* Copyright (c) 1997, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
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* questions.
#include "code/nativeInst.hpp"
#include "interpreter/linkResolver.hpp"
#include "oops/compiledICHolder.hpp"
#include "runtime/safepointVerifiers.hpp"
// The CompiledIC represents a compiled inline cache.
// In order to make patching of the inline cache MT-safe, we only allow the following
// transitions (when not at a safepoint):
// [1] --<-- Clean -->--- [1]
// / (null) \
// / \ /-<-\
// / [2] \ / \
// Interpreted ---------> Monomorphic | [3]
// (CompiledICHolder*) (Klass*) |
// \ / \ /
// [4] \ / [4] \->-/
// \->- Megamorphic -<-/
// (CompiledICHolder*)
// The text in parentheses () refers to the value of the inline cache receiver (mov instruction)
// The numbers in square brackets refer to the kind of transition:
// [1]: Initial fixup. Receiver it found from debug information
// [2]: Compilation of a method
// [3]: Recompilation of a method (note: only entry is changed. The Klass* must stay the same)
// [4]: Inline cache miss. We go directly to megamorphic call.
// The class automatically inserts transition stubs (using the InlineCacheBuffer) when an MT-unsafe
// transition is made to a stub.
class CompiledIC;
class CompiledICProtectionBehaviour;
class CompiledMethod;
class ICStub;
class CompiledICLocker: public StackObj {
CompiledMethod* _method;
CompiledICProtectionBehaviour* _behaviour;
bool _locked;
NoSafepointVerifier _nsv;
CompiledICLocker(CompiledMethod* method);
static bool is_safe(CompiledMethod* method);
static bool is_safe(address code);
class CompiledICInfo : public StackObj {
address _entry; // entry point for call
void* _cached_value; // Value of cached_value (either in stub or inline cache)
bool _is_icholder; // Is the cached value a CompiledICHolder*
bool _is_optimized; // it is an optimized virtual call (i.e., can be statically bound)
bool _to_interpreter; // Call it to interpreter
bool _release_icholder;
address entry() const { return _entry; }
Metadata* cached_metadata() const { assert(!_is_icholder, ""); return (Metadata*)_cached_value; }
CompiledICHolder* claim_cached_icholder() {
assert(_is_icholder, "");
assert(_cached_value != NULL, "must be non-NULL");
_release_icholder = false;
CompiledICHolder* icholder = (CompiledICHolder*)_cached_value;
return icholder;
bool is_optimized() const { return _is_optimized; }
bool to_interpreter() const { return _to_interpreter; }
void set_compiled_entry(address entry, Klass* klass, bool is_optimized) {
_entry = entry;
_cached_value = (void*)klass;
_to_interpreter = false;
_is_icholder = false;
_is_optimized = is_optimized;
_release_icholder = false;
void set_interpreter_entry(address entry, Method* method) {
_entry = entry;
_cached_value = (void*)method;
_to_interpreter = true;
_is_icholder = false;
_is_optimized = true;
_release_icholder = false;
void set_icholder_entry(address entry, CompiledICHolder* icholder) {
_entry = entry;
_cached_value = (void*)icholder;
_to_interpreter = true;
_is_icholder = true;
_is_optimized = false;
_release_icholder = true;
CompiledICInfo(): _entry(NULL), _cached_value(NULL), _is_icholder(false),
_is_optimized(false), _to_interpreter(false), _release_icholder(false) {
~CompiledICInfo() {
// In rare cases the info is computed but not used, so release any
// CompiledICHolder* that was created
if (_release_icholder) {
assert(_is_icholder, "must be");
CompiledICHolder* icholder = (CompiledICHolder*)_cached_value;
delete icholder;
class NativeCallWrapper: public ResourceObj {
virtual address destination() const = 0;
virtual address instruction_address() const = 0;
virtual address next_instruction_address() const = 0;
virtual address return_address() const = 0;
virtual address get_resolve_call_stub(bool is_optimized) const = 0;
virtual void set_destination_mt_safe(address dest) = 0;
virtual void set_to_interpreted(const methodHandle& method, CompiledICInfo& info) = 0;
virtual void verify() const = 0;
virtual void verify_resolve_call(address dest) const = 0;
virtual bool is_call_to_interpreted(address dest) const = 0;
virtual bool is_safe_for_patching() const = 0;
virtual NativeInstruction* get_load_instruction(virtual_call_Relocation* r) const = 0;
virtual void *get_data(NativeInstruction* instruction) const = 0;
virtual void set_data(NativeInstruction* instruction, intptr_t data) = 0;
class CompiledIC: public ResourceObj {
friend class InlineCacheBuffer;
friend class ICStub;
NativeCallWrapper* _call;
NativeInstruction* _value; // patchable value cell for this IC
bool _is_optimized; // an optimized virtual call (i.e., no compiled IC)
CompiledMethod* _method;
CompiledIC(CompiledMethod* cm, NativeCall* ic_call);
CompiledIC(RelocIterator* iter);
void initialize_from_iter(RelocIterator* iter);
static bool is_icholder_entry(address entry);
// low-level inline-cache manipulation. Cannot be accessed directly, since it might not be MT-safe
// to change an inline-cache. These changes the underlying inline-cache directly. They *newer* make
// changes to a transition stub.
