* Copyright (c) 1997, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2014, 2018, Red Hat Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2020, 2022, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
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#include "asm/assembler.hpp"
#include "runtime/continuation.hpp"
#include "runtime/icache.hpp"
#include "runtime/os.hpp"
// We have interfaces for the following instructions:
// - NativeInstruction
// - - NativeCall
// - - NativeMovConstReg
// - - NativeMovRegMem
// - - NativeJump
// - - NativeGeneralJump
// - - NativeIllegalInstruction
// - - NativeCallTrampolineStub
// - - NativeMembar
// - - NativePostCallNop
// - - NativeDeoptInstruction
// The base class for different kinds of native instruction abstractions.
// Provides the primitive operations to manipulate code relative to this.
class NativeCall;
class NativeInstruction {
friend class Relocation;
friend bool is_NativeCallTrampolineStub_at(address);
enum {
instruction_size = 4,
compressed_instruction_size = 2,
juint encoding() const {
return uint_at(0);
bool is_jal() const { return is_jal_at(addr_at(0)); }
bool is_movptr() const { return is_movptr_at(addr_at(0)); }
bool is_call() const { return is_call_at(addr_at(0)); }
bool is_jump() const { return is_jump_at(addr_at(0)); }
static bool is_jal_at(address instr) { assert_cond(instr != NULL); return extract_opcode(instr) == 0b1101111; }
static bool is_jalr_at(address instr) { assert_cond(instr != NULL); return extract_opcode(instr) == 0b1100111 && extract_funct3(instr) == 0b000; }
static bool is_branch_at(address instr) { assert_cond(instr != NULL); return extract_opcode(instr) == 0b1100011; }
static bool is_ld_at(address instr) { assert_cond(instr != NULL); return is_load_at(instr) && extract_funct3(instr) == 0b011; }
static bool is_load_at(address instr) { assert_cond(instr != NULL); return extract_opcode(instr) == 0b0000011; }
static bool is_float_load_at(address instr) { assert_cond(instr != NULL); return extract_opcode(instr) == 0b0000111; }
static bool is_auipc_at(address instr) { assert_cond(instr != NULL); return extract_opcode(instr) == 0b0010111; }
static bool is_jump_at(address instr) { assert_cond(instr != NULL); return is_branch_at(instr) || is_jal_at(instr) || is_jalr_at(instr); }
static bool is_addi_at(address instr) { assert_cond(instr != NULL); return extract_opcode(instr) == 0b0010011 && extract_funct3(instr) == 0b000; }
static bool is_addiw_at(address instr) { assert_cond(instr != NULL); return extract_opcode(instr) == 0b0011011 && extract_funct3(instr) == 0b000; }
static bool is_addiw_to_zr_at(address instr) { assert_cond(instr != NULL); return is_addiw_at(instr) && extract_rd(instr) == zr; }
static bool is_lui_at(address instr) { assert_cond(instr != NULL); return extract_opcode(instr) == 0b0110111; }
static bool is_lui_to_zr_at(address instr) { assert_cond(instr != NULL); return is_lui_at(instr) && extract_rd(instr) == zr; }
static bool is_slli_shift_at(address instr, uint32_t shift) {
assert_cond(instr != NULL);
return (extract_opcode(instr) == 0b0010011 && // opcode field
extract_funct3(instr) == 0b001 && // funct3 field, select the type of operation
Assembler::extract(((unsigned*)instr)[0], 25, 20) == shift); // shamt field
static Register extract_rs1(address instr);
static Register extract_rs2(address instr);
static Register extract_rd(address instr);
static uint32_t extract_opcode(address instr);
static uint32_t extract_funct3(address instr);
// the instruction sequence of movptr is as below:
// lui
// addi
// slli
// addi
// slli
// addi/jalr/load
static bool check_movptr_data_dependency(address instr) {
address lui = instr;
address addi1 = lui + instruction_size;
address slli1 = addi1 + instruction_size;
address addi2 = slli1 + instruction_size;
address slli2 = addi2 + instruction_size;
address last_instr = slli2 + instruction_size;
return extract_rs1(addi1) == extract_rd(lui) &&
extract_rs1(addi1) == extract_rd(addi1) &&
extract_rs1(slli1) == extract_rd(addi1) &&
