* Copyright (c) 2020, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "cds/archiveUtils.hpp"
#include "cds/dumpAllocStats.hpp"
#include "memory/metaspaceClosure.hpp"
#include "oops/array.hpp"
#include "oops/klass.hpp"
#include "runtime/os.hpp"
#include "utilities/bitMap.hpp"
#include "utilities/growableArray.hpp"
#include "utilities/resizeableResourceHash.hpp"
#include "utilities/resourceHash.hpp"
struct ArchiveHeapBitmapInfo;
class CHeapBitMap;
class FileMapInfo;
class Klass;
class MemRegion;
class Symbol;
// Metaspace::allocate() requires that all blocks must be aligned with KlassAlignmentInBytes.
// We enforce the same alignment rule in blocks allocated from the shared space.
const int SharedSpaceObjectAlignment = KlassAlignmentInBytes;
// Overview of CDS archive creation (for both static and dynamic dump):
// [1] Load all classes (static dump: from the classlist, dynamic dump: as part of app execution)
// [2] Allocate "output buffer"
// [3] Copy contents of the 2 "core" regions (rw/ro) into the output buffer.
// - allocate the cpp vtables in rw (static dump only)
// - memcpy the MetaspaceObjs into rw/ro:
// dump_rw_region();
// dump_ro_region();
// - fix all the pointers in the MetaspaceObjs to point to the copies
// relocate_metaspaceobj_embedded_pointers()
// [4] Copy symbol table, dictionary, etc, into the ro region
// [5] Relocate all the pointers in rw/ro, so that the archive can be mapped to
// the "requested" location without runtime relocation. See relocate_to_requested()
// "source" vs "buffered" vs "requested"
// The ArchiveBuilder deals with three types of addresses.
// "source": These are the addresses of objects created in step [1] above. They are the actual
// InstanceKlass*, Method*, etc, of the Java classes that are loaded for executing
// Java bytecodes in the JVM process that's dumping the CDS archive.
// It may be necessary to contiue Java execution after ArchiveBuilder is finished.
// Therefore, we don't modify any of the "source" objects.
// "buffered": The "source" objects that are deemed archivable are copied into a temporary buffer.
// Objects in the buffer are modified in steps [2, 3, 4] (e.g., unshareable info is
// removed, pointers are relocated, etc) to prepare them to be loaded at runtime.
// "requested": These are the addreses where the "buffered" objects should be loaded at runtime.
// When the "buffered" objects are written into the archive file, their addresses
// are adjusted in step [5] such that the lowest of these objects would be mapped
// at SharedBaseAddress.
// Translation between "source" and "buffered" addresses is done with two hashtables:
// _src_obj_table : "source" -> "buffered"
// _buffered_to_src_table : "buffered" -> "source"
// Translation between "buffered" and "requested" addresses is done with a simple shift:
// buffered_address + _buffer_to_requested_delta == requested_address
class ArchiveBuilder : public StackObj {
DumpRegion* _current_dump_space;
address _buffer_bottom; // for writing the contents of rw/ro regions
address _last_verified_top;
int _num_dump_regions_used;
size_t _other_region_used_bytes;
// These are the addresses where we will request the static and dynamic archives to be
// mapped at run time. If the request fails (due to ASLR), we will map the archives at
// os-selected addresses.
address _requested_static_archive_bottom; // This is determined solely by the value of
// SharedBaseAddress during -Xshare:dump.
address _requested_static_archive_top;
address _requested_dynamic_archive_bottom; // Used only during dynamic dump. It's placed
// immediately above _requested_static_archive_top.
address _requested_dynamic_archive_top;
// (Used only during dynamic dump) where the static archive is actually mapped. This
// may be different than _requested_static_archive_{bottom,top} due to ASLR
address _mapped_static_archive_bottom;
address _mapped_static_archive_top;
intx _buffer_to_requested_delta;
DumpRegion* current_dump_space() const { return _current_dump_space; }
enum FollowMode {
make_a_copy, point_to_it, set_to_null
class SpecialRefInfo {
// We have a "special pointer" of the given _type at _field_offset of _src_obj.