void internal_set_ic_destination(address entry_point, bool is_icstub, void* cache, bool is_icholder);
void set_ic_destination(ICStub* stub);
void set_ic_destination(address entry_point) {
assert(_is_optimized, "use set_ic_destination_and_value instead");
internal_set_ic_destination(entry_point, false, NULL, false);
// This only for use by ICStubs where the type of the value isn't known
void set_ic_destination_and_value(address entry_point, void* value) {
internal_set_ic_destination(entry_point, false, value, is_icholder_entry(entry_point));
void set_ic_destination_and_value(address entry_point, Metadata* value) {
internal_set_ic_destination(entry_point, false, value, false);
void set_ic_destination_and_value(address entry_point, CompiledICHolder* value) {
internal_set_ic_destination(entry_point, false, value, true);
// Reads the location of the transition stub. This will fail with an assertion, if no transition stub is
// associated with the inline cache.
address stub_address() const;
bool is_in_transition_state() const; // Use InlineCacheBuffer
// conversion (machine PC to CompiledIC*)
friend CompiledIC* CompiledIC_before(CompiledMethod* nm, address return_addr);
friend CompiledIC* CompiledIC_at(CompiledMethod* nm, address call_site);
friend CompiledIC* CompiledIC_at(Relocation* call_site);
friend CompiledIC* CompiledIC_at(RelocIterator* reloc_iter);
static bool is_icholder_call_site(virtual_call_Relocation* call_site, const CompiledMethod* cm);
// Return the cached_metadata/destination associated with this inline cache. If the cache currently points
// to a transition stub, it will read the values from the transition stub.
void* cached_value() const;
CompiledICHolder* cached_icholder() const {
assert(is_icholder_call(), "must be");
return (CompiledICHolder*) cached_value();
Metadata* cached_metadata() const {
assert(!is_icholder_call(), "must be");
return (Metadata*) cached_value();
void* get_data() const {
return _call->get_data(_value);
void set_data(intptr_t data) {
_call->set_data(_value, data);
address ic_destination() const;
bool is_optimized() const { return _is_optimized; }
// State
bool is_clean() const;
bool is_megamorphic() const;
bool is_call_to_compiled() const;
bool is_call_to_interpreted() const;
bool is_icholder_call() const;
address end_of_call() const { return _call->return_address(); }
// MT-safe patching of inline caches. Note: Only safe to call is_xxx when holding the CompiledIC_ock
// so you are guaranteed that no patching takes place. The same goes for verify.
// Note: We do not provide any direct access to the stub code, to prevent parts of the code
// to manipulate the inline cache in MT-unsafe ways.
// They all takes a TRAP argument, since they can cause a GC if the inline-cache buffer is full.
bool set_to_clean(bool in_use = true);
bool set_to_monomorphic(CompiledICInfo& info);
void clear_ic_stub();
// Returns true if successful and false otherwise. The call can fail if memory
// allocation in the code cache fails, or ic stub refill is required.
