* Copyright (c) 1999, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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* questions.
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "ci/ciField.hpp"
#include "ci/ciInstanceKlass.hpp"
#include "ci/ciSymbols.hpp"
#include "ci/ciUtilities.inline.hpp"
#include "classfile/javaClasses.hpp"
#include "classfile/vmClasses.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/collectedHeap.inline.hpp"
#include "interpreter/linkResolver.hpp"
#include "oops/klass.inline.hpp"
#include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/fieldDescriptor.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/handles.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/reflectionUtils.hpp"
// ciField
// This class represents the result of a field lookup in the VM.
// The lookup may not succeed, in which case the information in
// the ciField will be incomplete.
// The ciObjectFactory cannot create circular data structures in one query.
// To avoid vicious circularities, we initialize ciField::_type to NULL
// for reference types and derive it lazily from the ciField::_signature.
// Primitive types are eagerly initialized, and basic layout queries
// can succeed without initialization, using only the BasicType of the field.
// Notes on bootstrapping and shared CI objects: A field is shared if and
// only if it is (a) non-static and (b) declared by a shared instance klass.
// This allows non-static field lists to be cached on shared types.
// Because the _type field is lazily initialized, however, there is a
// special restriction that a shared field cannot cache an unshared type.
// This puts a small performance penalty on shared fields with unshared
// types, such as StackTraceElement[] Throwable.stackTrace.
// (Throwable is shared because ClassCastException is shared, but
// StackTraceElement is not presently shared.)
// It is not a vicious circularity for a ciField to recursively create
// the ciSymbols necessary to represent its name and signature.
// Therefore, these items are created eagerly, and the name and signature
// of a shared field are themselves shared symbols. This somewhat
// pollutes the set of shared CI objects: It grows from 50 to 93 items,
// with all of the additional 43 being uninteresting shared ciSymbols.
// This adds at most one step to the binary search, an amount which
// decreases for complex compilation tasks.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// ciField::ciField
ciField::ciField(ciInstanceKlass* klass, int index) :
_known_to_link_with_put(NULL), _known_to_link_with_get(NULL) {
CompilerThread *THREAD = CompilerThread::current();
assert(ciObjectFactory::is_initialized(), "not a shared field");
assert(klass->get_instanceKlass()->is_linked(), "must be linked before using its constant-pool");
constantPoolHandle cpool(THREAD, klass->get_instanceKlass()->constants());
// Get the field's name, signature, and type.
Symbol* name = cpool->name_ref_at(index);
_name = ciEnv::current(THREAD)->get_symbol(name);
int nt_index = cpool->name_and_type_ref_index_at(index);
int sig_index = cpool->signature_ref_index_at(nt_index);
Symbol* signature = cpool->symbol_at(sig_index);
_signature = ciEnv::current(THREAD)->get_symbol(signature);
BasicType field_type = Signature::basic_type(signature);
// If the field is a pointer type, get the klass of the
// field.
if (is_reference_type(field_type)) {
bool ignore;
// This is not really a class reference; the index always refers to the
// field's type signature, as a symbol. Linkage checks do not apply.
_type = ciEnv::current(THREAD)->get_klass_by_index(cpool, sig_index, ignore, klass);
} else {
_type = ciType::make(field_type);
_name = (ciSymbol*)ciEnv::current(THREAD)->get_symbol(name);
// Get the field's declared holder.
// Note: we actually create a ciInstanceKlass for this klass,
// even though we may not need to.
int holder_index = cpool->klass_ref_index_at(index);
bool holder_is_accessible;
ciKlass* generic_declared_holder = ciEnv::current(THREAD)->get_klass_by_index(cpool, holder_index,
if (generic_declared_holder->is_array_klass()) {
// If the declared holder of the field is an array class, assume that
// the canonical holder of that field is java.lang.Object. Arrays
// do not have fields; java.lang.Object is the only supertype of an
// array type that can declare fields and is therefore the canonical
// holder of the array type.
// Furthermore, the compilers assume that java.lang.Object does not
// have any fields. Therefore, the field is not looked up. Instead,
// the method returns partial information that will trigger special
// handling in ciField::will_link and will result in a
// java.lang.NoSuchFieldError exception being thrown by the compiled
// code (the expected behavior in this case).
_holder = ciEnv::current(THREAD)->Object_klass();
_offset = -1;
_is_constant = false;
ciInstanceKlass* declared_holder = generic_declared_holder->as_instance_klass();
// The declared holder of this field may not have been loaded.
// Bail out with partial field information.
if (!holder_is_accessible) {
// _type has already been set.
// The default values for _flags and _constant_value will suffice.
// We need values for _holder, _offset, and _is_constant,
_holder = declared_holder;
_offset = -1;
_is_constant = false;
InstanceKlass* loaded_decl_holder = declared_holder->get_instanceKlass();
// Perform the field lookup.
fieldDescriptor field_desc;
Klass* canonical_holder =
loaded_decl_holder->find_field(name, signature, &field_desc);
if (canonical_holder == NULL) {
// Field lookup failed. Will be detected by will_link.