// See MetaspaceClosure::push_special().
MetaspaceClosure::SpecialRef _type;
address _src_obj;
size_t _field_offset;
SpecialRefInfo() {}
SpecialRefInfo(MetaspaceClosure::SpecialRef type, address src_obj, size_t field_offset)
: _type(type), _src_obj(src_obj), _field_offset(field_offset) {}
MetaspaceClosure::SpecialRef type() const { return _type; }
address src_obj() const { return _src_obj; }
size_t field_offset() const { return _field_offset; }
class SourceObjInfo {
MetaspaceClosure::Ref* _ref; // The object that's copied into the buffer
uintx _ptrmap_start; // The bit-offset of the start of this object (inclusive)
uintx _ptrmap_end; // The bit-offset of the end of this object (exclusive)
bool _read_only;
FollowMode _follow_mode;
int _size_in_bytes;
MetaspaceObj::Type _msotype;
address _source_addr; // The value of the source object (_ref->obj()) when this
// SourceObjInfo was created. Note that _ref->obj() may change
// later if _ref is relocated.
address _buffered_addr; // The copy of _ref->obj() insider the buffer.
SourceObjInfo(MetaspaceClosure::Ref* ref, bool read_only, FollowMode follow_mode) :
_ref(ref), _ptrmap_start(0), _ptrmap_end(0), _read_only(read_only), _follow_mode(follow_mode),
_size_in_bytes(ref->size() * BytesPerWord), _msotype(ref->msotype()),
_source_addr(ref->obj()) {
if (follow_mode == point_to_it) {
_buffered_addr = ref->obj();
} else {
_buffered_addr = NULL;
bool should_copy() const { return _follow_mode == make_a_copy; }
MetaspaceClosure::Ref* ref() const { return _ref; }
void set_buffered_addr(address addr) {
assert(should_copy(), "must be");
assert(_buffered_addr == NULL, "cannot be copied twice");
assert(addr != NULL, "must be a valid copy");
_buffered_addr = addr;
void set_ptrmap_start(uintx v) { _ptrmap_start = v; }
void set_ptrmap_end(uintx v) { _ptrmap_end = v; }
uintx ptrmap_start() const { return _ptrmap_start; } // inclusive
uintx ptrmap_end() const { return _ptrmap_end; } // exclusive
bool read_only() const { return _read_only; }
int size_in_bytes() const { return _size_in_bytes; }
address source_addr() const { return _source_addr; }
address buffered_addr() const { return _buffered_addr; }
MetaspaceObj::Type msotype() const { return _msotype; }
// convenience accessor
address obj() const { return ref()->obj(); }
class SourceObjList {
uintx _total_bytes;
GrowableArray<SourceObjInfo*>* _objs; // Source objects to be archived
CHeapBitMap _ptrmap; // Marks the addresses of the pointer fields
// in the source objects
GrowableArray<SourceObjInfo*>* objs() const { return _objs; }
void append(MetaspaceClosure::Ref* enclosing_ref, SourceObjInfo* src_info);
void remember_embedded_pointer(SourceObjInfo* pointing_obj, MetaspaceClosure::Ref* ref);
void relocate(int i, ArchiveBuilder* builder);
// convenience accessor
SourceObjInfo* at(int i) const { return objs()->at(i); }
class SrcObjTableCleaner {
bool do_entry(address key, const SourceObjInfo& value) {
delete value.ref();
return true;
class CDSMapLogger;
static const int INITIAL_TABLE_SIZE = 15889;
static const int MAX_TABLE_SIZE = 1000000;
ReservedSpace _shared_rs;
VirtualSpace _shared_vs;
DumpRegion _rw_region;
DumpRegion _ro_region;
CHeapBitMap _ptrmap; // bitmap used by ArchivePtrMarker
SourceObjList _rw_src_objs; // objs to put in rw region
SourceObjList _ro_src_objs; // objs to put in ro region
ResizeableResourceHashtable<address, SourceObjInfo, AnyObj::C_HEAP, mtClassShared> _src_obj_table;
ResizeableResourceHashtable<address, address, AnyObj::C_HEAP, mtClassShared> _buffered_to_src_table;
GrowableArray<Klass*>* _klasses;
GrowableArray<Symbol*>* _symbols;
GrowableArray<SpecialRefInfo>* _special_refs;
// statistics
DumpAllocStats _alloc_stats;
size_t _total_closed_heap_region_size;
size_t _total_open_heap_region_size;
void print_region_stats(FileMapInfo *map_info,
GrowableArray<MemRegion>* closed_heap_regions,
GrowableArray<MemRegion>* open_heap_regions);
void print_bitmap_region_stats(size_t size, size_t total_size);
void print_heap_region_stats(GrowableArray<MemRegion>* regions,
const char *name, size_t total_size);
// For global access.
