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'use strict';
import * as library from './library'
import { Disposable, DocumentSelector, ExtensionContext, extensions, window } from 'vscode'
/* ASCII characters */
export type Symbol = string
export function is_char(s: Symbol): boolean
{ return s.length == 1 }
export function is_ascii_letter(s: Symbol): boolean
{ return is_char(s) && "A" <= s && s <= "Z" || "a" <= s && s <= "z" }
export function is_ascii_digit(s: Symbol): boolean
{ return is_char(s) && "0" <= s && s <= "9" }
export function is_ascii_quasi(s: Symbol): boolean
{ return s == "_" || s == "'" }
export function is_ascii_letdig(s: Symbol): boolean
{ return is_ascii_letter(s) || is_ascii_digit(s) || is_ascii_quasi(s) }
export function is_ascii_identifier(s: Symbol): boolean
const n = s.length
let all_letdig = true
for (const c of s) { all_letdig = all_letdig && is_ascii_letdig(c) }
return n > 0 && is_ascii_letter(s.charAt(0)) && all_letdig
/* named symbols */
export interface Entry
symbol: Symbol,
name: string,
code: number
let symbol_entries: [Entry]
const names = new Map<Symbol, string>()
const codes = new Map<Symbol, number>()
export function get_name(sym: Symbol): string | undefined
return names.get(sym)
export function get_code(sym: Symbol): number | undefined
return codes.get(sym)
export function get_unicode(sym: Symbol): string
const code = get_code(sym)
return code ? String.fromCharCode(code) : ""
function update_entries(entries: [Entry])
symbol_entries = entries
for (const entry of entries) {
names.set(entry.symbol, entry.name)
codes.set(entry.symbol, entry.code)
/* prettify symbols mode */
interface PrettyStyleProperties
border?: string
textDecoration?: string
color?: string
backgroundColor?: string
interface PrettyStyle extends PrettyStyleProperties
dark?: PrettyStyleProperties
light?: PrettyStyleProperties
interface Substitution
ugly: string
pretty: string
pre?: string
post?: string
style?: PrettyStyle
interface LanguageEntry
language: DocumentSelector
substitutions: Substitution[]
interface PrettifySymbolsMode
onDidEnabledChange: (handler: (enabled: boolean) => void) => Disposable
isEnabled: () => boolean,
registerSubstitutions: (substitutions: LanguageEntry) => Disposable
export function setup(context: ExtensionContext, entries: [Entry])
const prettify_symbols_mode =
if (prettify_symbols_mode) {
prettify_symbols_mode.activate().then(() =>
const substitutions: Substitution[] = []
for (const entry of names) {
const sym = entry[0]
ugly: library.escape_regex(sym),
pretty: library.escape_regex(get_unicode(sym))
for (const language of ["isabelle", "isabelle-ml", "isabelle-output"]) {
language: language,
substitutions: substitutions
else {
window.showWarningMessage("Please install extension \"Prettify Symbols Model\" and restart!")
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