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#ifndef CPU_S390_FRAME_S390_INLINE_HPP
#define CPU_S390_FRAME_S390_INLINE_HPP
#include "code/codeCache.hpp"
#include "code/vmreg.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/sharedRuntime.hpp"
#include "utilities/align.hpp"
// Inline functions for z/Architecture frames:
// Initialize frame members (_sp must be given)
inline void frame::setup() {
if (_pc == nullptr) {
_pc = (address)own_abi()->return_pc;
assert(_pc != nullptr, "must have PC");
if (_cb == nullptr) {
_cb = CodeCache::find_blob(_pc);
if (_fp == nullptr) {
_fp = (intptr_t*)own_abi()->callers_sp;
if (_unextended_sp == nullptr) {
_unextended_sp = _sp;
// When thawing continuation frames the _unextended_sp passed to the constructor is not aligend
assert(_on_heap || (is_aligned(_sp, alignment_in_bytes) && is_aligned(_fp, alignment_in_bytes)),
"invalid alignment sp:" PTR_FORMAT " unextended_sp:" PTR_FORMAT " fp:" PTR_FORMAT, p2i(_sp), p2i(_unextended_sp), p2i(_fp));
address original_pc = CompiledMethod::get_deopt_original_pc(this);
if (original_pc != nullptr) {
_pc = original_pc;
_deopt_state = is_deoptimized;
assert(_cb == nullptr || _cb->as_compiled_method()->insts_contains_inclusive(_pc),
"original PC must be in the main code section of the compiled method (or must be immediately following it)");
} else {
if (_cb == SharedRuntime::deopt_blob()) {
_deopt_state = is_deoptimized;
} else {
_deopt_state = not_deoptimized;
// assert(_on_heap || is_aligned(_sp, frame::frame_alignment), "SP must be 8-byte aligned");
// Constructors
// Initialize all fields
inline frame::frame() : _sp(nullptr), _pc(nullptr), _cb(nullptr), _oop_map(nullptr), _deopt_state(unknown),
_on_heap(false), DEBUG_ONLY(_frame_index(-1) COMMA) _unextended_sp(nullptr), _fp(nullptr) {}
inline frame::frame(intptr_t* sp, address pc, intptr_t* unextended_sp, intptr_t* fp, CodeBlob* cb)
: _sp(sp), _pc(pc), _cb(cb), _oop_map(nullptr),
_on_heap(false), DEBUG_ONLY(_frame_index(-1) COMMA) _unextended_sp(unextended_sp), _fp(fp) {
inline frame::frame(intptr_t* sp) : frame(sp, nullptr) {}
// Generic constructor. Used by pns() in debug.cpp only
#ifndef PRODUCT
inline frame::frame(void* sp, void* pc, void* unextended_sp)
: _sp((intptr_t*)sp), _pc((address)pc), _cb(nullptr), _oop_map(nullptr),
_on_heap(false), DEBUG_ONLY(_frame_index(-1) COMMA) _unextended_sp((intptr_t*)unextended_sp) {
// template interpreter state
inline frame::z_ijava_state* frame::ijava_state_unchecked() const {
z_ijava_state* state = (z_ijava_state*) ((uintptr_t)fp() - z_ijava_state_size);
return state;
inline frame::z_ijava_state* frame::ijava_state() const {
z_ijava_state* state = ijava_state_unchecked();
assert(state->magic == (intptr_t) frame::z_istate_magic_number,
"wrong z_ijava_state in interpreter frame (no magic found)");
return state;
inline BasicObjectLock** frame::interpreter_frame_monitors_addr() const {
return (BasicObjectLock**) &(ijava_state()->monitors);
// The next two functions read and write z_ijava_state.monitors.
inline BasicObjectLock* frame::interpreter_frame_monitors() const {
return *interpreter_frame_monitors_addr();
inline void frame::interpreter_frame_set_monitors(BasicObjectLock* monitors) {
*interpreter_frame_monitors_addr() = monitors;
// Accessors
// Return unique id for this frame. The id must have a value where we
// can distinguish identity and younger/older relationship. NULL
// represents an invalid (incomparable) frame.
