* Copyright (c) 2022, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2012, 2018 SAP SE. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2022, IBM Corp.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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// Encapsulates the libperfstat library.
// The purpose of this code is to dynamically load the libperfstat library
// instead of statically linking against it. The libperfstat library is an
// AIX-specific library which only exists on AIX, not on PASE. If I want to
// share binaries between AIX and PASE, I cannot directly link against libperfstat.so.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// These are excerpts from the AIX 5.3, 6.1, 7.1 libperfstat.h -
// this is all we need from libperfstat.h and I want to avoid having to include <libperfstat.h>
// Note: I define all structures as if I were to include libperfstat.h on an AIX 5.2
// build machine.
// The ratio behind that is that if I would build on an AIX 5.2 build machine,
// include libperfstat.h and hard-link against libperfstat.a, the program should
// work without recompilation on all newer AIX versions.
#define IDENTIFIER_LENGTH 64 /* length of strings included in the structures */
#define FIRST_CPU "" /* pseudo-name for fist CPU */
#define FIRST_NETINTERFACE "" /* pseudo-name for first NETINTERFACE */
typedef struct { /* structure element identifier */
char name[IDENTIFIER_LENGTH]; /* name of the identifier */
} perfstat_id_t;
#define CEC_ID_LEN 40 /* CEC identifier length */
#define MAXCORRALNAMELEN 25 /* length of the wpar name */
#define FIRST_WPARNAME "" /* pseudo-name for the first WPAR */
#define FIRST_WPARID -1 /* pseudo-id for the first WPAR */
typedef unsigned short cid_t; /* workload partition identifier */
typedef struct { /* Virtual memory utilization */
u_longlong_t virt_total; /* total virtual memory (in 4KB pages) */
u_longlong_t real_total; /* total real memory (in 4KB pages) */
u_longlong_t real_free; /* free real memory (in 4KB pages) */
u_longlong_t real_pinned; /* real memory which is pinned (in 4KB pages) */
u_longlong_t real_inuse; /* real memory which is in use (in 4KB pages) */
u_longlong_t pgbad; /* number of bad pages */
u_longlong_t pgexct; /* number of page faults */
u_longlong_t pgins; /* number of pages paged in */
u_longlong_t pgouts; /* number of pages paged out */
u_longlong_t pgspins; /* number of page ins from paging space */
u_longlong_t pgspouts; /* number of page outs from paging space */
u_longlong_t scans; /* number of page scans by clock */
u_longlong_t cycles; /* number of page replacement cycles */
u_longlong_t pgsteals; /* number of page steals */
u_longlong_t numperm; /* number of frames used for files (in 4KB pages) */
u_longlong_t pgsp_total; /* total paging space (in 4KB pages) */
u_longlong_t pgsp_free; /* free paging space (in 4KB pages) */
u_longlong_t pgsp_rsvd; /* reserved paging space (in 4KB pages) */
u_longlong_t real_system; /* real memory used by system segments (in 4KB pages). This is the sum of all the used pages in segment marked for system usage.
* Since segment classifications are not always guaranteed to be accurate, this number is only an approximation. */
u_longlong_t real_user; /* real memory used by non-system segments (in 4KB pages). This is the sum of all pages used in segments not marked for system usage.
* Since segment classifications are not always guaranteed to be accurate, this number is only an approximation. */
u_longlong_t real_process; /* real memory used by process segments (in 4KB pages). This is real_total-real_free-numperm-real_system. Since real_system is an
* approximation, this number is too. */
u_longlong_t virt_active; /* Active virtual pages. Virtual pages are considered active if they have been accessed */
} perfstat_memory_total_t;
typedef struct { /* global cpu information AIX 5.3 < TL10 */
int ncpus; /* number of active logical processors */
int ncpus_cfg; /* number of configured processors */
char description[IDENTIFIER_LENGTH]; /* processor description (type/official name) */
u_longlong_t processorHZ; /* processor speed in Hz */
u_longlong_t user; /* raw total number of clock ticks spent in user mode */
u_longlong_t sys; /* raw total number of clock ticks spent in system mode */
u_longlong_t idle; /* raw total number of clock ticks spent idle */
u_longlong_t wait; /* raw total number of clock ticks spent waiting for I/O */
u_longlong_t pswitch; /* number of process switches (change in currently running process) */
u_longlong_t syscall; /* number of system calls executed */
u_longlong_t sysread; /* number of read system calls executed */
u_longlong_t syswrite; /* number of write system calls executed */
u_longlong_t sysfork; /* number of forks system calls executed */
u_longlong_t sysexec; /* number of execs system calls executed */
u_longlong_t readch; /* number of characters transferred with read system call */
u_longlong_t writech; /* number of characters transferred with write system call */
u_longlong_t devintrs; /* number of device interrupts */
u_longlong_t softintrs; /* number of software interrupts */
time_t lbolt; /* number of ticks since last reboot */
u_longlong_t loadavg[3]; /* (1<<SBITS) times the average number of runnables processes during the last 1, 5 and 15 minutes.
* To calculate the load average, divide the numbers by (1<<SBITS). SBITS is defined in <sys/proc.h>. */
u_longlong_t runque; /* length of the run queue (processes ready) */
u_longlong_t swpque; /* ength of the swap queue (processes waiting to be paged in) */
u_longlong_t bread; /* number of blocks read */
u_longlong_t bwrite; /* number of blocks written */
u_longlong_t lread; /* number of logical read requests */
u_longlong_t lwrite; /* number of logical write requests */
u_longlong_t phread; /* number of physical reads (reads on raw devices) */
u_longlong_t phwrite; /* number of physical writes (writes on raw devices) */
u_longlong_t runocc; /* updated whenever runque is updated, i.e. the runqueue is occupied.
* This can be used to compute the simple average of ready processes */
u_longlong_t swpocc; /* updated whenever swpque is updated. i.e. the swpqueue is occupied.