_holder = declared_holder;
_offset = -1;
_is_constant = false;
// Access check based on declared_holder. canonical_holder should not be used
// to check access because it can erroneously succeed. If this check fails,
// propagate the declared holder to will_link() which in turn will bail out
// compilation for this field access.
bool can_access = Reflection::verify_member_access(klass->get_Klass(),
true, false, THREAD);
if (!can_access) {
_holder = declared_holder;
_offset = -1;
_is_constant = false;
// It's possible the access check failed due to a nestmate access check
// encountering an exception. We can't propagate the exception from here
// so we have to clear it. If the access check happens again in a different
// context then the exception will be thrown there.
assert(canonical_holder == field_desc.field_holder(), "just checking");
ciField::ciField(fieldDescriptor *fd) :
_known_to_link_with_put(NULL), _known_to_link_with_get(NULL) {
// Get the field's name, signature, and type.
ciEnv* env = CURRENT_ENV;
_name = env->get_symbol(fd->name());
_signature = env->get_symbol(fd->signature());
BasicType field_type = fd->field_type();
// If the field is a pointer type, get the klass of the
// field.
if (is_reference_type(field_type)) {
_type = NULL; // must call compute_type on first access
} else {
_type = ciType::make(field_type);
// Either (a) it is marked shared, or else (b) we are done bootstrapping.
assert(is_shared() || ciObjectFactory::is_initialized(),
"bootstrap classes must not create & cache unshared fields");
static bool trust_final_non_static_fields(ciInstanceKlass* holder) {
if (holder == NULL)
return false;
if (holder->name() == ciSymbols::java_lang_System())
// Never trust strangely unstable finals: System.out, etc.
return false;
// Even if general trusting is disabled, trust system-built closures in these packages.
if (holder->is_in_package("java/lang/invoke") || holder->is_in_package("sun/invoke") ||
holder->is_in_package("java/lang/reflect") || holder->is_in_package("jdk/internal/reflect") ||
holder->is_in_package("jdk/internal/foreign/layout") || holder->is_in_package("jdk/internal/foreign") ||
holder->is_in_package("jdk/internal/vm/vector") || holder->is_in_package("jdk/incubator/vector") ||
return true;
// Trust hidden classes. They are created via Lookup.defineHiddenClass and
// can't be serialized, so there is no hacking of finals going on with them.
if (holder->is_hidden())
return true;
// Trust final fields in all boxed classes
if (holder->is_box_klass())
return true;
// Trust final fields in records
if (holder->is_record())
return true;
// Trust final fields in String
if (holder->name() == ciSymbols::java_lang_String())
return true;
// Trust Atomic*FieldUpdaters: they are very important for performance, and make up one
// more reason not to use Unsafe, if their final fields are trusted. See more in JDK-8140483.
if (holder->name() == ciSymbols::java_util_concurrent_atomic_AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater_Impl() ||
holder->name() == ciSymbols::java_util_concurrent_atomic_AtomicLongFieldUpdater_CASUpdater() ||
holder->name() == ciSymbols::java_util_concurrent_atomic_AtomicLongFieldUpdater_LockedUpdater() ||
holder->name() == ciSymbols::java_util_concurrent_atomic_AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater_Impl()) {
return true;
return TrustFinalNonStaticFields;
void ciField::initialize_from(fieldDescriptor* fd) {
// Get the flags, offset, and canonical holder of the field.
_flags = ciFlags(fd->access_flags());
_offset = fd->offset();
Klass* field_holder = fd->field_holder();
assert(field_holder != NULL, "null field_holder");
_holder = CURRENT_ENV->get_instance_klass(field_holder);
// Check to see if the field is constant.
Klass* k = _holder->get_Klass();
bool is_stable_field = FoldStableValues && is_stable();
if ((is_final() && !has_initialized_final_update()) || is_stable_field) {
if (is_static()) {
// This field just may be constant. The only case where it will
// not be constant is when the field is a *special* static & final field
// whose value may change. The three examples are java.lang.System.in,
// java.lang.System.out, and java.lang.System.err.
assert(vmClasses::System_klass() != NULL, "Check once per vm");
if (k == vmClasses::System_klass()) {
// Check offsets for case 2: System.in, System.out, or System.err
if (_offset == java_lang_System::in_offset() ||
_offset == java_lang_System::out_offset() ||
_offset == java_lang_System::err_offset()) {
_is_constant = false;
_is_constant = true;
} else {
// An instance field can be constant if it's a final static field or if
// it's a final non-static field of a trusted class (classes in
// java.lang.invoke and sun.invoke packages and subpackages).
_is_constant = is_stable_field || trust_final_non_static_fields(_holder);
} else {
// For CallSite objects treat the target field as a compile time constant.
assert(vmClasses::CallSite_klass() != NULL, "should be already initialized");
if (k == vmClasses::CallSite_klass() &&
_offset == java_lang_invoke_CallSite::target_offset()) {
assert(!has_initialized_final_update(), "CallSite is not supposed to have writes to final fields outside initializers");
_is_constant = true;
} else {
// Non-final & non-stable fields are not constants.
