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 * @test
 * @bug 8081431 8080069 8167128 8199623
 * @summary Test of JShell#drop().
 * @build KullaTesting TestingInputStream
 * @run testng DropTest

import jdk.jshell.DeclarationSnippet;
import jdk.jshell.Snippet;
import jdk.jshell.MethodSnippet;
import jdk.jshell.VarSnippet;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

import static jdk.jshell.Snippet.Status.*;

public class DropTest extends KullaTesting {

    public void testDrop() {
        Snippet var = varKey(assertEval("int x;"));
        Snippet method = methodKey(assertEval("int mu() { return x * 4; }"));
        Snippet clazz = classKey(assertEval("class C { String v() { return \"#\" + mu(); } }"));
                ste(var, VALID, DROPPED, truenull),
                ste(method, VALID, RECOVERABLE_DEFINED, falsevar));
                ste(method, RECOVERABLE_DEFINED, DROPPED, truenull),
                ste(clazz, VALID, RECOVERABLE_DEFINED, false, method));
        VarSnippet cc = varKey(assertEval("C c;"));
        assertEvalUnresolvedException("new C();""C", 1, 0);

        method = methodKey(assertEval("int mu() { return x * 4; }",
                ste(clazz, RECOVERABLE_DEFINED, VALID, false, MAIN_SNIPPET)));
        assertEval("int x = 10;""10",
                ste(method, RECOVERABLE_DEFINED, VALID, false, MAIN_SNIPPET));
        Snippet c0 = varKey(assertEval("C c0 = new C();"));
        assertEval("C c = new C();",
                ste(MAIN_SNIPPET, VALID, VALID, falsenull),
                ste(cc, VALID, OVERWRITTEN, false, MAIN_SNIPPET));
        assertEval("int mu() { return x * 3; }",
                ste(MAIN_SNIPPET, VALID, VALID, falsenull),
                ste(method, VALID, OVERWRITTEN, false, MAIN_SNIPPET));
        assertEval("class C { String v() { return \"@\" + mu(); } }",
                ste(MAIN_SNIPPET, VALID, VALID, falsenull),
                ste(clazz, VALID, OVERWRITTEN, false, MAIN_SNIPPET));
                ste(c0, VALID, DROPPED, truenull));
        assertEval("c = new C();");


    public void testDropImport() {
        Snippet imp = importKey(assertEval("import java.util.*;"));
        Snippet decl = varKey(
                assertEval("List list = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3);""[1, 2, 3]"));
        assertEval("list;""[1, 2, 3]");
                ste(imp, VALID, DROPPED, truenull),
                ste(decl, VALID, RECOVERABLE_NOT_DEFINED, true, imp));

    public void testDropStatement() {
        Snippet x = key(assertEval("if (true);"));
        assertDrop(x, ste(x, VALID, DROPPED, truenull));

    public void testDropVarToMethod() {
        Snippet x = varKey(assertEval("int x;"));
        DeclarationSnippet method = methodKey(assertEval("double mu() { return x * 4; }"));
        assertEval("x == 0;""true");
        assertEval("mu() == 0.0;""true");

                ste(x, VALID, DROPPED, truenull),
                ste(method, VALID, RECOVERABLE_DEFINED, false, x));
        assertUnresolvedDependencies1(method, RECOVERABLE_DEFINED, "variable x");
        assertEvalUnresolvedException("mu();""mu", 1, 0);


    public void testDropMethodToMethod() {
        Snippet a = methodKey(assertEval("double a() { return 2; }"));
        DeclarationSnippet b = methodKey(assertEval("double b() { return a() * 10; }"));
        assertEval("double c() { return b() * 3; }");
        DeclarationSnippet d = methodKey(assertEval("double d() { return c() + 1000; }"));
                ste(a, VALID, DROPPED, truenull),
                ste(b, VALID, RECOVERABLE_DEFINED, false, a));
        assertUnresolvedDependencies1(b, RECOVERABLE_DEFINED, "method a()");
        assertUnresolvedDependencies(d, 0);
        assertEvalUnresolvedException("d();""b", 1, 0);