* This can be used to compute the simple average processes waiting to be paged in */
u_longlong_t iget; /* number of inode lookups */
u_longlong_t namei; /* number of vnode lookup from a path name */
u_longlong_t dirblk; /* number of 512-byte block reads by the directory search routine to locate an entry for a file */
u_longlong_t msg; /* number of IPC message operations */
u_longlong_t sema; /* number of IPC semaphore operations */
u_longlong_t rcvint; /* number of tty receive interrupts */
u_longlong_t xmtint; /* number of tyy transmit interrupts */
u_longlong_t mdmint; /* number of modem interrupts */
u_longlong_t tty_rawinch; /* number of raw input characters */
u_longlong_t tty_caninch; /* number of canonical input characters (always zero) */
u_longlong_t tty_rawoutch; /* number of raw output characters */
u_longlong_t ksched; /* number of kernel processes created */
u_longlong_t koverf; /* kernel process creation attempts where:
* -the user has forked to their maximum limit
* -the configuration limit of processes has been reached */
u_longlong_t kexit; /* number of kernel processes that became zombies */
u_longlong_t rbread; /* number of remote read requests */
u_longlong_t rcread; /* number of cached remote reads */
u_longlong_t rbwrt; /* number of remote writes */
u_longlong_t rcwrt; /* number of cached remote writes */
u_longlong_t traps; /* number of traps */
int ncpus_high; /* index of highest processor online */
u_longlong_t puser; /* raw number of physical processor tics in user mode */
u_longlong_t psys; /* raw number of physical processor tics in system mode */
u_longlong_t pidle; /* raw number of physical processor tics idle */
u_longlong_t pwait; /* raw number of physical processor tics waiting for I/O */
u_longlong_t decrintrs; /* number of decrementer tics interrupts */
u_longlong_t mpcrintrs; /* number of mpc's received interrupts */
u_longlong_t mpcsintrs; /* number of mpc's sent interrupts */
u_longlong_t phantintrs; /* number of phantom interrupts */
u_longlong_t idle_donated_purr; /* number of idle cycles donated by a dedicated partition enabled for donation */
u_longlong_t idle_donated_spurr; /* number of idle spurr cycles donated by a dedicated partition enabled for donation */
u_longlong_t busy_donated_purr; /* number of busy cycles donated by a dedicated partition enabled for donation */
u_longlong_t busy_donated_spurr; /* number of busy spurr cycles donated by a dedicated partition enabled for donation */
u_longlong_t idle_stolen_purr; /* number of idle cycles stolen by the hypervisor from a dedicated partition */
u_longlong_t idle_stolen_spurr; /* number of idle spurr cycles stolen by the hypervisor from a dedicated partition */
u_longlong_t busy_stolen_purr; /* number of busy cycles stolen by the hypervisor from a dedicated partition */
u_longlong_t busy_stolen_spurr; /* number of busy spurr cycles stolen by the hypervisor from a dedicated partition */
short iowait; /* number of processes that are asleep waiting for buffered I/O */
short physio; /* number of processes waiting for raw I/O */
longlong_t twait; /* number of threads that are waiting for filesystem direct(cio) */
u_longlong_t hpi; /* number of hypervisor page-ins */
u_longlong_t hpit; /* Time spent in hypervisor page-ins (in nanoseconds) */
} perfstat_cpu_total_t_53;
typedef struct { /* global cpu information AIX 6.1|5.3 > TL09 */
int ncpus; /* number of active logical processors */
int ncpus_cfg; /* number of configured processors */
char description[IDENTIFIER_LENGTH]; /* processor description (type/official name) */
u_longlong_t processorHZ; /* processor speed in Hz */
u_longlong_t user; /* raw total number of clock ticks spent in user mode */
u_longlong_t sys; /* raw total number of clock ticks spent in system mode */
u_longlong_t idle; /* raw total number of clock ticks spent idle */
u_longlong_t wait; /* raw total number of clock ticks spent waiting for I/O */
u_longlong_t pswitch; /* number of process switches (change in currently running process) */
u_longlong_t syscall; /* number of system calls executed */
u_longlong_t sysread; /* number of read system calls executed */
u_longlong_t syswrite; /* number of write system calls executed */
u_longlong_t sysfork; /* number of forks system calls executed */
u_longlong_t sysexec; /* number of execs system calls executed */
u_longlong_t readch; /* number of characters transferred with read system call */
u_longlong_t writech; /* number of characters transferred with write system call */
u_longlong_t devintrs; /* number of device interrupts */
u_longlong_t softintrs; /* number of software interrupts */
time_t lbolt; /* number of ticks since last reboot */
u_longlong_t loadavg[3]; /* (1<<SBITS) times the average number of runnables processes during the last 1, 5 and 15 minutes.
* To calculate the load average, divide the numbers by (1<<SBITS). SBITS is defined in <sys/proc.h>. */
u_longlong_t runque; /* length of the run queue (processes ready) */
u_longlong_t swpque; /* length of the swap queue (processes waiting to be paged in) */
u_longlong_t bread; /* number of blocks read */
u_longlong_t bwrite; /* number of blocks written */
u_longlong_t lread; /* number of logical read requests */
u_longlong_t lwrite; /* number of logical write requests */
u_longlong_t phread; /* number of physical reads (reads on raw devices) */
u_longlong_t phwrite; /* number of physical writes (writes on raw devices) */
u_longlong_t runocc; /* updated whenever runque is updated, i.e. the runqueue is occupied.
* This can be used to compute the simple average of ready processes */
u_longlong_t swpocc; /* updated whenever swpque is updated. i.e. the swpqueue is occupied.