static ArchiveBuilder* _current;
// Use this when you allocate space outside of ArchiveBuilder::dump_{rw,ro}_region.
// These are usually for misc tables that are allocated in the RO space.
class OtherROAllocMark {
char* _oldtop;
OtherROAllocMark() {
_oldtop = _current->_ro_region.top();
bool is_dumping_full_module_graph();
FollowMode get_follow_mode(MetaspaceClosure::Ref *ref);
void iterate_sorted_roots(MetaspaceClosure* it, bool is_relocating_pointers);
void sort_symbols_and_fix_hash();
void sort_klasses();
static int compare_symbols_by_address(Symbol** a, Symbol** b);
static int compare_klass_by_name(Klass** a, Klass** b);
void make_shallow_copies(DumpRegion *dump_region, const SourceObjList* src_objs);
void make_shallow_copy(DumpRegion *dump_region, SourceObjInfo* src_info);
void update_special_refs();
void relocate_embedded_pointers(SourceObjList* src_objs);
bool is_excluded(Klass* k);
void clean_up_src_obj_table();
virtual void iterate_roots(MetaspaceClosure* it, bool is_relocating_pointers) = 0;
// Conservative estimate for number of bytes needed for:
size_t _estimated_metaspaceobj_bytes; // all archived MetaspaceObj's.
size_t _estimated_hashtable_bytes; // symbol table and dictionaries
static const int _total_dump_regions = 2;
size_t estimate_archive_size();
void start_dump_space(DumpRegion* next);
void verify_estimate_size(size_t estimate, const char* which);
address reserve_buffer();
address buffer_bottom() const { return _buffer_bottom; }
address buffer_top() const { return (address)current_dump_space()->top(); }
address requested_static_archive_bottom() const { return _requested_static_archive_bottom; }
address mapped_static_archive_bottom() const { return _mapped_static_archive_bottom; }
intx buffer_to_requested_delta() const { return _buffer_to_requested_delta; }
bool is_in_buffer_space(address p) const {
return (buffer_bottom() <= p && p < buffer_top());
template <typename T> bool is_in_requested_static_archive(T p) const {
return _requested_static_archive_bottom <= (address)p && (address)p < _requested_static_archive_top;
template <typename T> bool is_in_mapped_static_archive(T p) const {
return _mapped_static_archive_bottom <= (address)p && (address)p < _mapped_static_archive_top;
template <typename T> bool is_in_buffer_space(T obj) const {
return is_in_buffer_space(address(obj));
template <typename T> T to_requested(T obj) const {
assert(is_in_buffer_space(obj), "must be");
return (T)(address(obj) + _buffer_to_requested_delta);
static intx get_buffer_to_requested_delta() {
return current()->buffer_to_requested_delta();
static const uintx MAX_SHARED_DELTA = 0x7FFFFFFF;
// The address p points to an object inside the output buffer. When the archive is mapped
// at the requested address, what's the offset of this object from _requested_static_archive_bottom?
uintx buffer_to_offset(address p) const;
// Same as buffer_to_offset, except that the address p points to either (a) an object
// inside the output buffer, or (b), an object in the currently mapped static archive.
