nth src 1) else "";
(case control of
SOME sym => [((pos, Markup.update), sym ^ arg)]
| NONE => [])
(* scan *)
open Basic_Symbol_Pos;
val err_prefix = "Antiquotation lexical error: ";
val scan_nl = Scan.one (fn (s, _) => s = "\n") >> single;
val scan_nl_opt = Scan.optional scan_nl [];
val scan_plain_txt =
Scan.many1 (fn (s, _) =>
not (Comment.is_symbol s) andalso
not (Symbol.is_control s) andalso
s <> Symbol.open_ andalso
s <> "@" andalso
s <> "\n" andalso
Symbol.not_eof s) ||
Scan.one (Comment.is_symbol o Symbol_Pos.symbol) >> single ||
$$$ "@" --| Scan.ahead (~$$ "{");
val scan_text =
scan_nl || Scan.repeats1 scan_plain_txt @@@ scan_nl_opt;
val scan_text_comments =
scan_nl || Scan.repeats1 (Comment.scan_inner >> #2 || scan_plain_txt) @@@ scan_nl_opt;
val scan_antiq_body =
Scan.trace (Symbol_Pos.scan_string_qq err_prefix || Symbol_Pos.scan_string_bq err_prefix) >> #2 ||
Symbol_Pos.scan_cartouche err_prefix ||
Comment.scan_inner --
Symbol_Pos.!!! (fn () => err_prefix ^ "bad formal comment in antiquote body") Scan.fail
>> K [] ||
Scan.one (fn (s, _) => s <> "}" andalso Symbol.not_eof s) >> single;
fun control_name sym = (case Symbol.decode sym of Symbol.Control name => name);
val scan_control =
Scan.option (Scan.one (Symbol.is_control o Symbol_Pos.symbol)) --
Symbol_Pos.scan_cartouche err_prefix >>
(fn (opt_control, body) =>
val (name, range) =
(case opt_control of
SOME (sym, pos) => ((control_name sym, pos), Symbol_Pos.range ((sym, pos) :: body))
| NONE => (("cartouche", #2 (hd body)), Symbol_Pos.range body));
in {name = name, range = range, body = body} end) ||
Scan.one (Symbol.is_control o Symbol_Pos.symbol) >>
(fn (sym, pos) =>
{name = (control_name sym, pos), range = Symbol_Pos.range [(sym, pos)], body = []});
val scan_antiq =
Symbol_Pos.scan_pos -- ($$ "@" |-- $$ "{" |-- Symbol_Pos.scan_pos --
Symbol_Pos.!!! (fn () => err_prefix ^ "missing closing brace")
(Scan.repeats scan_antiq_body -- Symbol_Pos.scan_pos -- ($$ "}" |-- Symbol_Pos.scan_pos))) >>
(fn (pos1, (pos2, ((body, pos3), pos4))) =>
{start = Position.range_position (pos1, pos2),
stop = Position.range_position (pos3, pos4),
range = Position.range (pos1, pos4),
body = body});
val scan_antiquote =
scan_text >> Text || scan_control >> Control || scan_antiq >> Antiq;
val scan_antiquote_comments =
scan_text_comments >> Text || scan_control >> Control || scan_antiq >> Antiq;
(* parse and read (with formal comments) *)
fun parse_comments pos syms =
(case Scan.read Symbol_Pos.stopper (Scan.repeat scan_antiquote_comments) syms of
SOME ants => ants
| NONE => error ("Malformed quotation/antiquotation source" ^ Position.here pos));
fun read_comments source =
val ants = parse_comments (Input.pos_of source) (Input.source_explode source);
val _ = Position.reports (antiq_reports ants);
in ants end;
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.19 Sekunden
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Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.