* This can be used to compute the simple average processes waiting to be paged in */
u_longlong_t iget; /* number of inode lookups */
u_longlong_t namei; /* number of vnode lookup from a path name */
u_longlong_t dirblk; /* number of 512-byte block reads by the directory search routine to locate an entry for a file */
u_longlong_t msg; /* number of IPC message operations */
u_longlong_t sema; /* number of IPC semaphore operations */
u_longlong_t rcvint; /* number of tty receive interrupts */
u_longlong_t xmtint; /* number of tyy transmit interrupts */
u_longlong_t mdmint; /* number of modem interrupts */
u_longlong_t tty_rawinch; /* number of raw input characters */
u_longlong_t tty_caninch; /* number of canonical input characters (always zero) */
u_longlong_t tty_rawoutch; /* number of raw output characters */
u_longlong_t ksched; /* number of kernel processes created */
u_longlong_t koverf; /* kernel process creation attempts where:
* -the user has forked to their maximum limit
* -the configuration limit of processes has been reached */
u_longlong_t kexit; /* number of kernel processes that became zombies */
u_longlong_t rbread; /* number of remote read requests */
u_longlong_t rcread; /* number of cached remote reads */
u_longlong_t rbwrt; /* number of remote writes */
u_longlong_t rcwrt; /* number of cached remote writes */
u_longlong_t traps; /* number of traps */
int ncpus_high; /* index of highest processor online */
u_longlong_t puser; /* raw number of physical processor tics in user mode */
u_longlong_t psys; /* raw number of physical processor tics in system mode */
u_longlong_t pidle; /* raw number of physical processor tics idle */
u_longlong_t pwait; /* raw number of physical processor tics waiting for I/O */
u_longlong_t decrintrs; /* number of decrementer tics interrupts */
u_longlong_t mpcrintrs; /* number of mpc's received interrupts */
u_longlong_t mpcsintrs; /* number of mpc's sent interrupts */
u_longlong_t phantintrs; /* number of phantom interrupts */
u_longlong_t idle_donated_purr; /* number of idle cycles donated by a dedicated partition enabled for donation */
u_longlong_t idle_donated_spurr; /* number of idle spurr cycles donated by a dedicated partition enabled for donation */
u_longlong_t busy_donated_purr; /* number of busy cycles donated by a dedicated partition enabled for donation */
u_longlong_t busy_donated_spurr; /* number of busy spurr cycles donated by a dedicated partition enabled for donation */
u_longlong_t idle_stolen_purr; /* number of idle cycles stolen by the hypervisor from a dedicated partition */
u_longlong_t idle_stolen_spurr; /* number of idle spurr cycles stolen by the hypervisor from a dedicated partition */
u_longlong_t busy_stolen_purr; /* number of busy cycles stolen by the hypervisor from a dedicated partition */
u_longlong_t busy_stolen_spurr; /* number of busy spurr cycles stolen by the hypervisor from a dedicated partition */
short iowait; /* number of processes that are asleep waiting for buffered I/O */
short physio; /* number of processes waiting for raw I/O */
longlong_t twait; /* number of threads that are waiting for filesystem direct(cio) */
u_longlong_t hpi; /* number of hypervisor page-ins */
u_longlong_t hpit; /* Time spent in hypervisor page-ins (in nanoseconds) */
u_longlong_t puser_spurr; /* number of spurr cycles spent in user mode */
u_longlong_t psys_spurr; /* number of spurr cycles spent in kernel mode */
u_longlong_t pidle_spurr; /* number of spurr cycles spent in idle mode */
u_longlong_t pwait_spurr; /* number of spurr cycles spent in wait mode */
int spurrflag; /* set if running in spurr mode */
} perfstat_cpu_total_t_61;
typedef struct { /* global cpu information AIX 7.1 */
int ncpus; /* number of active logical processors */
int ncpus_cfg; /* number of configured processors */
char description[IDENTIFIER_LENGTH]; /* processor description (type/official name) */
u_longlong_t processorHZ; /* processor speed in Hz */
u_longlong_t user; /* raw total number of clock ticks spent in user mode */
u_longlong_t sys; /* raw total number of clock ticks spent in system mode */
u_longlong_t idle; /* raw total number of clock ticks spent idle */
u_longlong_t wait; /* raw total number of clock ticks spent waiting for I/O */
u_longlong_t pswitch; /* number of process switches (change in currently running process) */
u_longlong_t syscall; /* number of system calls executed */
u_longlong_t sysread; /* number of read system calls executed */
u_longlong_t syswrite; /* number of write system calls executed */
u_longlong_t sysfork; /* number of forks system calls executed */
u_longlong_t sysexec; /* number of execs system calls executed */
u_longlong_t readch; /* number of characters transferred with read system call */
u_longlong_t writech; /* number of characters transferred with write system call */
u_longlong_t devintrs; /* number of device interrupts */
u_longlong_t softintrs; /* number of software interrupts */
time_t lbolt; /* number of ticks since last reboot */
u_longlong_t loadavg[3]; /* (1<<SBITS) times the average number of runnables processes during the last 1, 5 and 15 minutes.
* To calculate the load average, divide the numbers by (1<<SBITS). SBITS is defined in <sys/proc.h>. */
u_longlong_t runque; /* length of the run queue (processes ready) */
u_longlong_t swpque; /* ength of the swap queue (processes waiting to be paged in) */
u_longlong_t bread; /* number of blocks read */
u_longlong_t bwrite; /* number of blocks written */
u_longlong_t lread; /* number of logical read requests */
u_longlong_t lwrite; /* number of logical write requests */
u_longlong_t phread; /* number of physical reads (reads on raw devices) */
u_longlong_t phwrite; /* number of physical writes (writes on raw devices) */
u_longlong_t runocc; /* updated whenever runque is updated, i.e. the runqueue is occupied.
* This can be used to compute the simple average of ready processes */
u_longlong_t swpocc; /* updated whenever swpque is updated. i.e. the swpqueue is occupied.
* This can be used to compute the simple average processes waiting to be paged in */
u_longlong_t iget; /* number of inode lookups */
u_longlong_t namei; /* number of vnode lookup from a path name */
u_longlong_t dirblk; /* number of 512-byte block reads by the directory search routine to locate an entry for a file */
u_longlong_t msg; /* number of IPC message operations */
u_longlong_t sema; /* number of IPC semaphore operations */
u_longlong_t rcvint; /* number of tty receive interrupts */
u_longlong_t xmtint; /* number of tyy transmit interrupts */
u_longlong_t mdmint; /* number of modem interrupts */
u_longlong_t tty_rawinch; /* number of raw input characters */
u_longlong_t tty_caninch; /* number of canonical input characters (always zero) */
u_longlong_t tty_rawoutch; /* number of raw output characters */
u_longlong_t ksched; /* number of kernel processes created */
u_longlong_t koverf; /* kernel process creation attempts where:
* -the user has forked to their maximum limit
* -the configuration limit of processes has been reached */
u_longlong_t kexit; /* number of kernel processes that became zombies */
u_longlong_t rbread; /* number of remote read requests */
u_longlong_t rcread; /* number of cached remote reads */
u_longlong_t rbwrt; /* number of remote writes */
u_longlong_t rcwrt; /* number of cached remote writes */
u_longlong_t traps; /* number of traps */
int ncpus_high; /* index of highest processor online */
u_longlong_t puser; /* raw number of physical processor tics in user mode */
u_longlong_t psys; /* raw number of physical processor tics in system mode */
u_longlong_t pidle; /* raw number of physical processor tics idle */
u_longlong_t pwait; /* raw number of physical processor tics waiting for I/O */
u_longlong_t decrintrs; /* number of decrementer tics interrupts */
u_longlong_t mpcrintrs; /* number of mpc's received interrupts */
u_longlong_t mpcsintrs; /* number of mpc's sent interrupts */
u_longlong_t phantintrs; /* number of phantom interrupts */
u_longlong_t idle_donated_purr; /* number of idle cycles donated by a dedicated partition enabled for donation */
u_longlong_t idle_donated_spurr; /* number of idle spurr cycles donated by a dedicated partition enabled for donation */
u_longlong_t busy_donated_purr; /* number of busy cycles donated by a dedicated partition enabled for donation */