inline intptr_t* frame::id(void) const {
// Use _fp. _sp or _unextended_sp wouldn't be correct due to resizing.
return _fp;
// Return true if this frame is older (less recent activation) than
// the frame represented by id.
inline bool frame::is_older(intptr_t* id) const {
assert(this->id() != NULL && id != NULL, "NULL frame id");
// Stack grows towards smaller addresses on z/Architecture.
return this->id() > id;
inline int frame::frame_size() const {
// Stack grows towards smaller addresses on z/Linux: sender is at a higher address.
return sender_sp() - sp();
// Ignore c2i adapter frames.
inline intptr_t* frame::unextended_sp() const {
return _unextended_sp;
inline address frame::sender_pc() const {
return (address) callers_abi()->return_pc;
// Get caller pc, if caller is native from stack slot of gpr14.
inline address frame::native_sender_pc() const {
return (address) callers_abi()->gpr14;
// Get caller pc from stack slot of gpr10.
inline address frame::callstub_sender_pc() const {
return (address) callers_abi()->gpr10;
inline address* frame::sender_pc_addr() const {
return (address*) &(callers_abi()->return_pc);
inline intptr_t* frame::sender_sp() const {
return (intptr_t*) callers_abi();
inline intptr_t* frame::link() const {
return (intptr_t*) callers_abi()->callers_sp;
inline intptr_t* frame::link_or_null() const {
return link();
inline intptr_t** frame::interpreter_frame_locals_addr() const {
return (intptr_t**) &(ijava_state()->locals);
inline intptr_t* frame::interpreter_frame_bcp_addr() const {
return (intptr_t*) &(ijava_state()->bcp);
inline intptr_t* frame::interpreter_frame_mdp_addr() const {
return (intptr_t*) &(ijava_state()->mdx);
// Bottom(base) of the expression stack (highest address).
inline intptr_t* frame::interpreter_frame_expression_stack() const {
return (intptr_t*)interpreter_frame_monitor_end() - 1;
// monitor elements
// End is lower in memory than begin, and beginning element is oldest element.
// Also begin is one past last monitor.
inline intptr_t* frame::interpreter_frame_top_frame_sp() {
return (intptr_t*)ijava_state()->top_frame_sp;
inline void frame::interpreter_frame_set_top_frame_sp(intptr_t* top_frame_sp) {
ijava_state()->top_frame_sp = (intptr_t) top_frame_sp;
inline void frame::interpreter_frame_set_sender_sp(intptr_t* sender_sp) {
ijava_state()->sender_sp = (intptr_t) sender_sp;
#ifdef ASSERT
inline void frame::interpreter_frame_set_magic() {
ijava_state()->magic = (intptr_t) frame::z_istate_magic_number;
// Where z_ijava_state.esp is saved.
inline intptr_t** frame::interpreter_frame_esp_addr() const {
return (intptr_t**) &(ijava_state()->esp);
// top of expression stack (lowest address)
inline intptr_t* frame::interpreter_frame_tos_address() const {
return *interpreter_frame_esp_addr() + 1;
inline void frame::interpreter_frame_set_tos_address(intptr_t* x) {
*interpreter_frame_esp_addr() = x - 1;
// Stack slot needed for native calls and GC.
inline oop * frame::interpreter_frame_temp_oop_addr() const {
return (oop *) ((address) _fp + _z_ijava_state_neg(oop_tmp));
// In keeping with Intel side: end is lower in memory than begin.