    public void testDropClassToMethod() {
        Snippet c = classKey(assertEval("class C { int f() { return 7; } }"));
        DeclarationSnippet m = methodKey(assertEval("int m() { return new C().f(); }"));
                ste(c, VALID, DROPPED, truenull),
                ste(m, VALID, RECOVERABLE_DEFINED, false, c));
        assertUnresolvedDependencies1(m, RECOVERABLE_DEFINED, "class C");
        assertEvalUnresolvedException("m();""m", 1, 0);

    public void testDropVarToClass() {
        Snippet x = varKey(assertEval("int x;"));
        DeclarationSnippet a = classKey(assertEval("class A { double a = 4 * x; }"));
                ste(x, VALID, DROPPED, truenull),
                ste(a, VALID, RECOVERABLE_DEFINED, false, x));
        assertEval("A foo() { return null; }");
        assertUnresolvedDependencies1(a, RECOVERABLE_DEFINED, "variable x");
        assertEvalUnresolvedException("new A();""A", 1, 0);

    public void testDropMethodToClass() {
        Snippet x = methodKey(assertEval("int x() { return 0; }"));
        DeclarationSnippet a = classKey(assertEval("class A { double a = 4 * x(); }"));
                ste(x, VALID, DROPPED, truenull),
                ste(a, VALID, RECOVERABLE_DEFINED, false, x));
        assertUnresolvedDependencies1(a, RECOVERABLE_DEFINED, "method x()");
        assertEvalUnresolvedException("new A();""A", 1, 0);

    public void testDropClassToClass() {
        Snippet a = classKey(assertEval("class A {}"));
        Snippet b = classKey(assertEval("class B extends A {}"));
        Snippet c = classKey(assertEval("class C extends B {}"));
        Snippet d = classKey(assertEval("class D extends C {}"));
                ste(a, VALID, DROPPED, truenull),
                ste(b, VALID, RECOVERABLE_NOT_DEFINED, true, a),
                ste(c, VALID, RECOVERABLE_NOT_DEFINED, true, b),
                ste(d, VALID, RECOVERABLE_NOT_DEFINED, true, c));
        assertUnresolvedDependencies1((DeclarationSnippet) b, RECOVERABLE_NOT_DEFINED, "class A");
                ste(c, RECOVERABLE_NOT_DEFINED, DROPPED, falsenull));
        assertEval("interface A {}"nullnull,

    public void testDropNoUpdate() {
        String as1 = "class A {}";
        String as2 = "class A extends java.util.ArrayList {}";
        Snippet a = classKey(assertEval(as1, added(VALID)));
        Snippet b = classKey(assertEval("class B extends A {}", added(VALID)));
        Snippet ax = classKey(assertEval(as2,
                ste(MAIN_SNIPPET, VALID, VALID, truenull),
                ste(a, VALID, OVERWRITTEN, false, MAIN_SNIPPET),
                ste(b, VALID, VALID, true, MAIN_SNIPPET)));
        ax = classKey(assertEval(as1,
                ste(MAIN_SNIPPET, VALID, VALID, truenull),
                ste(ax, VALID, OVERWRITTEN, false, MAIN_SNIPPET),
                ste(b, VALID, VALID, true, MAIN_SNIPPET)));
                ste(b, VALID, DROPPED, truenull));
        ax = classKey(assertEval(as2,
                ste(MAIN_SNIPPET, VALID, VALID, truenull),
                ste(ax, VALID, OVERWRITTEN, false, MAIN_SNIPPET)));
                ste(MAIN_SNIPPET, VALID, VALID, truenull),
                ste(ax, VALID, OVERWRITTEN, false, MAIN_SNIPPET));

    // 8199623
    public void testTwoForkedDrop() {
        MethodSnippet p = methodKey(assertEval("void p() throws Exception { ((String) null).toString(); }"));
        MethodSnippet n = methodKey(assertEval("void n() throws Exception { try { p(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(\"bar\", ex); }}"));
        MethodSnippet m = methodKey(assertEval("void m() { try { n(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(\"foo\", ex); }}"));
        MethodSnippet c = methodKey(assertEval("void c() throws Throwable { p(); }"));
                ste(p, VALID, DROPPED, truenull),
                ste(n, VALID, RECOVERABLE_DEFINED, false, p),
                ste(c, VALID, RECOVERABLE_DEFINED, false, p));

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