u_longlong_t busy_donated_spurr; /* number of busy spurr cycles donated by a dedicated partition enabled for donation */
u_longlong_t idle_stolen_purr; /* number of idle cycles stolen by the hypervisor from a dedicated partition */
u_longlong_t idle_stolen_spurr; /* number of idle spurr cycles stolen by the hypervisor from a dedicated partition */
u_longlong_t busy_stolen_purr; /* number of busy cycles stolen by the hypervisor from a dedicated partition */
u_longlong_t busy_stolen_spurr; /* number of busy spurr cycles stolen by the hypervisor from a dedicated partition */
short iowait; /* number of processes that are asleep waiting for buffered I/O */
short physio; /* number of processes waiting for raw I/O */
longlong_t twait; /* number of threads that are waiting for filesystem direct(cio) */
u_longlong_t hpi; /* number of hypervisor page-ins */
u_longlong_t hpit; /* Time spent in hypervisor page-ins (in nanoseconds) */
u_longlong_t puser_spurr; /* number of spurr cycles spent in user mode */
u_longlong_t psys_spurr; /* number of spurr cycles spent in kernel mode */
u_longlong_t pidle_spurr; /* number of spurr cycles spent in idle mode */
u_longlong_t pwait_spurr; /* number of spurr cycles spent in wait mode */
int spurrflag; /* set if running in spurr mode */
u_longlong_t version; /* version number (1, 2, etc.,) */
/* #define CURR_VERSION_CPU_TOTAL 1 Incremented by one for every new release *
* of perfstat_cpu_total_t data structure */
} perfstat_cpu_total_t_71;
typedef struct { /* global cpu information AIX 7.2 / 6.1 TL6 (see oslevel -r) */
int ncpus; /* number of active logical processors */
int ncpus_cfg; /* number of configured processors */
char description[IDENTIFIER_LENGTH]; /* processor description (type/official name) */
u_longlong_t processorHZ; /* processor speed in Hz */
u_longlong_t user; /* raw total number of clock ticks spent in user mode */
u_longlong_t sys; /* raw total number of clock ticks spent in system mode */
u_longlong_t idle; /* raw total number of clock ticks spent idle */
u_longlong_t wait; /* raw total number of clock ticks spent waiting for I/O */
u_longlong_t pswitch; /* number of process switches (change in currently running process) */
u_longlong_t syscall; /* number of system calls executed */
u_longlong_t sysread; /* number of read system calls executed */
u_longlong_t syswrite; /* number of write system calls executed */
u_longlong_t sysfork; /* number of forks system calls executed */
u_longlong_t sysexec; /* number of execs system calls executed */
u_longlong_t readch; /* number of characters transferred with read system call */
u_longlong_t writech; /* number of characters transferred with write system call */
u_longlong_t devintrs; /* number of device interrupts */
u_longlong_t softintrs; /* number of software interrupts */
time_t lbolt; /* number of ticks since last reboot */
u_longlong_t loadavg[3]; /* (1<<SBITS) times the average number of runnables processes during the last 1, 5 and 15 minutes. */
/* To calculate the load average, divide the numbers by (1<<SBITS). SBITS is defined in <sys/proc.h>. */
u_longlong_t runque; /* length of the run queue (processes ready) */
u_longlong_t swpque; /* ength of the swap queue (processes waiting to be paged in) */
u_longlong_t bread; /* number of blocks read */
u_longlong_t bwrite; /* number of blocks written */
u_longlong_t lread; /* number of logical read requests */
u_longlong_t lwrite; /* number of logical write requests */
u_longlong_t phread; /* number of physical reads (reads on raw devices) */
u_longlong_t phwrite; /* number of physical writes (writes on raw devices) */
u_longlong_t runocc; /* updated whenever runque is updated, i.e. the runqueue is occupied.
* This can be used to compute the simple average of ready processes */
u_longlong_t swpocc; /* updated whenever swpque is updated. i.e. the swpqueue is occupied.
* This can be used to compute the simple average processes waiting to be paged in */
u_longlong_t iget; /* number of inode lookups */
u_longlong_t namei; /* number of vnode lookup from a path name */
u_longlong_t dirblk; /* number of 512-byte block reads by the directory search routine to locate an entry for a file */
u_longlong_t msg; /* number of IPC message operations */
u_longlong_t sema; /* number of IPC semaphore operations */
u_longlong_t rcvint; /* number of tty receive interrupts */
u_longlong_t xmtint; /* number of tyy transmit interrupts */
u_longlong_t mdmint; /* number of modem interrupts */
u_longlong_t tty_rawinch; /* number of raw input characters */
u_longlong_t tty_caninch; /* number of canonical input characters (always zero) */
u_longlong_t tty_rawoutch;/* number of raw output characters */
u_longlong_t ksched; /* number of kernel processes created */
u_longlong_t koverf; /* kernel process creation attempts where:
* -the user has forked to their maximum limit
* -the configuration limit of processes has been reached */
u_longlong_t kexit; /* number of kernel processes that became zombies */
u_longlong_t rbread; /* number of remote read requests */
u_longlong_t rcread; /* number of cached remote reads */
u_longlong_t rbwrt; /* number of remote writes */
u_longlong_t rcwrt; /* number of cached remote writes */
u_longlong_t traps; /* number of traps */
int ncpus_high; /* index of highest processor online */
u_longlong_t puser; /* raw number of physical processor tics in user mode */
u_longlong_t psys; /* raw number of physical processor tics in system mode */
u_longlong_t pidle; /* raw number of physical processor tics idle */
u_longlong_t pwait; /* raw number of physical processor tics waiting for I/O */
u_longlong_t decrintrs; /* number of decrementer tics interrupts */
u_longlong_t mpcrintrs; /* number of mpc's received interrupts */
u_longlong_t mpcsintrs; /* number of mpc's sent interrupts */
u_longlong_t phantintrs; /* number of phantom interrupts */
u_longlong_t idle_donated_purr; /* number of idle cycles donated by a dedicated partition enabled for donation */
u_longlong_t idle_donated_spurr;/* number of idle spurr cycles donated by a dedicated partition enabled for donation */
u_longlong_t busy_donated_purr; /* number of busy cycles donated by a dedicated partition enabled for donation */
u_longlong_t busy_donated_spurr;/* number of busy spurr cycles donated by a dedicated partition enabled for donation */
u_longlong_t idle_stolen_purr; /* number of idle cycles stolen by the hypervisor from a dedicated partition */
u_longlong_t idle_stolen_spurr; /* number of idle spurr cycles stolen by the hypervisor from a dedicated partition */
u_longlong_t busy_stolen_purr; /* number of busy cycles stolen by the hypervisor from a dedicated partition */
u_longlong_t busy_stolen_spurr; /* number of busy spurr cycles stolen by the hypervisor from a dedicated partition */
short iowait; /* number of processes that are asleep waiting for buffered I/O */
short physio; /* number of processes waiting for raw I/O */
longlong_t twait; /* number of threads that are waiting for filesystem direct(cio) */
u_longlong_t hpi; /* number of hypervisor page-ins */
u_longlong_t hpit; /* Time spent in hypervisor page-ins (in nanoseconds) */
u_longlong_t puser_spurr; /* number of spurr cycles spent in user mode */
u_longlong_t psys_spurr; /* number of spurr cycles spent in kernel mode */
u_longlong_t pidle_spurr; /* number of spurr cycles spent in idle mode */
u_longlong_t pwait_spurr; /* number of spurr cycles spent in wait mode */
int spurrflag; /* set if running in spurr mode */
u_longlong_t version; /* version number (1, 2, etc.,) */
u_longlong_t tb_last; /*time base counter */
u_longlong_t purr_coalescing; /* If the calling partition is
* authorized to see pool wide statistics then
* PURR cycles consumed to coalesce data
* else set to zero.*/
u_longlong_t spurr_coalescing; /* If the calling partition is
* authorized to see pool wide statistics then
* SPURR cycles consumed to coalesce data
* else set to zero.*/
#define CURR_VERSION_CPU_TOTAL 2 /* Incremented by one for every new release *
* of perfstat_cpu_total_t data structure */
} perfstat_cpu_total_t_72;
typedef struct { /* component perfstat_cpu_t from AIX 7.2 documentation */
char name [IDENTIFIER_LENGTH]; /* Logical processor name (processor0, processor1,.). */
ulong_t state; /* Specifies whether the CPU is offline or online.