extract_rs1(slli1) == extract_rd(slli1) &&
extract_rs1(addi2) == extract_rd(slli1) &&
extract_rs1(addi2) == extract_rd(addi2) &&
extract_rs1(slli2) == extract_rd(addi2) &&
extract_rs1(slli2) == extract_rd(slli2) &&
extract_rs1(last_instr) == extract_rd(slli2);
// the instruction sequence of li64 is as below:
// lui
// addi
// slli
// addi
// slli
// addi
// slli
// addi
static bool check_li64_data_dependency(address instr) {
address lui = instr;
address addi1 = lui + instruction_size;
address slli1 = addi1 + instruction_size;
address addi2 = slli1 + instruction_size;
address slli2 = addi2 + instruction_size;
address addi3 = slli2 + instruction_size;
address slli3 = addi3 + instruction_size;
address addi4 = slli3 + instruction_size;
return extract_rs1(addi1) == extract_rd(lui) &&
extract_rs1(addi1) == extract_rd(addi1) &&
extract_rs1(slli1) == extract_rd(addi1) &&
extract_rs1(slli1) == extract_rd(slli1) &&
extract_rs1(addi2) == extract_rd(slli1) &&
extract_rs1(addi2) == extract_rd(addi2) &&
extract_rs1(slli2) == extract_rd(addi2) &&
extract_rs1(slli2) == extract_rd(slli2) &&
extract_rs1(addi3) == extract_rd(slli2) &&
extract_rs1(addi3) == extract_rd(addi3) &&
extract_rs1(slli3) == extract_rd(addi3) &&
extract_rs1(slli3) == extract_rd(slli3) &&
extract_rs1(addi4) == extract_rd(slli3) &&
extract_rs1(addi4) == extract_rd(addi4);
// the instruction sequence of li32 is as below:
// lui
// addiw
static bool check_li32_data_dependency(address instr) {
address lui = instr;
address addiw = lui + instruction_size;
return extract_rs1(addiw) == extract_rd(lui) &&
extract_rs1(addiw) == extract_rd(addiw);
// the instruction sequence of pc-relative is as below:
// auipc
// jalr/addi/load/float_load
static bool check_pc_relative_data_dependency(address instr) {
address auipc = instr;
address last_instr = auipc + instruction_size;
return extract_rs1(last_instr) == extract_rd(auipc);
// the instruction sequence of load_label is as below:
// auipc
// load
static bool check_load_pc_relative_data_dependency(address instr) {
address auipc = instr;
address load = auipc + instruction_size;
return extract_rd(load) == extract_rd(auipc) &&
extract_rs1(load) == extract_rd(load);
static bool is_movptr_at(address instr);
static bool is_li32_at(address instr);
static bool is_li64_at(address instr);
static bool is_pc_relative_at(address branch);
static bool is_load_pc_relative_at(address branch);
static bool is_call_at(address instr) {
if (is_jal_at(instr) || is_jalr_at(instr)) {
return true;
return false;
static bool is_lwu_to_zr(address instr);
inline bool is_nop() const;
inline bool is_jump_or_nop();
bool is_safepoint_poll();
bool is_sigill_not_entrant();
bool is_stop();
address addr_at(int offset) const { return address(this) + offset; }
jint int_at(int offset) const { return *(jint*) addr_at(offset); }
juint uint_at(int offset) const { return *(juint*) addr_at(offset); }
address ptr_at(int offset) const { return *(address*) addr_at(offset); }
oop oop_at (int offset) const { return *(oop*) addr_at(offset); }
void set_int_at(int offset, jint i) { *(jint*)addr_at(offset) = i; }
void set_uint_at(int offset, jint i) { *(juint*)addr_at(offset) = i; }
void set_ptr_at (int offset, address ptr) { *(address*) addr_at(offset) = ptr; }
void set_oop_at (int offset, oop o) { *(oop*) addr_at(offset) = o; }
inline friend NativeInstruction* nativeInstruction_at(address addr);
static bool maybe_cpool_ref(address instr) {
return is_auipc_at(instr);
bool is_membar() {
return (uint_at(0) & 0x7f) == 0b1111 && extract_funct3(addr_at(0)) == 0;
inline NativeInstruction* nativeInstruction_at(address addr) {
return (NativeInstruction*)addr;
// The natural type of an RISCV instruction is uint32_t
inline NativeInstruction* nativeInstruction_at(uint32_t *addr) {
return (NativeInstruction*)addr;
inline NativeCall* nativeCall_at(address addr);
// The NativeCall is an abstraction for accessing/manipulating native
// call instructions (used to manipulate inline caches, primitive &
// DSO calls, etc.).