_is_constant = false;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// ciField::constant_value
// Get the constant value of a this static field.
ciConstant ciField::constant_value() {
assert(is_static() && is_constant(), "illegal call to constant_value()");
if (!_holder->is_initialized()) {
return ciConstant(); // Not initialized yet
if (_constant_value.basic_type() == T_ILLEGAL) {
// Static fields are placed in mirror objects.
ciInstance* mirror = CURRENT_ENV->get_instance(_holder->get_Klass()->java_mirror());
_constant_value = mirror->field_value_impl(type()->basic_type(), offset());
if (FoldStableValues && is_stable() && _constant_value.is_null_or_zero()) {
return ciConstant();
return _constant_value;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// ciField::constant_value_of
// Get the constant value of non-static final field in the given object.
ciConstant ciField::constant_value_of(ciObject* object) {
assert(!is_static() && is_constant(), "only if field is non-static constant");
assert(object->is_instance(), "must be instance");
ciConstant field_value = object->as_instance()->field_value(this);
if (FoldStableValues && is_stable() && field_value.is_null_or_zero()) {
return ciConstant();
return field_value;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// ciField::compute_type
// Lazily compute the type, if it is an instance klass.
ciType* ciField::compute_type() {
GUARDED_VM_ENTRY(return compute_type_impl();)
ciType* ciField::compute_type_impl() {
ciKlass* type = CURRENT_ENV->get_klass_by_name_impl(_holder, constantPoolHandle(), _signature, false);
if (!type->is_primitive_type() && is_shared()) {
// We must not cache a pointer to an unshared type, in a shared field.
bool type_is_also_shared = false;
if (type->is_type_array_klass()) {
type_is_also_shared = true; // int[] etc. are explicitly bootstrapped
} else if (type->is_instance_klass()) {
type_is_also_shared = type->as_instance_klass()->is_shared();
} else {
// Currently there is no 'shared' query for array types.
type_is_also_shared = !ciObjectFactory::is_initialized();
if (!type_is_also_shared)
return type; // Bummer.
_type = type;
return type;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// ciField::will_link
// Can a specific access to this field be made without causing
// link errors?
bool ciField::will_link(ciMethod* accessing_method,
Bytecodes::Code bc) {
assert(bc == Bytecodes::_getstatic || bc == Bytecodes::_putstatic ||
bc == Bytecodes::_getfield || bc == Bytecodes::_putfield,
"unexpected bytecode");
if (_offset == -1) {
// at creation we couldn't link to our holder so we need to
// maintain that stance, otherwise there's no safe way to use this
// ciField.
return false;
// Check for static/nonstatic mismatch
bool is_static = (bc == Bytecodes::_getstatic || bc == Bytecodes::_putstatic);
if (is_static != this->is_static()) {
return false;
// Get and put can have different accessibility rules
bool is_put = (bc == Bytecodes::_putfield || bc == Bytecodes::_putstatic);
if (is_put) {
if (_known_to_link_with_put == accessing_method) {
return true;
} else {
if (_known_to_link_with_get == accessing_method->holder()) {
return true;
LinkInfo link_info(_holder->get_instanceKlass(),
_name->get_symbol(), _signature->get_symbol(),
methodHandle(THREAD, accessing_method->get_Method()));
fieldDescriptor result;
LinkResolver::resolve_field(result, link_info, bc, false, CHECK_AND_CLEAR_(false));
// update the hit-cache, unless there is a problem with memory scoping:
if (accessing_method->holder()->is_shared() || !is_shared()) {
if (is_put) {
_known_to_link_with_put = accessing_method;
} else {
_known_to_link_with_get = accessing_method->holder();
return true;
bool ciField::is_call_site_target() {
ciInstanceKlass* callsite_klass = CURRENT_ENV->CallSite_klass();
if (callsite_klass == NULL)
return false;
return (holder()->is_subclass_of(callsite_klass) && (name() == ciSymbols::target_name()));
bool ciField::is_autobox_cache() {
ciSymbol* klass_name = holder()->name();
return (name() == ciSymbols::cache_field_name() &&
holder()->uses_default_loader() &&
(klass_name == ciSymbols::java_lang_Character_CharacterCache() ||
klass_name == ciSymbols::java_lang_Byte_ByteCache() ||
klass_name == ciSymbols::java_lang_Short_ShortCache() ||
klass_name == ciSymbols::java_lang_Integer_IntegerCache() ||
klass_name == ciSymbols::java_lang_Long_LongCache()));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// ciField::print
void ciField::print() {
tty->print(" signature=");
tty->print(" offset=%d type=", _offset);
if (_type != NULL)
tty->print(" flags=%04x", flags().as_int());
tty->print(" is_constant=%s", bool_to_str(_is_constant));
if (_is_constant && is_static()) {
tty->print(" constant_value=");
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// ciField::print_name_on
// Print the name of this field
void ciField::print_name_on(outputStream* st) {
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