* (NOTE: The type of 'state' is not specified in the documentation, but
* ulong_t is the correct length) */
u_longlong_t user; /* Raw number of clock ticks spent in user mode. */
u_longlong_t sys; /* Raw number of clock ticks spent in system mode. */
u_longlong_t idle; /* Raw number of clock ticks spent idle. */
u_longlong_t wait; /* Raw number of clock ticks spent waiting for I/O. */
u_longlong_t pswitch; /* Number of context switches (changes of currently running process). */
u_longlong_t syscall; /* Number of system calls executed. */
u_longlong_t sysread; /* Number of read system calls executed. */
u_longlong_t syswrite; /* Number of write system calls executed. */
u_longlong_t sysfork; /* Number of fork system call executed. */
u_longlong_t sysexec; /* Number of exec system call executed. */
u_longlong_t readch; /* Number of characters transferred with read system call. */
u_longlong_t writech; /* Number of characters transferred with write system call. */
u_longlong_t bread; /* Number of block reads. */
u_longlong_t bwrite; /* Number of block writes. */
u_longlong_t lread; /* Number of logical read requests. */
u_longlong_t lwrite; /* Number of logical write requests. */
u_longlong_t phread; /* Number of physical reads (reads on raw device). */
u_longlong_t phwrite; /* Number of physical writes (writes on raw device). */
u_longlong_t iget; /* Number of inode lookups. */
u_longlong_t namei; /* Number of vnode lookup from a path name. */
u_longlong_t dirblk; /* Number of 512-byte blocks reads by the directory search routine to locate an entry for a file. */
u_longlong_t msg; /* Number of interprocess communication (IPC) message operations. */
u_longlong_t sema; /* Number of IPC semaphore operations. */
u_longlong_t minfaults; /* Number of page faults with no I/O. */
u_longlong_t majfaults; /* Number of page faults with disk I/O. */
u_longlong_t puser; /* Raw number of physical processor ticks in user mode. */
u_longlong_t psys; /* Raw number of physical processor ticks in system mode. */
u_longlong_t pidle; /* Raw number of physical processor ticks idle. */
u_longlong_t pwait; /* Raw number of physical processor ticks waiting for I/O. */
u_longlong_t redisp_sd0; /* Number of thread redispatches within the scheduler affinity domain 0. */
u_longlong_t redisp_sd1; /* Number of thread redispatches within the scheduler affinity domain 1. */
u_longlong_t redisp_sd2; /* Number of thread redispatches within the scheduler affinity domain 2. */
u_longlong_t redisp_sd3; /* Number of thread redispatches within the scheduler affinity domain 3. */
u_longlong_t redisp_sd4; /* Number of thread redispatches within the scheduler affinity domain 4. */
u_longlong_t redisp_sd5; /* Number of thread redispatches within the scheduler affinity domain 5. */
u_longlong_t migration_push; /* Number of thread migrations from the local runque to another queue due to starvation load balancing. */
u_longlong_t migration_S3grq; /* Number of thread migrations from the global runque to the local runque resulting in a move across scheduling domain 3. */
u_longlong_t migration_S3pull; /* Number of thread migrations from another processor's runque resulting in a move across scheduling domain 3. */
u_longlong_t invol_cswitch; /* Number of involuntary thread context switches. */
u_longlong_t vol_cswitch; /* Number of voluntary thread context switches. */
u_longlong_t runque; /* Number of threads on the runque. */
u_longlong_t bound; /* Number of bound threads. */
u_longlong_t decrintrs; /* Number of decrementer interrupts. */
u_longlong_t mpcrintrs; /* Number of received interrupts for MPC. */
u_longlong_t mpcsintrs; /* Number of sent interrupts for MPC. */
u_longlong_t devintrs; /* Number of device interrupts. */
u_longlong_t softintrs; /* Number of offlevel handlers called. */
u_longlong_t phantintrs; /* Number of phantom interrupts. */
u_longlong_t idle_donated_purr; /* Number of idle cycles donated by a dedicated partition enabled for donation. */
u_longlong_t idle_donated_spurr; /* Number of idle spurr cycles donated by a dedicated partition enabled for donation. */
u_longlong_t busy_donated_purr; /* Number of busy cycles donated by a dedicated partition enabled for donation. */
u_longlong_t busy_donated_spurr; /* Number of busy spurr cycles donated by a dedicated partition enabled for donation. */
u_longlong_t idle_stolen_purr; /* Number of idle cycles stolen by the hypervisor from a dedicated partition. */
u_longlong_t idle_stolen_spurr; /* Number of idle spurr cycles stolen by the hypervisor from a dedicated partition. */
u_longlong_t busy_stolen_purr; /* Number of busy cycles stolen by the hypervisor from a dedicated partition. */
u_longlong_t busy_stolen_spurr; /* Number of busy spurr cycles stolen by the hypervisor from a dedicated partition.*/
u_longlong_t shcpus_in_sys; /* Number of physical processors allocated for shared processor use, across all shared processors pools. */
u_longlong_t entitled_pool_capacity; /* Entitled processor capacity of partition’s pool. */
u_longlong_t pool_max_time; /* Summation of maximum time that can be consumed by the pool (nanoseconds). */
u_longlong_t pool_busy_time; /* Summation of busy (nonidle) time accumulated across all partitions in the pool (nanoseconds). */
u_longlong_t pool_scaled_busy_time; /* Scaled summation of busy (nonidle) time accumulated across all partitions in the pool (nanoseconds). */
u_longlong_t shcpu_tot_time; /* Summation of total time across all physical processors allocated for shared processor use (nanoseconds). */
u_longlong_t shcpu_busy_time; /* Summation of busy (nonidle) time accumulated across all shared processor partitions (nanoseconds). */
u_longlong_t shcpu_scaled_busy_time; /* Scaled summation of busy time accumulated across all shared processor partitions (nanoseconds). */
int ams_pool_id; /* AMS pool ID of the pool the LPAR belongs to. */
int var_mem_weight; /* Variable memory capacity weight. */
u_longlong_t iome; /* I/O memory entitlement of the partition in bytes. */
u_longlong_t pmem; /* Physical memory currently backing the partition's logical memory in bytes. */
u_longlong_t hpi; /* Number of hypervisor page-ins. */
u_longlong_t hpit; /* Time spent in hypervisor page-ins (in nanoseconds). */