class NativeCall: public NativeInstruction {
enum RISCV_specific_constants {
instruction_size = 4,
instruction_offset = 0,
displacement_offset = 0,
return_address_offset = 4
address instruction_address() const { return addr_at(instruction_offset); }
address next_instruction_address() const { return addr_at(return_address_offset); }
address return_address() const { return addr_at(return_address_offset); }
address destination() const;
void set_destination(address dest) {
assert(is_jal(), "Should be jal instruction!");
intptr_t offset = (intptr_t)(dest - instruction_address());
assert((offset & 0x1) == 0, "bad alignment");
assert(is_imm_in_range(offset, 20, 1), "encoding constraint");
unsigned int insn = 0b1101111; // jal
address pInsn = (address)(&insn);
Assembler::patch(pInsn, 31, 31, (offset >> 20) & 0x1);
Assembler::patch(pInsn, 30, 21, (offset >> 1) & 0x3ff);
Assembler::patch(pInsn, 20, 20, (offset >> 11) & 0x1);
Assembler::patch(pInsn, 19, 12, (offset >> 12) & 0xff);
Assembler::patch(pInsn, 11, 7, ra->encoding()); // Rd must be x1, need ra
set_int_at(displacement_offset, insn);
void verify_alignment() {} // do nothing on riscv
void verify();
void print();
// Creation
inline friend NativeCall* nativeCall_at(address addr);
inline friend NativeCall* nativeCall_before(address return_address);
static bool is_call_before(address return_address) {
return is_call_at(return_address - NativeCall::return_address_offset);
// MT-safe patching of a call instruction.
static void insert(address code_pos, address entry);
static void replace_mt_safe(address instr_addr, address code_buffer);
// Similar to replace_mt_safe, but just changes the destination. The
// important thing is that free-running threads are able to execute
// this call instruction at all times. If the call is an immediate BL
// instruction we can simply rely on atomicity of 32-bit writes to
// make sure other threads will see no intermediate states.
// We cannot rely on locks here, since the free-running threads must run at
// full speed.
// Used in the runtime linkage of calls; see class CompiledIC.
// (Cf. 4506997 and 4479829, where threads witnessed garbage displacements.)
// The parameter assert_lock disables the assertion during code generation.
void set_destination_mt_safe(address dest, bool assert_lock = true);
address get_trampoline();
inline NativeCall* nativeCall_at(address addr) {
assert_cond(addr != NULL);
NativeCall* call = (NativeCall*)(addr - NativeCall::instruction_offset);
return call;
inline NativeCall* nativeCall_before(address return_address) {
assert_cond(return_address != NULL);
NativeCall* call = (NativeCall*)(return_address - NativeCall::return_address_offset);
return call;
// An interface for accessing/manipulating native mov reg, imm instructions.
// (used to manipulate inlined 64-bit data calls, etc.)
class NativeMovConstReg: public NativeInstruction {
enum RISCV_specific_constants {
movptr_instruction_size = 6 * NativeInstruction::instruction_size, // lui, addi, slli, addi, slli, addi. See movptr().
load_pc_relative_instruction_size = 2 * NativeInstruction::instruction_size, // auipc, ld
instruction_offset = 0,
displacement_offset = 0
address instruction_address() const { return addr_at(instruction_offset); }
address next_instruction_address() const {
// if the instruction at 5 * instruction_size is addi,
// it means a lui + addi + slli + addi + slli + addi instruction sequence,
// and the next instruction address should be addr_at(6 * instruction_size).