// Beginning element is oldest element. Also begin is one past last monitor.
inline BasicObjectLock * frame::interpreter_frame_monitor_begin() const {
return (BasicObjectLock*)ijava_state();
inline void frame::interpreter_frame_set_monitor_end(BasicObjectLock* monitors) {
interpreter_frame_set_monitors((BasicObjectLock *)monitors);
inline int frame::interpreter_frame_monitor_size() {
// Number of stack slots for a monitor
return align_up(BasicObjectLock::size() /* number of stack slots */,
WordsPerLong /* Number of stack slots for a Java long. */);
inline int frame::interpreter_frame_monitor_size_in_bytes() {
// Number of bytes for a monitor.
return frame::interpreter_frame_monitor_size() * wordSize;
inline int frame::interpreter_frame_interpreterstate_size_in_bytes() {
return z_ijava_state_size;
inline Method** frame::interpreter_frame_method_addr() const {
return (Method**)&(ijava_state()->method);
inline oop* frame::interpreter_frame_mirror_addr() const {
return (oop*)&(ijava_state()->mirror);
// Constant pool cache
inline ConstantPoolCache** frame::interpreter_frame_cache_addr() const {
return (ConstantPoolCache**)&(ijava_state()->cpoolCache);
// entry frames
inline intptr_t* frame::entry_frame_argument_at(int offset) const {
// Since an entry frame always calls the interpreter first,
// the parameters are on the stack and relative to known register in the
// entry frame.
intptr_t* tos = (intptr_t*) entry_frame_locals()->arguments_tos_address;
return &tos[offset + 1]; // prepushed tos
inline JavaCallWrapper** frame::entry_frame_call_wrapper_addr() const {
return (JavaCallWrapper**) &entry_frame_locals()->call_wrapper_address;
inline oop frame::saved_oop_result(RegisterMap* map) const {
return *((oop*) map->location(Z_R2->as_VMReg(), nullptr)); // R2 is return register.
inline void frame::set_saved_oop_result(RegisterMap* map, oop obj) {
*((oop*) map->location(Z_R2->as_VMReg(), nullptr)) = obj; // R2 is return register.
inline intptr_t* frame::real_fp() const {
return fp();
inline const ImmutableOopMap* frame::get_oop_map() const {
if (_cb == NULL) return NULL;
if (_cb->oop_maps() != NULL) {
NativePostCallNop* nop = nativePostCallNop_at(_pc);
if (nop != NULL && nop->displacement() != 0) {
int slot = ((nop->displacement() >> 24) & 0xff);
return _cb->oop_map_for_slot(slot, _pc);
const ImmutableOopMap* oop_map = OopMapSet::find_map(this);
return oop_map;
return NULL;
inline int frame::compiled_frame_stack_argsize() const {
return 0;
inline void frame::interpreted_frame_oop_map(InterpreterOopMap* mask) const {
inline int frame::sender_sp_ret_address_offset() {
return 0;
inline void frame::set_unextended_sp(intptr_t* value) {
inline int frame::offset_unextended_sp() const {
return 0;
inline void frame::set_offset_unextended_sp(int value) {
// frame::sender
inline frame frame::sender(RegisterMap* map) const {
// Default is we don't have to follow them. The sender_for_xxx will
// update it accordingly.
if (is_entry_frame()) {
return sender_for_entry_frame(map);
if (is_interpreted_frame()) {
return sender_for_interpreter_frame(map);
assert(_cb == CodeCache::find_blob(pc()),"Must be the same");
if (_cb != nullptr) return sender_for_compiled_frame(map);
// Must be native-compiled frame, i.e. the marshaling code for native
// methods that exists in the core system.
return frame(sender_sp(), sender_pc());
inline frame frame::sender_for_compiled_frame(RegisterMap *map) const {
assert(map != nullptr, "map must be set");
intptr_t* sender_sp = this->sender_sp();
address sender_pc = this->sender_pc();
// Now adjust the map.
if (map->update_map()) {
// Tell GC to use argument oopmaps for some runtime stubs that need it.
if (_cb->oop_maps() != nullptr) {
OopMapSet::update_register_map(this, map);
return frame(sender_sp, sender_pc);
template <typename RegisterMapT>
void frame::update_map_with_saved_link(RegisterMapT* map, intptr_t** link_addr) {
#endif // CPU_S390_FRAME_S390_INLINE_HPP
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