u_longlong_t hypv_pagesize; /* Hypervisor page size in KB. */
uint online_lcpus; /* Number of online logical processors. */
uint smt_thrds; /* Number of SMT threads. */
} perfstat_cpu_t;
typedef struct {
char name[IDENTIFIER_LENGTH]; /* Name of the interface. */
char description[IDENTIFIER_LENGTH]; /* Interface description (from ODM, similar to lscfg output). */
uchar type; /* Ethernet, token ring, and so on. Interpretation can be done using the /usr/include/net/if_types.h file. */
u_longlong_t mtu; /* Network frame size. */
u_longlong_t ipacets; /* Number of packets received on interface. */
u_longlong_t ibytes; /* Number of bytes received on interface. */
u_longlong_t ierrors; /* Number of input errors on interface. */
u_longlong_t opackets; /* Number of packets sent on interface. */
u_longlong_t obytes; /* Number of bytes sent on interface. */
u_longlong_t oerrors; /* Number of output errors on interface. */
u_longlong_t collisions; /* Number of collisions on csma interface. */
u_longlong_t bitrate; /* Adapter rating in bit per second. */
u_longlong_t if_iqdrops; /* Dropped on input, this interface. */
u_longlong_t if_arpdrops; /* Dropped because no arp response. */
} perfstat_netinterface_t;
typedef union {
uint w;
struct {
unsigned smt_capable :1; /* OS supports SMT mode */
unsigned smt_enabled :1; /* SMT mode is on */
unsigned lpar_capable :1; /* OS supports logical partitioning */
unsigned lpar_enabled :1; /* logical partitioning is on */
unsigned shared_capable :1; /* OS supports shared processor LPAR */
unsigned shared_enabled :1; /* partition runs in shared mode */
unsigned dlpar_capable :1; /* OS supports dynamic LPAR */
unsigned capped :1; /* partition is capped */
unsigned kernel_is_64 :1; /* kernel is 64 bit */
unsigned pool_util_authority :1; /* pool utilization available */
unsigned donate_capable :1; /* capable of donating cycles */
unsigned donate_enabled :1; /* enabled for donating cycles */
unsigned ams_capable:1; /* 1 = AMS(Active Memory Sharing) capable, 0 = Not AMS capable */
unsigned ams_enabled:1; /* 1 = AMS(Active Memory Sharing) enabled, 0 = Not AMS enabled */
unsigned power_save:1; /* 1 = Power saving mode is enabled */
unsigned ame_enabled:1; /* Active Memory Expansion is enabled */
unsigned shared_extended :1;
unsigned spare :15; /* reserved for future usage */
} b;
} perfstat_partition_type_t;
typedef struct { /* partition total information AIX 5.3 < TL6 */
char name[IDENTIFIER_LENGTH]; /* name of the logical partition */
perfstat_partition_type_t type; /* set of bits describing the partition */
int lpar_id; /* logical partition identifier */
int group_id; /* identifier of the LPAR group this partition is a member of */
int pool_id; /* identifier of the shared pool of physical processors this partition is a member of */
int online_cpus; /* number of virtual CPUs currently online on the partition */
int max_cpus; /* maximum number of virtual CPUs this partition can ever have */
int min_cpus; /* minimum number of virtual CPUs this partition must have */
u_longlong_t online_memory; /* amount of memory currently online */
u_longlong_t max_memory; /* maximum amount of memory this partition can ever have */
u_longlong_t min_memory; /* minimum amount of memory this partition must have */
int entitled_proc_capacity; /* number of processor units this partition is entitled to receive */
int max_proc_capacity; /* maximum number of processor units this partition can ever have */
int min_proc_capacity; /* minimum number of processor units this partition must have */
int proc_capacity_increment; /* increment value to the entitled capacity */
int unalloc_proc_capacity; /* number of processor units currently unallocated in the shared processor pool this partition belongs to */
int var_proc_capacity_weight; /* partition priority weight to receive extra capacity */
int unalloc_var_proc_capacity_weight; /* number of variable processor capacity weight units currently unallocated in the shared processor pool this partition belongs to */
int online_phys_cpus_sys; /* number of physical CPUs currently active in the system containing this partition */
int max_phys_cpus_sys; /* maximum possible number of physical CPUs in the system containing this partition */
int phys_cpus_pool; /* number of the physical CPUs currently in the shared processor pool this partition belong to */
u_longlong_t puser; /* raw number of physical processor tics in user mode */
u_longlong_t psys; /* raw number of physical processor tics in system mode */
u_longlong_t pidle; /* raw number of physical processor tics idle */
u_longlong_t pwait; /* raw number of physical processor tics waiting for I/O */
u_longlong_t pool_idle_time; /* number of clock tics a processor in the shared pool was idle */
u_longlong_t phantintrs; /* number of phantom interrupts received by the partition */
u_longlong_t invol_virt_cswitch; /* number involuntary virtual CPU context switches */
u_longlong_t vol_virt_cswitch; /* number voluntary virtual CPU context switches */
u_longlong_t timebase_last; /* most recently cpu time base */
u_longlong_t reserved_pages; /* Currently number of 16GB pages. Cannot participate in DR operations */
u_longlong_t reserved_pagesize; /* Currently 16GB pagesize Cannot participate in DR operations */
} perfstat_partition_total_t_53_5;
typedef struct { /* partition total information AIX 5.3 < TL10 */
char name[IDENTIFIER_LENGTH]; /* name of the logical partition */
perfstat_partition_type_t type; /* set of bits describing the partition */
int lpar_id; /* logical partition identifier */
int group_id; /* identifier of the LPAR group this partition is a member of */
int pool_id; /* identifier of the shared pool of physical processors this partition is a member of */
int online_cpus; /* number of virtual CPUs currently online on the partition */
int max_cpus; /* maximum number of virtual CPUs this partition can ever have */
int min_cpus; /* minimum number of virtual CPUs this partition must have */
u_longlong_t online_memory; /* amount of memory currently online */
u_longlong_t max_memory; /* maximum amount of memory this partition can ever have */
u_longlong_t min_memory; /* minimum amount of memory this partition must have */
int entitled_proc_capacity; /* number of processor units this partition is entitled to receive */