// However, when the instruction at 5 * instruction_size isn't addi,
// the next instruction address should be addr_at(5 * instruction_size)
if (nativeInstruction_at(instruction_address())->is_movptr()) {
if (is_addi_at(addr_at(movptr_instruction_size - NativeInstruction::instruction_size))) {
// Assume: lui, addi, slli, addi, slli, addi
return addr_at(movptr_instruction_size);
} else {
// Assume: lui, addi, slli, addi, slli
return addr_at(movptr_instruction_size - NativeInstruction::instruction_size);
} else if (is_load_pc_relative_at(instruction_address())) {
// Assume: auipc, ld
return addr_at(load_pc_relative_instruction_size);
guarantee(false, "Unknown instruction in NativeMovConstReg");
return NULL;
intptr_t data() const;
void set_data(intptr_t x);
void flush() {
if (!maybe_cpool_ref(instruction_address())) {
ICache::invalidate_range(instruction_address(), movptr_instruction_size);
void verify();
void print();
// Creation
inline friend NativeMovConstReg* nativeMovConstReg_at(address addr);
inline friend NativeMovConstReg* nativeMovConstReg_before(address addr);
inline NativeMovConstReg* nativeMovConstReg_at(address addr) {
assert_cond(addr != NULL);
NativeMovConstReg* test = (NativeMovConstReg*)(addr - NativeMovConstReg::instruction_offset);
return test;
inline NativeMovConstReg* nativeMovConstReg_before(address addr) {
assert_cond(addr != NULL);
NativeMovConstReg* test = (NativeMovConstReg*)(addr - NativeMovConstReg::instruction_size - NativeMovConstReg::instruction_offset);
return test;
// RISCV should not use C1 runtime patching, but still implement
// NativeMovRegMem to keep some compilers happy.
class NativeMovRegMem: public NativeInstruction {
enum RISCV_specific_constants {
instruction_size = NativeInstruction::instruction_size,
instruction_offset = 0,
data_offset = 0,
next_instruction_offset = NativeInstruction::instruction_size
int instruction_start() const { return instruction_offset; }
address instruction_address() const { return addr_at(instruction_offset); }
int num_bytes_to_end_of_patch() const { return instruction_offset + instruction_size; }
int offset() const;
void set_offset(int x);
void add_offset_in_bytes(int add_offset) {
set_offset(offset() + add_offset);
void verify();
void print();
inline friend NativeMovRegMem* nativeMovRegMem_at(address addr);
inline NativeMovRegMem* nativeMovRegMem_at(address addr) {
NativeMovRegMem* test = (NativeMovRegMem*)(addr - NativeMovRegMem::instruction_offset);
return test;
class NativeJump: public NativeInstruction {
enum RISCV_specific_constants {
instruction_size = NativeInstruction::instruction_size,
instruction_offset = 0,
data_offset = 0,
next_instruction_offset = NativeInstruction::instruction_size
address instruction_address() const { return addr_at(instruction_offset); }
address next_instruction_address() const { return addr_at(instruction_size); }
address jump_destination() const;
void set_jump_destination(address dest);
// Creation
inline friend NativeJump* nativeJump_at(address address);
void verify();
// Insertion of native jump instruction
static void insert(address code_pos, address entry);
// MT-safe insertion of native jump at verified method entry
static void check_verified_entry_alignment(address entry, address verified_entry);
static void patch_verified_entry(address entry, address verified_entry, address dest);
inline NativeJump* nativeJump_at(address addr) {
NativeJump* jump = (NativeJump*)(addr - NativeJump::instruction_offset);
return jump;
class NativeGeneralJump: public NativeJump {
enum RISCV_specific_constants {
instruction_size = 6 * NativeInstruction::instruction_size, // lui, addi, slli, addi, slli, jalr
instruction_offset = 0,
data_offset = 0,
next_instruction_offset = 6 * NativeInstruction::instruction_size // lui, addi, slli, addi, slli, jalr
address jump_destination() const;
static void insert_unconditional(address code_pos, address entry);
static void replace_mt_safe(address instr_addr, address code_buffer);
inline NativeGeneralJump* nativeGeneralJump_at(address addr) {
assert_cond(addr != NULL);
NativeGeneralJump* jump = (NativeGeneralJump*)(addr);
return jump;
class NativeIllegalInstruction: public NativeInstruction {
// Insert illegal opcode as specific address
static void insert(address code_pos);
inline bool NativeInstruction::is_nop() const {
uint32_t insn = *(uint32_t*)addr_at(0);
return insn == 0x13;
inline bool NativeInstruction::is_jump_or_nop() {
return is_nop() || is_jump();
// Call trampoline stubs.