uintx any_to_offset(address p) const;
template <typename T>
u4 buffer_to_offset_u4(T p) const {
uintx offset = buffer_to_offset((address)p);
guarantee(offset <= MAX_SHARED_DELTA, "must be 32-bit offset " INTPTR_FORMAT, offset);
return (u4)offset;
template <typename T>
u4 any_to_offset_u4(T p) const {
uintx offset = any_to_offset((address)p);
guarantee(offset <= MAX_SHARED_DELTA, "must be 32-bit offset " INTPTR_FORMAT, offset);
return (u4)offset;
static void assert_is_vm_thread() PRODUCT_RETURN;
void gather_klasses_and_symbols();
void gather_source_objs();
bool gather_klass_and_symbol(MetaspaceClosure::Ref* ref, bool read_only);
bool gather_one_source_obj(MetaspaceClosure::Ref* enclosing_ref, MetaspaceClosure::Ref* ref, bool read_only);
void add_special_ref(MetaspaceClosure::SpecialRef type, address src_obj, size_t field_offset);
void remember_embedded_pointer_in_copied_obj(MetaspaceClosure::Ref* enclosing_ref, MetaspaceClosure::Ref* ref);
DumpRegion* rw_region() { return &_rw_region; }
DumpRegion* ro_region() { return &_ro_region; }
static char* rw_region_alloc(size_t num_bytes) {
return current()->rw_region()->allocate(num_bytes);
static char* ro_region_alloc(size_t num_bytes) {
return current()->ro_region()->allocate(num_bytes);
template <typename T>
static Array<T>* new_ro_array(int length) {
size_t byte_size = Array<T>::byte_sizeof(length, sizeof(T));
Array<T>* array = (Array<T>*)ro_region_alloc(byte_size);
return array;
template <typename T>
static Array<T>* new_rw_array(int length) {
size_t byte_size = Array<T>::byte_sizeof(length, sizeof(T));
Array<T>* array = (Array<T>*)rw_region_alloc(byte_size);
return array;
template <typename T>
static size_t ro_array_bytesize(int length) {
size_t byte_size = Array<T>::byte_sizeof(length, sizeof(T));
return align_up(byte_size, SharedSpaceObjectAlignment);
void dump_rw_metadata();
void dump_ro_metadata();
void relocate_metaspaceobj_embedded_pointers();
void relocate_roots();
void relocate_vm_classes();
void make_klasses_shareable();
void relocate_to_requested();
void write_archive(FileMapInfo* mapinfo,
GrowableArray<MemRegion>* closed_heap_regions,
GrowableArray<MemRegion>* open_heap_regions,
GrowableArray<ArchiveHeapBitmapInfo>* closed_heap_oopmaps,
GrowableArray<ArchiveHeapBitmapInfo>* open_heap_oopmaps);
void write_region(FileMapInfo* mapinfo, int region_idx, DumpRegion* dump_region,
bool read_only, bool allow_exec);
address get_buffered_addr(address src_addr) const;
address get_source_addr(address buffered_addr) const;
template <typename T> T get_source_addr(T buffered_addr) const {
return (T)get_source_addr((address)buffered_addr);
// All klasses and symbols that will be copied into the archive
GrowableArray<Klass*>* klasses() const { return _klasses; }
GrowableArray<Symbol*>* symbols() const { return _symbols; }
static bool is_active() {
return (_current != NULL);
static ArchiveBuilder* current() {
assert(_current != NULL, "ArchiveBuilder must be active");
return _current;
static DumpAllocStats* alloc_stats() {
return &(current()->_alloc_stats);
static CompactHashtableStats* symbol_stats() {
return alloc_stats()->symbol_stats();
static CompactHashtableStats* string_stats() {
return alloc_stats()->string_stats();
void relocate_klass_ptr_of_oop(oop o);
static Klass* get_buffered_klass(Klass* src_klass) {
Klass* klass = (Klass*)current()->get_buffered_addr((address)src_klass);
assert(klass != NULL && klass->is_klass(), "must be");
return klass;
static Symbol* get_buffered_symbol(Symbol* src_symbol) {
return (Symbol*)current()->get_buffered_addr((address)src_symbol);
void print_stats();
void report_out_of_space(const char* name, size_t needed_bytes);
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