int max_proc_capacity; /* maximum number of processor units this partition can ever have */
int min_proc_capacity; /* minimum number of processor units this partition must have */
int proc_capacity_increment; /* increment value to the entitled capacity */
int unalloc_proc_capacity; /* number of processor units currently unallocated in the shared processor pool this partition belongs to */
int var_proc_capacity_weight; /* partition priority weight to receive extra capacity */
int unalloc_var_proc_capacity_weight; /* number of variable processor capacity weight units currently unallocated in the shared processor pool this partition belongs to */
int online_phys_cpus_sys; /* number of physical CPUs currently active in the system containing this partition */
int max_phys_cpus_sys; /* maximum possible number of physical CPUs in the system containing this partition */
int phys_cpus_pool; /* number of the physical CPUs currently in the shared processor pool this partition belong to */
u_longlong_t puser; /* raw number of physical processor tics in user mode */
u_longlong_t psys; /* raw number of physical processor tics in system mode */
u_longlong_t pidle; /* raw number of physical processor tics idle */
u_longlong_t pwait; /* raw number of physical processor tics waiting for I/O */
u_longlong_t pool_idle_time; /* number of clock tics a processor in the shared pool was idle */
u_longlong_t phantintrs; /* number of phantom interrupts received by the partition */
u_longlong_t invol_virt_cswitch; /* number involuntary virtual CPU context switches */
u_longlong_t vol_virt_cswitch; /* number voluntary virtual CPU context switches */
u_longlong_t timebase_last; /* most recently cpu time base */
u_longlong_t reserved_pages; /* Currently number of 16GB pages. Cannot participate in DR operations */
u_longlong_t reserved_pagesize; /* Currently 16GB pagesize Cannot participate in DR operations */
u_longlong_t idle_donated_purr; /* number of idle cycles donated by a dedicated partition enabled for donation */
u_longlong_t idle_donated_spurr; /* number of idle spurr cycles donated by a dedicated partition enabled for donation */
u_longlong_t busy_donated_purr; /* number of busy cycles donated by a dedicated partition enabled for donation */
u_longlong_t busy_donated_spurr; /* number of busy spurr cycles donated by a dedicated partition enabled for donation */
u_longlong_t idle_stolen_purr; /* number of idle cycles stolen by the hypervisor from a dedicated partition */
u_longlong_t idle_stolen_spurr; /* number of idle spurr cycles stolen by the hypervisor from a dedicated partition */
u_longlong_t busy_stolen_purr; /* number of busy cycles stolen by the hypervisor from a dedicated partition */
u_longlong_t busy_stolen_spurr; /* number of busy spurr cycles stolen by the hypervisor from a dedicated partition */
u_longlong_t shcpus_in_sys; /* Number of physical processors allocated for shared processor use */
u_longlong_t max_pool_capacity; /* Maximum processor capacity of partitions pool */
u_longlong_t entitled_pool_capacity; /* Entitled processor capacity of partitions pool */
u_longlong_t pool_max_time; /* Summation of maximum time that could be consumed by the pool (nano seconds) */
u_longlong_t pool_busy_time; /* Summation of busy (non-idle) time accumulated across all partitions in the pool (nano seconds) */
u_longlong_t pool_scaled_busy_time; /* Scaled summation of busy (non-idle) time accumulated across all partitions in the pool (nano seconds) */
u_longlong_t shcpu_tot_time; /* Summation of total time across all physical processors allocated for shared processor use (nano seconds) */
u_longlong_t shcpu_busy_time; /* Summation of busy (non-idle) time accumulated across all shared processor partitions (nano seconds) */
u_longlong_t shcpu_scaled_busy_time; /* Scaled summation of busy time accumulated across all shared processor partitions (nano seconds) */
int ams_pool_id; /* AMS pool id of the pool the LPAR belongs to */
int var_mem_weight; /* variable memory capacity weight */
u_longlong_t iome; /* I/O memory entitlement of the partition in bytes*/
u_longlong_t pmem; /* Physical memory currently backing the partition's logical memory in bytes*/
u_longlong_t hpi; /* number of hypervisor page-ins */
u_longlong_t hpit; /* Time spent in hypervisor page-ins (in nanoseconds)*/
u_longlong_t hypv_pagesize; /* Hypervisor page size in KB*/
} perfstat_partition_total_t_53;
typedef struct { /* partition total information AIX 6.1|5.3 > TL09 */
char name[IDENTIFIER_LENGTH]; /* name of the logical partition */
perfstat_partition_type_t type; /* set of bits describing the partition */
int lpar_id; /* logical partition identifier */
int group_id; /* identifier of the LPAR group this partition is a member of */
int pool_id; /* identifier of the shared pool of physical processors this partition is a member of */
int online_cpus; /* number of virtual CPUs currently online on the partition */
int max_cpus; /* maximum number of virtual CPUs this partition can ever have */
int min_cpus; /* minimum number of virtual CPUs this partition must have */
u_longlong_t online_memory; /* amount of memory currently online */
u_longlong_t max_memory; /* maximum amount of memory this partition can ever have */
u_longlong_t min_memory; /* minimum amount of memory this partition must have */
int entitled_proc_capacity; /* number of processor units this partition is entitled to receive */
int max_proc_capacity; /* maximum number of processor units this partition can ever have */
int min_proc_capacity; /* minimum number of processor units this partition must have */
int proc_capacity_increment; /* increment value to the entitled capacity */
int unalloc_proc_capacity; /* number of processor units currently unallocated in the shared processor pool this partition belongs to */
int var_proc_capacity_weight; /* partition priority weight to receive extra capacity */
int unalloc_var_proc_capacity_weight; /* number of variable processor capacity weight units currently unallocated in the shared processor pool this partition belongs to */
int online_phys_cpus_sys; /* number of physical CPUs currently active in the system containing this partition */