class NativeCallTrampolineStub : public NativeInstruction {
enum RISCV_specific_constants {
// Refer to function emit_trampoline_stub.
instruction_size = 3 * NativeInstruction::instruction_size + wordSize, // auipc + ld + jr + target address
data_offset = 3 * NativeInstruction::instruction_size, // auipc + ld + jr
address destination(nmethod *nm = NULL) const;
void set_destination(address new_destination);
ptrdiff_t destination_offset() const;
inline bool is_NativeCallTrampolineStub_at(address addr) {
// Ensure that the stub is exactly
// ld t0, L--->auipc + ld
// jr t0
// L:
// judge inst + register + imm
// 1). check the instructions: auipc + ld + jalr
// 2). check if auipc[11:7] == t0 and ld[11:7] == t0 and ld[19:15] == t0 && jr[19:15] == t0
// 3). check if the offset in ld[31:20] equals the data_offset
assert_cond(addr != NULL);
const int instr_size = NativeInstruction::instruction_size;
if (NativeInstruction::is_auipc_at(addr) &&
NativeInstruction::is_ld_at(addr + instr_size) &&
NativeInstruction::is_jalr_at(addr + 2 * instr_size) &&
(NativeInstruction::extract_rd(addr) == x5) &&
(NativeInstruction::extract_rd(addr + instr_size) == x5) &&
(NativeInstruction::extract_rs1(addr + instr_size) == x5) &&
(NativeInstruction::extract_rs1(addr + 2 * instr_size) == x5) &&
(Assembler::extract(((unsigned*)addr)[1], 31, 20) == NativeCallTrampolineStub::data_offset)) {
return true;
return false;
inline NativeCallTrampolineStub* nativeCallTrampolineStub_at(address addr) {
assert_cond(addr != NULL);
assert(is_NativeCallTrampolineStub_at(addr), "no call trampoline found");
return (NativeCallTrampolineStub*)addr;
class NativeMembar : public NativeInstruction {
uint32_t get_kind();
void set_kind(uint32_t order_kind);
inline NativeMembar *NativeMembar_at(address addr) {
assert_cond(addr != NULL);
assert(nativeInstruction_at(addr)->is_membar(), "no membar found");
return (NativeMembar*)addr;
// A NativePostCallNop takes the form of three instructions:
// nop; lui zr, hi20; addiw zr, lo12
// The nop is patchable for a deoptimization trap. The lui and addiw
// instructions execute as nops but have a 20/12-bit payload in which we
// can store an offset from the initial nop to the nmethod.
class NativePostCallNop: public NativeInstruction {
bool check() const {
// Check for two instructions: nop; lui zr, hi20
// These instructions only ever appear together in a post-call
// NOP, so it's unnecessary to check that the third instruction is
// an addiw as well.
return is_nop() && is_lui_to_zr_at(addr_at(4));
int displacement() const;
void patch(jint diff);
void make_deopt();
inline NativePostCallNop* nativePostCallNop_at(address address) {
NativePostCallNop* nop = (NativePostCallNop*) address;
if (nop->check()) {
return nop;
return NULL;
inline NativePostCallNop* nativePostCallNop_unsafe_at(address address) {
NativePostCallNop* nop = (NativePostCallNop*) address;
assert(nop->check(), "");
return nop;
class NativeDeoptInstruction: public NativeInstruction {
enum {
instruction_size = 4,
instruction_offset = 0,
address instruction_address() const { return addr_at(instruction_offset); }
address next_instruction_address() const { return addr_at(instruction_size); }
void verify();
static bool is_deopt_at(address instr) {
assert(instr != NULL, "");
uint32_t value = *(uint32_t *) instr;
// 0xc0201073 encodes CSRRW x0, instret, x0
return value == 0xc0201073;
// MT-safe patching
static void insert(address code_pos);
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