bool set_to_megamorphic(CallInfo* call_info, Bytecodes::Code bytecode, bool& needs_ic_stub_refill, TRAPS);
static void compute_monomorphic_entry(const methodHandle& method, Klass* receiver_klass,
bool is_optimized, bool static_bound, bool caller_is_nmethod,
CompiledICInfo& info, TRAPS);
// Location
address instruction_address() const { return _call->instruction_address(); }
// Misc
void print() PRODUCT_RETURN;
void print_compiled_ic() PRODUCT_RETURN;
void verify() PRODUCT_RETURN;
inline CompiledIC* CompiledIC_before(CompiledMethod* nm, address return_addr) {
CompiledIC* c_ic = new CompiledIC(nm, nativeCall_before(return_addr));
return c_ic;
inline CompiledIC* CompiledIC_at(CompiledMethod* nm, address call_site) {
CompiledIC* c_ic = new CompiledIC(nm, nativeCall_at(call_site));
return c_ic;
inline CompiledIC* CompiledIC_at(Relocation* call_site) {
assert(call_site->type() == relocInfo::virtual_call_type ||
call_site->type() == relocInfo::opt_virtual_call_type, "wrong reloc. info");
CompiledIC* c_ic = new CompiledIC(call_site->code(), nativeCall_at(call_site->addr()));
return c_ic;
inline CompiledIC* CompiledIC_at(RelocIterator* reloc_iter) {
assert(reloc_iter->type() == relocInfo::virtual_call_type ||
reloc_iter->type() == relocInfo::opt_virtual_call_type, "wrong reloc. info");
CompiledIC* c_ic = new CompiledIC(reloc_iter);
return c_ic;
// The CompiledStaticCall represents a call to a static method in the compiled
// Transition diagram of a static call site is somewhat simpler than for an inlined cache:
// -----<----- Clean ----->-----
// / \
// / \
// compilled code <------------> interpreted code
// Clean: Calls directly to runtime method for fixup
// Compiled code: Calls directly to compiled code
// Interpreted code: Calls to stub that set Method* reference
class StaticCallInfo {
address _entry; // Entrypoint
methodHandle _callee; // Callee (used when calling interpreter)
bool _to_interpreter; // call to interpreted method (otherwise compiled)
friend class CompiledStaticCall;
friend class CompiledDirectStaticCall;
friend class CompiledPltStaticCall;
address entry() const { return _entry; }
methodHandle callee() const { return _callee; }
class CompiledStaticCall : public ResourceObj {
// Code
static address emit_to_interp_stub(CodeBuffer &cbuf, address mark = NULL);
static int to_interp_stub_size();
static int to_trampoline_stub_size();
static int reloc_to_interp_stub();
// Compute entry point given a method
static void compute_entry(const methodHandle& m, bool caller_is_nmethod, StaticCallInfo& info);
void compute_entry_for_continuation_entry(const methodHandle& m, StaticCallInfo& info);
// Clean static call (will force resolving on next use)
virtual address destination() const = 0;
// Clean static call (will force resolving on next use)
bool set_to_clean(bool in_use = true);
// Set state. The entry must be the same, as computed by compute_entry.
// Computation and setting is split up, since the actions are separate during
// a OptoRuntime::resolve_xxx.
void set(const StaticCallInfo& info);
// State
bool is_clean() const;
bool is_call_to_compiled() const;
virtual bool is_call_to_interpreted() const = 0;
virtual address instruction_address() const = 0;
virtual address end_of_call() const = 0;
virtual address resolve_call_stub() const = 0;
virtual void set_destination_mt_safe(address dest) = 0;
virtual void set_to_interpreted(const methodHandle& callee, address entry) = 0;
virtual const char* name() const = 0;
void set_to_compiled(address entry);
class CompiledDirectStaticCall : public CompiledStaticCall {
friend class CompiledIC;
friend class DirectNativeCallWrapper;
// Also used by CompiledIC
void set_to_interpreted(const methodHandle& callee, address entry);
void verify_mt_safe(const methodHandle& callee, address entry,
NativeMovConstReg* method_holder,
NativeJump* jump) PRODUCT_RETURN;
address instruction_address() const { return _call->instruction_address(); }
void set_destination_mt_safe(address dest) { _call->set_destination_mt_safe(dest); }
NativeCall* _call;
CompiledDirectStaticCall(NativeCall* call) : _call(call) {}
static inline CompiledDirectStaticCall* before(address return_addr) {
CompiledDirectStaticCall* st = new CompiledDirectStaticCall(nativeCall_before(return_addr));
return st;
static inline CompiledDirectStaticCall* at(address native_call) {
CompiledDirectStaticCall* st = new CompiledDirectStaticCall(nativeCall_at(native_call));
return st;
static inline CompiledDirectStaticCall* at(Relocation* call_site) {
return at(call_site->addr());
// Delegation
address destination() const { return _call->destination(); }
address end_of_call() const { return _call->return_address(); }
// State
virtual bool is_call_to_interpreted() const;
// Stub support
static address find_stub_for(address instruction);
address find_stub();
static void set_stub_to_clean(static_stub_Relocation* static_stub);
// Misc.
void print() PRODUCT_RETURN;
void verify() PRODUCT_RETURN;
virtual address resolve_call_stub() const;
virtual const char* name() const { return "CompiledDirectStaticCall"; }
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