int max_phys_cpus_sys; /* maximum possible number of physical CPUs in the system containing this partition */
int phys_cpus_pool; /* number of the physical CPUs currently in the shared processor pool this partition belong to */
u_longlong_t puser; /* raw number of physical processor tics in user mode */
u_longlong_t psys; /* raw number of physical processor tics in system mode */
u_longlong_t pidle; /* raw number of physical processor tics idle */
u_longlong_t pwait; /* raw number of physical processor tics waiting for I/O */
u_longlong_t pool_idle_time; /* number of clock tics a processor in the shared pool was idle */
u_longlong_t phantintrs; /* number of phantom interrupts received by the partition */
u_longlong_t invol_virt_cswitch; /* number involuntary virtual CPU context switches */
u_longlong_t vol_virt_cswitch; /* number voluntary virtual CPU context switches */
u_longlong_t timebase_last; /* most recently cpu time base */
u_longlong_t reserved_pages; /* Currently number of 16GB pages. Cannot participate in DR operations */
u_longlong_t reserved_pagesize; /* Currently 16GB pagesize Cannot participate in DR operations */
u_longlong_t idle_donated_purr; /* number of idle cycles donated by a dedicated partition enabled for donation */
u_longlong_t idle_donated_spurr; /* number of idle spurr cycles donated by a dedicated partition enabled for donation */
u_longlong_t busy_donated_purr; /* number of busy cycles donated by a dedicated partition enabled for donation */
u_longlong_t busy_donated_spurr; /* number of busy spurr cycles donated by a dedicated partition enabled for donation */
u_longlong_t idle_stolen_purr; /* number of idle cycles stolen by the hypervisor from a dedicated partition */
u_longlong_t idle_stolen_spurr; /* number of idle spurr cycles stolen by the hypervisor from a dedicated partition */
u_longlong_t busy_stolen_purr; /* number of busy cycles stolen by the hypervisor from a dedicated partition */
u_longlong_t busy_stolen_spurr; /* number of busy spurr cycles stolen by the hypervisor from a dedicated partition */
u_longlong_t shcpus_in_sys; /* Number of physical processors allocated for shared processor use */
u_longlong_t max_pool_capacity; /* Maximum processor capacity of partitions pool */
u_longlong_t entitled_pool_capacity; /* Entitled processor capacity of partitions pool */
u_longlong_t pool_max_time; /* Summation of maximum time that could be consumed by the pool (nano seconds) */
u_longlong_t pool_busy_time; /* Summation of busy (non-idle) time accumulated across all partitions in the pool (nano seconds) */
u_longlong_t pool_scaled_busy_time; /* Scaled summation of busy (non-idle) time accumulated across all partitions in the pool (nano seconds) */
u_longlong_t shcpu_tot_time; /* Summation of total time across all physical processors allocated for shared processor use (nano seconds) */
u_longlong_t shcpu_busy_time; /* Summation of busy (non-idle) time accumulated across all shared processor partitions (nano seconds) */
u_longlong_t shcpu_scaled_busy_time; /* Scaled summation of busy time accumulated across all shared processor partitions (nano seconds) */
int ams_pool_id; /* AMS pool id of the pool the LPAR belongs to */
int var_mem_weight; /* variable memory capacity weight */
u_longlong_t iome; /* I/O memory entitlement of the partition in bytes*/
u_longlong_t pmem; /* Physical memory currently backing the partition's logical memory in bytes*/
u_longlong_t hpi; /* number of hypervisor page-ins */
u_longlong_t hpit; /* Time spent in hypervisor page-ins (in nanoseconds)*/
u_longlong_t hypv_pagesize; /* Hypervisor page size in KB*/
uint online_lcpus; /* number of online logical cpus */
uint smt_thrds; /* number of hardware threads that are running */
u_longlong_t puser_spurr; /* number of spurr cycles spent in user mode */
u_longlong_t psys_spurr; /* number of spurr cycles spent in kernel mode */
u_longlong_t pidle_spurr; /* number of spurr cycles spent in idle mode */
u_longlong_t pwait_spurr; /* number of spurr cycles spent in wait mode */
int spurrflag; /* set if running in spurr mode */
} perfstat_partition_total_t_61;
typedef struct { /* partition total information AIX 7.1 */
char name[IDENTIFIER_LENGTH]; /* name of the logical partition */
perfstat_partition_type_t type; /* set of bits describing the partition */
int lpar_id; /* logical partition identifier */
int group_id; /* identifier of the LPAR group this partition is a member of */
int pool_id; /* identifier of the shared pool of physical processors this partition is a member of */
int online_cpus; /* number of virtual CPUs currently online on the partition */
int max_cpus; /* maximum number of virtual CPUs this partition can ever have */
int min_cpus; /* minimum number of virtual CPUs this partition must have */
u_longlong_t online_memory; /* amount of memory currently online */
u_longlong_t max_memory; /* maximum amount of memory this partition can ever have */
u_longlong_t min_memory; /* minimum amount of memory this partition must have */
int entitled_proc_capacity; /* number of processor units this partition is entitled to receive */
int max_proc_capacity; /* maximum number of processor units this partition can ever have */
int min_proc_capacity; /* minimum number of processor units this partition must have */
int proc_capacity_increment; /* increment value to the entitled capacity */
int unalloc_proc_capacity; /* number of processor units currently unallocated in the shared processor pool this partition belongs to */
int var_proc_capacity_weight; /* partition priority weight to receive extra capacity */
int unalloc_var_proc_capacity_weight; /* number of variable processor capacity weight units currently unallocated in the shared processor pool this partition belongs to */
int online_phys_cpus_sys; /* number of physical CPUs currently active in the system containing this partition */
int max_phys_cpus_sys; /* maximum possible number of physical CPUs in the system containing this partition */
int phys_cpus_pool; /* number of the physical CPUs currently in the shared processor pool this partition belong to */
u_longlong_t puser; /* raw number of physical processor tics in user mode */
--> --------------------
--> maximum size reached
--> --------------------
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